A Bronx Tale Essays (Examples)

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Narrative in a Bronx Tale
Pages: 8 Words: 2365

Chez ippy, the place where Sonny can usually be founds, some kind of headquarters for his activity, is usually presented with the sounds of Frank Sinatra or Dean Martin, as they can be heard in the background. The music is great to put a sound on Sonny's slick approach and style. Any of these singers would be associated both with the shows they were part of and with the general elegant approach to life, as well as with a certain easiness. All of these are things that Robert de Niro wants to pass on to the character that Palmintieri plays. The role of the music in the movie is also relevant with the way the film starts: the sounds of an a cappella group go very well with the image of a ronx sky at twilight.
One of the interesting approaches of the director is his keen and sometimes microscopic…...



1. Ebert, Roger. A Bronx Tale. October 1993. On the Internet at   Last retrieved on July 25, 2009http://rogerebert.suntimes.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/19931001/REVIEWS/310010302/1023 .

2. Maslin, Janet. A Bronx Tale (Movie Review). The New York Times. September 1993. On the Internet at   Last retrieved on July 25, 2009http://movies.nytimes.com/movie/review?res=9F0CE6DF163DF93AA1575AC0A965958260 .

African Cuisine
Pages: 10 Words: 3878

African estaurant evival
New York is home to people from all over the world, and it is well-known that they often bring with them cuisine from their homelands. Foodies descend on food courts in subterranean malls in Queens, ussian bakeries in Brooklyn, and ethnic food trucks pretty much anywhere throughout the five boroughs. For being a cosmopolitan city with such cosmopolitan tastes, surprisingly little attention is paid to the diversity of African food. The continent of Africa is rich in food tradition and, increasingly, we are seeing these traditions manifest throughout New York. This trend is occurring in many places, in particular Manhattan and Brooklyn. In fact, several openings over the past few years have dramatically altered the African dining scene, and this development is very much worthy of coverage. This citywide exposure to the African food trend makes it an excellent topic heading into the summer eating season.

There has been…...



Kugel, S. (2007, March 18). Sampling a Continent at Home. Retrieved from nytimes.com:  http://www.nytimes.com/2007/03/18/travel/18weekend.1.html?_r=0 

Laing, N. (2013, October). New York's First African Restaurant Week Offers New Flavors and a Dash of Culture. Retrieved from fo2w.org:  http://fi2w.org/2013/10/14/new-yorks-first-african-restaurant-week-offers-new-flavors-and-a-dash-of-culture/ 

Pearlman, E. (2014). Ponty Bistro. Retrieved from blacboardeats.com: http://www.blackboardeats.com/sp/ponty-bistro-gramercy-new-york-3

Spiropoulos, R. (2014, June 28). Dining African: 3 Restaurant Biz Success Stories Savor N.Y. African Restaurant Week. Retrieved from blackenterprise.com:  http://www.blackenterprise.com/lifestyle/new-york-african-restaurant-week-wraps-in-style/

Multicultural Film Analysis
Pages: 7 Words: 1868

Sometimes it seems that the last person to come up with an original dramatic idea was illiam Shakespeare - and we all know that he borrowed most of his ideas from other people too. So we should not expect to see much that is new in a story that is a retelling of Shakespeare's "Othello" - which is what Tim Blake Nelson's film "O" is. The film, which is certainly attractive and innovative on a purely formal level, does a generally poor job of convincing us that this is the way in which real teenagers speak. On the other hand, "Finding Forrester" (while it too has its flaws) is a far more intelligent look into what it is like to be a young black man. This paper analyzes the ways in which each of the films depicts certain subcultures of our society and the extent to which the filmmakers…...

Portrayed in Sequential Arts Us
Pages: 15 Words: 4281

Consequences of these choices only compound his deep-seated insecurities. (Zushi)
Both Ben and Miko are Japanese-Americans, and their shared ethnic background impacts on their lives in significantly different ways. Miko is proactive and politicised -- she is the assistant organiser of a film festival showcasing Asian-American talent. Ben, meanwhile, is a depressive manager of a local cinema, seemingly content in his life of slow-burning frustration and -- not surprisingly -- covert masturbation.

Sexual stereotyping is at the heart of the story. The title itself is a reference to Ben's feeling of inadequacy in the trousers department (underneath the dust jacket, the book cover bears a life-size image of a ruler). At one point, Ben recalls a "stupid joke": "hat's the difference between Asian men and Caucasian men?" The punchline -- "the cauc" -- is both funny and deeply uncomfortable. "I actually heard a girl tell that joke in college! I was…...


Works Cited

The Columbia World of Quotations. New York: Columbia University Press, 1996. 16 Jan. 2008 www.bartleby.com/66/.

The Comic-Book Heroes with a Touch of Genius." The Daily Mail (London, England) 22 Dec. 2006: 64. Questia. 15 Jan. 2008  http://www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=5018563927 .

A www.questiaschool.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=107528075

Dunford, Richard. "Chapter 4 Developing a Research Proposal." Surviving Your Thesis. Ed. Suzan Burton and Peter Steane. New York: Routledge, 2004. 46-58. Questia. 15 Jan. 2008  http://www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=107528130 .

Katrina Children Lost Forgotten and
Pages: 17 Words: 4667

For children, going to school, even a new school, provided a sense of order. It also gave parents time to plan for the future. Wealthier parents were able to enroll their children in private schools. Poorer families faced a greater struggle.
In Texas, officials reported enrolling19,000 children displaced by the storm (Katrowitz and reslau, 2005). They were able to waive normal rules, such as proving residency or providing immunization records. The opportunity to start over was critical for thousands of families, including Kathy Jemison and her daughter, Sarah McClelland, 17. The night before the storm hit, they gathered their clothes, keepsakes and important documents (such as birth certificates and Social Security cards). As the storm was destroying their home, they drove 15 hours to a friend's house in San Antonio. Sarah began her senior year at San Antonio's MacArthur High School, and Kathy, who worked for a bank in New…...



Abramson, David, and Richard Garfield. (April, 2006). On the Edge: Children and Families Displaced by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita Face a Looming Medical and Mental Health Crisis. New York: Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health, National Center for Disaster Preparedness.

Brown, Donal. (November 16, 2005). 1,000 Katrina Children Still Missing. Mother Jones.

Callimachi, Rukmini. (April 23, 2006). Katrina's Children Struggle With Fears. The Associated Press.

Cass, Julia. (June 13, 2006). For Many of Katrina's Young Victims, the Scars Are More Than Skin Deep. The Washington Post; A01.

The Black and the White Voice in the Hip Hop Culture
Pages: 12 Words: 4208

Hip Hop and American Youth Culture
Everyone enters a stage of growth when a strong urge to break out of parental dependence, when he recognizes his own person and desires to assert himself. This sense of individuality is an inherent in the American character, especially the youth. Aligned with this restlessness is the restlessness endured for centuries by the Blacks. Their elders may have learned to live with the malignity, although without yielding to it, or have less energy to fight. But African-American youth found a way to vent their revulsion towards the discrimination and abuses to which they are subjected as a race. That discovery happened in the 70s when the hip-hop spirit evolved into a concept and then into music, dance, poetry and many other creative forms of letting the sea of anguish flow out of their soul.

The voice of the young American who seeks individual freedom and assertion…...



Aponte, Christian Andres. 2013. "When Hip Hop and Education Converge: a Look into Hip Hop-based Education Programs in the United States and Brazil." Carnegie Mellon

Blanchard, Becky. 1999. "The Impact of Rap and Hip-Hop Music on American Youth." Ethics

Of Development in a Global Environment.


Puerto Ricans
Pages: 3 Words: 989

Puerto Rico
The hite House Office of the Press Secretary describes Sonia Sotomayor as being an exemplar of the American Dream. hile it may be described as a rags-to-riches tale, there is more to the story of Sonia Sotomayor because she has channeled her energy and intelligence into the field of law and the pursuit of social justice. As such, Sotomayor is certainly one that may inspire others who grow up disadvantaged due to social class status, race, ethnicity, and gender.

Now one of the most powerful and influential people in the United States as a Justice of the Supreme Court, Sonia Sotomayor was raised in a public housing project in the South Bronx. Yet Sotomayor remained undeterred. She read a lot as a child, and was "driven by an indefatigable work ethic," (hite House Office of the Press Secretary 1). Sotomayor graduated from high school at the top of her class,…...


Works Cited

Abcarian, Robin. "Sonia Sotomayor Gets it Right in Michigan Affirmative Action Dissent." Los Angeles Times. 23 April, 2014. Retrieved online:  http://www.latimes.com/local/abcarian/la-me-ra-sonia-sotomayor-affirmative-action-dissent-20140423,0,897526.story#axzz30FdjcNWf 

De Vogue, Ariane. "Justice Sonia Sotomayor: Affirmative Action 'Opened Doors in My Life.'" ABC. 22 April 2014. Retrieved online:  http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/politics/2014/04/justice-sonia-sotomayor-affirmative-action-opened-doors-in-my-life/ 

Fontana, David. Sonia Sotomayor: How She Became the Public Face of the Supreme Court's Liberal Wing. New Republic. Retrieved online:  http://www.newrepublic.com/article/politics/91013/sonia-sotomayor-supreme-court-liberal-voice 

Sotomayor, Sonia. My Beloved World. New York: Vintage, 2013.

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