Abstinence Essays (Examples)

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Abstinence Experience Caffeine Is One of the
Pages: 5 Words: 1531

Abstinence Experience:
Caffeine is one of the most-commonly used drugs throughout the world and is commonly consumed in tea, cocoa pod, coffee, and mate. My addiction to the drug was influenced by its ability to influence my mood, energize me, and comfort. Caffeine became my first love that I could turn to when stressed, happy, or sad. It acted as an ever-present help to give me comfort and relief through eliminating my insecurities and fears. Caffeine gave me hope and strength to face every situation and moment in my life and enabled me to no longer feel lonely. The drug appealed to my senses because it increased my attention and concentration, particularly when tired and fatigued. Any moment with caffeine provided me with strength and refreshment to face the next activity and program in the day.

Realization of Addiction:

My abstinence from caffeine was fueled by the realization of how addicted I became…...

Abstinence vs Contraception Over the
Pages: 17 Words: 5382

Put another way, abstinence advocates hope that saying "abstinence is the only method which is 100% effective in preventing pregnancy and STIs" will be misinterpreted by the public and politicians to mean the same thing as "abstinence-only education is the only method which is 100% effective in preventing pregnancy and STIs." This is akin to pretending that the fact that never using silverware is the only method which is 100% effective in preventing one from stabbing oneself with a fork is a reasonable justification for never using silverware, as if there were no way to still use a fork such that the risk of stabbing oneself is almost negligible. Ultimately, as Santelli et al. (2006, p. 76) note, this kind of argumentation "is misleading and potentially harmful because it con-ates theoretical effectiveness with the actual practice of abstinence," leaving those in abstinence-only programs woefully unprepared to deal with the…...


Works Cited

Cohen, S. (2003). Beyond slogans: lessons from uganda's experience with abc and HIV / AIDS. The Guttmacher Report on Public Policy, 6(5),

Collins, C, Alagiri, P, & Summers, T. (2002). Abstinence only vs. comprehensive sex education:

what are the arguments? what is the evidence?. AIDS Research Institute, 1-17.

Darroch JE and Singh S. (1999). Why Is Teenage Pregnancy Declining? The Roles of Abstinence, Sexual Activity and Contraceptive Use, Occasional Report, New York: The

Harm Reduction Abstinence Motivational Interviewing Development of
Pages: 9 Words: 2453

Harm eduction

Motivational interviewing

Development of discrepancy

olling with resistance

Support self-efficacy

Avoidance of argument

In this paper we lay bear the differences that exist between harm reduction approach and the abstinence model of managing drug (opiate) addiction. We do this by a thorough analysis of the processes involved in each approach and then a systematic review of their applications. A comparison as well as contrasting of the approaches is then carried out. A recommendation on how to best apply the two techniques for optimal outcome is then provided.

The treatment of drug addiction has been indicated to be a tough journey that requires several intervention techniques. Two main interventions have been proposed and even applied in efforts to assist drug addiction patients. The two techniques, harm reduction and the abstinence have been indicated and argued to be two different roads which lead to the same destination (Mckeganey,2005). The World Health Organization indicated that both techniques can…...



Dolan K, Kimber J, Fry C, Fitzgerald J, McDonald D, Trautmann F: Drug consumption facilities in Europe and the establishment of supervised injecting centres in Australia. Drug Alcohol Rev 2000, 19:337-46.

Hurley SF, Jolley DF: Effectiveness of needle-exchange programmes for prevention of HIV infection. Lancet 1997, 349:1797-1801

Lenton, S. And Single, E. (2004), 'The definition of harm reduction', Drug and Alcohol Review 17, pp. 213 -- 20

Logan, DE and Marlatt, GA (2010)Harm reduction therapy: a practice-friendly review of research. Journal of Clinical Psychology, Feb2010, Vol. 66 Issue 2, p201-214, 14p; DOI: 10.1002/jclp.20669

Government Role in Abstinence Education Funding
Pages: 4 Words: 1333

Government Role in Abstinence Education
By the time they graduate from high school, unfortunately, 65% of our students have already engaged in intercourse," stated Lloyd J. Kolbe, director of the Division of Adolescent and School Health at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Despite this realty the government continues to fund ill-fated abstinence only programs. However, Claude Allen Deputy Secretary of Health and Human Services a proponent of abstinence only programs concedes "e have not made a clear, concise message to them about the benefits of abstinence." Supporters such as Mr. Allen of such programs conveniently ignore the fact that there has been an inherent break down in our institutions, which are supposed to shield the innocent from growing up too fast. The church is having problems controlling the twisted desires of its own priests, young single mothers, head many families and sex remains a closed topic of discourse in…...


Works Cited

Connolly, Cici. Abstinence Moves to the Head of the Class. The Washington Post. 24 Apr. 2002. Retrieved from the World Wide Web on June 29, 2002. (  -- )http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn?pagename=article&node=&contentId=A37464-2002Apr23&notFound=true 

Morse, Jodi. Mixed-Reviews for Abstinence Only Programs. Time.com. 10 Aug. 2001. Retrieved from the World Wide Web on June 29, 2002. ( http://www.time.com/time/columnist/morse/article/0,9565,170687,00.html )

Shelton, Deborah. Does Sex Ed Focused Abstinence Work? The American Medical Association. 17 Jan. 2000. Retrieved from the World Wide Web on June 28, 2002. ( http://www.ama-assn.org/sci-pubs/amnews/pick_00/hlsa0117.htm )

Vulliamay, Ed. Bush Promotes Virgin Values to Curb Teen Sex. The Observer. 28 Apr. 2002.. Retrieved from the World Wide Web on June 26, 2002. ( http://www.observer.co.uk/international/story/0,6903,706482,00.html )

Enhancing Abstinence and Preventing Relapse in Alcoholism
Pages: 13 Words: 3813

Enhancing Abstinence and Preventing elapse in Alcoholism
esearch paper Alcoholism esearch question: Alcoholism affects approximately 10% Americans time lives. Treatment consists psychosocial intervention, pharmacological intervention,, looming question treatment remains: Which drugs effective enhancing abstinence preventing relapse?.

The purpose of this paper is proposing a study for examining the most effective drug in preventing relapse and enhancing abstinence from alcohol. The negative and positive results of the different drugs would be examined based on the data gathered from the participants. One hundred and seventy eight participants suffering from alcoholism will be examined in the study. The participants will undergo a mandatory detoxification period before they can enroll in the study. The participants are drawn from patients admitted in public hospitals suffering from alcoholism. The study is conducted under voluntary basis, and the results are anonymous. No identifiable patient information is gathered during the study. Patient consent is sought before they can enroll in…...



Armor, D.J., Polich, J.M., & Braiker, H.B. (1978). Alcoholism and treatment (Vol. 232). New York: Wiley.

Fuller, R.K., Branchey, L., Brightwell, D.R., Derman, R.M., Emrick, C.D., Iber, F.L., . . . Lowenstam, I. (1986). Disulfiram treatment of alcoholism. JAMA: the journal of the American Medical Association, 256(11), 1449-1455.

Garbutt, J.C., West, S.L., Carey, T.S., Lohr, K.N., & Crews, F.T. (1999). Pharmacological treatment of alcohol dependence. JAMA: the journal of the American Medical Association, 281(14), 1318-1325.

Gordis, E. (1976). What is Alcoholism Research? Annals of Internal Medicine, 85(6), 821-823.

Sexual Education - Abstinence Analyzing
Pages: 6 Words: 1594

In comparison to traditional sexual education programs, it provides absolutely no benefit, and conceivably causes additional harm attributable to the deliberate withholding of invaluable information about STD transmission and unwanted pregnancy. As part of its message, it distorts the truth about the relative effectiveness of condom use, thereby only decreasing the likelihood that teenagers who ultimately choose to reject abstinence (as virtually all adults do in our society before marriage) will do so responsibly, by using a condom correctly.
Instead of limiting the scope of sexual education, the effort should, at a minimum, include essential information relating to safer sex practices and effective pregnancy prevention. A well-structured comprehensive sexual education program could also provide valuable insight that is generally lacking in society in general, and among teenagers and young adults in particular: namely, the fundamental nonsense inherent in the gender-based sexual double standard.

In addition to undermining genuinely effective sexual education…...


Works Cited

Baker, R., Elliston, F. (1998) Philosophy & Sex.

Buffalo, NY: Prometheus

Gerrig, R, Zimbardo, P. (2005) Psychology and Life. 17th Edition.

New York: Allyn & Bacon.

Contingency Management Alcohol & Marijuana
Pages: 41 Words: 11354

" (1995)
The authors state: "The amphetamines occasioned dose-related increases in d- amphetamine-appropriate responding, whereas hydromorphone did not. Amphetamines also occasioned dose-related increases in reports of the drug being most like "speed," whereas hydromorphone did not. However, both amphetamines and hydromorphone occasioned dose-related increases in reports of drug liking and in three scales of the ARCI. Thus, some self-report measures were well correlated with responding on the drug-appropriate lever and some were not. Lamb and Henningfield (1994) suggest that self-reports are complexly controlled by both the private event and the subject's history of experience with the drug. Some of the self-reports they observed (e.g., feels like speed) are probably occasioned by a relatively narrow range of stimuli because in the subject's experience with drug administration, these reports have been more selectively reinforced by the verbal community relative to other reports (e.g., drug liking). They also suggest that these results imply that…...



Budney, Alan J. et al. (2006) Clinical Trial of Abstinence-Based Vouchers and Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Cannabis Dependence. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 2006. Vol.. 74 No. 2. 2006 American Psychological Association.

McRae, a.; Budney, a.; & Brady, K. (2002) Treatment of Marijuana Dependence: A Review of the Literature. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 24 (2003)

Pathways of Addiction: Opportunities in Drug Abuse Research (1996) Institute of Medicine (IOM)

Kamon, J; Budney, a. & Stanger, C. (2005)a Contingency Management Intervention for Adolescent Marijuana Abuse and Conduct Problems. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. 44(6):513-521, June 2005.

Students' Access to Birth Control
Pages: 12 Words: 3923

In conclusion, atkins draws an important link between teen childbearing and poverty, which takes this discussion past morals and values and moves it into socioeconomic territory. Half of all mothers currently on welfare assistance "were teenagers when they had their first child," atkins writes. Also, a) less than a third of teen mothers "ever finish high school"; b) the children born to teenage mothers "are twice as likely to raise their children in poverty"; c) the children of teen mothers "...are more likely to do poorly in school, more likely to drop out of school, and less likely to attend college"; and d) girls whose mothers were teenagers at the time of their birth are "...22% more likely to become mothers as teens themselves," thus completing the cycle and perpetuating the problem into future generations.

An article by Jennifer a. Hurley ("Promoting the Use of Birth Control Reduces Teen Pregnancy") reports…...


Works Cited

Bakalar, Nicholas. "Adolescence: Abstinence-Only Programs Not found to Prevent HIV." The New York Times 14 August 2007: Retrieved Dec. 3, 2007, at  http://www.nytimes.com .

Garrett, Robert T. "Texas teens lead nation in birth rate." The Dallas Morning News 5 November 2007: Retrieved Dec. 2, 2007, at  http://www.dallasnews.com .

Green, Tanya L. "Parents Have the Right to Know when their Children Receive Family

Planning Services at School." Opposing Viewpoints: Students' rights. Greenhaven Press,

Letter to Editor as Someone
Pages: 1 Words: 389

How can we expect our children to learn how to think critically if we do not teach them about sex?
Cheers to The Dallas News for pointing out the woeful inconsistencies and shortcomings in Texan state education. The majority of Texas school districts "either teach an abstinence-only health curriculum or avoid talking about sex altogether" and the result? Texas has one of the highest rates of teen pregnancy in the nation. When evidence proves that our methods are not working, it is time to change them. Some teens are blessed with parents who make up for their state's lack of sex education programs. Unfortunately, many Texan teens remain ignorant at the behest of irresponsible parents. If withholding medical treatment for minors is against the law, then so too should withholding access to information about safe sex.

Finally, I would like to add that young people have a right to information: to…...

Vermilion Parish Louisiana and Teen
Pages: 2 Words: 665

Certainly it would give rise to debate within the community, and would perhaps because it circumvents the authority that was asserted by the community in limiting the teen's awareness to abstinence, would eventually have to be abandoned because of the ways in which the community would relate the process to what it actually is: getting the kids the information on birth control.

If educating the kids as to the alternatives available to them is prohibited, then it becomes incumbent upon the health professionals to take the discussions to the parents. Since most kids, estimated at 47%, say that their decisions about sex are most influenced by their parents (the National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy, 2007, found online at then educating the parents must become the focus of the effort. If Vermilion Parish and other places within and outside of Louisiana would tie the hands of educators and health professionals by…...


Reference List

The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, Sexual Health Statistics for Teenagers and Young Adults in the United States, September, 2006.

The National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy, 'American Opinion on Teen

Pregnancy and Related Issues 2007, found online at retrieved 14 March 2009.

Teen Pregnancy in the United
Pages: 10 Words: 3574

Abortion trends varied widely by state as well. "Teenage abortion rates were highest in New York (41 per 1,000), New Jersey, Nevada, Delaware and Connecticut. By contrast, teenagers in South Dakota (6 per 1,000), Utah, Kentucky, Nebraska and North
Dakota all had abortion rates of eight or fewer per 1,000 women aged 15 -- 19. More than half of teenage pregnancies ended in abortion in New Jersey, New York and Connecticut" (Guttmacher, 2010). It is important to keep in mind that teenage abortion rates may reflect multiple issues. First, they may reflect that teenager's own personal beliefs and desire to raise a baby. However, they may also reflect prevailing societal norms in that geographic area, which can make it difficult, and even practically impossible, for pregnant teenagers to obtain abortions.

Portrayal in popular culture

Perhaps one of the most alarming things about teen pregnancy is that it is receiving more and more…...



Cape Fear Teen Health Council. (2006). Why is teen pregnancy a problem? Retrieved April 2,

2012 from  http://www.capefearteen.org/cfthc.php?section=statistics&record_id=1 

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2012). Prepregnancy contraceptive use among teens with unintended pregnancies resulting in live births- Pregnancy risk assessment monitoring system (PRAMS), 2004-2008. Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 61(2), 25-29.

Drayton, V., Montgomery, S., Modeste, N., Frye-Anderson, B. (2002-2003). The health belief model as a predictor of repeat pregnancies among Jamaican teenage mothers. International Quarterly of Community Health Education, 21(1), 67-81.

Charitable Foundations and Discrepancies Between Ideology and
Pages: 3 Words: 934

Charitable Foundations and Discrepancies Between Ideology and Needs
There are ten steps that have been defined as critical components of community development: defining the professional's role; researching the community; entering the community; raising consciousness; assessing needs and assets; defining goals; building strategies; strategizing; taking action, and evaluating. While enacting these steps, engagement with the community is just as necessary as the community activist acting as an initiator and a teacher. The organizer can function as a mediator, supporter, and encourager of community-generated events, not simply a director and teacher. Although establishing ties with a community in need can be difficult and time-consuming because of the initial perception that the individual giving aid is an 'outsider,' because of the added credibility that working with insiders can give about the needs of the community, an integrated approach is usually advisable. Community change can seldom be imposed effectively throughout. There must be knowledge, both…...



Fischer, Robert & Eric Schragge. (2000). Challenging community organizing. Journal of Community Practice, 8 (3): 1-19

Design Future
Pages: 2 Words: 662

Food lust advertising design: Applying the concepts of 'luxuria' and 'chastity'

hen comparing cars such as Hummer and the Prius, the contrast between the two brand identities seems obvious. One is a large, gas-guzzling vehicle that denotes the purchaser's wealth. The Prius is a small, snub-nosed vehicle that apparently proclaims the user's interest in environmental sustainability. However, beneath the surface, there are even more complex issues about how the vehicles convey the user's class. The Prius is also an expensive car, after all. Chastity is not about low price -- it is an attitude.

hat constitutes 'luxuria' versus 'chastity' in marketing is even more complex with the marketing of items that have a very wide price range like food. Some products marketed as objects of 'luxuria' may be low-priced; some may be high-price. Some products marketed upon their 'chastity' may be more expensive than their 'luxuria' counterparts. The endy's Baconater is…...


Works Cited

"Baconater." Wendy's. [9 Mar 2010]


Hsu, Tiffany. "Wendy's reenters Japan with $16 foie-gras-and-truffle burger." The LA Times

28 Dec 2011. [9 Mar 2010]

Parenting Program for Women and
Pages: 150 Words: 41621

There are many of these individuals, and it is time that this is changed.
Parents often look away from these kinds of problems, or they spend their time in denial of the issue because they feel that their child will not be harmed by parental involvement with drugs or alcohol. Some parents have parents that were/are addicts themselves, and some are so busy with their lives that they do not actually realize that their child has any kind of problem with the lifestyle of the parent until it becomes so severe that it cannot be overlooked, or until it is brought to their attention by police, the school, or someone else that has seen it first hand. Parents are not the only ones that overlook this issue, though.

Sometimes siblings and friends also see problems that they ignore, do not understand, or do not talk to anyone about, and the school…...



Aleman-Padilla, L. 2002. Babies First gets last word on infant care Hundreds recognize groups contribution at fourth annual event. The Fresno Bee.

Anderson, D. 2004. Funding cuts impact health services. Precinct Reporter.

Anderson, S.A. (2000). How parental involvement makes a difference in reading achievement. Reading Improvement.

Baker, P.L. (2000). I didn't know: discoveries and identity transformation of women addicts in treatment. Journal of Drug Issues, 30, 863-881.

Relapse Prevention
Pages: 35 Words: 12959

Relapse prevention therapy breaks down the chemical dependency recovery process into specific tasks and skills, which patients must learn in order to recover; it also shows patients how to recognize when they are beginning to relapse, and how to change before they start using alcohol or drugs again (Gorski and Kelley, 2003).
In order to understand the process of relapse prevention, we will first look at the phenomena of chemical dependence, and its associated behaviors, and the phenomena of relapse, in order to be able to then look at the various ways of tackling these behaviors to induce relapse prevention in the patients.

What is Chemical Dependency/Chemical Addiction?

Chemical dependency is a disease caused by the use of alcohol and/or drugs, causing changes in a person's body, mind, and behavior: as a result of the disease of chemical dependency, people are unable to control the use of alcohol and/or drugs, despite the bad…...



Bell, T. (1990). Preventing adolescent relapse: A guide for parents, teachers and counselors. Independence, MO: Herald House / Independence Press.

Daley, D. (1987) Relapse prevention with substance abusers: clinical issues and myths. Social Work, 45(2), 38-42.

Gorski, T.T. Passages Through Recovery. Center City, MN. Hazelden Press, 1989.

Gorski, T.T. Understanding the Twelve Steps. New York: Prentice Hall/Parkside, 1989.

Can you help me write my argumentative essay about sex education?
Words: 440

The key to writing a good argumentative essay is thoroughly understanding the pros and cons of the topic you are considering.  That is because you are asked to take a position in an argumentative essay and support that position, while also being ready to meet challenges that would come from people taking a different position.  Sex education is a surprisingly divisive topic given the evidence that supports sex education as being a positive for students.  Much of this division is based in religious and moral objections to sex education, and, while it....

Can you help me come up with titles for my essay about Alcohol Consumption?
Words: 437

I. The Impact and Consequences of Alcohol Consumption: A Comprehensive Analysis

Exploring the Multifaceted Impact of Alcohol Consumption on Society and Individuals
Unveiling the Physical, Psychological, and Social Consequences of Alcohol Abuse
Alcohol Consumption: A Vicious Cycle of Addiction, Health Issues, and Social Dysfunction

II. Alcohol Consumption: A Medical and Sociological Perspective

The Physiological Effects of Alcohol: From Intoxication to Chronic Disease
The Role of Alcoholism in Mental Health Disorders and Substance Abuse
Alcohol Consumption as a Window into Social Stratification and Health Disparities

III. Alcohol Control and Regulation: Policy and Prevention Strategies

Examining the Effectiveness of Alcohol Control Policies and Interventions

How can maternal alcohol consumption during pregnancy impact fetal development and lead to fetal alcohol syndrome?
Words: 415

Maternal alcohol consumption during pregnancy can have damaging effects on fetal development and lead to fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS). When a pregnant woman consumes alcohol, it crosses the placenta and enters the developing fetus's bloodstream, affecting its growth and development in various ways:

1. Alcohol interferes with the delivery of nutrients and oxygen to the fetus, leading to growth restrictions and low birth weight.
2. Alcohol exposure can disrupt the development of the fetus's brain and central nervous system, resulting in cognitive and behavioral impairments, learning disabilities, and developmental delays.
3. Alcohol can cause structural abnormalities in the fetus's facial features, such as....

\"What impact does parental involvement have on reducing teenage pregnancy rates?\"
Words: 423

Parental involvement plays a crucial role in reducing teenage pregnancy rates. When parents are actively involved in their child's life, they can provide them with guidance, support, and education about responsible sexual behavior. This involvement can help teenagers make informed decisions about their sexual activities and understand the potential consequences of engaging in risky behavior.

Research has shown that teenagers who have strong parental support and communication are less likely to engage in early sexual activity and are more likely to use contraceptives if they do. Parents can also help their children build self-esteem and develop healthy relationships, which can help....

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