Whistle Blowing Be Both A Research Proposal

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For example, Cannon USA, and the entire Cannon Corporation worldwide was already known for its commitment to corporate social responsibility and to environmentally friendly policies and practices long before environmentalism global responsibility became high-profile social values in the United States. Those very general ethical concerns far exceeded any legal requirements and lie wholly outside the scope of the organization's actual business and manifested an independent corporate culture valued by the chief executive officer and the Cannon board of directors. The converse is equally true in that unethical business practices can generate a corporate culture that violates ethical standards as well as legal standards (Halbert & Ingulli, 2008). One significant difficulty in changing corporate culture relates the fact that corporate values usually originate at the highest...


To a large degree, violating established elements of corporate culture jeopardizes the career of lower level employees. Another reason it is difficult to change corporate culture is that more often than not, elements of evolved corporate culture benefit the business and bottom line of the organization. Individuals who oppose policies that increase profits face an obvious uphill battle. Once corporate organizations decide to implement changes to their corporate culture, effective methods of achieving buy-in include direct communication channels between management and employees and specific training consistent with new corporate values.

Halbert, T., Ingulli, E. (2008). Law & Ethics in the Business Environment. Cincinnati: West Legal Studies.

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Halbert, T., Ingulli, E. (2008). Law & Ethics in the Business Environment. Cincinnati: West Legal Studies.

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