Alternative Medicines in Australia
ackground and Importance of the Issue
Healing wounds, making sick people healthy again, determining the exact condition of people who are ill, and keeping society as healthy as possible -- these are all goals of the healthcare industry in Australia. There are very few things as important to a nation as the good health of its people. There are always incidents and injuries in any society, and there are health problems due to the imperfection of the human body and the intervention of substances that can cause a person to be ill. Cancer is one of the leading causes of illness and death in Australia. According to the Cancer Council of Australia, on in five cancer deaths result from smoking cigarettes and 3% of cancers are due to alcohol consumption; moreover, in Australia in 2012 an estimated 534,000 "…new cases of cancer will be diagnosed" (
The Cancer Council…...
Cancer Council of Australia. 2009. 'What Causes Cancer?' Retrieved August 18, 2012, from .
Hechtman, Leah. 2012. Clinical Naturopathic Medicine. Elsevier Australia: Chatswood, AU.
Maggie. 2012. 'More hollow legislation from the TGA,' Sceptics Book. Retrieved August 18, 2012, from .
National Herbalists Association of Australia, 2010, 'Services,' Retrieved August 18, 2012, from
Alternative Medicine
The Role of Alternative Medicine in Society
A variety of alternative medicines and therapies have been becoming popular in mainstream western culture. In fact, in Australia as well as the United States and the U.K., the alternative medicine industry has grown into a multi-billion dollar a year industry that is growing at an estimated rate of thirty percent annually (International Study, 2012). Yet, despite the incredible growth trend, these alternative remedies are highly criticized by the scientific and medical communities because the benefits of these treatments are found deficient in regards to scientific evidence to support their healing claims.
In fact, an organization has recently been founded that consists of over four hundred and fifty prominent members who have basically declared war on the entire field and wish to ensure that these fields are not included as subjects to be studied in any publically funded university (Kamenev, 2012). The polarization of…...
mlaWorks Cited
Health Insite, 2012. Complementary and Alternative Therapies. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 25 August 2012].
International Study, 2012. Alternative medicine in Australia. [Online]
Alternative Medicine
CAM refers to complementary, alternative, or integrative medicine. Sometimes the terms are used interchangeably, but they actually mean different things to practitioners. The term complementary "generally refers to using a non-mainstream approach together with conventional medicine (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2013). The term alternative "refers to using a non-mainstream approach in place of conventional medicine" (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2013). Integrative medicine is most similar to complementary medicine, in that it refers to using alternative practices in conjunction with traditional, mainstream approaches. However, because the line between mainstream and non-mainstream approaches is fluid, many practitioners incorporate approaches that were recently considered alternative into their mainstream treatment.
Conventional medicine plays a role in most of the CAM spectrum. First, it is important to realize that few people or practitioners adhere to strictly alternative methods. "Most people use non-mainstream approaches along with conventional treatments. And the…...
National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine. (2000). Expanding horizons of healthcare: Five-year strategic plan 2001-2005. Retrieved September 17, 2013 from National Institutes of Health website:
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2012, May 31). Acupuncture for pain.
Retrieved September 17, 2013 from National Institutes of Health website:
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (2013, August 26). Complementary,
Studies published in the New England Journal of Medicine and elsewhere also have found no link. Even after thimerosal [the alleged, offending substance] was removed from infant vaccines, the autism rate has continued to climb" (Vaccine, 2008, CNN). Attributing illnesses to conventional medicine is often based upon anecdotal and emotional evidence, little else.
Conventional medicine takes a preventive perspective as well, stressing proper diet and nutrition, but a more realistic fashion and thus yield more appreciable results. Furthermore, studies suggest that eating real food, as opposed to alternative supplements or following fad diets, elimination diets, or diets that do not contain an entire group of food (such as meat or carbohydrate) are more health-promoting and sustainable over the long-term (Parker-Pope 2009).
Conventional medicine is empirically tested. Many alternative therapies have no scientific support other than heresy and simply take advantage of frightened people. They have also proved deadly, in the case…...
mlaWorks Cited
Benefits of acupuncture. (2009). Retrieved July 4, 2009 at
Health benefits of acupuncture. (2009). all4naturalhealth. Retrieved July 4, 2009 at
Parker-Pope, Tara. (2007, November 5). The case for real food. The New York Times.
Retrieved July 4, 2009 at
In contrast to other work in this field, this book views alternative health as a social movement, and shows commonalities between the cultural left and the religious right that can help form a new healthcare paradigm.
National Center for Complimentary and Alternative Medicine
2000 Expanding Horizons of Healthcare: Five-year trategic Plan, 2001-2005.
National Institute of Health Publication No. 01-5001. Gaithersburg, Maryland:
National Institutes of Health.
In this report, the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) outlines the first ever, five-year-strategic plan covering the years 2000-2005. The report consists of four major sections. In the first, the NCCAM argues the case to take action through research. The second portion discusses future direction for the field. The third section details the strategic plan its self, while the fourth section covers the appendices. The report places the majority of concentration on the strategic plan outline, in which the mission and vision of the NCCAM are…...
mlaSources consulted
American Anthropological Association
2003 AAA Style Guide. Electronic Document, Accessed December 3, 2007. ,
The latter, performed by chiropractors, some conventional medical doctors, and other health care professionals involves applying force to a joint of the spine and moving it beyond its normal range of motion. This serve to alleviate back pain.
Movement therapies, another AM category, are movement-based approaches intended to promote holistic well-being. Examples include the Feldenkrais method, Pilates, Alexander technique, Rolfing Structural Integration, and Trager psychophysical integration.
Manipulation of energy fields is also practiced by some AM practitioners where it is thought that humans are infused with electromagnetic fields and that manipulating these streams of energy will promote healing. Examples include Qi gong, Reiki, and healing touch.
Finally, whole medical systems, another category of AM, include Ayurveda medicine and traditional hinese medicine with, more recently, homeopathy and naturopathy.
Three different AM treatments from alternative therapy, complementary therapy, and integrative therapy are yoga, message therapy, and attention to nutrition. Each is alternative in that it…...
mlaCenter for the Scientific Study of Yoga and Health. Evidence-based yoga. Retrieved December 28, 2010, from
HerbMed. Retrieved December 28, 2010, from
National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM). What is Complementary and Alternative Medicine. (n. d.). Retrieved December 28, 2010, from
Alternative and Complementary & Alternative Medicine in Prostate Cancer
In order to address the higher rates of prostate cancer which have long afflicted the African-American community, a scientific study was conducted in 2007 to gauge the role that cultural traditions, including the belief in prayer and approaches to alternative medicine, play in the prevention and treatment of this disease. A group of prominent researchers in the nursing field, headed by andy A. Jones, PhD, N and Ann Gill Taylor, EdD, N, FAAN, explored links between the beliefs of African-American prostate cancer patients and techniques used by nurses, and their findings were published in a report entitled "Complementary and Alternative Medicine Modality Use and Beliefs Among African-American Prostate Cancer Survivors." This report relied on primarily phenomenological research methods, including live interviews and visits to participant's homes, to study the belief systems of 14 African-American prostate cancer survivors and found that these cultural…...
Agho, A.O., & Lewis, M.A. (2001). Correlates of actual and perceived knowledge of prostate cancer among African-Americans. Cancer Nursing, 24(3), 165-171. Retrieved from
Boehm, S., Schlenk, E.A., Funnell, M.A., Parzuchowski, J., Powell, I.J. (1995). Prostate cancer in African-American men: Increasing knowledge and self-efficacy. Journal of Community Health Nursing, 12(3), 161-169. Retrieved from
Jones, R.A., Taylor, A.G., & Bourguignon, C., Steeves, R., Fraser, G., Lippert, M., Theodorescu, Dan., Matthews, H., Kilbridge, K.L. (2007). Complementary and alternative medicine modality use and beliefs among African-American prostate cancer survivors . Oncology Nursing Forum, 34(2), 359-364. doi: 10.1188/07.ONF.359-364
McIntosh, H. (1997). Why do African-American men suffer more prostate cancer?. JNCI Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 89(3), 188-189. doi: 10.1093/jnci/89.3.188
After three weeks, crying was decreased in both groups, but the Lactobacillus reuteri infants demonstrated the greater reduction, from a mean of 370 minutes of crying per day at the beginning of the study to 35 minutes at the end. The placebo group's mean crying time went down from a mean of 300 minutes per day to 90 minutes per day. Stool examination also demonstrated a considerable decrease in the occurrence of E. coli among infants who got the Lactobacillus reuteri drops. esearchers considered that babies in the placebo group may have had an advancement since of reduced cow's milk in the mother's diet (Probiotic may soothe colicky babies, 2010).
On the whole, the conclusions sustain the idea that Lactobacillus reuteri may aid in reducing colic symptoms by making better gut motility and function, which in turn could decrease gas in the gastrointestinal tract and abdominal pain and cramping. Simultaneously,…...
Colic. (2010). Retrieved November 17, 2010, from Mayo Clinic Web site:
Health benefits of taking probiotics. (2005). Retrieved November 17, 2010, from the Harvard
Medical School Web site:
Alternative Treatments: Acupuncture for Pain ManagementInstructions:
Acupuncture is a form of alternative medicine that is used throughout the world, although it is considered to be part of an ancient Chinese tradition. It is performed by inserting needles into the skin at specific points on the body and is used to treat a number of conditions. According to the Mayo Clinic, in the Chinese tradition, the insertion of needles helps to restore balance the life force, known as qi or chi, through pathways in the body. One of the most common uses is for pain treatment. However, it can be used for a number of other purposes, including preventive maintenance. It can also be used to treat emotional and psychological problems.
Acupuncture has been used for thousands of years. Its use in the United States is more recent, though, and it did not become popular until the 1970s (Tran, 2012). Although it has…...
Acupuncture (2012). The Mayo Clinic. Retrieved electronically on May 6, 2012 from
Koopsen, C. & Young, C. (2009). Integrative health: A holistic approach for health professionals. Sudbury: Jones and Bartlett.
Tran, A. Acupuncture alternative (2012). Markula Center for Applied Ethics, Santa Clara
University, CA. Retrieved electronically on May 6, 2012 from
Health Culture
What is complementary/alternative medicine and how does it differ from the traditional Western approach?
Complementary medicine and alternative medicine include any treatment interventions that do not fall within the accepted rubric of the American Medical Association and related institutions. The term complementary medicine suggests that such interventions can be used in conjunction with allopathic interventions, whereas alternative medicine suggests that some patients prefer to eschew pharmacological and related allopathic interventions in favor of other forms of treatment. Mistakenly called Western medicine, allopathic medicine is practices as much in Asia and the East as it is in the West.
However, many cultures around the world including Western societies acknowledge the relevance and role that homeopathic medicine, acupuncture, herbs, and other treatments play in healing. Many so-called alternative medicine and complementary medicine treatments have been scientifically studied. The main difference between complementary and alternative medicine and traditional medicine is that the latter is…...
National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) (2011). What is CAM? Retrieved November 1, 2011 from
US Department of Health & Human Services, Maternal Child Health Bureau (2009). Core Concepts in Cultural Competence. Retrieved November 1, 2011 from
Complementary and alternative medicine is difficult to describe because it incorporates a very broad and continually changing field. However, this field is defined as a group of distinct medical and health care systems, products, and practices that are not generally regarded as part of traditional or conventional medicine ("What is Complementary and Alternative Medicine?" 2012). In this case, the conventional or traditional medicine is medical practices by clinical doctors, holders of doctor's degrees, and allied health care professionals like registered nurses, physical therapists, and psychologists. Nonetheless, the boundaries between conventional medicine and complementary and alternative medicine are not absolute since particular CAM practices may sometimes become widely accepted.
There is a significant difference between complementary medicine, alternative medicine, and integrative medicine. Complementary medicine is described as the use of CAM in combination with traditional medicine or usual care in order to help minimize pain. On the contrary, alternative medicine is the…...
Ratini, M. (2012, May 31). Alternative Treatments for Sleep Disorders. Retrieved March 25,
2013, from
Solomon, H.R. (2006, September 18). Alternative Approach to Treating Allergies: The Wonders
of Nature. Retrieved March 25, 2013, from
patients turn to complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) in pursuit of healing as a last resort following unsuccessful application of traditional or Western medicine. A National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) which also included an aspect of alternative medicine revealed that approximately 38% of adults use alternative medicine (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2012). Some of the drugs attempted to improve human condition include herbal or botanical substances. There have been numerous botanical products inventoried for their medicinal effects. Nurses working in the hospice care lack the basic knowledge in administering alternative medicine on patients. Thus, to ensure efficient administration of treatment using alternative or complimentary therapy, it is necessary to education nurses on practical methods. The nurses as practitioners need to be educated on Bell's three stages for proper administration of alternative procedures.
Contribution to the Future of Healthcare
The model herein described is deduced from theoretical and related research…...
Bardia, A., Barton, D., Prokop, L., & Bauer, B. (2006). Efficacy of complementary and alternative medicine therapies in relieving cancer pain: A systematic review. American Society of Clinical Oncoloty, 5457-5464.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2012, November 16). National Health Interview Survey. Retrieved November 24, 2012, from
Cummings, K. (2011). End of life and hospice care . Minneapolis: University of Minnesota.
Forester, H. (2012). Alternative Medicine and Hospice Care for LPN/RNs. Retrieved November 24, 2012, from
Complimentary & Alternative Medicine Practices
Seeking far better healthcare for psychological along with other medical problems, public has increasingly took on other styles of treatment-commonly known as complementary and alternative medicine or CAM. Within 2002, 36% adult Americans utilized some kind of CAM. In the event that prayer is incorporated, that amount swells to approximately 62%. By 2007 CAM usage enhanced to approximately 14% (Edwards, 2008).
In psychiatry, nearly 54% of females with depression looked for relief through CAM therapies. Factors given really are an inclination for any "natural strategy," seeking treatments which are congruent using their own beliefs as well as values, as well as experiencing unpleasant negative effects or poor outcomes from orthodox therapy. Amongst psychological patients generally, 63% utilized some form of CAM (Edwards, 2008).
In recent decades, one has also seen a stream of articles within the psychological literature around the utilization of CAM remedies such as nutrition (for…...
American Academy of Ophthalmology. (2004). Complementary Therapy Assessment Visual Training for Refractive Errors. Accessed February 14, 2012 from
Amminger GP, Schafer MR, Papageorgiou K, et al. (2010). Long-chain omega-3 fatty acids for indicated prevention of psychotic disorders: a randomized, placebocontrolled trial. Arch Gen Psychiatry; 67:146-54.
Arns M, De Ridder S, Strehl U, Breteler M, Coenen A. (2009). Efficacy of neurofeedback treatment in ADHD: the effects on inattention, impulsivity and hyperactivity: a meta-analysis. Clin EEG Neurosci;40:180-89.
Edwards, S.D. (2008). Breath psychology. Psychology & Developing Societies; 20:131.
Piscidia piscipula formerly known as Piscidia erythrina and commonly known as Jamaican dogwood or Florida fishpoison tree, is a tropical, deciduous, medium-sized tree endemic to the Caribbean, Texas, southern Florida and the Keys, and Latin America. Historic use of the herb details West Indies Natives using the extracts from the tree to sedate fish (Fetrow & Avila, 2000). The sedated fish became easy to catch by hand leading to the common name of fishpoison. In modern times, scientists have discovered use for the herb as a sedative and analgesic.
The historic use of Jamaican Dogwood has been to catch fish by hand by sedating them and other traditional uses. Because the herb has sedative and analgesic properties, people of the Caribbean used it for pain relief, aid for labor, menstruation pains, toothaches, migraines, insomnia, and asthma. They would consume it either as a tincture, as a dried product, or as an…...
This is especially true for those methods which use an integrated approach to restore and maintain the health of the patients through changes in lifestyle, diet and other natural therapies. These alternative methods of treatment increase the longevity of life by being effective in preventing certain diseases such as obesity, diabetes, cancer, etc. As well as by promoting the health of the patient and preventing and treating aging. Looking at it from a scholarly viewpoint, it can be seen that these beliefs are actually true since diet and nutrition are related to many chronic illnesses. Therefore, if a person does improve their dietary intake, they can be able to prevent these chronic illnesses.
People also use alternative medicine because apart from treating the symptoms of the disease, they also have several other benefits. Joos, oseman, and Szecsenyc (2006)
give good examples as yoga, acupuncture and massage which apart from treating the…...
Barnes, P.M., Powell-Griner, E., McFann, K., & Nahin, R.L. (2004). Complementary and alternative medicine use among adults: United States, 2002. Advance Data 343, 1-20.
Bejean, S., & Sultan-Taieb, H. (2005). Modeling the Economic Burden of Diseases Imputable to Stress at Work. The European Journal of Health Economics, 6(1), 16-23.
Joos, S., Roseman, T., & Szecsenyc, J. (2006). Use of complementary and alternative medicine in Germany. A survey of patients with inflammatory bowel disease. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 6, 19.
Longmead, C., & Rampton, C. (2006). Complementary and alternative therapies for inflammatory bowel disease. Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 23, 341-346.
Of course! Here are some potential essay topics related to the placebo effect that you could consider:
1. The history and origins of the placebo effect: Exploring how the concept of the placebo effect has evolved over time and its cultural and scientific roots.
2. The psychology of the placebo effect: Analyzing the psychological mechanisms behind the placebo effect and how factors such as expectation, conditioning, and belief play a role.
3. The ethics of placebo treatments: Discussing the ethical implications of using placebos in medical practice and research, including issues of informed consent and deception.
4. The neurological basis of the placebo effect:....
Essay Topics on the Placebo Effect
The placebo effect, a fascinating phenomenon, arises when individuals experience significant health improvements after receiving an inactive or fake treatment. This effect highlights the power of the mind and its ability to influence physiological responses. Exploring the placebo effect offers valuable insights into the complexities of health and well-being.
1. The Mechanisms Behind the Placebo Effect
Investigate the psychological and physiological processes that contribute to the placebo effect.
Discuss the role of expectation, conditioning, and cognitive biases in shaping the experience.
Explore the potential involvement of neurochemical pathways, such as the release of endorphins.
2. Placebo Effect....
1. The benefits and challenges of early intervention for children with autism
2. The role of parents and caregivers in supporting individuals with autism
3. The misconceptions and stigmas surrounding autism and how to combat them
4. The impact of technology and assistive devices on the lives of individuals with autism
5. The importance of inclusive education for students with autism
6. The link between autism and other developmental disorders
7. The relationship between genetics and autism
8. The challenges faced by adults with autism in the workforce
9. The effectiveness of different therapies and interventions for individuals with autism
10. The portrayal....
Bach flower therapy is a form of alternative medicine that uses flower essences to help balance emotions and promote overall well-being. The therapy was developed by Dr. Edward Bach in the 1930s, who believed that negative emotions and stress were the root cause of many physical and mental health problems.
Bach flower therapy is based on the idea that different flowers have specific healing properties that can help restore emotional balance and support the body's natural healing process. The therapy involves selecting specific flower essences based on an individual's emotional state and personal needs.
By taking Bach flower essences, individuals can experience....
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