Abuse Of Power Essays (Examples)

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Ruthless Abuse of Power in

The other animals trusted the pigs with blind faith which led to them coming full circle in their oppression, despite how hard they had fought for independence.
At one point in the story, Napoleon also encouraged the other animals to feel patriotic toward the farm. The reason behind this was so the rest of the animals would not rebel against him. This is extremely similar to the way that Richard III continuously played up the loyalty angle to dissuade people from questioning his intentions and his decisions. Ultimately however, this propaganda is only designed to keep the people "controlled" like the animals on the farm. Machiavelli would undoubtedly agree, but he would also encourage these characters to form wiser partnerships. According to Machiavelli, "A Prince should be careful never to join with one stronger than himself in attacking others, unless, as already said, he be driven to it by necessity.….

Uses and Abuses of Power

Abuses of Power
Because all organizations are comprised of people, it is virtually inevitable that some individuals, most especially those in positions of authority, will acquire more power relative to others. Power, though, is not the sole domain of management but it is reasonable to suggest that the majority of power wielded in any workplace setting is by higher-level executives and front-line supervisors and managers who inherently possess their power by virtue of their corporate authority. In many cases, the use of power can be a useful and acceptable practice while in others the exercise of power is unacceptable. In any case, the use of power can have some unintended consequences that make it a high-risk option. This paper reviews the relevant literature concerning these issues, followed by a summary of the research and important findings concerning the use of power in the workplace in the conclusion.

When is power useful?


Power and Control in the

The court case scene also shows how focused the leaders are on maintaining their power. This is seen where Danforth says to Proctor, "You must understand, sir, that a person is either with this court or he must be counted against it, there be no road between" (Miller 94). This shows the complete lack of choice that the people of the society have. If they do not accept the will of the leaders completely, they are considered as being against them. This leaves no room for anyone to question anything. At the same time, it shows that the leaders of the town are intently focused on maintaining complete power. In this way, the leaders dominate completely, while the people are meant to be submissive to the point that they do not question any aspect of the leader's decisions.

It is in the context of this environment that the actions of the….

Power by the Executive in

It could be argued that a conflict of interest could arise in the executive's ability to create or destroy a convention, assuming inadequate resistance from the rest of the governmental body.
The idea that constitutional conventions exist outside of the bounds of courts and are injusticiable can be quite frustrating for many political scientists and politicians. Conventions are best viewed as a set of governmental traditions or norms that while not legally binding are often socially binding through votes of confidence (ozenberg, 1998). They are to be viewed as a political aberration that exist in large numbers in both the British and U.S. systems of government. There is no agreed-upon system for dealing with questions arising from the topic of constitutional conventions, yet these very same conventions, by nature, adhere to the cultural, legal, and social norms and morals of the society, which the executive oversees.

There is no singular perspective….

Power Resistance in Working Girl
Fleming and Spicer's 2007 work of non-fiction, Contesting the Corporation: Struggle, Power and Resistance in Organizations details the phenomena of power and resistance to power within organizations. There is a relatively modest amount of the book (approximately the final third) that consists of analyzing power and resistance from threats that are external to an organization. The authors largely deconstruct the relationships between power and resistance within a political context, in which it is difficult to state that they do not side with the individual, as opposed to the corporation and its various members (upper level management, etc.) that represent it. The authors encapsulate the political aspect of power and resistance within the even broader context of struggle. To that end they identify four variations of struggle: those over action which become manifest as refusal and coercion, those over activities which are manifested as voice and manipulation,….

Power and influence are important concepts in leadership and management because they are intertwined. In essence, it's impossible for a leader to influence his/her followers without power, which is crucial in getting things done and accomplishing specified goals. The close link between these two concepts is also evident in the fact that power can be defined as the capability to influence others (Lunenburg, p.1). As a result, the effective use of power is an important component in leadership, especially with regards to management. Leaders have significant influence over others when they develop a strong power base in their respective area such as organizations, institutions, and the political arena. The ability of a leader to influence his followers or employees to accomplish certain goals and tasks is dependent on the strength of his power base. ithout power (which is the capability to influence people), leaders are unable to persuade their followers….

After all, a person's sense of self-worth depends on feeling competent and able to influence what is happening in one's life. How much power we perceive ourselves to have directly influences our sense of self-esteem.
In a discussion of power currencies, Hocker & Wilmot (2007) say how much power we have depends on whether we have "currencies" other people want. In other words your power over another person rests on your having something to give them that they need. For example, in the days when women had few rights and little power in their marriages, they did have sex (a valuable currency), which they could give or withhold in order to exert power. But it depends on the relationship what the currency is. Sex isn't a currency in a business relationship, for instance, and perhaps it shouldn't be used as a currency in an intimate relationship.

Every person has potential currencies….

Power of the President

Power of the President
The executive power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America," (Article II, Section1). The United States Constitution outlines the various powers, duties, and rights of the President mainly in Article Two, after treating the various roles of congress. The President functions simultaneously as the Chief and Head of State, as the Commander in Chief of the United States Army, as Chief Legislator and Diplomat, as the manager of the economy and the state of the union, and as the head of his political party. Some of these roles are not specifically mentioned in the Constitution. An examination of the Constitution reveals that the Chief Executive of the United States is endowed with much power. He alone has the power to pardon high treason or to make treaties with foreign nations, for instance. However, because of the intricate system of checks and balances….

Power the Sources of Power

In addition those on the board of directors may have worked at the same accounting or law firms and had business dealings with one another in the past. Even some college professors and ex-high ranking government officials who have conducted studies or have useful connections are board members (Holbrook, 2004). The author further reports that "These people with intertwined relationships with corporate management often sit on multiple boards, causing an even greater conflict of interest (Holbrook, 2004-page 4)."
As was mentioned previously the sources of power for a corporation can differ slightly depending on whether or not the corporation is publicly or privately held. Publicly held organizations are often beholden to shareholders (each of whom owns a percentage of the company) (Winkler, 2004). Publicly held corporations must make financial information about the company available to shareholders (per government regulations).

Shareholders have a significant amount of power because they are a source….

Adverse circumstances and heated verbal attacks by angry citizens sometimes triggers a (natural) response on the part of police officers to respond in kind, or, at the extreme, with verbal abuse in the form of threats to use their lawful powers of arrest for intimidation purposes where, in fact, any such use of arrest powers is unlawful under the given circumstances.

Typical examples with potential to trigger verbal abuse by police would include responding to members of the public who are indeed complying with a lawful order to disperse, or to vacate a specific area, but who do so while expressing their verbal disagreement or displeasure with the officer's command. They may even choose to insult the officer personally, but provided their actions do not constitute a threat to the officer or a refusal to obey his lawful orders, and as long as their manner of expression does not constitute a….

Life Truth or Power Arthur

Whether this actually takes place is not the topic of this discussion, however. It is only important here in the sense that if it is taking place, it would fall into the discussion of whether it is right to use the power that these individuals have and keep that power instead of telling the truth, even if the truth may diminish the power that they previously enjoyed.
The most important Arthur Miller quote for this discussion, however, would be "...the strongest man in the world is the man who stands most alone." This quote is very important when looking at whether truth or power is more important, because it indicates that the man who tells the truth is the one that is often shunned and ignored, while the powerful people continue to use (and abuse) that power in order to stay ahead of others. It is unfortunate that individuals feel….

intersectionality, power, and privilege, it is impossible not to wonder if it is human nature to seek, gain, and preserve power at the expense of others and lose all concept of the consequences. As an optimist, I believe that we can all change. In The Sneeches and Other Stories, Dr. Seuss also offers some hope for humanity, showing that it is possible to recognize the essential equality of all people and the importance of actively changing our own behavior to create meaningful changes in society. What Dr. Seuss seems to suggest, and what Johnson talks about in the Introduction and first few sections of Privilege, Power, and Difference, is that it is often up to a few individuals to make the changes that matter.
Of course, it really helps to be made aware of the issues first. I think if we take away one thing from this class, it is….

Ma Pastoral Theology -- Spiritual Abuse

Veenhuizen's dissertation explores spiritual abuse, using Relational Theology to understand a healthy spiritual relationship vs. spiritual abuse. In Relational Theology, God offers a bilateral covenant with Him and with others of unreserved love and commitment with the gifts of blessing to anyone accepting His offer. Spiritual abuse sharply contrasts with God's covenant. Spiritual abuse has existed for quite some time; consequently, theological writers such as Veenhuizen and mental health professionals have all addressed the causes, discernment and treatment of spiritual abuse.

Foundation of Relational Theology

Veenhuizen's dissertation correctly shows that there are various definitions of Spiritual Abuse (Veenhuizen, 2011). The most inclusive one found in my research is from Lisa Oakley's "Developing safeguarding policy and practice for Spiritual Abuse" (Oakley & Kinmond, 2014). After studies and interviews with numerous survivors of Spiritual Abuse, Oakley and her team concluded that Spiritual Abuse is….

sex, power, alcohol and money on moral and ethical acts
Ethics, Sex, and Morality

Sex is still a subject that is a victim of human irrational treatment of an otherwise clear functional human phenomenon. Such incidents as homicide, and insanity gold and gems have also been subjected to such irrational treatment but, luckily, the mysteries around these have been dispelled over time. Sex has not been so lucky though as there is still a cloud of mystery and deliberate misrepresentation, perception and near-superstitious handling of the phenomenon. Sex is the most emotionally involving aspect of human existence. It is not a wonder then, that there is so much confusion directed at it. Lately, though, it seems that the wind of change is sweeping fast to affect people's view of sex. Some forces in operation around the subject of sex are clearly defined now. It is increasingly impossible to have a society….

Patriarchal domination really coincides with domestic violence. This is usually widely seen in Asian countries where poverty is widespread.
Disturbing and alarming, it cannot be denied that men and women (children and adults) are witnessing an act that is very unfair. People should respond to this problem not only relying to the leaders but also to one's own effort to eliminate the problem. It will be of great bliss if there are lots of people who are helping the victims to express their long-endured pain. This problem deserves public attention and resources because it can kill everyone and systematically be a cycle to every generation. National and local governments should put an attention to this by forming a special task force. Task force shall constitute a wide array of persons who themselves experienced such agonies and torture. This also includes psychiatrist and psychologist to help the mentally incapacitated.

The long ordeal….

Title: Navigating the Crossroads of Authority: Exploring the Legitimacy and Limits of Power in Political Theory

At the crux of political theory lies the intricate interplay between authority and power, a dynamic relationship that has sparked debates and shaped paradigms for centuries. This essay delves into the multifaceted concept of legitimacy, interrogating the foundations of authority and the boundaries of power. Through a comprehensive analysis of historical and contemporary perspectives, we will explore the challenges and complexities of legitimizing power, the tensions between various sources of authority, and the implications for political practice and social justice.

1. The Sources and Foundations of....

1. The Ethical Implications of Domestic Surveillance

2. The Impact of Domestic Surveillance on Civil Liberties

3. Balancing Security and Privacy in Domestic Surveillance

4. The Effectiveness of Domestic Surveillance in Preventing Crime

5. The Role of Technology in Enhancing Domestic Surveillance

6. The Psychological Impact of Living under Constant Surveillance

7. Government Accountability in Domestic Surveillance Programs

8. The Legal Framework Surrounding Domestic Surveillance

9. Public Perception of Domestic Surveillance

10. The Future of Domestic Surveillance in a Digital Age
11. The Controversy Surrounding Domestic Surveillance Practices
12. The Balance Between Security and Personal Freedoms in Domestic Surveillance
13. The Evolution....

Workplace abuse of power can manifest in several ways:

1. Micromanagement: When managers excessively monitor and control employees' work, it can create a toxic environment of distrust and intimidation.

2. Favoritism: If a supervisor plays favorites or shows bias in promotions, assignments, or disciplinary actions, it can foster resentment and inequality among coworkers.

3. Harassment: Verbal, physical, or emotional abuse from those in positions of power can create a hostile work environment and harm employees' well-being.

4. Retaliation: When employees fear retaliation for speaking up about unethical behavior or reporting misconduct, it can lead to a culture of silence and cover-ups.

5. Arbitrary decision-making: When....

Manifestations of Abuse of Power in the Workplace

Workplace abuse of power refers to the misuse of authority or influence by individuals in positions of power to gain undue advantage or control over others. While the specific manifestations can vary depending on the workplace environment and the individuals involved, there are several common patterns that often emerge.

1. Coercion and Intimidation:

Abusers may use threats, fear, or retaliation to force employees to comply with their demands. This can include:

Making threats of termination, demotion, or other negative consequences
Using aggressive or intimidating language or body language
Creating an atmosphere of fear and uncertainty


6 Pages


Ruthless Abuse of Power in

Words: 1900
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Thesis

The other animals trusted the pigs with blind faith which led to them coming full circle in their oppression, despite how hard they had fought for independence. At one…

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2 Pages
Research Paper


Uses and Abuses of Power

Words: 827
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Abuses of Power Because all organizations are comprised of people, it is virtually inevitable that some individuals, most especially those in positions of authority, will acquire more power relative…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Power and Control in the

Words: 664
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The court case scene also shows how focused the leaders are on maintaining their power. This is seen where Danforth says to Proctor, "You must understand, sir, that a…

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7 Pages
Term Paper


Power by the Executive in

Words: 1863
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

It could be argued that a conflict of interest could arise in the executive's ability to create or destroy a convention, assuming inadequate resistance from the rest of…

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5 Pages
Research Paper

Business - Management

Counteracting Power Mechanisms at Work

Words: 1592
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Power Resistance in Working Girl Fleming and Spicer's 2007 work of non-fiction, Contesting the Corporation: Struggle, Power and Resistance in Organizations details the phenomena of power and resistance to power…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Management

Working Environment and Power

Words: 1664
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Power and influence are important concepts in leadership and management because they are intertwined. In essence, it's impossible for a leader to influence his/her followers without power, which is…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Power & Conflict Power's Role

Words: 1255
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

After all, a person's sense of self-worth depends on feeling competent and able to influence what is happening in one's life. How much power we perceive ourselves to…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Power of the President

Words: 951
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Power of the President The executive power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America," (Article II, Section1). The United States Constitution outlines the various powers,…

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8 Pages
Term Paper


Power the Sources of Power

Words: 2488
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

In addition those on the board of directors may have worked at the same accounting or law firms and had business dealings with one another in the past.…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Criminal Justice

Criminal Justice - Abuse of

Words: 1392
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Adverse circumstances and heated verbal attacks by angry citizens sometimes triggers a (natural) response on the part of police officers to respond in kind, or, at the extreme, with…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Life Truth or Power Arthur

Words: 1079
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Whether this actually takes place is not the topic of this discussion, however. It is only important here in the sense that if it is taking place, it…

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4 Pages

Sociology - Problems

Ethical Standards and Power

Words: 1439
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

intersectionality, power, and privilege, it is impossible not to wonder if it is human nature to seek, gain, and preserve power at the expense of others and lose…

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5 Pages


Causes Discernment and Treatment of Spiritual Abuse

Words: 1900
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Ma Pastoral Theology -- Spiritual Abuse HEN THE SYSTEM BECOMES THE PERSECUTOR Veenhuizen's dissertation explores spiritual abuse, using Relational Theology to understand a healthy spiritual relationship vs. spiritual abuse. In Relational…

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8 Pages

Law - Constitutional Law

Impact of Sex Power Alcohol and Money on Moral and Ethical Acts

Words: 2623
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

sex, power, alcohol and money on moral and ethical acts Ethics, Sex, and Morality Sex is still a subject that is a victim of human irrational treatment of an otherwise…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Family and Marriage

Interlocking Systems Child Abuse and

Words: 909
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Patriarchal domination really coincides with domestic violence. This is usually widely seen in Asian countries where poverty is widespread. Disturbing and alarming, it cannot be denied that men and…

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