Aerospace Engineering Essays (Examples)

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Engineering Career in Aerospace Engineering
Pages: 5 Words: 1596

When you begin a career, you may not be sure what skills you are lacking, so working part-time, taking an internship, or even volunteering could help prepare the student for what the job entails, and make them more comfortable as they begin their career. As the career develops, the engineer may begin to see skills that are lacking, such as English writing, or team building, or many other aspects of the job that come up in day-to-day operations, and they may want to study those skills so they are a more well-rounded and skillful employee. They may discover they need more chemistry or statistics skills, or any number of skills they had not anticipated, and so may return to school for those classes, or even to continue their education to the master's or PhD level. All of this will become apparent as their career progresses and they continue to meet…...



Editors. "Aerospace Engineer." The Princeton Review. 2008. 6 Nov. 2008.

Aerospace Engineering
Pages: 9 Words: 2464

Aerospace Engineering
Plethora of Purposes

Earthbound Vehicles

Household Products

Tasks that an aerospace engineer performs

The Engineer

The Scientist

The Technician

The Future of Aerospace Engineering


New Products

Challenges to Aerospace Engineering

The purpose of this discussion is to explore the topic of aerospace engineering. e will begin by defining aerospace engineering and the plethora of purposes that it serves with earthbound vehicles and household supplies. e will then discuss the various tasks that an aerospace engineer team performs. This discussion will allow us to examine the contributions of the individual team members. In addition, we will examine the future of aerospace engineering including; education, new products and challenges to the aerospace engineering program in the United States. Finally, we will discuss the conclusions that can be drawn from our findings.

Definition of Aerospace Engineering

According to Encarta, aerospace engineering is defined as "the flight of vehicles in space, beyond the earth's atmosphere, and includes the study and development of rocket engines,…...


Works Cited

Education." American Institute of Aeronatics and Astronautics. 

Engineering." Microsoft® Encarta® Online Encyclopedia 2003

1997-2003 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved©

Program Goals and Strategies." University of Washington.

Engineering Materials
Pages: 10 Words: 2830

Engineering Materials: High Strength Steel and Bus Seat Frames
The purpose of this paper is to conduct research and the review the findings. This paper seeks an understanding of the engineering material of high strength steel, the process in which it is made and the items it is used to build specifically that of bus seat frames. Over the course of the research, it is has been determined that high strength steel is effective when used in building lightweight yet safe and sturdy bus seat frames. This construct lends to the overall safety of buses using this material, specifically in existing models found in buses designed by a company called Fainsa located in Barcelona, Spain. This paper explores the process and design of these seats by looking at the process in which high strength steel is created. By understanding how high strength steel is made, one can better understand its…...



(2005). "Compartmentalize." (Sept. 21, 2005).

(2005). "Steels for Strength." (Sept. 21, 2005).

Basta, E., and Hoon, G. (2004). "Slitting ultrahigh-strength steels: Are you ready to process these coil types?" Stamping Journal 8,

System Configuration
Pages: 3 Words: 783

System Configuration
Key Business Requirements

The company is an aerospace engineering firm which means that new design will be an integral part of what they do. The company will be dealing with the design of new technology and it is important that the engineers involved have the best equipment possible. The software is decided, in that they will be using CAD to assist with the design of the technology, but the platform is important because it will have to be able to do more than just run the program. The company has also stated that price is not a large consideration. For the purchaser, this means that the best equipment can be considered regardless of price. Since this is an important project for the future of the company, making sure that the right platform is purchased is of the utmost importance.

Computing Systems Considered

The purchaser will have to marry the right processor, operating…...


Works Cited

Phillip, Mark. "Building a CAD computer." Studica, 2011. Web.

Nextag. Computing equipment prices. (2011). Web.

How to Get a Pizza Delivered in Five Minutes
Pages: 2 Words: 678

quadrotors were used to survey the countryside without the added hassle of requiring human intervention. Now however, there are a number of important and valuable projects in which quadrotors can determine either success or failure. As one recent study determined "in the last few years, small unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have been developed for large-scale territorial monitoring" (Capello, Scola, Guglieri, Quagliotti, 2012, p. 559) and many thought that the quadrotor would be relegated to those duties, and those duties only. However, with the advent of advanced quadrotor technology, the world has opened up to more than just surveillance, especially with the added advantage of internet and computer technology that is now powerful enough and small enough to make quadrotor technology indispensable. The findings of the Capello et al. study shows that "a quadrotor is under development for territorial-monitoring applications and as a flying test bed for different feedback control…...


Works Cited

Bouktir, Y. & Chettibi, T.; (2008) Minimum time trajectory planning for a micro quadrotor aerial robot, AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 1019, Issue 1, pp. 353 -- 360

Capello, E.; Scola, A.; Guglieri, G.; Quagliotti, F.; (2012) Mini quadrotor UAV: Design and experiment, Journal of Aerospace Engineering, Vol. 25, Issue 4, pp. 559 -- 573

Mokhtari, A.; MSirdi, N.K.; Meghrichi, K.; Belaidi, A.; (2006) Feedback linearization and linear observer for a quadrotor unmanned aerial vehicle, Advanced Robotics, Vol. 20, Issue 1, pp. 71-91

E-Manufacturing - A New Link
Pages: 60 Words: 22785

Ayers (2000, p. 4) describes a supply chain as "Life cycle processes supporting physical, information, financial, and knowledge flows for moving products and services from suppliers to end-users." A supply chain can be short, as in the case of a cottage industry, or quite long and complex as in the manufacture, distribution, and sales of automobiles. In fact, the automobile supply chain has its origin in the mining of the iron ore used to make many of its components.

Forward-looking companies and industries are beginning, now, to leverage the communication power of the Internet to improve their supply chain efficiencies. In the same way that early computers offered improved efficiency within the walls of a company, the promise of "Internet Technologies" (IT) now offers potentially far-reaching positive effects throughout a company's entire manufacturing supply chain. If the changes brought about by an "Internet revolution" such as thin-client technology; seamless integration between…...



Aerospace engineering online (2004). Retrieved December 18, 2004 from http/ /

Andrews, F. (2001). "Dell, it Turns Out, Has a Better Idea than Ford." Lean strategies

Group -Manufacturing and supply chain consultants. Retrieved December 19, 2004 from http/ /

Ayers, J.B. (2000). Handbook of Supply Chain Management. Boca Ratan, FL: St. Lucie Press.

Specific Technological Product and Ethics Related
Pages: 7 Words: 2188

Computer Technology, The Concorde Jet Liner, And Ethics
The issues of ethic in business practices in the age of increasing computer technology and the importance of managing information has come to the forefront of organizational management issues. In a society which now creates much of its wealth, not from hardwoods products, or services, but from the use of information, the integrity of that information is imperative to the ongoing well-being of the organization. In order for company A to continue to occupy the competitive position in the marketplace, the information and knowledge which company A possesses is considered as one of its proprietary assets. Stealing, 'borrowing' or otherwise duplication information in today's information business world is no different than breaking into a bank vault, and making off with the companies payroll money, or electronically hacking into the company bank records, and transferring moneys to a personal account.

In order to protect the…...


Works Cited

Association of Computer Machinery. "ACM Code of Ethics and Professional." ACM: Code of Ethics. 10 October 1992. January 2001.

British Computer Society. "Codes of Ethics Online. Codes of Ethics Online. 6 March 1998. January 2001.

Computer Society of India. "Codes of Ethics Online." Codes of Ethics Online. 24 October 1997. January 2001.

Langford, Duncan. "Essay: Computer Ethics and Clothing." Computer Ethics and Clothing. 1995. January 2001.

Aerodynamic Coefficients Influence on the Performance of
Pages: 3 Words: 1331

Aerodynamic Coefficients Influence on the Performance of LM1 Car
Car aerodynamics is governed by the same principles governing aircraft flights; the main focus being to produce down force instead of lift. In car aerodynamics, there is need to force more high speed-low pressure air to go under the car creating negative lift; down force (apid acer, 2012). This results in higher grip levels for the tires and more traction, especially speeding around corners. For high performance cars, aerodynamics is achieved in several ways. The basic hypothesis is that faster driving increases down force thus pushing car's tires down resulting in higher grips and tractions during races. The downward force also known as drag is the square of the car's velocity; which is double the speed (Unlimited Performance Products, 2007). However, this increased down force reduces top speed resulting in more engine power to propel the car forward as shown below.


In aerodynamics,…...



Buresti, G. (2004). The Influence of Aerodynamics on the Design of High-Performance Road Vehicles. University of Pisa.

Filip, A., & Galetuse, S. (2011). Study of the Aerodynamic Forces Evaluation Methods. Incas Bulletin, 35-43.

Gal-Or, B. (1990). Vectored Propulsion, Supermaneuverability & Robot Aircraft. Springer Verlag.

Goldstein, E. (2010). Wind Tunnels, Don't Count Them Out. Aerospace America, Vol. 48 N0. 4, 38-43.

How to Design Our Prandtl Wing Shape
Pages: 3 Words: 1049

PrandtlPlane aircraft configuration is based on the concept of "Best Wing System." The best wing, according to rediani et al. (2012) is the lifting system with the minimum induced drag. A large amount of aerodynamic analyses is needed to develop this best wing and the most recent improved version was that set up by the Univ. Of Pisa in 2012 named MSD (Multiple Shape Design); it has been set up to generate any aerodynamic PrandtlPlane configuration (rediani et al., 2003).
The MSD calculates the best conditions for the Prandtl wing which include the following:

- The total surface area of the Prandtl Wing must have the same surface area as the White Knight Two from Virgin Galactic for comparison purposes

- The lift on both wings of the Prandtl Wing must each have the same lift

The lift distribution on each wing section must be elliptical (two sections per wing, two wings =…...


Frediani, A. & Montanari, G. "The Prandtl's Best Wing System" in A. Miele, A. Frediani (Eds) "Advanced Design problems in Aerospace Engineering," Plenum Press, New York, 2008.

Schneider. WW. "The importance of Aerodynamics in the development of commercially successful transport aircraft," Aerodynamic Drag Reduction Technology. Proceeding of CEAS/DRAGNET European Drag Reduction Conference, 19-21 June, 2000, Potsdam, Germany.

Wolkovitch, J "The Joined wings; an overview," Journal of Aircraft, 23, (1986), pp.649-670.

Swept Wing Technology Is 75
Pages: 5 Words: 1656

This means that the forward sweep design is less apt to suffer from wing tip stalls as the rearward designs are. It also means that the forward sweep aids in low speed stability and handling characteristics (CFC, 2011). Notable aircraft with this design include the Grumman X-29 experimental fighter and the Let-L13 glider (Hallion, 2011).
Technological Impact

Swept wing design changed the course of World War Two and all subsequent wars where aircraft were employed. It also helped to influence the designs of the space race as well as the experimental designs of the 1950's and 1960's that radically shaped future air travel. As it was first experimented with in a relatively meaningful way during World War Two, it has grown to be incorporated in nearly every subsequent aircraft design, especially those that are built for trans-sonic and super-sonic use. Swept wing technology has shaped aviation and aircraft design as much…...



Doig, G.; Barber, T.J. And Neely, A.J. (2011). "Aerodynamic Characteristics of a Swept Wing

In Close Ground Proximity at High Subsonic Mach Numbers." Journal of Aerospace Engineering. Vol. 9, No. 1. Pp. 19-26.

Hallion, Richard, P. (2011). "The NACA, NASA, and the Supersonic-Hypersonic

Frontier." NASA. NASA Technical Reports Server. Retrieved 9 Nov.

A Case Study of Greyston Bakery
Pages: 6 Words: 1630

Greyston Bakery Case Study
Organization of the report

Description of the case

We don't hire people to bake brownies; we bake brownies to hire people. -- Greyston Bakery's Benefit Corporation eport (2013)

There has been a growing recognition among businesses of all sizes and types that investments in their communities can pay major dividends in terms of corporate good will and increased profitability. As the epigraph above indicates, one company that has been in the vanguard of this movement is Greyston Bakery, based out of Yonkers, New York. To date, Greyston Bakery has leveraged an enlightened approach to human resource management and corporate social responsibility into a thriving business that supports a wide range of community-based support services for those in need. The purpose of this report was to provide a case study of Greyston Bakery based on the company's publicly available information, a case study of the company by Deborah Leifziger (2013) and…...



Creech, R. (1999, Summer). Employee motivation. Management Quarterly, 36(2), 33-39.

Langton, N., Robbins, S.P., & Judge, T.A (2016). Organizational behaviour (7th Canadian ed.). Toronto: Pearson Canada.

Leifziger, D. (2013, December 18). Greyston Bakery: Combatting poverty by making a profit. The Aspen Institute case no. LWW-03.

Mission and history. (2016). Greyston Bakery. Retrieved from .

The Discovery Of The X Ray
Pages: 8 Words: 2334

Essay Topic Examples
1. The Impact of Wilhelm Conrad Rntgen's Discovery on Modern Medicine:
    This essay would explore the transformative effect that the discovery of X-rays by Wilhelm Conrad Rntgen in 1895 has had on medical diagnostics and treatment. It would include the historical context of the discovery, initial reactions from the scientific and medical communities, and the evolution of X-ray technology from its inception to today's advanced imaging techniques such as CT scans and MRI.

2. The Intersection of X-ray Technology and Ethics: rivacy and Health Risk Concerns:
    The essay would examine the ethical issues that have arisen due to the prevalence of X-ray technology. Discussion would entail the privacy concerns linked to the clarity and detail with which X-rays can depict the internal human body, as well as the health risks associated with radiation exposure, including the controversy surrounding full-body scanners at airports.

3. X-rays in Forensic Science: Advancements in Criminal…...


Primary Sources

Röntgen, Wilhelm Conrad. \"Ueber eine neue Art von Strahlen.\" Sitzungsberichte der Würzburger Physik-medic. Gesellschaft (1895): 137-147.

Glasser, Otto, ed. \"Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen and the Early History of the Roentgen Rays.\" Nature 136 (1935): 101-102.

Jennings, Bruce H. \"Röntgen\'s discovery of the X-ray.\" The American Journal of Physics 63 (1995): 1053.

Friedman, Meyer H. \"X-rays in 1896.\" Radiology 198 (1996): 321-330.

Stark, Rodney, and William Sims Bainbridge. \"A Theory of Religion.\" Rutgers University Press, (1987).

Scrums Sprints and Cultural Training in Agile
Pages: 4 Words: 1142

Project Manager in TanzaniaIntroductionProject managers are responsible for ensuring that a project is completed on time, within budget, and to the required standard. In many cases, they will also be responsible for managing risks and dealing with issues as they arise. Agile project management is a methodology that is often used in software development, as it allows for flexibility and rapid delivery. However, agile project management can be difficult to implement in a country like Tanzania, where there is a lack of infrastructure and resources. This can make it difficult to communicate with team members, track progress, and make changes to the project plan. As a result, a project manager working in Tanzania would need to be very adaptable and have a good understanding of the local context in order to successfully run an agile project. One of the biggest challenges would be managing cultural differencesfor as Dillow (2014) points…...


ReferencesCervone, H. F. (2011). Understanding agile project management methods using Scrum. OCLC Systems & Services: International digital library perspectives.Dillow, C. (2014). Tanzania. PM Network, 43-49.Larson, E., & Gray, C. (2017). Project Management: The Managerial Process 7e. McGraw Hill.Lee, S., & Yong, H. S. (2010). Distributed agile: project management in a global environment. Empirical software engineering, 15(2), 204-217.Miller, G. J. (2013). Agile problems, challenges, & failures. Project Management Institute.

Organized Labor in U S Commercial
Pages: 9 Words: 3198

43 in 2009. Yet current airframe and power plant mechanics are inclined to move to the computer and automotive sector for better work environment. Analysts advised the creation and use of informational recruiting tools to attract these potential workers. in-house training programs on long-term career growth and a sense of commitment to the company would be one form. Another could be employee-retention programs on leadership, technical, and management training courses. Other tools and strategies could be flexi-time, relocation benefits and an improved work environment. Recent mergers and consolidations within the industry are meant to retain employees and serve a wide range of customers. The technology-driven industry requires mechanics with the necessary technological competence in order to provide the wide range of services required by customers. A resourceful information management system could integrate e-business tools and advanced technology into standard business practices. This integration would bring about more efficient and cost-effective…...



Airguide Online (2006). North America. Airline News: Pyramid Media Group, Inc.

Retrieved on December 28, 2008 at;col1 

Air Safety Week (2008). Controllers declare "staffing emergency" in Atlanta,

Chicago, New York and Southern California. Access Intelligence, LLC: Gale, Cengage

Rocket Boys -- the Pain
Pages: 3 Words: 1025

Turner resented the boy's efforts, and accused the members of Homer's Rocket Club of starting a bomb club, much the same way Homer's father's friend Doc warned the boys that they would blow themselves to kingdom come. Mr. Turner only begins to look differently at what came to be known as the Rocket Club after the high school's football season was threatened, because of the school's poor academic record. Homer's instincts and his mother's wise words were correct -- Sputnik changed everything, and America's leaders agreed that America had to look to the future. Homer was a defiant boy of conventional wisdom, a rebel, but not because of the clothes he wore or because of his anger, but because of his determination to look beyond the confines of Coalwood and to use his mind.
Homer's efforts were encouraged by his teacher Miss Riley, a rebel in her own right. She…...


Works Cited

Hickman, Homer. Rocket Boys. New York: Delta, 2000.

How have advancements in technology shaped the transition from the industrial age to the information age?
Words: 671

Advancements in Technology: Shaping the Transition from the Industrial Age to the Information Age

The transition from the Industrial Age to the Information Age has been marked by profound advancements in technology that have fundamentally reshaped the way societies function and operate. These innovations have had far-reaching implications for industries, individuals, and the global economy as a whole.

1. Automation and Robotics:

Advancements in automation and robotics have transformed manufacturing processes, leading to significant increases in productivity. Industrial robots and automated systems have taken over repetitive and dangerous tasks, freeing up human workers for more complex and creative endeavors. The widespread adoption of....

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