Alexander Graham Bell Essays (Examples)

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Alexander Graham ell
In 1847 when Alexander Graham ell was born, Washington, D.C. And altimore had just been connected by telegraph. The telegraph used Morse code, a system of dots and dashes to send messages. ell was born in Scotland. His father was an inventor, too. ell's father invented an alphabet and system of lip-reading for deaf people. ell studied the science of acoustics because he wanted to help his deaf mother. He invented an electric piano that could be heard far away. ell came to Canada first and then to the United States. When he first came to the U.S., he taught deaf students his father's lip reading system.

He married a former deaf student Mabel Hubbard in 1877, not long after he got a patent for the telephone. Her father had financed his experiments. He developed the telephone by improving the telegraph. First, he got a single telegraph wire to….

Inventions of Modern Times
lexander Graham Bell and the Telephone

The United States has produced many inventors, but few as significant as lexander Graham Bell. Bell's 1876 invention of the telephone revolutionized society. For the first time in history, it became possible to communicate directly and instantaneously across vast distances. man could speak into a telephone in one place and converse with a woman miles away. Earlier in the Nineteenth Century, the telegraph had made possible a similar change in human interaction. Yet, the telegraph had never allowed for the transmission of act5ual speech. With that invention, one needed to know and understand a special code. One's words were first converted in that code, and then sent across wires in the form of coded electrical impulses; impulses that then had to be "translated" at the other end. What lexander Graham Bell accomplished was little short of a miracle -- a….

Long-Term amifications of the Ma Bell Breakup
The old Ma Bell was far from perfect, but she deserved her good name. -- Tom Nolle, 2003

Given its prospects, the new Ma Bell looks an awful lot like the old Ma Bell. And that's not a good thing. -- Shannon M. Heim, 2005

The dichotomy of views exemplified by the epigraph above is reflective of the love-hate relationship that Americans have always had with their telephone service provider. Following the breakup of AT&T, or "Ma Bell" in 1982, one of the few legal monopolies in the United States, seven so-called smaller regional "Baby Bells" long-distance providers were created, four of which remain in operation today. After almost a century in operation, the breakup of Ma Bell was followed by a wave of deregulation and competition that profoundly affected the telecommunications industry in both short- as well as long-term ways. To determine the short-….

valuable assets as they help a person stand out and give him his most basic identity. For this reason, I feel that parents must pay attention to the name they choose for their babies because the child has to live with it for the rest of his life and it better be something they can be happy about.
My name is Jason Alexander and there is certainly a good story behind it. My parents were told during ultrasound that they were having a girl and so they chose the name Alexa for me. But when I turned out to be a boy, they found themselves without a name. They were shocked to say the least and when they recovered, they realized they had not even thought of a boy name. I almost left the hospital without a name, had it not been for a television show where the lead character….

"Curtiss - Wright: The Start of a New Era"

The Wright rothers historic flight of December 17, 1903, is the stuff legends are made of. Although there had been many others who attempted flight and flew aircrafts before them, like their mentor and predecessor Samuel Pierpont Langley, Wilbur and Orville Wright were considered pioneers in the "art of flying" (McIntyre, 1994). Langley was famous for the flight of the "Aeorodrome" that plunged into the Potomac River just days before the Wright rothers successful flight in 1903. He bore the wrath of Congressman who were upset because of the $50,000 loss of tax payer dollars that had been utilized to finance the flight.

ecause of the Wright rothers 'pioneer status' they were afforded "broad interpretations of their patents from the U.S. courts" (McIntyre, 1994). As such, the brothers held a virtually monopoly on human flight, and the brothers found themselves regularly having to….

Digital communications could be described as being borne from the first electronic transmission of words via a wire uttered by Alexander Graham Bell. Those words; "Watson, come here. I want to see you" (American Treasures, 2010) will live on in historical fashion as a changing of not only the manner in which individuals communicate, but the changing of an entire world. From that era to today's digital communication accessibility almost anywhere in the world took nearly 140 years yet advanced society light years into the future.
In today's modern communication modes there are a wide variety of methods for communicating not only the spoken word, but the written word, text, images, pictures, books and entire libraries of information at a press of a button. There are also a number of digital methods for transmission, including but not limited to; TETA (terrestrial trunked radio), the Internet via Widebrand and Broadband, and a….

History of Communication

History Of Communication Timeline

(with special reference to the development of the motorcycle)

35,000 BCE.

First paleolithing "petroglyphs" and written symbols. This is important in the history of communication because it marks the first time humans left a recorded form of communication. Also, these written symbols became the ultimate source of later alphabets.

Wikipedia, "Petroglyph."

12,600 BCE.

Cave paintings at Lascaux show early representational art. This is important in the history of communication because the caves depict over 2000 figures, including abstract symbols. More recent research suggests these may record astronomical information.

OURCE: Wikipedia, "Lascaux."

3400 BCE.

First surviving umerian pictograms demonstrate a primitive form of record keeping. This is important in the history of communication because pictograms, together with ideograms, represent a primitive form of writing, in which a symbol either means what it looks like, or represents a single idea.

OURCE: Wikipedia, "Pictogram."

3300 BCE.

Invention of the wheel will transform transportation and communication both. This is….

This program will be offered in the Leadership Development Seminar in which students are offering challenging experiences as well as the areas of higher-level academic pursuits which includes a historical journey through the history of deafness related individuals.
Merrill Lynch has also developed a program targeting deaf students, which was released in a news announcement earlier this month of March 2005. The Merrill Lynch Entrepreneur Leadership Program is offering a program to prepare those interested in entrepreneurial leadership designed for individuals who are deaf and interested in becoming entrepreneurs. Modern technological online modules for learning will be utilized and will simultaneously deliver the information in both ASL and English.


It is clear that ASL Interpreters in classrooms is much needed for the student who is deaf if they are to experience a normal and successful education in the classroom setting. And as shown the student who is deaf and suffers speech….


he history of the telephone began in the mid-1870s when Alexander Graham Bell first used two cups connected by a string to do point-to-point communication. his discovery was made as Bell was trying to develop a device to help the hearing impaired. With years of further development came the invention of the electric telephone which included a receiver (earpiece) and a bar magnet transmitter (microphone), a coil of wire and a thin metal diaphragm. his was then followed by the invention of a bell which acts as a ringer at each end of the phone so that the bell would ring to alert the other party when they needed to converse. At this time, even those who were not meant to hear the conversation could hear it since when one picked up their phone, all other phones rang. his problem was addressed by the development of the telephone dial which….

Social Networking
An Examination of the Purpose and Utilization of Social Networking Websites

Alexander Graham Bell's invention of the telephone in the late 1800s revolutionized civilization.

t was not until 100 years later, in the late 1970s, that another such discovery was made. This latter discovery was that of the nternet. Many argue, furthermore, that the discovery of the nternet involves an even greater advancement in human history than Bell's telephone, for nothing has touched so many, so quickly, and so deeply as the advent of the nternet, and with it, within a relatively short time, the culmination of social networking in a variety of websites, utilize worldwide. This paper will offer a quick examination of how such websites, including Facebook, MySpace, Twitter and Linkedn, have been utilized by individuals in the last decade to promote both personal and work-related interests.

People utilize social networking sites for many reasons but, as mentioned above,….

2) states:
An eligible employee shall be entitled to a total of seven days of leave because of the death of a parent, spouse, son, daughter, or person for whom the employee serves as designated representative... If the deceased died in the line of duty as a member of the uniformed services. Such leave is intended to permit the employee to prepare for or attend the burial ceremony of the deceased member of the uniformed services and may be paid or unpaid leave.

Conversely, however, the United States Federal government presently has no laws in place to similarly (or otherwise, in comparable and appropriate ways) formally acknowledge and honor the passing of federal government personnel other than military personnel.

According to U.S. Code Title 5, Part III; Subpart E; Chapter 63; Subchapter II (2005), the federal government does in fact authorize, according to three separate sections of Title 5: (1) Sec. 6321,….

Forsaken Island
Christopher Sholes -- Typewriter (1867)

Sholes' major input was both the primitive typewriter and the QWERTY keyboard that was later developed to refine his typewriter. While the initial goal of the typewriter was the creation of a way to number book pages, tickets, and other documents, the machine's development later proceeded to include letters. The first model was sent out to stenographers for testing; the QWERTY keyboard system is still being used today. A typewriter would be an excellent invention on the island, assuming there would be plenty of reedy papyri or some sort of paper-like plant substance to be used for typing. It is a major equipment for putting down thoughts to paper, and should somebody else be stranded in the same island, the typed-up papers might even provide some reading entertainment or maybe even advice!

Joshua Pusey -- Matchbook (1889)

Pusey was an American attorney and inventor, with a love….

Three years later, the company improved its picture clarity and introduced the "emotional intonation" feature, considered important components of visual language. ut at present, only 10% of the deaf and hard-of-hearing know about VRS. The Internal Revenue Service refuses to accept VRS calls. And VRS can be performed only with high-speed internet access. ut companies, like Sorenson, provide videophones for free. Those who have no high-speed internet access or a videophone may use IPP relay. It is similar to the outdated TTY but performs faster and more smoothly. The deaf user types his message on a computer.
For the working deaf who need to use the telephone, Able Planet launched the wireless device. This is a telephone and a hands-free set for a cell phone to address these difficulties in the use of a telephone. The technology enables wireless communication with a telecoil in hearing aids. At the same time,….

The Wrights had thought of this; it was in Claim 1 of their patent" (Heppenheimer, 2003, p. 324). However, Claim 1 was not part of the litigation, which meant that the remaining Wright brother, Orville (Wilber died in 1912), had to file a brand new suit, which he did in 1914 (Heppenheimer, 2003, p. 324). This second suit dragged on until 1917, when it became obsolete because of World War I. The U.S. government ordered a massive number of airplanes to fight the war, and patent holders all pooled their resources to help the government. By this time, Curtiss had numerous patents of his own, and he never instigated a patent lawsuit, believing the technology and shared information was far more important than patent infringement (Heppenheimer, 2003, p. 330). His flying boats were being used by England before America entered the war, and to get around the lawsuit, Curtiss….

"Robert Frost the famous poet received four Pulitzer prizes for poetry." "There is small difference between a dramatist and a poet." "Shake spear is known more for his work as a dramatist, not as a poet"
Intention and Intensional definitions

Absurd is used to describe something irrational or illogical. Absurd is something which does not make sense, something which borders insanity.

Buffoon is a stupid person or a fool. A person who does things in an amusing way, e.g a clown.

Cemetery is a place where dead people are buried. A cemetery is a modern graveyard.

Dictator is a ruler who has complete power over a nation, mostly acquired through force. A person who behaves in an autocratic way in regards to other people.

Egotism is being obsessed with one's sense of importance making someone to think and act only in regards to one's importance. Egotism is to be utterly selfish, think of only oneself.


The Technological Revolution in Transportation and Communication

Technology has played a profound role in shaping the evolution of transportation and communication methods, transforming them from rudimentary means of travel and exchange into the sophisticated systems we rely on today. This technological revolution has dramatically altered the way we connect with others, explore the world, and conduct our daily lives.


Steam Engine: The invention of the steam engine in the 18th century marked a pivotal point in transportation history. It enabled the development of steam-powered trains, ships, and automobiles, revolutionizing both long-distance travel and the movement of goods.
Internal Combustion Engine: The....

1 Pages
Term Paper


Alexander Graham Bell Who Invented Telephone

Words: 394
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Alexander Graham ell In 1847 when Alexander Graham ell was born, Washington, D.C. And altimore had just been connected by telegraph. The telegraph used Morse code, a system of dots…

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1 Pages
Term Paper


Alexander Graham Bell Who Invented Telephone

Words: 325
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Inventions of Modern Times lexander Graham Bell and the Telephone The United States has produced many inventors, but few as significant as lexander Graham Bell. Bell's 1876 invention of the…

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10 Pages
Research Paper


Long-Term Ramifications of the Ma Bell Breakup

Words: 3129
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Long-Term amifications of the Ma Bell Breakup The old Ma Bell was far from perfect, but she deserved her good name. -- Tom Nolle, 2003 Given its prospects, the new…

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2 Pages


Valuable Assets as They Help a Person

Words: 655
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

valuable assets as they help a person stand out and give him his most basic identity. For this reason, I feel that parents must pay attention to the…

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10 Pages
Term Paper


Curtiss Wright the Beginning of a New Era

Words: 2956
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Curtiss-Wright "Curtiss - Wright: The Start of a New Era" The Wright rothers historic flight of December 17, 1903, is the stuff legends are made of. Although there had been many…

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3 Pages


Digital Communications Could Be Described as Being

Words: 996
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Digital communications could be described as being borne from the first electronic transmission of words via a wire uttered by Alexander Graham Bell. Those words; "Watson, come here. I…

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14 Pages
Term Paper


History of Communication

Words: 6119
Length: 14 Pages
Type: Term Paper

History Of Communication Timeline TIMELINE: HITORY OF COMMUNICATION (with special reference to the development of the motorcycle) 35,000 BCE. First paleolithing "petroglyphs" and written symbols. This is important in the history of communication…

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6 Pages
Term Paper


American Sign Language Interpreters the

Words: 1748
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

This program will be offered in the Leadership Development Seminar in which students are offering challenging experiences as well as the areas of higher-level academic pursuits which includes…

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2 Pages


Technology in Modern History Airplanes

Words: 490
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

elephone he history of the telephone began in the mid-1870s when Alexander Graham Bell first used two cups connected by a string to do point-to-point communication. his discovery was made…

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2 Pages

Education - Computers

Social Networking Websites

Words: 596
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Social Networking An Examination of the Purpose and Utilization of Social Networking Websites Alexander Graham Bell's invention of the telephone in the late 1800s revolutionized civilization. t was not until 100…

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30 Pages
Term Paper


Close Scrutiny of Books Journal

Words: 9042
Length: 30 Pages
Type: Term Paper

2) states: An eligible employee shall be entitled to a total of seven days of leave because of the death of a parent, spouse, son, daughter, or person for…

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2 Pages


Forsaken Island Christopher Sholes -- Typewriter 1867

Words: 579
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Forsaken Island Christopher Sholes -- Typewriter (1867) Sholes' major input was both the primitive typewriter and the QWERTY keyboard that was later developed to refine his typewriter. While the initial goal…

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7 Pages
Research Proposal


Technology for the Deaf His

Words: 3084
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

Three years later, the company improved its picture clarity and introduced the "emotional intonation" feature, considered important components of visual language. ut at present, only 10% of the…

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3 Pages
Research Proposal


Healthcare in New Hampshire Specifically

Words: 1028
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

The Wrights had thought of this; it was in Claim 1 of their patent" (Heppenheimer, 2003, p. 324). However, Claim 1 was not part of the litigation, which…

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2 Pages


Philosophy Exercise Extension and Denotative

Words: 908
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

"Robert Frost the famous poet received four Pulitzer prizes for poetry." "There is small difference between a dramatist and a poet." "Shake spear is known more for his…

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