Action Research Essays Examples

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The authors further note that the National esearch Council (2003) state that the "obligation to treat individuals as autonomous agents whose decisions on whether or not to participate in research are to be respected and not overridden by a researcher" (as sited in Nolen & Vander Putten, 2007, p. 402). When considered in the context of students as a protected research group in a K- 12 classroom this obligation may raise issues involving conflict of interest. After all, in addition to minors being unable to formally consent to research study participation, students probably would not be prone declining participation in studies run by researchers on whom they are dependent for their grades, access to resources, and enriching experiences while in school. Furthermore, one must also consider the ability of students to decline participation in research that is conducted as part of the normal school day as this circumstance may deprive….

Action esearch on the Impact of Video Technology Classrooms on Student Achievement
Audio-Visual Technology & Student Achievement

esearch problem / topic. The proposed research study will examine the impact of integrating video technology in classroom lessons on the achievement of students. In this study, consideration will also be given to students' perceptions of the impact of integrated video on their achievement and gender-based differences in achievement related to the integration of video into classroom lessons. Today's students have grown up in an ever changing visual world. With the evolution of television, video cameras, cell phones, GPS navigational systems, and gaming systems there is video everywhere you look. Our students in the twenty-first century have been exposed to some form of video technology in almost every aspect of their lives. Why would it not follow that the use of audio/visual technology in the classroom would help improve student achievement?

Importance of the study. Contrary….

Action research as related to education is a process by which a teacher, group of teachers, school, school district, or university observes a problem, creates a plan for action, implements that plan (action), observes the results (research), and plans on further action (Ferrance, 2000, 26). It is in this way that an individual teacher becomes aware of the advantages and disadvantages of her own teaching methods and improves the performance of her students (Ferrance, 2000, 3). It is also in this way that a teacher increases reliance on herself and her own teaching abilities, concurrently enhancing, over the long-term, the progress of her students.
While most of the literature for this assignment seems to focus on action research as related to K-12 education, I believe that it is also appropriate to higher education. he basic steps of action research are these: (1) observe a problem, (2) develop a plan for improvement,….

Action esearch in the Classroom
To what extent is team-based learning effective in helping children learn? Although team-based learning is often touted as helpful in teaching students to how to work together on a social level, monitoring the degree to which learning is actually taking place can be challenging because of the degree of 'social loafing' that may transpire. Students may allow one student to assume the majority of the burden of work, and the conscientious student is often unwilling to complain. The result is that the final project does not accurately reflect the full knowledge level of the entire group, merely that of one student.

Comparing test grades of students after they study two chapters within the same subject area together -- one of which is assessed using a team-based project, the other of which is assessed with an individual project -- can provide guidance as to the impact team-based learning….

The case studies compiled and edited by Caro-Brice (2007) provide a somewhat broader perspective than the singular case study conducted by Coles-Ritchie and Lugo (2010). These studies are all geared towards promoting equality in instructional methods and learning rates in diverse classroom settings, however, making them directly useful in this review and plan development.

ome of the central common findings of the studies compiled by Caro-Brice (2007) and the lessons that can be drawn from these findings include the importance of attitude and interpersonal approach throughout the action research/instructional supervision process, especially in its initial stages, and the importance of demonstration and reevaluation during and following the implementation phase of the action research plan. The truly collaborative nature of action research in these contexts is also emphasized, and the reasons for this importance -- namely increased efficacy and confidence -- are clearly outlined.

Mitchell et al. (2009) examined the use of action….

Action esearch and Its Key Working Principles
Examine the most salient challenges and advantages of the Internal A person.

Based on my readings, action research is a methodological approach to research that provides a useful framework in which effective solutions to seemingly intractable problems can be identified. In sharp contrast to other social science research approaches, one of the main advantages of action research is that it seeks to identify generalizable solutions that are applicable in all situations (Coghlan, 2003). By using a holistic view of a given situation, action research can help A practitioners better understand the competitive environment in which companies operate and determine optimal courses of action that can help improve their performance (Coghlan, 2003). An especially advantage of the A approach is its emphasis on including the subjects of research into the analysis (Coghlan, 2003). These same advantages, though, introduce some challenges because action research can be a….

Clearly, if there is motivation from the parents to encourage English literacy, whether that be to help them or simply to focus the student on succeeding and graduating, studies see a 30-40% increase in scores in individuals in which the parents are actively involved in the ESL class. Thus, there are a number of proven successes that are available to help increase the efficacy of English instruction in the secondary schools. As well, from a practical point-of-view, increased English literacy in the broad context can only encourage.
This study examines one particularly learning environment, Yokota West Elementary School, and will use a mixed-method questionnaire to examine various ways in which ESL learners can achieve greater performance actualization and success within their environment. Data showed that there is a clear need within the educational community. The English as a Second Language program data supports the need for the school to improve….

Do you ever read English for pleasure? If yes, include follow-up question below.
Follow-up: What do you like to read in English? [Interviewer could have several examples of ESOL reading materials to help identify specific examples here.]

3. Do you seek help when you don't understand something you read? If no, include follow-up question below?

Follow-up: Are there peer-tutoring resources available to you? Have you used these resources in the past? If so, what was your experience?

The results of the interviews could also be tabulated using this instrument.


ecommendation as to Which esearch Scenario Would be Most Beneficial to the Instructional Setting or Field

Taken together, the foregoing research approaches have their respective advantages and disadvantages, but overall, the quantitative action research approach appears to possess several attributes that make it the most appropriate for the purposes of the type of study needed to improve motivation to read among ESOL students.


Justification in Support of….

Action esearch Study
According to Dana and Yendol-Hoppey (2010), action research is a "systematic, intentional study by teachers of their own classroom practice" (p. 6). Because the intention of action research is to effect meaningful change in real-world classroom settings, action research must be focused on practice issues of interest to reading teachers. The seven steps described by Brighton (2009) can help guide the action research process by providing a systematic framework in which the analysis can be conducted. By first identifying a practice area of interest, for example, the likelihood of a successful outcome is enhanced. Likewise, by connecting the action research project with reading teachers' own problem areas, there is more flexibility in how the action research project should be conducted. Implementing and administering the action research project will also provide a centralized focus for the practice area of interest, and the feedback received from mentors and peers….

Putting Research Into Action Action research provides the process by which educators can resolve issues and problems specific to their classrooms, schools, and organizations. Action research is defined as a formative research of progress that is commonly practiced by teachers in schools (Lesha, 2014). This formative study of progress is carried out by teachers to help enhance their effectiveness in teaching and promoting development of their students. Given its significance and benefits, action research would play a critical role in my professional development as an educator. Action research can be used to study and reflect on professional practice by conducting consistent and collaborative inquiry on teaching practices and their impact on student development and outcomes. In this regard, student learning and outcomes would be examined in relation to the teaching strategies and process. This implies that student learning data would be the premise for studying and reflecting on professional practice as….

Parent Opposition to the Common Core and Educational eform
While it might seem intuitively obvious that parents wish to provide a better education for their children, in many instances there has been extremely vociferous opposition amongst parents to standards-based reform in education. In New York State, for example, the ability to opt out of standards-based testing has been selected by an overwhelming percentage of the population. In 2014, "the parents of 60,000 New York students refused to have their children take the [standardized] test ... The superintendent of the Comsewogue Schools has test refusal letters for 80% of his students" and these numbers are increasing rather than decreasing (Burris 2015). Assuming parents want the best for their children, this indicates a sharp divide between parents' perceptions of what is necessary to improve their children's educational prospects for the future and administrators who are attempting to redesign the curriculum and use data….

Action Research Proposal The number of school-age English Language Learners in the state of Alberta is increasing at a fast pace. As these students begin studying, they experience a great deal of challenges, which can impact the acquisition and learning of the English language (New York University, 2018). In particular, one of the key challenges faced by these students is pronunciation. What is more, unlike mathematics, English language does not have a material set of rules or guideline as to what sound every letter of the alphabet signifies. For instance, the letter e can be pronounced as e, eh. In addition, the tenses of verbs can also hamper learning. Cultural differences also play a key role in acquisition of the English language (Wold, 2006). There have been deliberations regarding the most efficacious approaches of second language instruction. Picture seeing texts and hearing sounds that do not correspond with those that are….

Education esearch
The problem being researched or evaluated

The presenting problems are inattentive and non-cooperative behavior in two special education students during classroom instruction. The teacher needs to get the attention of the students and get them to sit in their seats in order to engage them in instruction. The teacher will need to determine how to reward the students for attending and engaging in the lessons being presented to them.

• The design label and overview of what the design might look like (example, if I use mixed-methods, is it sequential or concurrent? If a program evaluation, what kind?)

The research design will be action research in order to engage the practitioners in an evaluative endeavor that will encompass their behavioral and academic instruction with the students.

• ationale for the design based on the problem

The action research design will need to be designed to provide answers to the research questions that are actionable….

Higher Ed Action Research in

Indeed, it may be argued that action research is uniquely suited to the conditions within the classroom. So reports the text by Ferrance, which indicates that "action research is a process in which participants examine their own educational practice systematically and carefully, using the techniques of research. It is based on the following assumption. . . teachers and principals work best on problems they have identified for themselves." (p. 1)
The implication here is that the constant state of flux revealed by day-to-day activities within a course and in interaction between professor, students, content and other entities justify the use of a research framework which is similarly mutable. As the source by Ferrance argues, the improvement of one's own practice of education may well be based on the ability of the instructor to evolve in harmony with an evolving understanding of the community systems, social networks, cultural inclinations and academic….

Leading Action esearch in an Elementary School Setting
One of the risks that is routinely encountered classroom teachers is the potential to become mired in a set of educational practices that may or may not be suitable for their students at any given point in time. ather than remaining in a teaching rut, though, a growing number of reading teachers have recognized the value of action research to inform and improve their classroom practices. In order for this method of inquiry to be effective, though, all stakeholders must be educated concerning the tenets of action research, what areas of interest are most appropriate for study and their respective roles in the process. To determine the facts about these issues, this paper reviews the relevant literature concerning leading action research in an elementary school setting, including an assessment of the current degree of comfort that exists at the author's school and the….

1. The effectiveness of using action research to improve teaching practices in a specific subject area
2. The impact of collaborating with colleagues on an action research project in a school setting
3. The role of reflection in action research and its influence on decision-making and implementation of changes
4. Exploring the challenges and benefits of conducting action research in a diverse classroom or school environment
5. The use of action research to address and improve student behavior and engagement in the classroom
6. Investigating the role of technology in facilitating action research projects in education
7. The importance of building relationships and fostering collaboration with....

Topic 1: The Impact of Action Research on Teacher Development

How does action research empower teachers to improve their instruction and student learning?
Examine the role of action research in fostering reflective practice and self-directed learning for teachers.
Analyze how action research supports teachers in identifying and addressing challenges in their classrooms.

Topic 2: Action Research as a Catalyst for School Improvement

Describe how action research can facilitate data-driven decision-making in schools.
Explore the transformative potential of action research in addressing systemic issues and improving school culture.
Analyze the impact of action research on school leadership, collaboration, and student outcomes.

Topic 3:....

Qualitative Research Essay Topic Ideas

1. The Role of Reflexivity in Qualitative Research

The researcher's positionality and its impact on data collection and analysis
Strategies for enhancing reflexivity and minimizing bias
Ethical considerations in reflexive qualitative research

2. Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) in Qualitative Research

Theoretical foundations and methodological approach of IPA
Applications of IPA in various research contexts
Strengths and limitations of IPA as a qualitative research method

3. Grounded Theory in Qualitative Research

Inductive and iterative nature of grounded theory
Techniques for data collection and analysis in grounded theory
The role of theory development and saturation in grounded theory research

4. Ethnography....

Kurt Lewin revolutionized the field of social psychology through his pioneering work in the areas of group dynamics, social psychology, and organizational psychology. Some of the key ways in which Lewin transformed the field include:

1. Field theory: Lewin introduced the concept of field theory, which emphasized the importance of understanding behavior in the context of the social and environmental factors that influence it. This framework helped to shift the focus of psychology from individual traits and characteristics to the interactions between individuals and their environments.

2. Action research: Lewin developed the method of action research, which involves actively engaging with participants....

2 Pages
Research Paper


Action Research Appropriate Context for

Words: 700
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

The authors further note that the National esearch Council (2003) state that the "obligation to treat individuals as autonomous agents whose decisions on whether or not to participate in…

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7 Pages


Action Research on the Impact of Video

Words: 2494
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

Action esearch on the Impact of Video Technology Classrooms on Student Achievement Audio-Visual Technology & Student Achievement esearch problem / topic. The proposed research study will examine the impact of integrating…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Action Research as Related to Education Is

Words: 664
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Action research as related to education is a process by which a teacher, group of teachers, school, school district, or university observes a problem, creates a plan for action,…

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2 Pages


Action Research in the Classroom to What

Words: 648
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Action esearch in the Classroom To what extent is team-based learning effective in helping children learn? Although team-based learning is often touted as helpful in teaching students to how to…

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6 Pages
Research Paper


Action Research Collaborative Action Research

Words: 1584
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

The case studies compiled and edited by Caro-Brice (2007) provide a somewhat broader perspective than the singular case study conducted by Coles-Ritchie and Lugo (2010). These studies are all…

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2 Pages


Action Research and Its Key Working Principles

Words: 563
Length: 2 Pages

Action esearch and Its Key Working Principles Examine the most salient challenges and advantages of the Internal A person. Based on my readings, action research is a methodological approach to research…

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2 Pages
Research Paper


Action Research Project Donyalla Manns

Words: 580
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Clearly, if there is motivation from the parents to encourage English literacy, whether that be to help them or simply to focus the student on succeeding and graduating,…

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6 Pages
Research Paper


Action Research Approaches to Analysis

Words: 1950
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Do you ever read English for pleasure? If yes, include follow-up question below. Follow-up: What do you like to read in English? [Interviewer could have several examples of ESOL…

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2 Pages
Discussion Chapter


Action Research in the Elementary School Classroom

Words: 787
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Discussion Chapter

Action esearch Study According to Dana and Yendol-Hoppey (2010), action research is a "systematic, intentional study by teachers of their own classroom practice" (p. 6). Because the intention of…

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1 Pages


Action Research in Educational Practice

Words: 325
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Essay

Putting Research Into Action Action research provides the process by which educators can resolve issues and problems specific to their classrooms, schools, and organizations. Action research is defined as a…

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2 Pages
Literature Review


Action Research Parent Opposition to the Common Core

Words: 693
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Literature Review

Parent Opposition to the Common Core and Educational eform While it might seem intuitively obvious that parents wish to provide a better education for their children, in many instances there…

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5 Pages


English Language Learners Action Research Proposal

Words: 616
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Action Research Proposal The number of school-age English Language Learners in the state of Alberta is increasing at a fast pace. As these students begin studying, they experience a great…

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2 Pages
Research Paper


Engaging Students in Learning Through Action Research

Words: 681
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Education esearch The problem being researched or evaluated The presenting problems are inattentive and non-cooperative behavior in two special education students during classroom instruction. The teacher needs to get the attention…

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10 Pages
Term Paper


Higher Ed Action Research in

Words: 2859
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Indeed, it may be argued that action research is uniquely suited to the conditions within the classroom. So reports the text by Ferrance, which indicates that "action research…

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8 Pages
Research Paper


Developing and Implementing an Educational Action Research Study

Words: 2183
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Leading Action esearch in an Elementary School Setting One of the risks that is routinely encountered classroom teachers is the potential to become mired in a set of educational practices…

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