Technology Essays (Examples)

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Technology Proposal Social Networking and
Pages: 4 Words: 1070

Creating an effective library social networking platform needs to start with a view of how to create a content management system (CMS) first (Dickson, Holley, 2010). The CMS serves as the system of record of all catalog and collection items, providing valuable statistics on how each book, content and collection item is being used (Shapira, Zabar, 2011). This is extremely valuable information for each department in the library to better plan how they are using the content and managing collections. In front of the CMS, there are a variety of user interfaces available that resemble Facebook and also have messaging capabilities similar to Twitter. An excellent CMS will also have the ability scale to each of the core technologies included in Appendix A, providing a solid foundation for communication and collaboration both between the library and its patrons and between departments as well (Dickson, Holley, 2010). From a departmental…...



Bernoff, J., & Li, C. (2008). Harnessing the power of the oh-so-social web. MIT Sloan Management Review, 49(3), 36-42.

Dickson, A., & Holley, R.P. (2010). Social networking in academic libraries: The possibilities and the concerns. New Library World, 111(11), 468-479.

Mark-Shane Scale. (2008). Facebook as a social search engine and the implications for libraries in the twenty-first century. Library Hi Tech, 26(4), 540-556.

O'Reilly, T. (2006). Web 2.0: Stuck on a name or hooked on value? Dr. Dobb's Journal, 31(7), 10-10.

Technology in the Classroom in Today's Society
Pages: 10 Words: 3260

Technology in the Classroom
In today's society, technology has become an accepted medium for communication. From email correspondence that has taken the place of mail, to texting instead of talking, advances in technology have become integrated into our daily lives. However, the line should be drawn when it comes to technology impeding academics and being incorporated into the classroom. Although many support the notion of technology in the class, others see it as an unnecessary distraction to learning. Following is a critical evaluation of the advantages and decided disadvantages to technology in the classroom.

Does Technology Belong in the Classroom?

Since the advent of the computer and the internet not many years ago, it seems as if technological advances have continued to thrive and grow at exponential rates. To suggest that whether individuals like it or not, technology has impacted their lives is an understatement. Technology has significantly changed the manner in which…...



Ballard, M.B., & Alessi, H.D. (2004). The impact of childhood obesity upon academic.

personal/social, and career development: Implications for professional school counselors, Journal of School Counseling, 4(4).

Barlow, S.E., & Deitz, W.H. (2002). Management of children and adolescent obesity.

Summary and recommendations based on reports from pediatricians, pediatric nurse practitioners, and registered dieticians. Pediatrics, 1101, 236-238.

Technology in the Workplace the
Pages: 9 Words: 2715

Instead, organizations must strike a balance between the autonomy and independence offered by technology in the workplace and the need for employees to have some level of formal and informal commitment to the organization as a whole. Just as seemingly counterproductive activities such as doodling, daydreaming, or, in the information age, surfing the internet, can actually contribute to efficiency by offering employees productive mental stimulation, so too can the autonomy offered by technology contribute to the organization as a whole, so long as that autonomy is framed within the context of organizational behavior.
In order to encourage this autonomy while simultaneously ensuring a cohesive workplace, organizations might be well served by better integrating seemingly disparate departments, in order to better wed employees' individual success to the organization as a whole. While this flies in the face of traditional notions of top-down organizational control, it makes sense when one considers the…...



Andreou, a.N., & Boone, L.W. (2002). The impact of information technology and cultural differences on organizational behavior in the financial services industry. Journal of Intellectual Capital, 3(3), 248-261.

Chou, S.Y., & Pearson, J. (2011). A demographic study of information technology professionals organizational citizenship behavior. Journal of Management Research, 3(2), 1-15.

Harpaz, I. (2005). The internet in the workplace: How new technology is transforming work.

Personnel Psychology, 58(2), 569-572.

Technology for Students With Disabilities
Pages: 11 Words: 3214

These benefits arise because of implementing both assistive technologies and Information Communication technology (ICT). The implementation of technology in classrooms usually has benefits to both the disabled students as well as the teachers (Kirk, Gallagher, Coleman, & Anastasiow, 2012, p.240). The general benefits of use of assistive technologies and ICT in teaching students with learning disabilities include greater learner autonomy and unlocking hidden potential with those with communication difficulties. In addition, they also enable tailoring of tasks in order to suit the skills and abilities of individuals.
Benefits to the Students

Students with learning disabilities benefit most due to embracement of technology in learning. First, assistive technologies increase independent learning in the students. This is because the use of assistive technologies at some extent performs the duties of the teacher (Winzer, 2005, p. 21). This results to the students depending on themselves. Secondly, assistive technologies provide greater opportunities as well as…...



Aitken, J.E., Fairley, J.P., & Carlson, J.K. (2012). Communication technology for students in special education and gifted programs. Hershey PA: Information Science Reference.

Feinstein, S. (2006). The Praeger handbook of learning and the brain. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press

Higgins, K., & Boone, R. (1997). Technology for students with learning disabilities: Educational applications. Austin, Tex: Pro-Ed.

Ivers, K.S., & Pierson, M. (2003). A teacher's guide to using technology in the classroom. Westport, CT: Libraries Unlimited.

Technology in Facilities Management the
Pages: 3 Words: 1348

A third real-life example are the pervasive Healthcare Information Systems (HIS) and Patient Information Management Systems (PIMS) that form the backbone of any healthcare facility. These are systems that capture all relevant patient demographic, treatment and health-related data in addition to showing the specific costs of treatment and profits as well (McGurkin, Hart, Millinghausen, 2006). In short, these systems form the basic financial structure of a healthcare systems. There are according to one estimate $71B in HIS and PIMS systems installed every year on average globally (Blake, Massey, Bala, Cummings, Zotos, 2010). These systems are the most regulated in terms of compliance as well, with the requirement they be operated to comply with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA). Every hospital and healthcare facility must comply with HIPAA per federal mandate, which puts the pressure on facilities management to ensure the HIS and PIMS systems and…...



Blake, R.T., Massey, a.P., Bala, H., Cummings, J., & Zotos, a. (2010). Driving health it implementation success: Insights from the Christ hospital. Business Horizons, 53(2), 131.

Huckman, R.S. (2003). The utilization of competing technologies within the firm: Evidence from cardiac procedures.Management Science, 49(5), 599-617.

Lai, B. (1985). An analysis of a computer-assisted management information system for the hospital industry in arizona.Public Performance & Management Review, 9(2), 154-154.

McGurkin, T., Hart, R., & Millinghausen, S. (2006). It takes a care team. Nursing Management, 37(3), 18-23+.

Technology Assessment in Nursing Changes
Pages: 9 Words: 2797

A recognized universal educational tool such as Blackboard should have a sophisticated search characteristic in order to increase navigation and productivity about the location.
The third barrier concerning the Blackboard is that it does not give an e-mail that is within courses. Contact among teachers and students are done across message boards (Kubala, 1998). In order for a student to obtain significant material they need to start by getting on to the key page of the Blackboard. They then will have to push on the link that will lead them to class. This is then followed by connecting on the "communication" link on that would be most likely located on the screen near the left hand side. Then the students will have come in through the discussion board. At the moment, the student has yet to even choose which subject they would like to further go into. All of this…...


Works Cited

D2L Universities and Colleges Clients. (2006, April 2). Retrieved from Desire2Learn Inc.: 

Educational Benefits of Online Learning. (2006, May 3). Retrieved from Blackboard Inc.: 

Guernsey, L. (2003, August 14). Conference call; Helping hands for homework. The New Yor Times.

Kent, T. (1999). Will Technology Really Change Education. . California: Corwin Press.

Technology in Healcare Assuming Role a Lead
Pages: 3 Words: 998

Technology in Healcare
assuming role a lead person a technology advisory committee a large regional medical center. The medical center struggled ongoing problems related errors surrounding patient medication, misplaced lab results delays updating patient charts.

Technology in the healthcare field: Improving communication

At our institution, there are several serious issues that have arisen amongst our healthcare providers. The allegations carry enough weight that it is vital that our hospital respond to them and provide an effective solution in a timely manner. Physicians are complaining that they must often operate with incomplete or delayed patient information, which can compromise patient health and inhibit effective treatment. Nursing staff have likewise complained about inaccurate and incomplete information from physicians and that lab and radiology orders are difficult to track, once again compromising patient care. Nursing assistants make frequent errors when recording patient vital signs and there has been a rise in critical incidences related to incorrectly…...



Bates, David W, Michael Cohen, Lucian L. Leape, J. Marc Overhage, M. Michael Shabot, & Thomas Sheridan. (2001). Reducing the frequency of errors in medicine using information technology. J Am Med Inform Assoc, 8(4): 299 -- 308. Retrieved at: 

Igbokwe, Obi. (2007). Wireless technology and healthcare. Biohealthmatics. Retrieved at:

Technology Effect and Emerging Technologies Smartphone Technology
Pages: 5 Words: 1799

Technology Effect and Emerging Technologies: SmartPhone Technology
This work will examine the introduction of the Smart Phone technology and its impact on organizations, markets and society. This work will answer the questions of: (1) What was the state of the industry and society prior to the implementation? (2) How did the technology come to be used? (3) How did organizations initially respond? Did they embrace or fight it? (4) How did the public respond to the new technology? (5) How was the market changed? Did the technology create new markets and products? And (6) How did the government respond? Was legislation changed or created in response? What effect did this have?

The work of Arthur (2011) states that smartphones "allow you to do almost everything a PC can do -- and make calls as well." The Smartphone applications are many and as well are such that enable individuals to live a more…...



Arthur, Charles (2011) How the Smartphone is Killing the PC. The Guardian 5 June 2011. Retrieved from: 

Collier, Nancy (2011) Is Your Smartphone Stealing Your Life? Huffington Post. 31 Oct 2011. Living-In-The-Moment. AOL Health Living. Retrieved from: 

Jale, Gareth (2011) Smartphone Addiction Has Arrived. Squidoo. Mobile Phones. Retrieved from:

Robinson, Wiley (2010) Opinion: Smartphone Effects on Kids Raise Concern. The Daily Beacon. 18 Oct 2010. Retrieved from:

Technology in Healthcare
Pages: 3 Words: 1048

Technology in Healthcare
It is a fact of life today that technology pervades everything. It is hardly a surprise that this is true for health care as well. Indeed, the very nature of health care, in that it provides human beings with a better chance at a higher quality of life, requires that some degree of technology is necessary. This is also important in terms of leadership in health care. If health care leaders are to be effecive in any way, there needs to be some focus on technology. Indeed, technology has advanced in such a way that health care can only benefit from it, and particularly when leaders function as pioneers and users of the technology that is available, while also using such technology to benefit their patients. However, one must also take into accoun the various potential hazards presented by technology, and particularly where this could impact the rights…...



Bates, D.W. (2002). The quality case for informaiton technology in healthcare. BMC Medical Informatics & Decision Making. Retrieved from: 

Gauvin, F-P., Abelson, J., Giacomini, M., Eyles, J., Lavis, J.N. (2011). Moving cuatiously: Public involvement and the health technology assessment community. International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care, 27 (1).

Ovretveit, J., Scott, T., Rundall, T.G., Shortell, S.M., and Brommels, M. (2007, Jun. 28). Improving quality through effecive implementation of information tchnology in healthcare. International Journal for Quality in Health Care. 19(5). Retrieved from: 

Torrens, P.R. Technology in the U.S. Health Care System.

Technology and Project Management
Pages: 3 Words: 912

Technology and Project Management
The Politics of Technology

Technology today is such an integrated part of life that it has become inseparable from everyday activity. Indeed, it affects all areas of life, including general public life, professional life, schooling, and politics.

In this regard, Cohen (2003) mentions that technology, when combined with politics, could become something of a double-edged sword. Terrorism, for example, could become particularly sophisticated. Enemies of the country, for example, could use technology to stealthily penetrate the United States and its important political, educational, and social systems. Technology could also be used against itself in terms of computer viruses and the like.

Even within the country itself, however, technology and its advancement also holds dangers. Politicians and scientists, for example, face the challenge of matching limited budgets to unlimited technological advancement needs and demands. Often, for example, critical judgments need to be made regarding the tax dollar allocation for specific advancements.…...



Cohen, E. (2003, Spring). The New Politics of Technology. The New Atlantis. No. 1. Retrieved from: 

"Effects of Technological Developments on Globalization Process." Retrieved from:

Integrated Secure (2011). Project Baseline Development. Retrieved from:

Kelly Project Solutions (n.d.). 6 Tips for Effective Project Communication. Retrieved from:

Technology and Ethics Companies and Corporations Around
Pages: 4 Words: 1142

Technology and Ethics
Companies and corporations around the globe are utilizing ever-expanding technology to help set and manage ethical standards and guidelines within the workplace. Additionally, utilizing such technology can help to shape the type of work environment or work culture that a company hopes to promote. In embracing technology and its capacity to work in conjunction with maintaining ethical standards within the workplace, company higher-ups and human resources are able to better perform the functions of their work that unify company culture into one that is representative of their respective mission statements.

How Do Companies Utilize Technology to Set and Manage Ethics?

There are a variety of ways that companies utilize technology to set and manage ethics within the workplace. Some businesses utilize technological services that monitor employee phone calls, email, and Internet use in a manner that embraces the ideal of zero tolerance when it comes to obscenities or inappropriate language…...



Alder, G., Kuenzi, M., Noel, T. And Schminke, M. (2010). Employee reactions to Internet

monitoring: the moderating role of ethical orientation. Journal of Business Ethics, 80.3: pp. 481-498. Web. Retrieved from ProQuest Database.

Andrews, P. And Herschel, R. (2007). Ethical implications of technological advances on business communication. Journal of Business Communication, 34.2: pp. 1-6. Web. Retrieved from: ProQuest Database.

Technology and Ethics

Technology Business Processes Technology Mediated Organizational Improvement
Pages: 12 Words: 3360

Technology Business Processes
Technology Mediated Organizational Improvement: Spotify's Marketing Mix

The proliferation of the personal computer, the high speed internet connection and the personal listening device have all have a dramatic change on the way that consumers acquire and use music. The inception of digital media and file compression has changed the rules of music acquisition for the artist, the consumer and the retailer alike. For the consumer, the acquisition of music is now mediated by the web, which features a wide range of avenues both free and on a subscription fee basis through which consumers can acquire songs and albums. For the artist and the retailer, this has created a new and pressing demand to find ways of distributing its output while still maintaining profitability. And after a period of steady economic decline, the recording industry has seen a technology-driven shift in hierarchy, with web and computer-based firms like Apple leading…...


Works Cited:

BBC Mobile. (2011). Spotify Opens Up To Add-On Apps from Third Parties.

Bell, D. (2011). Hands-On With Spotify. CNET.

Day, G. (2011). Why Some Companies Succeed at CRM (While Many Fail). Many

DeGusta, M. (2011). The REAL Death of the Music Industry. Business Insider.

Technology in Emergency Management
Pages: 3 Words: 797

Technology in Emergency Management
Following the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, emergency managers across the country have been forced to reexamine their emergency response protocols and incorporate the latest technologies in an effort to help mitigate the effects of future disasters and emergencies. This paper provides a review of the relevant peer-reviewed and scholarly literature to determine how technology has shaped the way emergency managers mitigate disasters, including a discussion concerning the technology that was used as well as the different organizations that are responsible for emergency and disaster preparation. Finally, a summary of the research and important findings are provided in the conclusion.

eview and Discussion

How Technology Has Shaped the Way Emergency Managers Mitigate Disasters

The frequency of manmade disasters, natural disasters, and complex disasters is increasing, and the incidence of their occurrence rate is also increasing (Lu & Xi, 2007). In recent years, a number of computer- and Internet-based technologies…...



Davis, L. (2003, April 28). Nextel hosts public safety interoperability conference. Nation's Cities

Weekly, 26(17), 3.

Fincher, S. (2004, January-February). Efficient crisis communication is just a phone call away.

Public Management, 86(1), 31.

Technology and Learning Introduction- From
Pages: 5 Words: 1721

Note the reading when the rhythmic sounds stop. This is the diastolic reading.
Step 10 -- ecord results; if possible take with other arm and average.

(Andersen, 2009).

4. An easy and cost effective interactive solution would be done in steps, depending on the number of students in the class.

a. First, have the students break up into teams of two, review the steps with each other, then practice taking BP a few times.

b. Bring the class back together and discuss the steps, review vocabulary, and ask probative questions about potential difficulties encountered.

c. Have the class number off as 1 and 2.

d. Begin with the first group of 1 and 2; coming to the front of the class, have 1 do a blood pressure exam of 2, then 2 of 1. Once done, class should constructively critique. Follow this with all the rest of the class.

e. Once done, have students think/pair/share and write…...



Andersen, K. (July 27, 2009). 10 Steps to Accurate Manual Blood Pressure Measurement. Sun Tech Medical Solutions. Retrieved from: 

Daley, K. (2012). Simulation Scenarios for Nurse Educators. New York: Springer Publishing Company.

O'Neill, K, Singh, G & O'Donoghue, J 2004, 'Implementing E-Learning Programmes for Higher Education', Journal of Information Technology Education, vol 3, no. 1, pp. 313-23.

Vizard, M 2011, Top 10 Emerging Technology Trends for 2011, Retrieved from:

Technology in the Classroom
Pages: 3 Words: 793

Technology in the Classroom
Integrating technologies into classrooms can be of great value to educators and students; especially in regard to learning about languages. However, the use of these techniques must overcome a wide range of obstacles to be overcome some limitations. Most of the modern technologies used in education can be relatively expensive and require that both the teachers as well as the students acquired additional skills to be proficient with developing systems. Furthermore, many educators are resistant to embracing new methods of class room education.

Some teachers are reluctant to developing these new technologies into their lesson plans. However, technology can be a valuable supplement to education and can allow students a range of different experience that they might not otherwise find. Furthermore, technology that is successful integrated into the classroom for language education can provide new opportunities to hear languages and experience different scenarios that the ordinary classroom setting.…...


Works Cited

Estes, A. (2011, June 6). The U.N. Declares Internet Access a Human Right. Retrieved from The Alantic: 

Kern, R., Waire, P., & Warschauer, M. (2008). Network-Based Language Teaching. Enyclopedia of Language and Education, 281-292.

Qin, P. (2005, May). The Application of Formative Assessment in Multimedia Computer-assisted Language Learning. Retrieved from Media in Foreign Language Instruction:

How do I select 3 functional areas of a business and their purpose supporting company goals for an essay due?
Words: 375

Depending on the approach to business management that you study, there can be four to seven functional areas of business.  We favor a business management approach that highlights six functional areas of business: strategy, marketing, finances, human resources, operations, and technology and equipment.  To pick which ones to include in a paper you need to write, we would look at what each functional area does and pick the three areas where we had the most subject-area competency.  However, if the paper was a research paper, intended to teach us more about business operations, we would actually take....

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