Adidas Essays (Examples)

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Adidas Strategic Report Adidas Illustrated Strategic Report
Pages: 7 Words: 2560

Adidas Strategic eport

Illustrated Strategic eport

The manufacturing concern which was selected by me is Adidas group. Adidas started its operations in 1924 by odulf Dassler. It was the first company who created running and training shoes and sport garments in the world without the use of electricity. These shoes were handmade. From now onwards, it is the second largest shoes producer of the world after eebok. Adidas has extended its operations by entering into the business of sports goods as well (Adidas Group History 2013).

Adidas group is a giant group in the field of shoes and clothes manufacturing. It has big profits, great reputation in the market. According to the group policy and directors of the group, company never compromise with the standards designed for the welfare of people and societies. As my task is to review the policies and procedures related to marketing strategy, so the marketing strategy related to…...



Adidas Group History 2013. Retrieved 26 September 2013,

Babiak, K., & Wolfe, R. 2006, More than just a game? Corporate social responsibility and Super Bowl XL. Sport Marketing Quarterly, vol.15, pp.214 -- 222.

Heere, B., & James, J.D. 2007. Sports teams and their communities: Examining the influence of external group identities on team identity. Journal of Sport Management, vol.21, pp.319 -- 337.

Kotler & Keller 2012, Marketing Management, Pearson Education, Describe the different elements of the SWOT, (14e), pp.70-74.

Adidas Group Is a Multinational
Pages: 8 Words: 2248

This is based on both historical precedent and the fact that the firm has started to see year-over-year revenue declines. The company remains highly leveraged and although they are expected to remain liquid, this reality will place some constraints on Adidas. The company is likely to remain in a holding pattern for the next year, awaiting both economic recovery and the two major marketing events in 2010 -- the inter Olympics and the orld Cup. Thus, the best trading strategy for Adidas in the short-term is to hold.
The long-term strategy, however, will be different. Going out as far as 2015, the decision needs to be made based on the broader trends in the company's business and the likelihood of it extending its competitive advantages and core competencies. As noted, the greatest strength of Adidas is the economies of scale it achieves, in particular with respect to its international marketing…...


Works Cited:

Some financial data from Reuters. Retrieved June 18, 2009 from 

Adidas Group 2008 Annual Report. Retrieved June 18, 2009 from

No author. (2005). Cricket Australia and Adidas Ink Four-Year Partnership Deal. Indian Retrieved June 18, 2009 from 

Bajak, Frank. (2005). First Computerized Shoe Thinks on its Feet. MSNBC. Retrieved June 18, 2009 from

Adidas and Organizational Behavior Introduction-
Pages: 4 Words: 1638


Adidas has a solid performance as a sustainability leader -- economic, environmental, and social. This despite accusations of slave-labor in China, which proved to be less than accurate. The company actively engages its stakeholders in key day-to-day operational issues that involve the environment, along with leading the market in advanced supply chain efforts to promote stability (Adidas, 2009).


Adidas' strategy is to "be the leading sports brand in the world." To accomplish this they must merge the idea of Sports Performance and Sports Style. Adidas realizes that individual departments and segments must have the authority to act, to generate ideas, and to postulate and decide because they have their ears closest to the client. Integrating a highly sophisticated system in which groups talk (email, video chat, etc.) and combine ideas levels out the hierarchy and is more responsive to market needs (Adidas Strategy, 2007).


Adidas. (2009). SAM esearch AG. Cited in:

Adidas Strategy.…...



Adidas. (2009). SAM Research AG. Cited in:

Adidas Strategy. (2007). Cited in:

Adidas in 2008 Has Corporate
Pages: 5 Words: 1450

To further its leading place in this vital segment, the profile as the brand delivered the ideal fit for women. The goal was to propose pioneering women's footwear, apparel and accessories across the sports and lifestyle category, in order to enable women to convey their uniqueness.
With both stylish and useful products, emotional promotion concepts and partnerships with the best athletes (e.g. Amelie Mauresmo, Carolina Kluft, Nicole Vaidisova) and other celebrities (e.g. Scarlett Johansson), the corporation showed that Reebok was a product that fully understood the requirements of the female customer. But such niche segments ignored the male and children's market section, incurring a large amount of lost opportunity in these segments. For this reason, Adidas took steps to diversify the market positioning of the company (Annual Report 2006: Adidas, 2006).

And this was a necessary step that Reebok could not quite accomplish by itself. According to Terry Lefton (2009), the…...

Market Share and Adidas
Pages: 4 Words: 1214

Adidas' Strategic Evaluation and ecommendation
Adidas is a multinational corporation that deals with sportswear. The company deals with the production, designs and the creation of sports clothing and accessories. The company has been able to develop to become one of the leading companies in the world with its products being sold across the globe (Mahdi, Abbas, Mazar, & George, 2015). The company faces a lot of competition from some of the leading companies in the market like Puma and Nike. However, the company has a competitive advantage as the brand is respected for its interests in making sure that the athlete wears what he wants. Besides, Adidas has a large market share in Europe and this enhances its prospects of profitability in competitive sport apparel industry.

Business Level Strategies

The business level strategies relate to implementing technology in various activities of the company just as other large companies do. The concept of improving…...



Deac, V., & Stanescu, A. (2014). Strategic Segmentation-The Preamble Of Developing A Company Strategy. Revista de Management Comparat International, 15(4), 461.

Mahdi, H. A. A., Abbas, M., Mazar, T. I., & George, S. (2015). A Comparative Analysis of Strategies and Business Models of Nike, Inc. and Adidas Group with special reference to Competitive Advantage in the context of a Dynamic and Competitive Environment. International Journal of Business Management and Economic Research, 6(3), 167-77.

Rudolph, M. (2016). A Financial Analysis of the Sportswear Company Adidas AG.

Comparing Nike vs Adidas Finances
Pages: 3 Words: 766

Comparing Nike vs. Adidas Finances

What is the companies product or service?

Nike -- Nike is in the sporting goods industry and produces shoes, clothes, and sporting goods.

Adidas -- Adidas is in the sporting goods industry and provides "state-of-the-art sports footwear, apparel and accessories" (Adidas, What We Do).

When was the company established?

Nike -- Nike was established in 1962 under the name Blue ibbon Sports, with the name being changed to Nike in 1971 (Nike, Timeline).

Adidas -- Adidas was established in August, 1949 (Adidas, History).

When did the companies go public?

Nike -- Nike first went public in 1980 (Nike, Timeline).

Adidas -- Adidas went public on the Frankfurt and Paris Stock Exchange in 1995 (Adidas, History).

What is its stock ticker symbol?

Nike -- Nike's stock ticker symbol is NKE (Nike, Stock Quote).

Adidas -- Adidas's stock ticker symbol is ADSG.DE

e. On what index is the company traded?

Nike -- Nike is listed on the New York Stock Exchange…...



Adidas. "Basic Data." 2005. Retrieved October 1, 2005. URL:

Adidas. "Financial Highlights: Five-Year Overview." 2005. Retrieved October 1, 2005. URL:

Adidas. "History." 2005. Retrieved October 1, 2005. URL:

Nike vs Adidas
Pages: 9 Words: 2546



Nike vs. Adidas Competitive ecommendations/Analysis

Dear Sirs:

Nike currently employs an incredibly effective marketing and advertising campaign that has resulted in the corporation maintaining the number 1 spot in sales for athletic wear nationally and globally. Part of Nike's success lies in its creative use of marketing tools such as the "Just Do It" campaign to attract new consumers. Consumers continue to come back for product year after year, because of exceptional service, quality control measures and product differentiation.

The report below details a market analysis for Nike compared to the number two competitor, Adidas. Among the findings discussed are the differing marketing and advertising strategies Nike has successfully used to beat out the competition. Part of Nike's success as mentioned above is due to the creativity utilized in marketing campaigns. Nike has also actively sought out celebrity endorsements and sponsorships, which has resulted in positive associations with the product nationally and worldwide.




Adidas. Consumer Information. November 26, 2003,

Cheung, Fanny." Competitive Reaction, Marketing" 1995. Retrieved November 26, 2003,

Jeannet, Jean-Pierre. Managing with a Global Mindset. Pearson Education Limited, 2000.

International Business Adidas' Global Market
Pages: 4 Words: 972

The fact that it occurs only once every four years also means that its visibility and permeation of cultural awareness is far overshadowed by the daily hum of sports broadcast and sports coverage.
Adidas appears to have misjudged the American market in spite of its success with the McGrady shoe. This should be seen as a precedent to be repeated rather than an isolated success.

The new slogan which contends that 'Nothing is Impossible' may resonate with the buying public. However, it lacks many of the qualities which make 'Just Do it' so iconic a tagline. The imperative which is present in the Nike tag is simply not found in the 'Nothing is Impossible' concept. Something more of an adage or a motivational phrase than a company slogan, it lacks the Nike slogan's clear sense of action and urgency. Instead, it posits a claim that many may be apprehensive to respond…...

Nike and Adidas Both Compete in the
Pages: 4 Words: 1078

Nike and Adidas both compete in the athletic apparel and footwear industries. Both companies offer roughly the same lineup of goods, so therefore are good corollaries for one another. Nike is based outside of Portland, Oregon while Adidas is based outside of Erlangen in Bavaria. The industry is worth approximately $126.3 billion worldwide, according to Global Industry Analysts, Inc. (2011). Nike's sales of $19.0 billion indicate that it has an approximate market share of 15%, while Adidas has $11.99 billion in sales, indicating an approximate market share of 9.49%. These are the two leading firms in this fragmented industry. The products for each company include athletic apparel of all types, athletic shoes of all types, some casual clothing and some sporting gear as well, for example soccer balls. Both companies operate in a wide range of sports as well, meaning that both have very diversified product lines.
Neither company does its…...


Works Cited:

Nike 2010 Form 10-K. In possession of the author

Adidas Group Annual Report 2010. In possession of the author.

Global Industry Analysts, Inc. (2011). World sports and fitness clothing market to reach $126.3 billion by 2015. PR Web. Retrieved May 1, 2011 from 

Oanda. (2011) Historical exchange rates. Oanda. Retrieved May 1, 2011 from

Nike vs Adidas Reebok vs Other Shoemakers
Pages: 3 Words: 995

Nike Market esearch
The author of this report is to cover and evaluate the perceived customer service scores and perceptions that exist for Nike and from its customer base. Nike is based on Beaverton, Oregon and has established itself as a giant in the shoe industry both in the United States and around the world. However, the perceptions of Nike's customers are important to pay attention to because of competitors snapping at their heels as well as public relations black eyes from supposed sweatshops and other business tactics that are deemed to be beneath an American company with such a high stature. While Nike has some concerns surrounding customer service and customer perception, the news is much more positive than negative for the company.


In the name of seeking out the perceptions of Nike's customer service scores, the bad news will be looked at first. As far back as 2000, Nike was…...



ACSI. (2012, October 16). October 2012 and Historical ACSI Benchmarks. October 2012 and Historical American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) Benchmarks. Retrieved June 9, 2014, from 

Greenhouse, S. (2000, January 25). Anti-Sweatshop Movement Is Achieving Gains Overseas. The New York Times. Retrieved June 9, 2014, from 

Nisen, M. (2013, May 9). How Nike Solved Its Sweatshop Problem. Business Insider. Retrieved June 8, 2014, from 

Siemers, E. (2011, November 15). Nike ties the score with Adidas in consumer satisfaction rating - Portland Business Journal. Widgets RSS. Retrieved June 9, 2014, from

Continuation of Business Plan
Pages: 12 Words: 3316

Adidas Business Plan
The following pages present an in depth business plan on Adidas developing a customized footwear line. This is the updated version of the preliminary plan submitted previously. This project plan describes in detail the necessity of Adidas developing a customized shoe line in accordance with the strategy behind NikeID. The project objectives, scope and deliverables have been updated in order to satisfy the changing needs that Adidas must face on environmental level. Project risk and the responsibility matrix have also been improved as a requirement of project plan updates. The Schedule and Constraints section addresses each activity included in the project in detail.

The competitive environment in which Adidas develops its activity requires the company to establish innovative strategies on product development and marketing. With Nike investing significant resources in product innovation, but also in modern marketing techniques, Adidas is forced into copying its competitor's strategy in order to…...

Customized Shoes Project
Pages: 5 Words: 1373

Customized Shoe Service
he project is represented by developing a customized shoe service for Adidas' customers. he idea is replicated after Nike's ID service. he success of Nike's customized shoe service determines Adidas product development researchers to develop such a project that their customers can enjoy. Basically, the service consists in personalizing customers' shoes with glow in the dark paint in a variety of prints.

he importance of the project relies on the service generating increased sales for Adidas. his is also intended to increase customer satisfaction. It is likely that most customers that will address customized shoes already are customers of Adidas. However, a certain number of new customers can be attracted. he customized shoes project is also intended to help Adidas differentiate itself from other spot shoes producers.

Involvement by Other Departments

he development of a customized shoe service is a complex project that requires the collaboration of several departments, like, the…...


This is one of the reasons for which companies do not present their entire range of products in a TV commercial in the fast moving consumer goods industry. They prefer to only advertise the most important product of the range, or several products in different commercials. Therefore, by providing a customized shoe services that provides a large number of choices that must be made by customers, Adidas might not make the best decision regarding its business. Some of its customers might orient towards smaller brands that provide a smaller number of different shoes, which reduces the pressure associated top making a decision regarding the purchase in case. It is important that the company develops a thorough analysis on the implications and requirements, and consequences that developing a customized shoe service is likely to have on its business expansion strategy, and also on its profits.

Reference list:

1. Customize the latest from NikeiD (2013). Nike. Retrieved September 15, 2013 from

Marketing Research on Athletic Shoe- Industry the
Pages: 5 Words: 1665

Marketing Research on Athletic Shoe- Industry
The brand caters a promise of reliability, in effect that one stand behind their product. Branding is not an action we can realize overnight. A successful brand is built over time from the hundreds of little things we do right. . The brand is, at its core, an declaration of a standard performance. It guarantees that the product or service carrying that brand will live up to its reputation. The merit of a brand rises or falls with the integrity of the people behind it. The principles of the principals build or rupture a brand.

When running shoes first came on the market, it was a marvelous development over the old sneakers and high-tops. But soon the market became crowded with shoes bearing a wide variety of features, at a wide range of price points. The main players in the sports shoe industry are Nike, Adidas,…...

Continue Shoe Project
Pages: 4 Words: 1172

Shoe Project -- Phase II
Project/Service Description

As noted in the first phase of this series of reports, the objective of the Adidas customized shoe project is to offer a solution that brings Adidas into the same realm as its competitors while at the same time exceeding the similar offerings that the competitors offer. The Nike ID offering is obviously not unlike that of the Adidas offering but the Adidas Corporation will perfect and hone the offering in such a way that is clearly superior to that of Nike and other companies that offer a customized shoe option.

Project Scope

The scope of the project is quite simple. Adidas corporation will construct and develop a framework that allows for the exhaustive yet efficient mechanism for customer to custom-order shoes that are customized to the preferences and desires of the customer while at the same time allowing for a process that keeps costs down for…...



ADIDAS. (2013, October 7). Athletic Shoes, Casual Shoes, Apparel & Sports

Equipment | Athletic Shoes, Casual Shoes, Apparel & Sports

Equipment | Retrieved October 7, 2013, from

Nike. (2013, October 7). NIKE, Inc. -- " Inspiration and Innovation for Every Athlete in the World. NIKE, Inc. -- " Inspiration and Innovation for Every Athlete in the World. Retrieved October 7, 2013, from

Creating Competitive Advantage the Core
Pages: 1 Words: 327

It can often leverage the personality of the athlete to reinforce its core values such as the use of John McEnroe, the tennis champion noted for wanted to change the world of tennis. and, it can leverage teams and athletes as part of its marketing localization strategy such as the use of soccer in Europe.
4.Yes, Steve and arry's is a huge threat to Nike. Like Nike, the company is leveraging athletic superstars to endorse its product. NA player en Wallace appears on Steve and arry's home page. To date, the company appears to have a niche base of consumers who cannot afford the more expensive Nike products, but if it can convince consumers that the quality of its product is just as good as Nike's, it could attack Nike's broader market.


Urde, Mats (2003). "Core Value-ased Corporate rand uilding," European Journal of Marketing, Vol.…...



Urde, Mats (2003). "Core Value-Based Corporate Brand Building," European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 37, No. 7, pp. 1017-1040.

I need help writing an essay on CSR and how it helps environment, cultural arts and poverty?
Words: 350

CSR, or corporate social responsibility, refers to the idea that companies should hold themselves accountable for how their policies and procedures impact the greater world at large.  CSR does not have a single definition, because it is tailored to each individual company and that company’s view of how they act in a responsible position.  CSR is self-regulating, insofar as it is not imposed by outside forces, at least in terms of being regulated; outside forces, such as client decisions to purchase products or services, competitor responses to corporate policies, or business partner....

My teacher suggested focusing on adidas. Any essay topics that align with this guidance?
Words: 393

1. The Evolution of Adidas: A Look at the Brand's History, Successes, and Challenges
2. The Impact of Adidas on Sports and Fashion: How the Brand Has Influenced Trends and Culture
3. Adidas vs. Competitors: A Comparative Analysis of Marketing Strategies and Successes
4. Sustainable Practices in the Adidas Supply Chain: How the Brand is Leading the Way in Corporate Social Responsibility
5. The Future of Adidas: Predictions and Opportunities for Growth in the Global Market
6. Athlete Endorsements and Partnerships: How Adidas Collaborates with Sports Stars to Drive Sales and Brand Awareness
7. The Influence of Technology on Adidas Products: How Innovation is Driving the....

My teacher suggested focusing on adidas. Any essay topics that align with this guidance?
Words: 458

Essay Topics on Adidas: A Comprehensive Analysis

1. The Rise and Evolution of Adidas: A Study in Sports Marketing

Trace the origins and growth of Adidas, examining its key marketing strategies and product innovations.
Analyze the company's target audience, brand positioning, and communication channels.
Discuss the challenges and opportunities Adidas has faced in the competitive sportswear market.

2. Adidas's Social and Environmental Impact: A Critical Assessment

Evaluate Adidas's commitment to social responsibility and sustainability initiatives.
Examine the company's efforts to address issues such as labor rights, environmental protection, and diversity and inclusion.
Discuss the effectiveness of these initiatives and their impact on....

Seeking guidance on crafting a debatable adidas thesis statement. Tips?
Words: 137

A thesis statement for a compare and contrast essay on Adidas could be: "Although both Nike and Adidas are popular sportswear brands recognized worldwide, their distinct approaches to marketing, product design, and brand image set them apart, ultimately catering to different consumer preferences and creating unique fan bases." When crafting a debatable thesis statement about Adidas, it's important to focus on specific aspects of the brand that can be compared or contrasted with other competitors in the market. You may want to consider exploring how Adidas' focus on sustainability and ethical manufacturing practices sets it apart from other sportswear brands, or....

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