Corporate Social Responsibility Essays (Examples)

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Corporate Social Responsibility
There are various definitions aiming to explain what Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) signifies. Because of the many ways in which this concept is interpreted by the millions of companies around this country, and the world, there is no consensus as to what CSR could truly mean. In other words, definitions vary depending upon the field examined, and the impact of a business' actions. Yet CSR is of vital importance to the world, because it provides both for a measurement of services provided by a company, and also measures the impact of these various actions upon the population served. For this reason, some say that CSR is an indicator of the quality of management of a company.[footnoteRef:1] Others yet, for the same reason, claim that CSR measures the nature and quantity of companies' impact on society.[footnoteRef:2] [1: Baker, M. (2004). Corporate Social Responsibility. Retrieved January 27, from .….

The failure to integrate CS initiatives into a larger development plan is another problem contributing to the lack of implementation of CS projects. Projects are often driven by short-term expediency meaning that the decisions taken are at too low a level as to which projects to execute. There may be little coordination in determining the areas that will benefit and how the projects can be put together to contribute to a greater whole. By failing to implement CS projects at a larger scale, the corporations run a risk of causing conflicts and even creating negative developmental consequences (Frynas, 2005, p.593).

Solutions to the Problem

One ways of implementing CS can be through the recruitment procedure that an organization applies in acquiring its employees. By discouraging discrimination practices by its employees they will ensure that qualified individuals are employed and that all applicants have a level playground. Discrimination based on age, gender,….

Corporate Social Responsibility
Unfortunately, corporations are given considerable leeway by the government and are allowed to sidestep rules, misinform or withhold information from the public; and otherwise avoid accountability. As Estes writes in his article "Punitive Damages Remind Companies Not to Sin," "We'll continue to have exploding automobiles, unsafe workplaces, sweatshops, toxic pollution and waste until corporations are made to put the public interest over private profit." Exploding cars are only one of many symptoms of corporate irresponsibility. Putting private profit over public interest, integrity, and even common sense is immoral and unethical because it leads directly to physical harm and even death. Other symptoms of corporate irresponsibility include environmental degradation and poverty. The government and the justice system need to encourage corporate responsibility through a strict enforcement of reasonable laws based on public welfare. Awarding large punitive damages to victims of corporate irresponsibility is one way of creating public awareness….

Corporate Social esponsibility
Trends of 2011

With so many businesses running the world today, and especially in light of those who do not necessarily have the consumer's best interest at heart, there must be something holding it all to a certain standard, namely, something assuring that the customer and the employees are served well by the company. Corporate Social esponsibility (CS) is that thing. CS is defined by Mallen Baker (2011) as "the continuing commitment by business[es] to behave ethically and contribute to economic development while improving the quality of life of the workforce and their families, as well as of the local community and society at large."

In order to best assess, however, how CS truly contributes towards benefitting society one must analyze the trends in this subject, which is exactly what the following paragraphs will do. For instance, according to an article written by Timothy Merrick (2011), entitled Four CS Trends….

Corporate esponsibility
During the past couple of decades companies that had been previously concerned only with their bottom line and profitability have changed course and taken new directions that include corporate social responsibilities such as health, safety, environment, and even community relations. As these new responsibilities have taken shape many of the for -- profit organizations have established footholds in what used to be the non-profit arena's domain of expertise. This is true not only in the developed countries around the globe, but in under-developed countries as well. One recent report touts that change in thinking by stating "businesses have obligations to society that go beyond profit-making to solve societal and ecological problems" (Idemudia, 2011, p. 1). Today, more companies are likely to agree with that statement than in the past, especially those companies that are often in the public eye, such as large oil companies.

A good example of what these….

Corporate Social esponsibility
Literature eview a topic-Corporate Social esponsibility

The term 'corporate social responsibility' is a social word that has often taken the world by a storm at its mention. Noya and Clarence (2007) in their book "The social economy: building inclusive economies" offers a succinct description and understanding of what normally takes place and get exemplified at the mention of this term in the business world. Many writers of business journals and books have described the source as one of the excellent read, which often participates in transforming the nature in which business ideas get conceived, exemplified, implemented, and functional in the human society. Noya and Clarence are succinct and most professional businesspersons. They have often inspired the lives of young executives and entrepreneurs in their bid to engage in the business of social entrepreneurship. Noya and Clarence (2007) in the book offer some immense and excellent ways in which one….

Corporate Social esponsibility and Transnational Companies
In this essay, I have discussed how essential Corporate Social esponsibility (CS) is for the success of Transnational Corporations. UN Global Compact is also being discussed. I have also included case studies to support of Nike, Primark and Microsoft. Moreover, I have included positives and negatives about CS and the factors that exist in CS which may lead to the success of transnational corporations. Finally, I have included the role of stakeholders in CS.

Corporate Social esponsibility (CS) has no universally-acknowledged definition. However, on a general note, it is referred as "transparent business practices that are based on ethical values, compliance with legal requirements, and respect for people, communities, and the environment" (Baird, Kramer & Wofford 2002). Accordingly, companies are not only liable to make profits but are also expected to make a positive influence on the human race and our planet. As far as the….

As social networking became more widespread, facebook opened up more products and increased its users. Job seekers are starting to see the negative effect of posting or private information on facebook as they more and more employers access facebook and use private information of these jobseekers in the hiring process. This aspect has lead to look at Corporate Social esponsibility of implications of Facebook's privacy policy
Facebook outlines the following about private policy

Facebook is meant to share information with others such as friends and individual within your network. but, at the same time provide the user with controls that can bar other third parties from viewing user's information. Facebook allows the user to decide which information friends and other people can access. Face book's network system and user's privacy setting permits the user to make informed decisions concerning who can access the user's information. Facebook does not share contact information….

Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives
A corporation that responds positively towards social issues is considered socially acceptable. There are some corporate social responsibility initiatives which the firm should take in order to get socially responsible. There are five main corporate social responsibility initiatives: Philanthropy, ork/Life programs, Community redevelopment, Acceptance of whistle blowers and Environmental protection.


The first way is to donate a lot to charities. These include hospitals, colleges and nursing homes. Many institutions rely on charity from corporations to continue their work. Many corporations strive to make sure that their donations are used for the benefit of the end user and the ones who actually need it. The new generation philanthropists desire maximum social impact in return for their donations. These philanthropists study donation plans as any normal business plan. (Dubrin 74-105)

ork/Life Programs

The corporations can also help their own employees by teaching them to balance their work and lives. In this way,….

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a legal and ethical mechanism, which businesses adopt to effect positive changes on social issues such as environment, health, economic conditions and others. This is primarily a philanthropic function of a business entity that empowers the community through various activities. Many organizations use community based initiatives aimed at sustainable development for local residents. It has become imperative for businesses to develop CSR initiatives in the world today (Noer et al., 2008).
In his book, Activist, Ojaide (2010), reveals that, people in the Delta region who claim to be enlightened, are the perpetrators of acts that violate the interests of the local inhabitants. They are the people involved in sabotage and degradation of the community resource by oil companies from the Niger delta. The book highlights the suffering of the local people from the effects of political corruption and environmental pollution brought about by the activities within….

Corporate Social esponsibility (Sony)
Corporate social responsibility (CS) is no longer a tenable option to just be silent. Companies have to take responsibilities of their actions as a result of the impacts their businesses causes to the community and their stakeholders. For example during the recent oil spill of the British Petroleum Company (BP), at the coast of United States, the U.S. government did not remain silent on the issue but urged BP to take responsibility of the spill which endangered the health and safety of humans, plant and animal life.

In addition, businesses cannot exist without the community and in the same way, community cannot exist without business. This is in the view that, if there is no community, where would the business sell its products? And where would that business get labor from, to produce those goods and services consumed by that society or the community?

It's in the light of….

" Apple went on to insist that it demands "compliance" with its code of ethics through a "…rigorous monitoring programme, including factory audits, corrective action plans and verification measures" (Chamberlain, 2011).
A recent article published by the media company Al Jazeera (in Qatar) reports that Apple admitted "…some of its suppliers continue to overwork and underpay employees." Apple received heavy criticism for its factory work done by Foxconn so it opened the doors to investigators. The audits that Apple conducted shows that just 38% of its suppliers (including Foxconn and other suppliers) were living up to Apple's "own standard of a maximum 60-hour work week and minimum one day off per week" (Al Jazeera).

One-third of Apple's suppliers in China were found to be "…negligent in managing hazardous substances" and also one-third of its suppliers in china were "…below standard in injury prevention practice" (Al Jazeera). Moreover, Apple said it "forced suppliers….

As he believes, that when firms are collaborating with government officials, they are creating win -- win situations for everyone involved. This is significant, because it is showing how the government wants to see these kinds of programs implemented to improve the business environment and the standard of living in various regions of the country. Once this occurs, it means that Saudi Arabia will be the focus of increased amounts of foreign direct investment capital. This will help the nation to be able to adapt and adjust with transformations that are occurring in the global economy. The information from this source is useful, because it is showing how governments are pushing social responsibility initiatives to increase economic development. This is the point that their economy will realize the long-term benefits from these kinds of programs. (King Abdullah Call for Corporate Social Responsibility 2009)
The article that was written by Gravem….

Corporate Social Responsibility Business
Corporate social responsibility

Corporate social responsibility involves a set of principles promoting the idea that business in general should be directed at assisting social progress through putting across ethical attitudes. Ethics has come to play an important role in the business environment in recent years and this influenced many to get actively engaged in considering this concept whenever doing business. Corporate social responsibility is meant to influence individuals to employ more sympathetic view with regard to their peers while doing business. As business institutions, firm have the obligation to put across attitudes that have a positive effect on stakeholders.

Corporate social responsibility is meant to strengthen the connection between society and the business industry. By emphasizing a series of beliefs, this concept is intended to have businessmen better acquainted with what is expected from them. It largely deals with the relationship between the social order and the business world….

By addressing this issue that concerns all customer segments, our company might even expand its line of products by developing products
that address these customer segments.
In conclusion I must make it very clear that it is imperative that our
company, as well as other companies activating on the Chinese market, no
matter what their area of activity is, are obliged to improve consumer
confidence. One of the best and the most durable ways of achieving this
objective is represented by the implementation of CS practices in
companies' activity. The numerous benefits described above are a proof of
the efficiency of this strategy.

eference list:
1. Branigan, T. (2008). Chinese figures show fivefold rise in
babies sick from contaminated milk. The Guardian. etrieved
October 18, 2009 from
2. Jensen, M. C. (2004). Value Maximization, Stakeholder Theory,
and the Corporate Objective Function. Harvard Business School.
etrieved October 18, 2009 from
3. The business benefits of corporate social responsibility.
BusinessLink. etrieved October 18, 2009 from
4. Cuizon, G. (2009). How….

We are assuming that your question is how you critically explore how the ideas of leadership and partnership practice would help you to address the challenges in corporate social responsibility.  Many people are uncertain how to write a critical review or critical evaluation, because the approach is somewhat different than what you would find in standard lower-level academic writing.

To write a critique, it is important to understand that the academic definition of critical is not the same as the lay definition of critical.   For the layperson, the word critical tends to be negative. However, from an academic....

CSR, or corporate social responsibility, refers to the idea that companies should hold themselves accountable for how their policies and procedures impact the greater world at large.  CSR does not have a single definition, because it is tailored to each individual company and that company’s view of how they act in a responsible position.  CSR is self-regulating, insofar as it is not imposed by outside forces, at least in terms of being regulated; outside forces, such as client decisions to purchase products or services, competitor responses to corporate policies, or business partner....

Certainly! Here's a unique and fresh essay topic that explores the relationship between community relations and public relations:

"Exploring the Shift Towards Community-Centric Public Relations: Empowering Communities as Catalysts for Change"

This topic delves into the evolving dynamics between community relations and public relations, with a focus on the growing importance of community-centric strategies in the field. You can discuss how traditional public relations approaches often focused on maintaining positive corporate images, while community relations primarily dealt with strengthening ties at a local level. However, in recent years, there has been a significant shift towards integrating community empowerment and engagement within broader....

1. The Evolution of Adidas: A Look at the Brand's History, Successes, and Challenges
2. The Impact of Adidas on Sports and Fashion: How the Brand Has Influenced Trends and Culture
3. Adidas vs. Competitors: A Comparative Analysis of Marketing Strategies and Successes
4. Sustainable Practices in the Adidas Supply Chain: How the Brand is Leading the Way in Corporate Social Responsibility
5. The Future of Adidas: Predictions and Opportunities for Growth in the Global Market
6. Athlete Endorsements and Partnerships: How Adidas Collaborates with Sports Stars to Drive Sales and Brand Awareness
7. The Influence of Technology on Adidas Products: How Innovation is Driving the....

6 Pages
Research Paper


Corporate Social Responsibility

Words: 1519
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Corporate Social Responsibility There are various definitions aiming to explain what Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) signifies. Because of the many ways in which this concept is interpreted by the millions…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Corporate Social Responsibility

Words: 2369
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

591-2). The failure to integrate CS initiatives into a larger development plan is another problem contributing to the lack of implementation of CS projects. Projects are often driven by…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Corporate Social Responsibility

Words: 618
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Corporate Social Responsibility Unfortunately, corporations are given considerable leeway by the government and are allowed to sidestep rules, misinform or withhold information from the public; and otherwise avoid accountability. As…

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2 Pages
Research Paper


Corporate Social Responsibility

Words: 695
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Corporate Social esponsibility Trends of 2011 With so many businesses running the world today, and especially in light of those who do not necessarily have the consumer's best interest at heart,…

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2 Pages
Research Paper


Corporate Social Responsibility

Words: 615
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Corporate esponsibility During the past couple of decades companies that had been previously concerned only with their bottom line and profitability have changed course and taken new directions that include…

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14 Pages


Corporate Social Responsibility Literature Review a Topic-Corporate

Words: 4258
Length: 14 Pages
Type: Essay

Corporate Social esponsibility Literature eview a topic-Corporate Social esponsibility The term 'corporate social responsibility' is a social word that has often taken the world by a storm at its mention. Noya…

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10 Pages


Corporate Social Responsibility and Transnational Companies in

Words: 2956
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

Corporate Social esponsibility and Transnational Companies In this essay, I have discussed how essential Corporate Social esponsibility (CS) is for the success of Transnational Corporations. UN Global Compact is also…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Education - Computers

Corporate Social Responsibility Defining Corporate

Words: 1340
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

As social networking became more widespread, facebook opened up more products and increased its users. Job seekers are starting to see the negative effect of posting or private…

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4 Pages


Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives a Corporation That

Words: 1301
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives A corporation that responds positively towards social issues is considered socially acceptable. There are some corporate social responsibility initiatives which the firm should take in order…

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4 Pages
Case Study

Transportation - Environmental Issues

Corporate Social Responsibility CSR Is a Legal

Words: 1508
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Case Study

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a legal and ethical mechanism, which businesses adopt to effect positive changes on social issues such as environment, health, economic conditions and others. This…

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10 Pages


Corporate Social Responsibility Sony Corporate Social Responsibility

Words: 2695
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

Corporate Social esponsibility (Sony) Corporate social responsibility (CS) is no longer a tenable option to just be silent. Companies have to take responsibilities of their actions as a result of…

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6 Pages
Research Paper

Communication - Journalism

Corporate Social Responsibility CSR Is

Words: 1989
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

" Apple went on to insist that it demands "compliance" with its code of ethics through a "…rigorous monitoring programme, including factory audits, corrective action plans and verification measures"…

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15 Pages
Literature Review


Corporate Social Responsibility in Saudi Arabia

Words: 4425
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Literature Review

As he believes, that when firms are collaborating with government officials, they are creating win -- win situations for everyone involved. This is significant, because it is showing…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Corporate Social Responsibility Business

Words: 866
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Corporate Social Responsibility Business Corporate social responsibility Corporate social responsibility involves a set of principles promoting the idea that business in general should be directed at assisting social progress through putting…

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5 Pages
Research Proposal


Corporate Social Responsibility Memo To

Words: 1547
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

By addressing this issue that concerns all customer segments, our company might even expand its line of products by developing products that address these customer segments. In conclusion I must make…

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