Abusive Relationships Essays (Examples)

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Abusive Relationships
Pages: 5 Words: 1836

Abusive Relationships: The Cinderella Effect in Myth and Reality
One of the most popular fairy tales is that of Cinderella. The story of Cinderella tells the story of a young woman whom is absorbed into a new, reconstructed stepfamily after her own mother has died. Her father has married another woman, a widow with two children from a previous relationship. After the wedding, Cinderella finds herself in a reduced state. Once she was the favored only daughter. Now she is judged harshly and belittled by her stepmother. Nothing Cinderella does is good enough in comparison with her stepsisters. Cinderella cannot work hard enough in her stepmother's estimation, even when she is scrubbing away the cinders of the family's burnt-out fireplace while her stepsisters live a life of leisure upstairs. Rather than display Cinderella at an upcoming ball at the palace, her mother refuses to let her attend.

Everyone knows what happens to…...


Works Cited

Bernstein, Anne C. "Women in Stepfamilies: The Fairy Godmother, the Wicked Witch, and Cinderella Reconstructed." Reading 17 from Family in Transition (11th Edition). Edited by Arlene S. Skolnick and Jerome H. Skolnick. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 2001.

Peterson, Gayle. Parentsplace.com. "Unable to Love My Stepchild: Is My Marriage Doomed?" about:blank_ 4, 2002.http://www.parentsplace.com/expert/family/qas/.November

Wagner, Hilory. "Suddenly Siblings." Parenting. June/July 1, 1998.

Abusive Relationships Women in Abusive Relationships the
Pages: 8 Words: 2802

Abusive elationships
Women in Abusive elationships

The Bureau of Justice Statistics (2006) states that during the 1990's, the major reason for 22% of divorce cases in the American society was violence. In a similar context, among all the female victims who were murdered during 2003, approximately 30% were slaughtered by their husbands and boyfriends. Such thought provoking and disappointing statistics show the ongoing violence being faced by women which is not only limited to the American society, but is spread throughout the world. Hence, while evaluating the greater truth of abusive relationships, the functionalist and the conflict perspectives come across a number of consequences which are challenging to resolve.

The distinguishing features of an abusive relationship include feelings of extreme jealousy, anger, frustration, rage, threatening the partner, deceitfulness and lies. In other words, it is the exploitation of the partner via verbal, sexual, emotional and/or physical abuse. Abusive relationships have a long history…...



Campbell, et al. (2003). "Assessing Risk Factors for Intimate Partner Homicide."

Intimate Partner Homicide, NIJ Journal, 250, 14-19.

Edelson, J.L. (1999). The Overlap between Child Maltreatment and Woman Battering.

Violence Against Women. 5:134-154.

Abusive Relationships - They Come
Pages: 5 Words: 1769

In conclusion, a hypothesis is appropriate. There are empirically proven factors related to an abused woman's decision to leave a relationship (Strube, et al., 1984) that should be part of any counselling program for abused women. To wit, a study of 251 battered women shows that the following facts generally were true of women who left: more likely than not they were employed; those who left had been in the relationship a shorter amount of time than those who remained with their abuser; those who left were non-white; and they had "tried a greater number of other coping strategies to alleviate the abuse" than those battered women who remained. For the link from this information to Blumer's model (#4 and #5), and as a hypothesis for counselors, they should advise abused women to: a) get out early; b) do everything possible to hold on to their jobs (or find a…...


Works Cited

Lane. T. (2003). Women Have different Risk Factors for Verbal, Physical Partner Abuse.

Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health, 35(2), 106-107.

Moe, Angela M. (2007). Silenced Voices and Structured Survival. Violence Against Women,

Parker, Glennys; & Lee, Christina. (2007). Relationships Among Abuse Characteristics, Coping

Women Stay Abusive Relationships Briefly Cover Steps
Pages: 3 Words: 1106

women stay abusive relationships briefly cover steps remedy situation. (Approx 1000 words).
General opinions over the reason women choose to remain within abusive relationships may differ. For outsiders, these women may appear exaggeratedly naive or perhaps weak. However, it is also generally understood that women who end up struggling with their husband/partner's abusive behavior are subject to specific psychological typologies. These may have been brought up and educated by highly authoritative parents, in a restricted environment but as well by over protecting parents. In both of these cases, the women's survival and conservation instinct may have not completely developed as to display the warning signs of when someone encroaches upon their liberties. Before women can become aware of the abuse, it is likely that a fair amount of time has passed and most would now fear to end the abusive relationship being primarily concerned for their children. Other women may…...


Reference List

Dutton, D.G., & Painter, S. (1993). Emotional attachments in abusive relationships: A test of traumatic bounding theory. Violence and Victims 8(2): 105 -- 120. Retrieved from http://lab.drdondutton.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/DUTTON-PAINTER.-EMOTIONAL-ATTACHMENTS-IN-ABUSIVE-RELATIONSHIPS-A-TEST-OF-TRAUMATIC-BONDING-THEORY..pdf

Kaur, R., & Garg, S. (2008). Addressing domestic violence against women: An unfinished agenda. Indian Journal of Community Medicine 33(2): 73 -- 76. Retrieved from  http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2784629/

Remedies for PTSD and Abusive Relationships
Pages: 3 Words: 984

Cause: My Name Is Jess Overton
From Case to Cause: My Name is Jess Overton

The client, Jess had done so well for the 30 days while sheltering that she almost enrolled in a training program. She had wanted to be a lab technician, but due to the lack of funds, her parents could not to send her to school. She was also preparing to move into a transitional apartment, but with all these excitements, David was still fighting for the custody of the children. The court had also given visitation rights to David, but it would be under supervision and Nick had refused to visit his father. For Shannon and Marty, they would go to the court every week and see their father for one hour. When Shannon went to sleep, there are moments when she would cry for her daddy (Mcintosh, 2015). The above things and moments were so difficult…...

Women in Abusive Relationship
Pages: 5 Words: 1833

omen in Abusive Relationships
According to a report in the Public Broadcasting Service, the home is one of the "most dangerous places for a woman" (PBS). That is because of the legacy of domestic abuse that many women have had to go through, and are going through today. Indeed, the U.S. Department of Justice reports that two-thirds of violent attacks against women are perpetrated by someone that woman knows. Every year about 1,500 women are actually killed by boyfriends or husbands, the Justice Department explains. And every year nearly 2 million men "beat their partners," according to the FBI. This paper reviews the statistics, the reasons that women decide to stay in those relationships, and what alternatives there are for her.

The Abuse of omen -- Background Information

The Public Broadcasting Service story indicates that 95% of victims of domestic violence are women, and that women are "7 to 10 times more likely…...


Works Cited

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). (2011). Antoine Robert Three Fingers Sentenced in U.S. District Court. Retrieved June 12, 2011, from  http://saltlakecity.fbi.gov .

Mayo Clinic. (2010). Domestic Violence Against Women: Recognize Patterns, Seek Help.

Retrieved June 12, 2011, from  http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/domestic-violence/WO00044/method=print .

Morris, Carrie A. Wachter, Shoffner, Marie F., and Newsome, Deborah W. (2009). Career

Women Come Out of an Abusive Relationship
Pages: 3 Words: 807

women come out of an abusive relationship, the negative psychological traumas they feel continue. This study makes a comparison between forgiveness therapy (FT) and alternative therapy (AT)-assertiveness, anger validation and interpersonal skill building for women who have been abused emotionally and had been separated permanently from their romantic partner or spouse for up to two years or more. A total of 20 women in Midwest city who were abused psychologically made up the participants. Psychological abuse from one's spouse characterizes a very agonizing infidelity, which often leads to very serious depressing psychological results for the partner who has been abused. There are reports of both standard deviations and mean scores for every measure at pretest, posttest, as well as follow-up for everyone in the forgiveness therapy group and both pretest and posttest for everyone in the alternative therapy group. This represents the first research for the demonstration of the…...



Reed, G.L., & Engright, R.D. (2006). The effect of forgiveness therapy on depression, anxiety, and posttraumatic stress for women after spousal emotional abuse. Journal of consulting and clinical psychology, 74(5), 920.

Relationship Dissolution Ecdriesbaugh Relationship Dissolution
Pages: 10 Words: 2992

Imbalances were most evident in three relational areas: decision-making, emotional involvement, and equity. A higher percentage of both men and women stated that men usually made more of the decisions, were less emotionally involved, and usually experienced "the better deal." Lastly, male dominance -- but not equality of power between genders -- was found to be linked with greater romantic relationship longevity. It seemed that the higher the relative degree given by the respondents to the male (rather than the female partner of the dyad), the lower the consequential rate of relationship dissolution (Felmlee, 1994).
An imbalance of power may promote the actual solidity of a relationship, but this has been much less often researched than other conclusions. The previous findings that inequalities in power are linked to unhappiness, psychological distress, and disagreement mean that power imbalances will raise the likelihood that a relationship would fail; however, no distinctions were…...



Allensworth, N. (1998). Social penetration: a description, research, and evalutation.

Retrieved on 18 November 2007 at  http://www.eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/custom/portlets/recordDetails/detailmini.jsp?_nfpb=true&_&ERICExtSearch_SearchValue_0=ED403615&ERICExtSearch_SearchType_0=no&accno=ED403615 

Bucher, E. (2006). Relationship dissolution planning (nuptial agreements part 1).

DeVito, J.A. (1995). The Interpersonal Communication Book. New York: Harper Collins College Publishers.

Abusive Supervision and Moral Exclusion Theory Abusive
Pages: 3 Words: 921

Abusive Supervision and Moral Exclusion Theory
Abusive Supervision

Abusive Supervision through the Lens of Moral Exclusion Theory

Abusive Supervision through the Lens of Moral Exclusion Theory

Abusive supervisor practices have captured the attention of psychologists interested in understanding what factors determine workplace bias. Such practices can range from simple rudeness to outright criminal acts that violate basic human rights. In their research paper, Tepper and colleagues (2011) examine this issue through the lens of moral exclusion theory as defined by Opotow (1990, 2006). This essay will analyze their research findings and provide a critique on the value of these findings to society.

Moral Exclusion in the Workplace

The boundaries of moral exclusion in the workplace, as in other social situations, define the 'scope of justice' (Opotow, 2006). For example, Jim Crow laws instituted after the end of econstruction in the South defined an 'in' and 'out' group at the expense of the out-group. When moral exclusion…...



Opotow, Susan. (1990). Moral exclusion and injustice: An introduction. Journal of Social Issues, 46(1), 1-20.

Opotow, Susan. (2006). Seeking inclusion and pluralism: Two exploratory studies. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, 12(4), 349-366.

Passini, Stefano. (2010). Moral reasoning in a multicultural society: Moral inclusion and moral exclusion. Journal for the Theory of Social Behavior, 40(4), 435-451.

Tepper, Bennett J., Moss, Sherry E., and Duffy, Michelle K. (2011). Predictors of abusive supervision: Supervisor perceptions of deep-level dissimilarity, relationship conflict, and subordinate performance. Academy of Management Journal, 54(2), 279-294.

Human Relationships - Adolescent Dating
Pages: 4 Words: 1161

S1 - No

S2 - No

S3 - No

Rational - This question is intended to determine whether other forms of abuse occur within teenage social relationship even more frequently than actual physical abuse or face-to-face verbal abuse. Had any of the subjects answered affirmatively, that would have suggested specific follow-up questions to explore the issues raised.

6. Have any of your friends ever been the victim of stalking-type of behavior? If yes, through what medium (in person, by phone, via Internet, etc.)? Also, how many people do you know personally who have ever been victimized in this way?

S1 - Yes; four

S2 - Yes; two

S3 - Yes; four

Rational - This question provides a comparison to the subjects in the Claiborne study.

It also expands the anecdotal data to include three separate peer groups.

7. Have you ever before (today) discussed the issue of violence or abuse in relationships with your parents or other adults?

S1 - No



Works Cited

Gerrig, R., Zimbardo, P. (2005)

Psychology and Life 18th edition. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.

Hsu, C. (2007) Family First: Abuse Is Not Love; Sep 27, 2007. Retrieved October 21, 2008 at  http://wcbstv.com/parenttoparent/family.first.abuse.2.292513.html 

This resource consists of a transcript of a television news interview conducted on Smith, T. (2008) "Horrors" Found in Tween, Teen Dating: Survey Uncovers Significant Levels of Physical, Verbal Abuse; Sex at Young Ages; Many Parents in the Dark; Jul 8, 2008. Retrieved October 21, 2008, at  http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2008/07//earlyshow/living/relationships/main4240192.shtml

Relationship Between PTSD and Domestic Violence
Pages: 5 Words: 2398

Life Scenario -- Decision to Divorce
Lot of Life Scenario

Setting the Scene

Dear Maria,

Because you and I have always been so close, I wanted to let you know about an impending event in our family's lives. Because of our past conversations, you are aware that Mario and I have had many disagreements about how to raise Dominic. The situation has not improved much, although I know that Mario is trying to be a better parent. But I can no longer ignore the impact that Mario's interactions with Nicky are having. Mario continually loses his temper with Nicky and is now swatting Nicky on the head, in addition to smacking him on his bottom. Nicky now flinches whenever Mario comes near him.

Your brother is usually on his best behavior when his family or when friends are around, but I know you have seen Mario lose his temper with Nicky and with me…...



Chang, J.J., Theordore, A.D., Martin, S.L. And Runyan, D.K. (2008 August). Psychological abuse between parents: associations with child maltreatment from a population-based sample. Child Abuse and Neglect, 32(8), 819-929. doi: 10.1016/j.chiabu.2007.11.003. Retrieved  http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18752849 

Gerlock, A.A. (2004). Domestic violence and post-traumatic stress disorder severity for participants of a domestic violence rehabilitation program. Retreived  http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qa3912/is_200406/ai_n 

Martin, S.L., Gibbs, D.A., Johnson, R.E., Clinton-Sherrod, M., Walters, J.L., and Sullivan, K. (2009). Male soldier family violence offenders: spouse and child offenders compared to child offenders. Violence and Victims, 24(4), 458-68. Retrieved  http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19694351 

Newton, C.J. (2001, April). Child Abuse: An Overview" Mental Health Journal. Find.Counseling.com. Retrieved  http://www.findcounseling.com/journal/child-abuse/emotional-abuse.html

Dual Relationships the Relationship Between a Service
Pages: 4 Words: 1259

Dual elationships
The relationship between a service provider and their client is particularly sensitive because the circumstances that bring the two individuals into contact are usually necessitated by a state of mental unrest in the client. Accordingly, the issue of whether or not to engage in a dual relationship (when the doctor has a relationship with their patient distinct from the clinical context) with the client must be treated in a very sensitive manner; the therapist has a responsibility to not only operate in their own best interest but also that of the patient they are hired to assist. This paper examines the relationship between a therapist and an unhappily married Latin American female client, determining whether or not the therapist should advocate divorce and pursue a romantic relationship with his client. Although the therapist has decided that they will pursue the relationship and advocate divorce, this is not recommended.

The patient…...



Dewane, C.J. (2010). Respecting boundaries -- the don'ts of dual relationships. Social Work Today, 10, 1, 18.

Freud, S., & Kreug, S. (2002a). Beyond the code of ethics, part II: Dual relationships revisited. Families in Society, 83(5), 483-492.

Teenage Girls Abuse in Teen Dating Relationships
Pages: 6 Words: 1959

Teenage Girls Involved in Abusive Dating elationships
Aggression in teenage dating leading to physical, emotional and psychological damage is a social problem not only because of its effects on the teenagers but also because of its prevalence.

Howard and Qi Wang (2003) report figures from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention showing that overall the prevalence of non-sexual courtship violence ranges from 9% to 65%, depending on the definitions and research methods used. Howard and Qi Wang's study reported "almost one in ten of the 9th- through 12th-grade females who participated in the 1999 Youth isk Behavior Survey reported being a victim of physical dating violence (i.e., had been hit, slapped, or physically hurt on purpose) within the past year." Further studies and figures report that about one in five of adolescent girls has experienced dating violence. Some of the physically abusive behaviors perpetrated in dating include being scratched, slapped, slammed…...



Bush, Vanessa. (2002). A thin line between love and hate: dating violence strikes one in every five teenage girls. Essence November 2002. Retrieved November 7th,2003, from www.findarticles.com/cf_0/m1264/7_33/96384286/print.jhtml.

Gillies-Bradley & Wagner Tammy L. (2003). When love hurts. Briarpatch, 32(2), 18-19.

Howard, Donna E. & Qi Wang, Min. (2003). Risk profiles of adolescent girls who were victims of dating violence. Adolescence Spring 2003. Retrieved November 7th,2003, from www.findarticles.com/cf_0/m2248/149_38/103381757/print.jhtml.

James, William H., West, Carolyn, Deters, Karla Ezrre, Amigo, Eduardo. (2000). Youth dating violence. Adolescence Fall 2000. Retrieved November 7th, 2003, from www.findarticles.com/cf_0/m2248/139_35/68535843/print.jhtml

Ulysses Relationships in Ulysses to
Pages: 13 Words: 4073

For the first several years of one's life, their mother and father are their world. These first relationships occur at a time when the tiny human is learning the basic of their environment and how to respond to it. A child learns much of their early actions by imitating the role models around them. The relationship that exists between a child and each of their parents will set the tone for how they deal with other relationships that they encounter throughout their life.
In Chapter One we discover that our hero has "issues" with his paternal and his maternal relationship. These relationships overshadow almost any other conflict in the story at this time. It is apparent through Stephen's interactions with Mulligan and Haines that he did not have a strong paternal figure to model. He reacts in a rather passive manner. One must remember that this chapter takes place in…...


Works Cited

Joyce, James. Ulysses. Hans Walter Gabler (ed). Random House. June, 1986.

Professional Boundaries and Multiple Relationships
Pages: 7 Words: 2295

Ensuring proper professional behavior

The nurse-client relationship is novel. No formula exists for judging the crossing of boundaries as good / bad, in the absence of considering the features of therapeutic relationship for every scenario. The suitable behavior must be measured with respect to professional's intent, respecting confidentiality, patient-client advocacy and corroborating the CAN Code of Ethics for egistered Nurses (Corey anad Callanan, 2007).

Violations of professional boundary

The crossings of boundaries are deemed as insignificant, but with the increase in frequency of such incidents of professional boundary violations, it could be serious. The nurse works on the patient-nurse relationship and fulfils the therapeutic needs of a patient and neglects his own. The professional boundary violation is not acceptable as it can spark other occurrences. The professional boundaries occur when conflict arises between client's needs and professional's needs. ationalization can be used to justify this behavior. The violation of boundary is characterized by:





Bond T, 1997, 'Standards and Ethics for Counselling in Action', pgs Sage Publications Ltd., London

Brammer LM & MacDonald G, 2003, 'The Helping Relationship, Process and Skills', pgs Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data, United States of America

Corey G & MS & Callanan P, 2007, 'Issues and Ethics in the Helping Professions', pgs Thomson Brookes/Cole, a part of The Thomson Corporation, United States of America

Egan G, 2007,'The Skilled Helper', pgs * Thomson Brookes/Cole, a part of The Thomson Corporation, United States of America

What impact does domestic violence have on the maternal and fetal health during pregnancy?
Words: 297

1. The Silent Suffering: Examining the Impact of Domestic Violence on Pregnant Women

2. Breaking the Cycle: Exploring Strategies to Prevent Domestic Violence during Pregnancy

3. Unmasking the Hidden Epidemic: Understanding the Prevalence of Domestic Violence in Pregnancy

4. The Unseen Consequences: Investigating the Long-term Effects of Domestic Violence on Pregnant Women and their Babies

5. A Call for Action: Promoting Awareness and Support for Pregnant Victims of Domestic Violence

6. Fostering Resilience: Identifying Protective Factors for Pregnant Women Experiencing Domestic Violence

7. Bridging the Gap: Enhancing Collaboration between Healthcare and Legal Systems to Address Domestic Violence in Pregnancy

8. Beyond Physical Abuse: Examining the Emotional, Psychological,....

Can you provide an outline of the key arguments for and against stricter gun control legislation?
Words: 489

Arguments for stricter gun control legislation:

1. Reducing gun violence: Stricter gun control measures, such as background checks and waiting periods, can help prevent individuals with a history of violence or mental illness from obtaining firearms, thereby reducing the number of mass shootings and gun-related deaths.

2. Public safety: By implementing stricter regulations on gun ownership and access, the overall safety and well-being of the public can be enhanced, as it reduces the likelihood of gun accidents, suicides, and violent crimes.

3. Second Amendment: Advocates for stricter gun control legislation argue that it is possible to uphold the Second Amendment while still enforcing....

What are some effective strategies for preventing domestic violence in relationships?
Words: 512

1. Education and awareness: Increasing knowledge about the dynamics and warning signs of domestic violence can help individuals recognize and address unhealthy behaviors in their relationships.

2. Communication and healthy conflict resolution: Encouraging open and respectful communication can help partners address issues before they escalate into violence. Teaching skills for effective conflict resolution can also prevent misunderstandings from turning into abusive behavior.

3. Support networks: Creating strong support networks for individuals in relationships can offer them resources and guidance when they are experiencing challenges. This can include friends, family, counselors, and support groups.

4. Empowerment and self-esteem building: Building individuals' self-confidence and self-esteem....

How can verbal aggression impact relationships and mental health in the long term?
Words: 640

Verbal Aggression: A Shadow Cast on Relationships and Mental Well-being

Verbal aggression, a pernicious form of communication characterized by hurtful and damaging words, can have profound and lasting repercussions on both relationships and mental health. Its insidious nature can erode the foundations of trust, intimacy, and self-esteem, leaving deep scars that endure long after the initial utterance.

Impact on Relationships

Compromised Communication: Verbal aggression creates a hostile and intimidating atmosphere, making constructive communication nearly impossible. Partners become reluctant to express their thoughts or feelings, fearing further attack. This breakdown in communication can lead to misunderstandings, unresolved conflicts, and a gradual distancing.


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