Academic Honesty Essays (Examples)

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Academic Honesty
Sociologist William Bowers interviewed students on nearly one hundred college campuses while doing his dissertation in the 1960s. He learned that half admitted to cheating (Hamilton, 2003). Davis (1993) found forty to seventy percent of college students surveyed reported cheating at some point during their academic careers. It is probably safe to say that the upward trend indicated by these figures continues in 2012. Learning institutions must develop an action plan designed to discourage academic dishonesty. The purpose of this paper is to outline such a plan.

It is imperative that both faculty and students have clear guidelines regarding academic honesty. Davis (1993) proposes five steps in creating and enforcing an academic dishonesty policy: inform students of standards for academics and conduct; explain the harm of cheating as well as campus sanctions; minimize opportunities for cheating and plagiarism; take visible steps to discourage cheating; and respond quickly if cheating….

It is widely accepted in literature that this is a significant threat, as the education establishment is unable to control the conditions in which exams are taken (Cluskey et al. 2011; Yates and Beaudrie, 2009; Lanier, 2006). However, the potential for cheating does not necessarily mean it is occurring. The research by Yates and Beaudrie, (2009) compared the results achieved by students who were assessed within a proctored environment, and students who undertook non-proctor and assessment online. The results were interesting, comparing 406 traditional students, with 444 online students, the research indicated that there was no significant difference in the grades that were achieved, arguing that this does not substantiate the worries found in other literature that cheating is taking place. The assessment is utilized argued that online testing is a viable approach. However, it maybe argued that this conclusion has a significant flaw, as an underlying assumption is….

Ethics of Academic

brazenly 'sampled' from a book, the dictionary, and 'remixed' into a news story," writes Julian Sanchez in an annoyed response to court rulings on sampling in the music industry. His phrasing, however, perfectly encapsulates the real problems in defining and avoiding plagiarism. In the attempt to express my own personal understanding and interpretation of plagiarism, I quickly found that despite the most sincere attempt to develop such an interpretation was bound to failure. In a moment of sarcasm, I might express a fear of plagiarizing from the honor codes of universities across the nation if I were to merely parrot back the description of plagiarism which involves not only "using another writer's words without proper citation" (CACCAS) but also "using another writer's ideas without proper citation." (CACCAS), definitions which are used verbatim in student handbooks wherever English is spoken. The problem is more significant, however, than this flippancy might….

Honor Codes
In academic institutions throughout the world, there are systems of codes which dictate how administration expects the student bodies to behave. These codes can be different based upon the specific rules of the institution in question. Some have clothing rules, others alcohol or narcotic rules, but there are certain dictums which are more universal. Many schools have rules which dictate that students must behave in ways which the institution considers to be honorable. These honor codes can include different components, but it is primarily a pledge against cheating in any sense of the word. Students in many institutions must sign honor pledges wherein they promise that they will not cheat on their assignments or their examinations. Also, if they are witness to any dishonesty on the part of their classmates, then they are responsible for revealing that duplicity to members of the staff or administration. The students pledge to….

Misanthrope- Honesty
In one of the best plays of Moliere, The Misanthrope, we come across honesty as the main theme, which has been carefully incorporated to show the adverse effects of tactless honesty and the consequences of complete lack of honesty. The play was written in the 17th century and the society it depicts is the one that prefers flattery to honesty and conceit to modesty. Despite the fact that the play was meant for audiences of 17th century, it amazingly retains a universal appeal because of the treatment that Moliere extends to the central theme of honesty in the play.

The play revolves around four important characters, Alceste, Celimene, Philinte and Eliante. It is through the characters of Alceste and Celimene that the author conveys his views on honesty. Philinte serves the important purpose of balancing honesty and deceit by adopting a middle path, which is both sensible and practical.….

Even in my current extracurricular activities, such as on my Varsity football team, sacrificing my need to be a 'star' and instead serve the common good is a necessity. Teaching the novice debaters is an integral part of my duties on my school's Lincoln-Douglas Debate team. I must help them see the world from competing perspectives, and to see issues in terms of grey, rather than stark black and white.
I am so thankful for the people in my life who have taught me this spirit of community: the people I met over the summer in Texas taught me what it means to be a good neighbor, the children and senior citizens I have befriended who have shown me that friendship knows no age or socioeconomic status. I have, despite the shortness of my life, tried to craft an open soul with few fences, with no barbed wire around my….

Student and Cheating

Academic Dishonesty and Student Cheating
Academic dishonesty has existed as long as organized schooling, whether in the form of glancing at a neighboring student's examination, copying a classmate's homework, or plagiarizing source material in written assignments. According to many reports, academic dishonesty has increased dramatically in over the last several years and three factors, in particular, have been implicated as contributing factors.

The widespread availability of Internet sources represents a convenient opportunity to plagiarize online material, especially where instructors are less familiar with the Internet medium than students. Similarly, recent technological advances in communication technology (and the miniaturization thereof) has enabled students to devise clever new strategies to facilitate cheating during in-class examinations.

Interviews with students who admit to cheating reveals that many of them justify their academic dishonesty by reference to high profile accounts of corporate dishonesty and widespread deterioration of business ethics, in general (Boon). Others maintain that their demanding schedules….

Philosophy and Modern Business

Philosophical concepts apply to contemporary business issues, especially with respect to the ethical rightness or wrongness of the growing dominance of local markets by mega-conglomerates such as Wal-Mart and Costco. On one hand, those organizations operate perfectly legally and within the traditional framework of Markey supply and demand; on the other hand, there are fundamental philosophical criticisms that apply. For example, is it ethically appropriate for large companies to maintain their profit margins by dominating the employment opportunities available in the region and then paying such low salaries to their employees that many of them are perpetually part of the class of the working poor who must rely on public assistance programs? In effect, those companies shift the burden of healthcare (for one example) to the tax-paying public while they amass record profits.

Philosophy and Interpersonal Relationships

All of us experience the need to make choices in our personal….

Students are encouraged by the staff to find their own goals for leaning, and this keeps them intensely motivated until the time when they complete the courses that they have undertaken to study. (Stephanie De Pinto, Axia Instructor)

Axia College, about us" etrieved at 17 July, 2006

Axia College benefits" etrieved at 17 July, 2006

Career Planning, goal setting" etrieved at 17 July, 2006

Conducting esearch on the Internet" etrieved at Accessed 17 July, 2006

Gorski, Paul. (December, 1999) "Towards a Multi-cultural approach for evaluating websites"

Multicultural Perspectives. Vol. 2, No. 3. pp: 28-33.

Managing Test Anxiety, ideas for Students" etrieved at Accessed 17 July, 2006

McDonnell, Sharon. (1999) "You're Hired, Secrets to a successful job search"

Thomson Peterson's

Montgomery, Kristen S; Fitzpatrick, Joyce J. (2002) "Essentials of Internet use in Nursing"

Springer Publishing

Peterson's Guides. (2003) "Guide to Distance Learning Programs"

Thomson Peterson's.

Saving time and avoiding time wasters" etrieved at Accessed 17 July, 2006

Sherry, L.….

There are three types of goals to focus one: short-term, medium-term, and long-term goals.
In a study environment, short-term goals would refer to attending classes, handing in assignments and studying for tests and other assessments. The study schedule plays the most important role in this type of goal. Furthermore helping to achieve this goal is the sections relating to academic honesty, as well as research and studying skills. Each goal can then be integrated with the time schedule in order to keep it in mind while adhering to the study schedule.

The medium-term goal would be to achieve success in the overall Axia study program.

Medium-term goals are generally fulfilled by a number of short-term goals that are completed successfully.

Long-term goals are the driving force for current action. In the long-term, for example, the Axia student may wish to stand within a specific profession. Success in the short- and medium-term goals is….

Setting and Achieving Goals

Identify shat your short- and long-term educational and career goals are as soon as you can. If you are focused early, you can start making plans now by applying for grad school programs or internships or researching all the available opportunities for people in your field. Don't take for granted that your transition from university to the professional world or the world of graduate school will be seamless. It can take months to find out what graduate or professional programs are out there and even what career options are available in your favorite fields. Talk to your academic advisors as well as your family and friends about how to plan for the future. Be open-minded and flexible to match the job market. You are bound to encounter obstacles as you plan for your future. Try not be dejected when you are rejected from graduate schools or jobs.


Student Survival Guide
Tips and Best Practices for Using the Internet for Academic Purposes

Be cautious when using sources like Wikipedia or other sites that have user-generated content. While these sites can contain a significant amount of useful, accurate information, they are also likely to contain misinformation. However, that does not mean that the user should reject them entirely. A well-written Wikipedia article will have a significant number of references, and examining those references can be a good starting point for research.

Using academic reference sites will lead to more reliable information. The university may provide students access to those websites. If unable to access these for-pay academic websites, a student may use free sites like Google scholar or PubMed to find academic resources.

The internet can be a great resource for books as well as articles. Many books are available for free on Google Books or similar sites.

Tips and Best Practices for using….

Achieving goals only depends on prioritizing those goals that are the most important and fulfilling them first.
Managing Time Wisely

To manage time wisely, we can create schedules for ourselves. Study time can be worked into anyone's schedule. We can reserve blocks of time for social events, sports, and other activities, too. Procrastination should be avoided at all costs; if something can be achieved now then now is the best time to do the work.

Fostering Reading Comprehension and Retention

Reading comprehension and retention require practice. The more we read the more we will understand. Our vocabularies expand and so will our understanding of how sentences are constructed. Retaining what we read demands a high level of concentration, which also takes practice to develop.

Applying Personality and Learning Styles

Personality affects the way we learn and the environment we prefer to learn in. If we recognize our learning style, we can emphasize our strengths by….

Values Conflict
Universities provide an amazing opportunity for both growth and development in regards to academic development. Universities in particular provide a means of providing a stable and more robust income for individuals seeking a particular specialization. The University of Phoenix, in particular, has a unique method of teaching and providing a quality educational experience. Small class sizes, online specialization, and knowledgeable professors all make the university experience all the more manageable. However, I personally have experienced conflict of values that undermine the overall university experience. This conflict pertains mainly to the notion of academic honesty. I have encountered instances where many of the university values would be compromised by actions. Cheating is particularly important in a university setting. As such, having strong values and convictions regarding cheating is important within the overall university setting (Stuart, 2006).

The experience, looking back, was not unique to me. In fact, many students undergo similar….

Honest Work in College
Basic Information From the Book

Preparing a Citation. When a source has provided data, theory, or authoritative opinion, a citation must be provided. In every case, when the concept or content is not original though, it is important to cite both the actual quotations used and the paraphrases. In addition, if conversations with authorities or professors, for instance, emails, or interviews or other similar forms of communication are a source of information, conceptualization, or thought, then citations are required. When you refer to a particular source frequently, multiple citations must be used. Alternately, fewer citations may be applied if the reader can understand from a clarifying statement in the writing that a particular resource has been used to address a particular topic. Note that citations are not needed for facts that are commonly known by the audience for which the writing is intended.

Avoid Plagiarism. Lipson offers three….

Why Using ChatGPT for College Essays is Unwise: A Comprehensive Analysis

In the contemporary academic landscape, the advent of advanced language models like ChatGPT has sparked a debate regarding their potential impact on higher education. While these tools offer assistance in various writing tasks, their use in the context of college essays raises ethical concerns and undermines the integrity of the educational process. This essay will delve into the reasons why relying on ChatGPT for college essays is not a prudent choice for students.

Lack of Critical Thinking and Originality:
One of the fundamental objectives of a college essay is to foster critical....

4 Pages
Annotated Bibliography


Academic Honesty Sociologist William Bowers Interviewed Students

Words: 1289
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Annotated Bibliography

Academic Honesty Sociologist William Bowers interviewed students on nearly one hundred college campuses while doing his dissertation in the 1960s. He learned that half admitted to cheating (Hamilton, 2003).…

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2 Pages
Research Paper


Academic Assessment Strengths and Weaknesses

Words: 965
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

It is widely accepted in literature that this is a significant threat, as the education establishment is unable to control the conditions in which exams are taken (Cluskey…

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6 Pages
Term Paper


Ethics of Academic

Words: 2411
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

brazenly 'sampled' from a book, the dictionary, and 'remixed' into a news story," writes Julian Sanchez in an annoyed response to court rulings on sampling in the music…

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3 Pages


Honor Codes in Academic Institutions Throughout the

Words: 1085
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Honor Codes In academic institutions throughout the world, there are systems of codes which dictate how administration expects the student bodies to behave. These codes can be different based upon…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Misanthrope- Honesty in One of the Best

Words: 1001
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Misanthrope- Honesty In one of the best plays of Moliere, The Misanthrope, we come across honesty as the main theme, which has been carefully incorporated to show the adverse…

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3 Pages


Quality of Rice's Academic Life

Words: 952
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Even in my current extracurricular activities, such as on my Varsity football team, sacrificing my need to be a 'star' and instead serve the common good is a…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Student and Cheating

Words: 980
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Academic Dishonesty and Student Cheating Academic dishonesty has existed as long as organized schooling, whether in the form of glancing at a neighboring student's examination, copying a classmate's homework, or…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Black Studies - Philosophy

Philosophy Admittedly the Academic Study

Words: 521
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Philosophy and Modern Business Philosophical concepts apply to contemporary business issues, especially with respect to the ethical rightness or wrongness of the growing dominance of local markets by mega-conglomerates such…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Successful Library and Internet Searches

Words: 1846
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Students are encouraged by the staff to find their own goals for leaning, and this keeps them intensely motivated until the time when they complete the courses that…

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6 Pages
Term Paper


Student Survival Guide as an

Words: 2007
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

There are three types of goals to focus one: short-term, medium-term, and long-term goals. In a study environment, short-term goals would refer to attending classes, handing in assignments and…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Student Survival Guide Conducting Successful

Words: 1598
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Setting and Achieving Goals Identify shat your short- and long-term educational and career goals are as soon as you can. If you are focused early, you can start making plans…

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3 Pages


Student Survival Guide Tips and Best Practices

Words: 953
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Student Survival Guide Tips and Best Practices for Using the Internet for Academic Purposes Be cautious when using sources like Wikipedia or other sites that have user-generated content. While these sites…

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1 Pages


Educational Resources the School Library

Words: 365
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Thesis

Achieving goals only depends on prioritizing those goals that are the most important and fulfilling them first. Managing Time Wisely To manage time wisely, we can create schedules for ourselves.…

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3 Pages


Values Conflict Universities Provide an Amazing Opportunity

Words: 832
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Values Conflict Universities provide an amazing opportunity for both growth and development in regards to academic development. Universities in particular provide a means of providing a stable and more robust…

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4 Pages


How to Get Things Done in College

Words: 1357
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Honest Work in College Basic Information From the Book Preparing a Citation. When a source has provided data, theory, or authoritative opinion, a citation must be provided. In every case,…

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