Adhd Essays Examples

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ADHD and How it Relates

If the child responds well to one or more medications, then the medication with the lowest cost is prescribed. The cost is found taking into account the per-dose cost and the number of doses daily. A positive attitude is mandatory which is advised by the health care professionals and they help parents and care takers in developing a positive attitude in the management of medication. It may include positive reinforcements and praise for the children or adults ("Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Diagnosis and Management of ADHD in Children, Young People and Adults" 39). There are several treatment options as there is no cure for ADHD in the current times. The treatment can be done by psychological interventions and pharmacotherapy. Patients (in this case, children) can be taught to manage and cope up with the visible symptoms by the psychological interventions as they are designed to help patients learn and manage….

But Canada took steps to defer sales of the medicine which was provoked by 20 sudden losses of lives; out of 14 were children, among those consuming the prescribed doses of Adderall X. There were reported cases of about a dozen strokes, two among children. The deaths took place during 1999 in the United States. The Canadian retracting of the drug Adderall X will not drive similar steps in our nation. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration -FDA declares that the proof of deaths, strokes do not blame hyperactivity drug. FDA declares that it was content with the unharmed character of the drug that is used in the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder-ADHD. The physicians in the circle explained the medicine as useful, nevertheless powerful. The medicine has been found to be very effectual and rather popularly recommended, according to Dr. Lenard Adler, director of the Adult ADHD….

It is easier to focus on ADHD statistics for children of school age (5-17 years old), because diagnosing ADHD in preschool aged children is difficult. Data from the NHIS indicate that:

In 2001-2004, 7.7% of children ages 5-17 were reported to have been diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

Nine percent of White non-Hispanic children, 8% of Black non-Hispanic children, 2% of Asian non-Hispanic children, and 4% of Hispanic children were reported to have ADHD.

Almost 13% of White non-Hispanic children living in families with incomes below poverty level were reported to have ADHD -- the highest of any group.

Two to three times more boys than girls are diagnosed with ADHD (Pastor, p. 206).

Well-known researcher, Dr. ussell Barkley, has detailed the differences that can occur in reporting, due to the type of criteria used in any given report. eported variations in the prevalence of ADHD may be due to differences in the….

Students with attention problems are more likely to succeed on academic tasks that are well-matched to their abilities and when instructed at their pace of learning.

To gather data on how effective peer tutoting is, DuPaul and Henningson implemented their case study on an ADHD child, Don, by observing his behavior when given with the traditional teacher lecturing and when provided with peer tutoring method. The case study's result shows that Don exhibited a higher rate of fidgety and out of task behavior in the classwide learning process. On the other hand, during peer tutoring, Don showed a significant improvement both in his academic performance and stability of focus to his tasks.

In another study conducted by Aro and his colleagues, where they implemented their analysis by providing more teaching guidance and supervision on non-ADHD and ADHD children, they found that provision of more attention to ADHD students during their process of….

Some children also report mild stomachaches or headaches. Most side effects are minor and disappear over time or if the dosage level is lowered."
Q4: Can their children become addicted to methylphenidate?

While there has been a great deal of publicity in the media about how the drugs prescribed for ADHD have been abused, it is important to make a clear distinction between the pharmacological use of such drugs to treat behavioral disorders and individuals using them for recreational purposes. Individuals without ADHD who are self-prescribing, and using such medications to stay awake and focused for long periods of time are not carefully monitoring their doses to facilitate a normal existence, but are striving to test their limits.

Q5: Would consuming an addictive drug now increase my child's chances of abusing drugs later in life?

According to the National Institute of Drug Abuse (NIDA): "research thus far suggests that individuals with ADHD do….

ADHD, o attention deficit hypeactivity disode, is a common childhood poblem affecting as much as 3-5% of the school-age population. The coe symptoms of ADHD ae inattention, hypeactivity and impulsivity. Childen with ADHD exhibit functional impaiment acoss multiple settings and engage in disuptive behavios, thus inviting citicism fom adults and pee ejection. Psycho stimulant medication has been shown to be easonably successful, but may poduce significant side effects in a school-age child. A multi-component model of intevention consisting of phamacological teatment in consonance with contingency management and cognitive behavio modification techniques seems to be the answe fo this vey baffling poblem. Fo pactitiones to have confidence in the expected outcomes, specific pocedues to implement behavioal management in school classooms must be scientifically eplicated.
Chapte 1


What is ADHD?

Impact of ADHD

Diagnostic Standads

Related Disodes and Comobidity

Chapte 2

Review of liteatue

Multi-component Intevention


Phamacological Intevention

Chapte 3


Chapte 4

Findings and esults

Chapte 5

Conclusions and summay

Oveview of ADHD


What is ADHD? ADHD, o….

However, in spite of the fact that they knew when and why they failed in doing something, they were unable to come up with an effective plan to solve the condition. oys were mainly indifferent to the reaction others displayed at their behavior while girls were severely affected by anything that was a direct result of their behavior (Krueger, and Kendall).
Most ADHD adults are capable to understand their condition and to attempt to find answers to their problem. However, they too are expected to put on view antisocial behavior, even after undergoing treatment. Substance use is also a common occurrence in ADHD adults, as the influence of those who were formerly close to them is reduced and they cannot be controlled suitably (Wilens et al.).

All things considered, ADHD individuals can display a perfectly normal behavior and it is wrong to have a biased opinion regarding them.


1. Claude, D. &….

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) has become a relatively common diagnosis. Most young people know someone with the diagnosis, if they have not themselves been diagnosed. The article "More Diagnoses of A.D.H.D. Causing Concern," published in The New York Times, highlights the growing concerns with the increase in diagnoses of ADHD in children and teens. While there are certainly kids that legitimately have ADHD, some doctors are rushing through the evaluation and screening processes and making the diagnosis haphazardly.

I believe the reasons for jumping to the diagnosis of ADHD are varied but relatively straightforward. Many doctors are profit-motivated, and simply want to make their clients happy by bowing to what Schwartz & Cohen (2013) claim to be "pressure" from parents. Doctors have long been lackeys of big pharmaceutical companies that manufacture drugs like Ritalin, prescribed for ADHD. When big pharma wants to sell more drugs, the companies will encourage doctors….

It is not only addiction to abusing substances that may go hand in hand with ADHD, but also cigaette smoking. A study by Wilens and colleagues (2007) of the Depatment of Psychiaty, Havad Medical School and the Pediatic Psychophamacology Unit of Massachusetts Geneal Hospital question whethe o not ADHD individuals self-medicate with cigaettes as well as the substance abuses. In a longitudinal ADHD family study focusing on substance use disodes he finds that those who do and do not have ADHD diffe significantly in thei pesonal pefeences fo alcohol and cigaettes. The ADHD youth ae less likely to pefe alcohol but moe apt to pefe cigaettes. Both of these goups use substances to self-medicate and get high. Also ADHD self-medicating teens do not diffe fom those using substances to get high in thei type of ADHD symptoms o dug use poblems. It is suggested, then, that adolescent self-medication is not….

[Stephen V Farrone]
Research has also focused on brain studies of ADHD subjects with the hope of a better understanding of the neurobehavioral disorders. Functional MRI images have revealed new information on the differences in the brain activation patterns among ADHD subjects and healthy people without the condition. The focus, which had thus far been restricted to the frontal lobe, has now been extended and researchers are actively studying other regions of the brain. One recent study showed that ADHD subjects not only exhibited underactivation in the prefrontal cortex but also in the parietal and the temporal cortex regions. Another study reported a distinct absence of activation of the anterior cingulate cortex region among ADHD subjects.

A recent Stanford university study has also concluded that ADHD patients showed lesser activation in the posterior parietal attention system when compared with control subjects. Using an odd ball task the researchers tested 12 healthy….

This ignorance on the part of public school instruction results in an unfair lack of respect towards ADHD students - a tragic mis-diagnosis of their health-related condition - and all too often this lack of understanding results in a loss of self-esteem on the part of the student. Any unwillingness to work with young people whose lives are being negatively affected by ADHD - whether the lack of teacher support is through indifference or a dearth of hands-on knowledge - is unacceptable morally, socially and academically.
Do scientists know how children develop ADHD?

ndeed, the ongoing medical mystery into the issue of why children first show symptoms of ADHD and are later confirmed through reliable diagnosis as having this disorder has been explored by healthcare professionals for many years. The research is vitally important because this disorder doesn't involve merely a few children. n fact, according to Environmental Health Perspectives journal….

ADHD in Order to Understand

With the ADHD teen's short attention span and restlessness, this problem becomes crucial to solve. ut how? The answer may lie in a framework and structure that allows the ADHD child to accomplish the homework throughout his or her school years (Robin, n.d.).

First, the parent and child must work together to investigate the points at which they are having the problem with homework. Are they writing down the assignment properly? Do they understand the assignment? Do they bring home the appropriate schoolbooks, etc. with which to accomplish the assignment? Do they have a quiet, well-lit workspace at home? Are they adhering to the promised schedule for doing the homework? Do they have a problem focusing once they sit down to do it? Are his or her medications planned so that they can take advantage of it during those hours and have optimum concentration?

Second, work out a written agreement with your….

The high energy level and subsequent behavior are often misperceived as purposeful noncompliance when, in fact, they may be a manifestation of the disorder and require specific interventions." (U.S. Department of Education, 2003)
Children with ADHD generally display behavior that is categorized as follows: (1) poor sustained attention; and (2) hyperactivity-impulsiveness. (Ibid) Because of this "three subtypes of the disorder have been proposed by the American Psychiatric Association in the fourth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV):

1) Predominantly inattentive;

2) Predominantly hyperactive-impulsive; and 3) Combined types. (Barkley, 1997; as cited by the U.S. Department of Education)

Common characteristics of the child with hyperactivity include the child being "fidgety, have difficulty staying seated or playing quietly, acting as if drive by a motor..." (U.S. Department of Education, 2003) Characteristics of children with impulsivity include "difficulty participating in tasks that require taking turns, blurting out answers to questions instead….

Clinicians typically report that boys are referred for AD/HD assessment nine times more often than girls. Studies using a broader population base generally indicate that the ratio of boys to girls with the disorder is closer to 3:1."
"In people with AD/HD, the brain areas that control attention have been observed to use less glucose, indicating that they are less active."

4. Strength related to the student with an exceptionality.

Individuals with ADHD tend to be highly creative, intuitive, open-minded, flexible, energetic, and optimistic. They are very quick learners when engaged and tend to develop a broad range of interests and hobbies as they get older. Students with ADHD are able to generate a tremendous amount of ideas in a very short period of time. They give a new meaning to the word brainstorm. Another great attribute of students with ADHD is their ability to work independently. Individuals with ADHD figuratively and….

In the case of the 13-year-old boy, clearly there is something going on that is creating a situation where he is becoming a disturbance both at home and at school. His parents fear he may have ADHD, a fear which is backed up by a number of his teachers. In order to understand what is really going on, a clinical assessment must be fully conducted in a multifaceted way that would allow the clinical researcher to understand what's going on in the boy's head.

The multifaceted approach to assessment would include a psychometric test given to the boy's parents and teachers. This would be a way to help understand how third parties see the boy's behavior on an everyday basis. There are number of paths a clinician might take in order to find the most appropriate psychometric test. Most rating scales used today can be helpful in determining the….

There are many reasons why it is important for school counselors to focus on Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in elementary school.  Doing so gives children the best chance of success academically and socially, as children with ADHD can have a very difficult time working within the rigid structure of the average school day.  Children who are not diagnosed with ADHD, but who experience it, are often treated like they are “bad” kids, which not only causes them to fall behind academically, but can also stigmatize them with their peers.  With appropriate interventions, which....

People are diverse learners in various ways. Here are a few examples:

1. Learning Styles: Individuals have different preferred learning styles, such as visual, auditory, or kinesthetic. Visual learners learn best through pictures, diagrams, and visual aids, while auditory learners grasp information better through listening and speaking. Kinesthetic learners, on the other hand, learn best through physical activities and hands-on experiences.

2. Sensory Preferences: People have different sensory preferences and sensitivities. Some may have a heightened sense of touch, taste, smell, sight, or hearing, which may affect their learning. For instance, individuals who are visually impaired may need alternative methods, like Braille....

1. Understanding ADHD: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options

2. The Impact of ADHD on Academic Performance and Social Relationships

3. Exploring the Connection between ADHD and Comorbid Mental Health Disorders

4. The Role of Parenting Strategies in Managing ADHD in Children

5. ADHD in the Workplace: Challenges and Strategies for Success

6. The Stigma Surrounding ADHD: Dispelling Myths and Promoting Awareness

7. Gender Differences in the Diagnosis and Treatment of ADHD

8. The Relationship between Diet, Exercise, and ADHD Symptoms

9. ADHD Across the Lifespan: Challenges and Coping Strategies

10. ADHD and Substance Abuse: Understanding the Link and Preventative Measures
11. The Impact of Technology and Screen Time on ADHD....

4 Pages
Research Paper


ADHD and How it Relates

Words: 1275
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

If the child responds well to one or more medications, then the medication with the lowest cost is prescribed. The cost is found taking into account the per-dose cost…

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12 Pages
Term Paper


ADHD Medications Attention Deficit Hyperactivity

Words: 4749
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Term Paper

But Canada took steps to defer sales of the medicine which was provoked by 20 sudden losses of lives; out of 14 were children, among those consuming the…

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7 Pages
Term Paper


ADHD the Growing Incidence of

Words: 2621
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

It is easier to focus on ADHD statistics for children of school age (5-17 years old), because diagnosing ADHD in preschool aged children is difficult. Data from the NHIS…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


ADHD or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity

Words: 831
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Students with attention problems are more likely to succeed on academic tasks that are well-matched to their abilities and when instructed at their pace of learning. To gather data on…

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2 Pages

Sports - Drugs

ADHD Psychology FAQ About ADHD

Words: 598
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Thesis

Some children also report mild stomachaches or headaches. Most side effects are minor and disappear over time or if the dosage level is lowered." Q4: Can their children become…

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25 Pages
Term Paper


ADHD or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Is

Words: 6825
Length: 25 Pages
Type: Term Paper

ADHD, o attention deficit hypeactivity disode, is a common childhood poblem affecting as much as 3-5% of the school-age population. The coe symptoms of ADHD ae inattention, hypeactivity and…

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5 Pages
Research Paper


ADHD Generation ADHD the Attention

Words: 1605
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

However, in spite of the fact that they knew when and why they failed in doing something, they were unable to come up with an effective plan to…

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2 Pages


ADHD Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ADHD Has

Words: 591
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

ADHD Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) has become a relatively common diagnosis. Most young people know someone with the diagnosis, if they have not themselves been diagnosed. The article "More…

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5 Pages
Research Proposal

Sports - Drugs

ADHD and Substance Abuse the

Words: 1687
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

It is not only addiction to abusing substances that may go hand in hand with ADHD, but also cigaette smoking. A study by Wilens and colleagues (2007) of the…

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8 Pages


ADHD Causes Significant Psychosocial Dysfunction

Words: 2175
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Thesis

[Stephen V Farrone] Research has also focused on brain studies of ADHD subjects with the hope of a better understanding of the neurobehavioral disorders. Functional MRI images have revealed…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


ADHD How Many Are Affected

Words: 580
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

This ignorance on the part of public school instruction results in an unfair lack of respect towards ADHD students - a tragic mis-diagnosis of their health-related condition -…

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11 Pages


ADHD in Order to Understand

Words: 3490
Length: 11 Pages
Type: Thesis

With the ADHD teen's short attention span and restlessness, this problem becomes crucial to solve. ut how? The answer may lie in a framework and structure that allows the…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


ADHD to 89985 Special Needs

Words: 1160
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The high energy level and subsequent behavior are often misperceived as purposeful noncompliance when, in fact, they may be a manifestation of the disorder and require specific interventions."…

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2 Pages
Article Review


ADHD Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Words: 569
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Article Review

Clinicians typically report that boys are referred for AD/HD assessment nine times more often than girls. Studies using a broader population base generally indicate that the ratio of…

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3 Pages


ADHD Case in the Case of the

Words: 978
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

ADHD Case In the case of the 13-year-old boy, clearly there is something going on that is creating a situation where he is becoming a disturbance both at home…

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