Homework Help - Question & Answer

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I am writing an essay about the popular toy LOL surprise and I am not sure how it should be written?

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By PD Tutor#1
Best Answer

According to their official website, the dolls are branded as L.O.L. Surprise!   They are part of the O.M.G. Dolls larger group.  The advertising for these dolls is somewhat fascinating, and we have some resources that you might want to look at to help you write your paper.

To specifically answer your question, if you are referring to either the specific dolls or their larger brand, you would initially refer to them by their full name, but you can include a shorter way to reference them throughout your paper, which you would include inside of parenthesis after giving the full name.  For example, you could have a sentence in your introductory paragraph that looks like this:

L.O.L. Surprise! (LOL) dolls are a variant of the popular O.M.G. Dolls (OMG), with the gimmick being that the purchaser does not know what doll they are going to get when they make their purchase.  

Later in the essay, if you were referencing either type of doll, you would not have to include its full brand name, but simply introduce it by the shortened version you already introduced:

One of the reasons that kids seem to love LOL dolls is their outrageous fashions.

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