Alternative Fuels Essays (Examples)

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Right now, the most obvious need in the world economy is in alternative fuels.
hile the enemies of progress -- a loose coalition of oil industry interests, corrupt politicians and science-denying religious fundamentalists -- thwart attempts by government to promote alternative energy, nations such as China are leading the world in developing new energy technologies. That country, already feeling the constraints of energy shortages on economic growth, has become a leader in solar and wind technology, and has some of the biggest hydroelectric projects in the world (Fang, 2006). Other nations such as Germany are also taking the lead in the rollout of alternative fuels. If the United States allows other nations to take the lead in the development of alternative energy, it is allowing them to take the lead in development in the next century (LaMonica, 2010).

Under the current woeful alternative energy programs, the next century will see other….

" All of this experimentation eventually led to new alternative fuel technologies which in today's world is one of the fastest growing commercial industries, due to the ever-rising need for coal and oil and the continuing rise in oil prices which are expected to exceed $100 a barrel in the very near future. In addition, most major automotive manufacturers like Ford, GM, Chrysler, Toyota and Nissan "have unveiled prototype fuel cell-powered cars," some of which can be purchased today and run on fuels like hydrogen, ethanol and electricity ("Fuel Cell Basics," 2007, Internet).
Two of the most important and innovative types of alternative fuels being used in the modern world are hydrogen and electricity, both of which, for the most part, do not rely upon the use of fossil fuels and do not pollute the atmosphere like burning coal and oil to generate power.

With hydrogen as a fuel source, it can….

Homeowners and small farmers in windy, flat areas are already using the wind as a source of power. However, the use of wind energy is problematic: the wind provides an intermittent source of energy, and once captured, it must be rationed carefully.
Solar energy

Power plants and homes with solar power systems or solar panels can use the sun as a heat source or source of renewable energy. However, solar power, like wind energy, is problematic because of its intermittent nature, particularly in areas of the country that have high energy needs and relatively low exposure to the sun (NEL, 2009). esidential homes in California and the Western states have used solar power, with some success.

Geothermal, hydroelectric, and tidal energy

Drilling into the core of the earth to extract geothermal energy uses ground heat water to produce steam, which then powers electric generators. It is more easily to control than wind or….

A similar method, called gas-to-liquids (GTL), which also uses the FT process, is receiving a lot of attention these days.
In this method, natural gas is used as the feedstock. Waste or natural gas that cannot be marketed is partially oxidized into CO and H2 gases. This synthesis gas is then supplied to a synthesis unit to similarly produce a liquid fuel. The development of synthetic jet fuels to augment petroleum fuels is becoming reenergized with the U.S. Government's Total Energy Development (TED) program. The technical hurdles for a pure synthetic jet fuel are not insurmountable, but manufacturers and regulatory agencies will still need to evaluate and test these fuels before approving them for unlimited use. (Daggett, Hendricks, Walther and Corporan, 2008)

The work of Altman (2007) entitled: "Alternative Fuels in Commercial Aviation: The Need, the Approach, Progress" states that the commercial need drivers for alternative fuels are those of: (1)….

Lotus Rental Car Company and Alternative Fuel Vehicles
Approximately three weeks ago California won a major victory in the fight to lessen greenhouse-gas emissions when voters defeated Proposition 23 -- an effort to block the landmark AB 32 Emissions Law. This law, if passed, will call for a reduction of greenhouse-gas emissions to below 1990 levels by 2020 . In addition, just two weeks ago, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued a warning that two regions in California (having the worst air quality in the country) must submit proposals to significantly reduce emissions or risk losing federal highway funding.

California is essentially a nation-state with a population exceeding 37 million. With so many people packed into congested urban areas, the harmful effects of fossil fuels are magnified. These dangers include: the release of carcinogenic and toxic pollutants which have been proven to adversely affect the healthy growth and development of children….

easoning for Alternative Fuels
All other things being equal, the energy source with the lowest cost will always be pursued after in the cargo transportation world. The supremacy of petroleum-derived from fuels is an outcome of the comparative ease with which they can be stored and competently used for the internal combustion engine vehicle. Other types of fossil fuels (propane, natural gas and methanol) can be used as transportation fuels in the cargo business but need a more storage system that is complicated. The main subject regarding the large-scale utilization of these alternative vehicle fuels is the large capital savings necessitate in delivery amenities as compared with conservative fuels. Another concern is that in conditions of energy denseness, these alternative fuels efficiency is much lower than gasoline and therefore need greater capacity of on-board storage to shelter the corresponding distance as a gasoline vehicle that is propelled. Alternative fuels in….

I do that every day. ut I've never done that with a car. I buy what I need to look successful. esides, how would I ever calculate a payback when I have no idea what gasoline will cost in the future?" A few said with apparent certainty, "one year" or "two years." However, when we inquired where the number came from, they simply asserted that they spent lots of money on gasoline and would quickly earn their money back through savings. A smaller group proposed longer terms -- eight to ten years -- noting that they keep their cars for a long time. Several households explained that their lack of attention to gas costs was due to the fact that they felt they couldn't do anything about it; they had to drive as much as they did to lead the lives they had constructed for themselves." (Kurani, Turrentine, and….

Few hydrogen fueling stations exist, and it will cost billions to build an infrastructure that will make FCVs practical.

Critics say that hydrogen is difficult to store and that producing the hydrogen makes FCVs less efficient than other types of alternative vehicles, such as electric or natural-gas-powered cars.

Even though FCVs may represent the future of the industry, they are still not practical for most applications. However, the hybrid technology and biodiesel powered cars are already practical and many of the mainstream international rental car companies are already offering these alternative fueled vehicles. For example, Hertz will rent a Toyota Prius or comparable model as well as a bio fueled Volkswagen Jetta at many locations (Hertz, N.d.).

Lotus Rental Car should meet its customers' demands for clean technologies in their vehicle fleet. The two most practical technologies that could be added now without many challenges would be the hybrid technology and biodiesel power….

alternative fuel describe detail happen a significant energy supply source. Explain happen. Analyse promise challenges supply source. Your essay judged cogency argument, position merits energy alternative choose.
Marine Current Power

Marine current power is one of the most promising alternative energy sources in the contemporary society. The fact that the world is still addicted to using conventional fuels certainly makes it difficult for serious investors to put their resources into projects associated with alternative energy. Even with this, the fact that many conventional energy sources are rapidly being depleted makes it difficult and almost impossible for these bodies to ignore the benefits they would experience as a result of betting on particular alternative energy sources.

Marine current power uses kinetic energy in marine currents with the purpose of generating electric power. hile most people in the present focus on solar and wind power when discussing with regard to alternative energy sources, the….

Alternative Fuel cars
The best way that we can approach this complex subject is by differentiating the different types of fuels that the cars use since each fuel requires a different type of car and each fuel, accordingly, has its particular advantages and disadvantage.

Biodiesel cars-

Biodiesal vehicles combine petroleum gasoline with vegetable oils. Their benefits lie in the fact that these fuels produce fewer carbon emissions and reduced harmful particulates than does regular fuel. Biodiesel is more cost-effective for drivers than is standard fuel and is also more energy-efficient in its production.

On the other hand, biodiesel fuel is more expensive than standard gasoline aside from the fact that its production would take up vast tracts of land, and farmers may be encouraged to replace food crop planting with biodiesel plants.

Ethanol cars

Ethanol-fueled cars are driven by a combination f gasoline and a grain-based propellant. There are various types of ethanol-fuled cars with….

Concerns about the availability of fuel also slows adoption. In a simulation representing California, entrepreneurs opened alterative fuel stations in urban areas but not in less-populated rural areas where demand is initially lower. According to Science Daily (2007), urban alternative fuel drivers must then avoid the rural areas, reducing the appeal of alternative fuel vehicles and slowing their sales everywhere. In theory, the fuel efficiency of alternative fuel vehicles should attract more buyers; however, in reality, since drivers of alternative fuel vehicles need much less fuel, energy suppliers build fewer alternative fuel stations. This in turn lowers the appeal of these vehicles, and sales of alternative fuel vehicles may in reality decline. Thus, as indicated above, the positive factors associated with alternative fuel vehicles do not meet the burdens that a car rental facility would face with adding alternative fuel vehicles to their rental fleet.
Incentives for Adding Alternative Fuel….

Government Subsidies and Alternative Fuel Technologies
The government should not subsidize alternative fuel options. This is due to the fact that a free market that follows the basic supply and demand curve should be allowed to function as a product of the available technology. This is to say that fossil fuels and other related fuels will continue to stay in demand as long as there is a supply of them and the willingness to pay. Government subsidies disrupt the supply curve as well as the willingness to pay for alternative fuels. Such subsidies create incentives to follow and develop technologies which themselves have no natural market based upon principles of supply and demand.

Technology itself cannot create a new future, s to speak. However, humans, armed with the proper technology and free market dynamics can. This means that as humans develop new technologies, and these technologies become cheaper and more readily available,….

The downside to E15 is that it can only be used by some vehicles manufactured after 2007 (AFDC Ethanol, 2009) and that it's not as widely available as standard gasoline. E15 fuel is considered to be an alternative fuel source.
Ethanol is a renewable source of fuel as it's made from corn. It is similar to grain alcohol because it's made from plant sugars that have been fermented, but it is not consumable. enewable fuel sources are fuels that are derived from components that can be renewed, such as plants. Biodiesel is a form of a fuel made from renewable sources, including plant oils. The oil (which is usually made from vegetables, sunflowers, canola, or used cooking oil) goes through a process called esterificiation, which refines it from oil into alcohol. Other examples of renewable fuels are hydrogen and methanol. There are also fuel types that are created through renewable….

In the drive to discover new fuels and cheaper alternatives to driving the fact of the matter is that roads will still have to be maintained, and if the consumer is purchasing less fuel by driving fuel efficient cars, then other taxes will have to be raised or implemented to pay for the roads.

A recent study concluded that "more efficient cars and trucks still take up space on the highways and wear them out. Growth will require more highway capacity. Since we finance transportation primarily through dedicated taxes, these need to be ample enough to support these needs" (Petersen, 2007, p. 66). The taxes seen in America are not as high as the ones imposed on the European consumer.

One study showed that "European fuel costs are double those in the U.S. " (Winter, 2007, p. 5). The higher fuel costs there provides the European consumer with incentives not necessarily found….

Fuel and Economy
The price of fuel affects every citizen in one way or another, thus, it can have profound consequences on not only the United States, but the global economy as a whole.

On April 28, 2005, President George . Bush expressed concern about the economy due to higher energy prices, and stressed the need to take measure to boost oil output and lower prices (Bush pp). In a primetime press conference, Bush said the small business owners and families are paying higher prices at the gas pump, and that higher gas prices is like a tax and "I do think it's affected the economy" (Bush pp). His comments followed a report that same day from the Commerce Department that stated that the United States "economy grew at an annualized 3.1% in the first quarter in terms of real gross domestic product, decelerating from the previous quarter's 3.8% and marking the….

Title Evolution in Oil Marketing Companies: Reflecting Industry Transformation

The oil and gas industry has undergone significant transformation in recent years, driven by technological advancements, environmental concerns, and shifting consumer preferences. As a result, oil marketing companies (OMCs) have adopted innovative titles to reflect these changes and position themselves for success in the evolving energy landscape.

1. Energy Solutions Provider

OMCs are increasingly embracing a broader role as energy solutions providers, offering a range of products and services that go beyond traditional fuel distribution. This includes renewable energy sources, energy efficiency consulting, and home heating solutions. By adopting this title, OMCs signal their....

The United States Postal Service (USPS) delivery process differs from other courier services in several ways:

1. Universal Service Obligation: The USPS has a universal service obligation to deliver mail to every address in the United States, regardless of the location or profitability. This means that the USPS delivers to every address, including remote or rural areas that may not be served by private courier services.

2. Government Agency: The USPS is a government agency and is subject to government regulations and oversight. Private courier services, on the other hand, are run by private companies and are not subject to the same....

Microcombustion techniques have emerged as promising methods for enhancing the efficiency of thermoelectric generators (TEGs) due to their ability to provide high heat fluxes and temperature gradients. Recent literature reviews have highlighted the significant impact of these techniques on TEG performance.
One of the key advantages of microcombustion is the ability to achieve high surface-to-volume ratios, which leads to improved heat transfer and thermal efficiency. By utilizing microchannels or porous media, microcombustion systems can create large surface areas for heat exchange, resulting in enhanced temperature gradients across the TEG device. This improved thermal efficiency translates directly to higher electrical power output.

2 Pages


Alternative Fuels Energy Policy Today

Words: 691
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Right now, the most obvious need in the world economy is in alternative fuels. hile the enemies of progress -- a loose coalition of oil industry interests, corrupt politicians…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Alternative Fuels the Key to

Words: 973
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

" All of this experimentation eventually led to new alternative fuel technologies which in today's world is one of the fastest growing commercial industries, due to the ever-rising need…

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2 Pages


Alternative Fuels Future Usages -

Words: 835
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Thesis

Homeowners and small farmers in windy, flat areas are already using the wind as a source of power. However, the use of wind energy is problematic: the wind…

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9 Pages


Alternative Fuels as Well as

Words: 2489
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Thesis

A similar method, called gas-to-liquids (GTL), which also uses the FT process, is receiving a lot of attention these days. In this method, natural gas is used as the…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Alternative Fuels Affect the Environment in California

Words: 799
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Lotus Rental Car Company and Alternative Fuel Vehicles Approximately three weeks ago California won a major victory in the fight to lessen greenhouse-gas emissions when voters defeated Proposition 23 --…

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10 Pages


Reasoning for Alternative Fuels All Other Things

Words: 2741
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

easoning for Alternative Fuels All other things being equal, the energy source with the lowest cost will always be pursued after in the cargo transportation world. The supremacy of…

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20 Pages
Research Proposal


Alternative Fuel Vehicles Alternative Fueled

Words: 5345
Length: 20 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

I do that every day. ut I've never done that with a car. I buy what I need to look successful. esides, how would I ever calculate a…

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2 Pages


Alternative Fueled Vehicles an Analysis

Words: 512
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Assessment

Few hydrogen fueling stations exist, and it will cost billions to build an infrastructure that will make FCVs practical. Critics say that hydrogen is difficult to store and that producing…

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3 Pages


Alternative Fuel Describe Detail Happen a Significant

Words: 932
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

alternative fuel describe detail happen a significant energy supply source. Explain happen. Analyse promise challenges supply source. Your essay judged cogency argument, position merits energy alternative choose. Marine Current…

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2 Pages


Alternative Fuel Cars the Best Way That

Words: 534
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Alternative Fuel cars The best way that we can approach this complex subject is by differentiating the different types of fuels that the cars use since each fuel requires…

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7 Pages
Term Paper


Alternative Fuel for Lotus Alternative

Words: 2145
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Concerns about the availability of fuel also slows adoption. In a simulation representing California, entrepreneurs opened alterative fuel stations in urban areas but not in less-populated rural areas…

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2 Pages
Case Study


Government Subsidies and Alternative Fuel Technologies the

Words: 630
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Case Study

Government Subsidies and Alternative Fuel Technologies The government should not subsidize alternative fuel options. This is due to the fact that a free market that follows the basic supply and…

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3 Pages


Fuel Options in Today's Society

Words: 811
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

The downside to E15 is that it can only be used by some vehicles manufactured after 2007 (AFDC Ethanol, 2009) and that it's not as widely available as…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Fuel Tax the United States

Words: 862
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

In the drive to discover new fuels and cheaper alternatives to driving the fact of the matter is that roads will still have to be maintained, and if the…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Fuel and Economy the Price of Fuel

Words: 1480
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Fuel and Economy The price of fuel affects every citizen in one way or another, thus, it can have profound consequences on not only the United States, but the global…

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