Multicultural Approach to Adult Mentoring
Disadvantaged adults take place in the community and need special attention to enhance their life. The disadvantaged adult population mostly comes from various cultural background; many of them also belong to the low-class society, work in blue collar occupation scheme, unable to finish high or middle school, and sometimes have problem with literacy.
The government works hard, collaborating with educational foundations, NGO, and volunteering professionals to provide continuing education for those people, to build them better future. Through series of integrated educational programs, the disadvantaged groups learn how to read, write, and express themselves, and go through learning process for basic lessons.
ith enough pressure from the job and family, learning process may not be the only task to fulfill. Developing motivation, building concentration, and enhancing self-esteem sometimes demand greater attention for people who work in this group, both teachers and learners. In order to help them achieve…...
mlaWorks Cited
Ascher, Carol. The Mentoring of Disadvantaged Youth. ERIC/CUE Digest No. 47.
1988. ERIC Clearinghouse on Urban Education New York NY. ED306326
Kerka, Sandra. Strategies for Retaining Adult Students: The Educationally Disadvantaged. ERIC Digest No. 76. ERIC Clearinghouse on Adult Career and Vocational Education Columbus OH. 1988. ED299455. 30 Apr. 2004.
Ziegahn, Linda. Considering Culture in the Selection of Teaching Approaches for Adults.
In addition, the participants were chosen differently between the two groups. The first cohort consisted of students that were chosen by teachers and the second was chosen randomly.
The purpose of this discussion was to examine the role of the mentor in the academic achievement of low-achieving students. The research also focused on History of mentoring, Description of the mentoring process and the relationship between mentoring and student achievement. The research indicates that in most cases studies have found a there is a positive relationship between mentorship and academic achievement. This relationship exists because mentoring provides students with the relationships needed to diminish certain risk factors associates with underachievement.
Black L.L., Medina S., Elisabeth C. Suarez. (2004) Helping Students Help Themselves: Strategies for Successful Mentoring elationships. Counselor Education and Supervision. Volume: 44. Issue: 1.
Candidate Outcome Indicators: Youth Mentoring Program." The Urban Institute.
Freedman, M. (1993). The kindness of strangers: Adult mentors, urban…...
Black L.L., Medina S., Elisabeth C. Suarez. (2004) Helping Students Help Themselves: Strategies for Successful Mentoring Relationships. Counselor Education and Supervision. Volume: 44. Issue: 1.
Candidate Outcome Indicators: Youth Mentoring Program." The Urban Institute.
Freedman, M. (1993). The kindness of strangers: Adult mentors, urban youth, and the new voluntarism. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Miller a. (2002) Mentoring Students & Young People: A Handbook of Effective Practice. Kogan Page: London.
The third level up the pyramid is the need for affection, belonging and love. This is the need state area were people are who want to alleviate feelings of loneliness, isolation or alienation (Hoffman, 1988). This level is also critically important for the development of trust in the workplace and within workplace teams and the sense of identity that comes from being part of a group (Harris, Kleiner, 1993). Fourth there is the need for esteem and while it often connotes the esteem from others as a layer of the model, it encompasses self-esteem as well. This is the level where the critical aspects of self-worth, self-confidence and self-discipline come into how a person approaches their life and their goals (Bazigos, Burke, 1997). The top layer of the Maslow Hierarchy of Needs Model is self-actualization. This is the level of where people are who have found their innate strengths…...
Michael N. Bazigos, & W. Warner Burke. (1997). Theory orientations of organization development (OD) practitioners. Group & Organization Management, 22(3), 384-408.
Cangemi, J. (2009). Analysis of an Adversarial Labor/Management Situation in a Latin American Industrial Setting: A Case Study using Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. Organization Development Journal, 27(1), 37-47.
Harris, Chris, & Kleiner, Brian H. (1993). Motivational practices at America's best managed companies. Management Research News, 16(9,10), 1.
Hoffman, Edward. (1988, September). Abraham Maslow: Father of Enlightened Management. Training, 25(9), 79.
Peer Mentoring in Higher EducationCollier (2017) explains that peer mentoring is an effective method for facilitating success for college students because it has a positive effect on the learners morale and increases the students satisfaction with the university. This is essentially the same finding as that of Flores and Estudillo (2018), who note that peer-to-peer mentoring programs can assist first year college students in their academic and social goals. Peer mentoring provides support for learners by giving them a reliable shoulder to lean on, and it gives them motivation to become more socially connected on campus. Both researchers have found this to be true over the course of their studies.Students with autism can also be assisted through peer mentoring, according to the study by Siew, Mazzucchelli, ooney and Girdler (2017). Siew et al. (2017) used a single group pre-test, post-test design with qualitative and quantitative methods to explore the outcomes…...
mlaReferencesCollier, P. (2017). Why peer mentoring is an effective approach for promoting college student success. Metropolitan Universities, 28(3), 9-19.Deshler, J., Fuller, E., & Darrah, M. (2019). Supporting Students Through Peer Mentoring in Developmental Mathematics. Learning Assistance Review (TLAR), 24(1).Flores, G., & Estudillo, A. G. (2018). Effects of a peer-to-peer mentoring program: Supporting first-year college students’ academic and social integration on campus. Journal of Human Services: Training, Research, and Practice, 3(2), 3.Fruiht, V., & Chan, T. (2018). Naturally occurring mentorship in a national sample of first?generation college goers: A promising portal for academic and developmental success. American Journal of Community Psychology, 61(3-4), 386-397.Gunn, F., Lee, S. H., & Steed, M. (2017). Student perceptions of benefits and challenges of peer mentoring programs: Divergent perspectives from mentors and mentees. Marketing Education Review, 27(1), 15-26.Moschetti, R. V., Plunkett, S. W., Efrat, R., & Yomtov, D. (2018). Peer mentoring as social capital for Latina/o college students at a Hispanic-serving institution. Journal of Hispanic Higher Education, 17(4), 375-392.Roberts, N., & Birmingham, E. (2017). Mentoring university students with ASD: a mentee-centered approach. Journal of autism and developmental disorders, 47(4), 1038-1050.Shah, S. A. U. H., Mahboob, U., & Ullah, H. (2019). Perception of undergraduate students about peer mentoring. Pakistan Armed Forces Medical Journal, 69(6), 1227-32.Siew, C. T., Mazzucchelli, T. G., Rooney, R., & Girdler, S. (2017). A specialist peer mentoring program for university students on the autism spectrum: A pilot study. PloS one, 12(7), e0180854.Wright, B., Kuykendall, K., Apsley, J., McCullough, N., Doerbaum, H., Fowler, M., ... & Lee, C. Y. (2019). Graduate Student Reflections on Mentorship in a Training and Outreach Program for Families of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Teaching and Learning in Communication Sciences & Disorders, 3(1), 6.
Social Work Practice Within Aboriginal
Building attached case study Lisa, describe discuss social work practice approach aboriginal innovative practice modalities a cultural context. This assignment refining approach practice integrating theories practices learned required readings.
Concepts in Social Work Practice within Aboriginal and Cultural Framework
In trying to attend to a client's challenges in psychology, it is imperative to provide an environment that is sufficiently safe where a client can talk and explore their problems (Brave Heart, 2004). This measure is adequate for many clients but not sufficient for all especially so when it comes to cases involving aboriginal persons. For the aboriginal clients, an understanding of adaptation difficulties and the inter-generation aspects is necessary to provide a wholesome resolution to the challenges at hand. This paper presents a discussion on the ideal approach in social work for the case of Lisa, who had suffered abuse in…...
Brave Heart, M.Y.H. (2004). The historical trauma response among Natives and its relationship to substance abuse: A Lakota illustration. In E. Nebelkopf, & M. Phillips (Eds.), Healing and mental health for Native Americans: Speaking in red. Lanham, MD: AltaMira Press.
Briere, J. (2002). Treating adult survivors of severe childhood abuse and neglect: Further development of an integrative model. In J.E.B. Myers, L. Berliner, J. Briere, C.T. Hendrix, T. Reid, & C. Jenny (Eds.). The APSAC handbook on child maltreatment, 2nd Edition. . Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications.
Burns, D. (1999). The feeling good handbook. United Kingdom: Penguin Group.
Burton, L., Westen, D., & Kowalski, R.M. (2012). Psychology. Milton, Qld. Australia: John Wiley and Sons.
There is a feeling of psychological maturity that the older worker contributes to the workforce, allowing him or her to actually be a respected leader in the workplace.
Experience obviously plays a key role in the psychological success of the aging worker (Budrys, 2008). The individual that is older is typically more experienced in his or her field, and therefore generally able to perform better and faster than their younger counterparts. This may sound like a surprising statistic since we generally assume that youth means an individual may be able to perform better and faster, but this is usually a physical and not a psychological trend. Psychologically, the performance strength tends to lie with the individual that is more experiences. Therefore, businesses deciding to retain aging workers will be able to utilize them to increase performance and raise standards within the workplace. Furthermore, these individuals could be used to guide…...
Andersen, M. (2009). Restructuring for whom? Race, class, gender, and the ideology of invisibility." Sociological Forum. Vol. 16, No. 2.. p. 181-201.
Baldridge, J.(2008). Sociology: A critical approach to power, conflict, and change. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Brooks, C. (2009) The aging female workforce. American Sociological Review. 67 (2), (2002). pp.191 -- 211.
Budrys, G. (2008). Unequal Health. New Jersey: Rowman and Littlefield.
Peer tutoring was found to be an effective tool for teaching those with learning disabilities to read (Fuchs, Fuchs, and Saenz, 2005). This research supports the use of struggling readers in the first grade for the group that receives the tutoring. First graders that are enrolled in the program are already labeled as learning disabled. Whether their difficulty in reading is caused by an organic deficiency, or an emotional problem, intervention by way of peer tutoring will help to reduce its effects.
Strengthening mentor programs is an essential part of the equation when it comes to academic performance (King, et al., 2002). A strong mentoring program has many benefits for individual students, but it also has benefits for the school as well, including improved overall academic perforce and a decrease in school violence.
Peer mentoring programs were found to be better than intervention programs that used a teacher, especially if the teacher…...
Chard, D.; Kameenui, E.. (2000) Struggling First-Grade Readers: The Frequency and Progress of Their Reading. Journal of Special Education, 34 (1), 128.
Dufrene, BA., Duhon, G.J., Gilbertson, D.N., & Noell, G.H. (2005). Monitoring implementation of reciprocal peer tutoring: Identifying and intervening with students who do not maintain accurate implementation. School Psychology Review, 34(1), 74.
Emler, Nicholas (2002) the costs and causes of low self-esteem. Youth Studies
Australia, 21(3) 45. Retrieved June 21, 2006, from the ULV Academic Search
Curriculum Development Application
Integration of more interaction between students
As an instructor in an equipment maintenance course there are several challenges that I face. One of the challenges is the interaction between the students in my class. There is a tendency in the class for minority students keeping to themselves during class. Female students are almost invisible in class and they rarely speak or interact with others in the class. This lack of interaction between students could hurt their job placement in the future when they are through with their course. There are several things I can do as an instructor to integrate more interaction between my students. Among the things I can integrate in my course work is group projects and assignments. I will ensure that groups of up to four students are set up on all the course projects. There will also be some class assignments which must be worked…...
Troubled Youth and Aged Individuals: Contemporary Community Case Study
There are two age groups in the present population with specific needs required to fulfill and direct them at a pivotal moment in their life's development when paired together represent reciprocal provision of care during a critical stage in the lives of each of these two representative groups of contemporary society. The two age groups at focus in this study are today's youth and the present aged population in the community. Youth are disproportionately characterized as having behavioral problems and the community elders are a reservoir of guidance for these youth who in return have much to offer the aged as well.
The research proposed in this specific study involves collaboration with teacher, the school board, and counselors to prepare a method of providing school credits in return for volunteer work on the part of students who are also categorized as troubled youth.…...
A Year's Worth of Mentoring Activities: 52 Ideas -- One for Each Week of the Year, Legacy Project. Retrieved from:
Bosak, SV (nd) Effective Mentoring. Retrieved from:
Elements of Effective Mentoring Practices (nd) Legacy Project. . Retrieved from:
MENTORING INITIATIVES: An Overview of Youth Mentoring. A Center for Substance Abuse Prevention Conference and Meeting Document. April, 2000. Retrieved:
Management and Organizational Development
Fresno County Department of Children and Family Services emancipates twenty and thirty eighteen-year-old foster children each month. These children face many challenges as they work through a transition into the adult, working world. Children in a foster care setting have not had the stability needed for them to develop the life skills necessary to adjust to life on their own. Many of the emancipated youth have either not graduated from high school, nor hold a G.E.D. certificate. In addition, they do not have adequate basic living skills.. The youths typically do not have employment, nor have they built a history during their teen years of successful part time entry level jobs.
The housing experiences of these children, as they have moves from home to home, have not taught them the basic skills needed to keep a home, or apartment. These young adults also lack…...
mlaResources Needed:
director for this program, recommended by his or her peers from within the foster care system. This person should be someone who has demonstrated a high level of commitment to the foster care system, and has a track record of frequently going "above and beyond" the normal course of daily activities in order to benefit the well being of children in the system.
Funds for an additional training program to teach foster care workers about the benefits of mentoring relationships.
Standards, goals and objectives must be written for the Mentor, and for his or her case worker to follow and use as guidelines for the ongoing relationship
Connection event planning. Location, supplies, budget for event foods, decorations, and other ambiance.
Teen Pregnancy
Compared to only a few decades ago, American society has become more open and accepting of teenage pregnancy. Pregnant teens are no longer hidden away with relatives. More importantly, many school and community groups have adopted honest and aggressive strategies to address the growing incidences of teenage pregnancy.
This paper evaluates the effectiveness of four different styles of programs in preventing pregnancy in teenage girls. These programs include sex education in schools, one-on-one conversations between patient and health care worker in a clinical setting, service learning programs and finally, youth development programs. Emphasis is given on the effectiveness of these programs in preventing pregnancy in teenage African-American girls.
The first part of this paper is an overview of teen pregnancy statistics, both throughout the United States and with African-American teenagers in particular. The next part of the paper then identifies the factors behind the rising rates of pregnancy among black teenagers.
mlaWorks Cited
Boekeloo, B.O., Schamus, L.A., Simmens, S.J., Cheng, T.L., O'Connor, K., & D'Angelo, L.J. 1999. "A STD/HIV prevention trial among adolescents in managed care." Pediatrics, 103, 107-115.
Harding, David. 2003. "Counterfactual Models of Neighborhood Effects: The Effect of Neighborhood Poverty on Dropping Out and Teenage Pregnancy." American Journal of Sociology. November.
Moore, Mignon R. And Lundsay P. Chase-Lansdale. 2001. "Sexual Intercourse and Pregnancy Among African-American Girls in High-Poverty Neighborhoods: The Role of Family and Perceived Community Environment." Journal of Marriage & the Family. November.
Napier, Kristine. 1999. "Abstinence-Only Programs Reduce Teen Pregnancy." Education. Tamara L. Roleff, Ed. At Issue Series. Greenhaven Press
Since we observe the responses of our peers and friends, we are very much attuned to how we interact with others, and how their succeed or fail. The theory of self-efficacy is fundamental to understanding social cognitive learning, because it implies that the process of using this theory creates greater confidence. Since individuals learn from their cultural environment, it is imperative to construct a positive enforcing messages through the educational process to ensure that individuals feel that they can accomplish any and all given tasks.
A contextual example of the social cognitive learning model can be seen in the case of student as in the provided example. As is a student who feels no self-efficacy when it comes to mathematics, despite numerous opportunities to learn from math, he has taken no opportunities to improve himself. When questioned he clearly asserts that he cannot learn math, something that appears counterintuitive from…...
Gang Prevention Programs in Los Angeles
The issue of gangs and the gang related deaths and violence has been a thing of concern across the nation and in Los Angeles in particular due to the alarming high levels of gang activities within the city. Los Angeles City has been described severally as the "gang capital" of the nation, due to the numerous gangs that are in existence as well as the long history of these gangs, going back to 50 years ago. Los Angeles Police Department (2016) there are approximately 450 active gangs in Los Angeles with a membership exceeding 45,000 members. The membership of these gangs has continued to increase over the last five years due to the lucrative narcotics trade. Over the last three years, it is documented that 16,398 violent crimes were associated to gang activities, 491 of these being homicides and 7,0478 being felony assaults, 98 rapes…...
A Better LA, (2016). Funded Programs: R.A.C.E. Retrieved April 29, 2016 from
Basheer A., (2016). B.U.I.L.D. Brotherhood for Independent Leadership through Discipline. Retrieved April 29, 2016 from
H.E.L.P.E.R Foundation, (2016). HELPER: Our Mission. Retrieved April 29, 2016 from
Los Angeles Police Department (2016). Gangs. Retrieved April 29, 2016 from
Leadership Training for Youth
Annotated Bibliography
Allen, S.J. (2007, Spring). Adult learning theory & leadership development," Kravis Leadership Institute, Leadership Review, 7, 26-37.
The authors explore the relationship between leadership development and adult learning theory, specifically behaviorism, cognitivism, constructivism, and social learning theory. Leadership is studied within learning theories framework.
Charbonneau, D., Barling, J, and Kelloway, E.K. (2001). Transformational leadership and sports performance: The mediating role of intrinsic motivation. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 31(7), 1521-1534.
The authors sought to test a model of transformational leadership with regard to its indirect effect on sports performance through the mediating effects of the athlete's intrinsic motivation. University athletes rated the transformational leadership of their coaches and their own intrinsic motivation, while the coaches assesses the athletes' performance. Kelloway's mediator tests (1996, 1998) were used to model the relationships. Intrinsic motivation was found to be a mediator of transformational leadership and sports performance, such that transformational leadership may…...
Mentoring Process in a Business Setting
In most professions, the first years in a new position are fraught with uncertainties and problems. The need for supporting teachers and people in other professions was cited as far back as the Conant eport (1963). During the next twenty years, many attempts were make to put effective mentoring programming in place throughout the business world. This study will address the level of mentoring which exists in different professions, specifically, education, medicine, and law.
As early as 1962, induction programs that provided assistance to beginning teachers were being described (Shaplin, 1962). Mentoring in a business setting is described as being very desirable and conducive to interaction among the protege' and the established workers (Young & Adams, 2000). Medicine has long had a system of mentoring in place which is called residency. Whether nor not the condition of this process is optimal depends upon to whom…...
Anderson & Shannon. (1988). "Toward a conceptualization of mentoring." Journal of Teacher Education, 39(1), 38-42.
Barnett & Kirkpatrick. (1986). California's Mentor Teachers: Two Years of Learning.
San Francisco, CA: Far West Laboratory for Research and Development.
Bolton, E. (1980). "A conceptual analysis of the mentor relationship in the career development of women." Adult Education, 30 (4), 195-196.
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