What The Bible Says About Salvation Essay

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Salvation in the Bible The author of this response has been asked to speak on what the Bible says about salvation. Of course, the subject is absolutely mentioned and the author of this response shall go into great detail. One verse that has great bearing on salvation would be Matthew 19:25-26. In those two verses, the disciples ask Jesus who can be saved. Jesus simply replies by saying that "with man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible" (Cisneros & Wilson, 2015). In Romans 3:23, it is made clear that all have sinned and fall short of God. This would obviously imply that everyone needs salvation and absolutely no one exempt from this (Cisneros & Wilson, 2015).

Things get specific in Romans 10:9-10 when it says "Then if you confess with your mouth, 'Jesus is Lord,' and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved" (Cisneros & Wilson, 2015). Beyond that, there is the assertion in several parts of the Bible...


This is mentioned explicitly in Romans, Titus and Ephesians. The Ephesians verse is 2:8-9 and says "For by grace you are saved through faith, and this is not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; it is not of works, so that no one can boast." In other words, even if someone is a great overall human being yet they do not believe in God and Jesus, they will not be saved because they have not made the proper confession. Titus 3:5-7 says much the same thing when it says "he saved us, not by works of righteousness that we have done but on the basis of mercy, through the washing of the new birth and the renewing of the Holy Spirit." Yet again, it is stated that grace and acceptance of the same if the main factor and not what a person otherwise does while they are alive on Earth (Bible.org, 2015).
In closing, it would be facetious and silly to believe that actions on Earth mean nothing. After all, confessing belief in God and then using that as a buffer to act in a depraved manner will surely come off as immoral and insincere to God. However, the…

Sources Used in Documents:


Bible.org. (2004). God's Plan of Salvation. Bible.org. Retrieved 26 October 2015, from https://bible.org/article/gods-plan-salvation

Cisneros, J., & Wilson, J. (2015). Bible verses about salvation - Being saved though Christ Jesus. Bible Study Tools. Retrieved 26 October 2015, from http://www.biblestudytools.com/topical-verses/salvation-bible-verses/

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