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How to ask students questions in education?

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By PD Tutor#1
Best Answer

1. "What did you learn in today's lesson?"

2. "Can you summarize the key points from the reading assignment?"

3. "How did you approach solving the math problem?"

4. "What connections can you make between this topic and real-life examples?"

5. "What questions do you have about the material we just covered?"

6. "Explain how you arrived at your conclusion in your essay."

7. "What do you think is the most important concept we've discussed so far?"

8. "How would you apply this information to a new situation?"

9. "Can you provide an example to illustrate your understanding of this concept?"

10. "What steps would you take to solve this problem?"
11. "In what ways do you think this topic is relevant to your future career goals?"
12. "How do you think your background or experiences shape your understanding of this subject?"
13. "Can you explain a concept in your own words to ensure full comprehension?"
14. "What challenges did you face while working on this assignment and how did you overcome them?"
15. "How do you think this topic connects to other subjects or disciplines you have studied?"
16. "What do you think are the strengths and weaknesses of the argument presented in the text?"
17. "How would you teach this concept to someone who is struggling to understand it?"
18. "What additional resources or support do you think would be helpful in mastering this topic?"
19. "What new questions do you have after today's lesson that you would like to explore further?"
20. "In what ways do you think your learning style affects how you approach studying this subject?"

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