Toyota - A Visionary Company: Since Its Essay


Toyota - a Visionary Company: Since its inception, Toyota Company has continued to use its guiding principles to develop reliable vehicles and sustainable development of the society through the use of innovative and high-quality products and services. One of the major goals of the firm is to develop products that exceed the expectations of customers with regards to quality and safety. Moreover, Toyota is currently working towards the achievement of zero traffic-related injuries and fatalities, which is the eventual objective of the mobility society. However, the company has faced numerous legal troubles in the recent years, especially in 2010, that were mainly characterized by probable class-action lawsuits filed across the country. In attempts to avoid such legal troubles, Toyota has established its global vision that outlines the kind of firm it seeks to be and the values to cherish. Therefore, the main concern is whether the Toyota Company is currently moving towards its global vision and whether its strategic direction is aligned with the needs of its stakeholders.

Toyota's Global Vision:

Toyota's global vision is primarily geared towards the contributing to the achievement of the ultimate goal of mobility society, which is the realization of zero traffic-related fatalities and injuries. Through this vision, Toyota Corporation seeks to lead the way to the future of mobility by enriching lives across the globe with the most responsible and safest ways of moving people. In order to ensure that this vision is realized, Toyota is committed to quality, ongoing innovation, and respect for the environment as part of exceeding expectations....


These vital components are accomplished through involving the talent and passion of people who always believe in a better way ("Toyota Global Vision," n.d.).
The global vision clarifies the kind of firm Toyota seeks to become and its goal of realizing regional initiative structure for sustained growth and development. Generally, the company aims for co-prosperity and co-existence with customers and the society through developing better cars and building good communities and society. As part of its contribution towards realization of the ultimate goal of the mobility society, the company has introduced three major perspectives. The three perspectives that seek to provide the highest level of safety worldwide include Toyota's basic safe philosophy, use of leading-edge technologies for developing safer vehicles, and the future direction of safety technologies ("Annual Report 2011," 2011).

Toyota's global vision strategy was adopted after the company experienced challenging circumstances in efforts to improve earnings and profits. The strategy was coupled by the revamping of the management structure to help in achieving the new mission through prompt management decisions. As previously mentioned, the challenging circumstances included the numerous legal troubles that were probable class-action lawsuits filed throughout the country (Patton & Estep, 2010). This was the first time that Toyota Corporation had experienced such legal troubles in its history.

Since establishing this vision or strategy, Toyota has made significant steps in realizing the vision through undertaking several measures. First, the restructuring of…

Sources Used in Documents:


"Annual Report 2011." (2011, March 31). Toyota Annual Report. Retrieved October 15, 2012,


"Guiding Principles at Toyota." (n.d.). Toyota Motor Corporation. Retrieved October 15, 2012,

Kageyama, Y. (2010, July 13). Toyota to Study Quality Panel's Recommendations. Retrieved October 15, 2012, from
Case Ever, Expert Says. Retrieved October 15, 2012, from
"Toyota Global Vision." (n.d.). Toyota Motor Corporation. Retrieved October 15, 2012, from

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