America Essays (Examples)

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America's Medical System is Broken: Can it Be Saved and at What Cost?
It is not an undisclosed reality that the health care system of the United States of America is the most expensive in the world. The American government spends almost two times as much per individual as compared to other advanced nation-states for achieving better health outcomes. However, they are neither better nor satisfactory and are much poorer in some cases. In addition to this, the residents of other developed countries (particularly Canadians and British) who are consistently loathed by rivals of "socialized" medicines communicate that they are greatly satisfied with their health care systems when compared to the citizens of America who are not.

The health care system in the United States is an area under much polarizing discussion. The supporters of it claim that it is undoubtedly the best medical system in the world. They support their claim….

..) the subsequent U.S. occupation of the island tied its economy ever closed to the United States as U.S. military governors promulgated laws giving U.S. firms concessionary access to the Cuban market. y the late 1920s U.S. firms controlled 75% of the sugar industry and most of the mines, railroads, and public utilities." (Leogrande and Thomas, 2002, 325-6)
The economic dependence on the United States and in particular the high degree of American control over the Cuban industry and natural resources determined a massive reaction even at the social level. For the public in Cuba, the massive U.S. presence represented the symbol of the colonial rule identified with the previous Spanish rule. From this point-of-view after the gaining of independence, in Cuba a certain sense of opposition towards the U.S. was created. At the same time, one of the most obvious areas of the social aspect which saw the increased influence….

America and Diversity
Impacts of Immigration on U.S.

America has indeed a true diverse population and challenges of having such a diversified group of people range from the most serious issues such as terrorism to minor issues of hygiene. In a nutshell the most important challenge is inculcating the American way of life in people from different races, believing in a same cause of freedom and future that is flourishing for both the country and its citizens. Some notable challenges are;

A person's Lack of trust in people who belong to same or different race.

Involving a population in democratic process that consists of people with different social norms and religious beliefs.

Increasing population with scarcity of natural resources and services provided by government.

A judicial system that can consistently overlook religious beliefs and social norms in making decisions.

Lack of awareness; in reference to future of the world and American beliefs and outlook.

A disintegrated society where….

America's Cuban Conundrum
Issue that prompted the EU to take the Helm-Burton dispute to the WTO

The stances of the U.S. government in the suctions issued upon Cuba were heavy and non-beneficial to many countries and subsidiary organizations. The benefits of the sanctions were felt with no role in bringing consistency of access to the exciting opportunities for business activities in Cuba. Many organizations, countries, and independent business people were willing to enter into relationships with Cuba in order to access the benefits accrued to opportunities in the market. Nonetheless, the stance of the U.S. On sanctions seemed to influence other nations into having a collateral relation with Cuba. For instance, the sanctions extended to other nations like Canada that initially had improved relations between them and the United States of America (atliff & Fontaine, 2000).

Moreover, Cuba was not in any case ready to let go or pay for the U.S. companies….

Argument against colonization

While the American government pursued this expansionist policy, many citizens expressed concerns and dissent, for many disparate reasons. Ironically, while expansionism was based on ideas of racial superiority, so did the counter-arguments. For example, labor leader Samuel Gompers argued against the acquisition of colonies, for fear of being swarmed by "the Negritos, the Chinese, the Malays" and the other "semi-savage races" from coming to the United States? Similar racist arguments were put forth by William Graham Sumner, a prominent Social Darwinist. While Sumber agrees with the argument that Anglo Saxons are a superior race, he also believed that colonization would interfere with the progress of the lesser race and may even disrupt the development of the Anglo Saxon civilization.

However, many prominent Americans also opposed American expansionism based on more lawful and humanitarian reasons. Republican Senator George F. Hoar, for example, argued that the acquisition of the Philippines based….

e., whites).
Marx would say that capitalism is a machine made out of human beings; human beings are the little cogs that make the machine go round. Work is such an important topic as it relates to identities therefore because it is the place and the acts that we do at work that either reinforce our class or not. The constant worry by some to do well at their jobs because they are scared of not having money to buy food, to pay for their shelter, and live a decent life are what strengthen performance at work (or not strengthen performance at work depending on the level of need). This is why Marx's theories on capitalism and work were so right on. If a person is so worried about how they will eat their next meal, they are inextricably linked to their job performance and thus their 'cultural performance' too.

In America,….

This essentially meant that America declared its sphere of influence extended into Central America. Shifting from its isolationist past, America became increasingly embroiled in international affairs as a result of this doctrine. In 1898, whipped into a frenzy by William Randolph Heart's yellow journalism and specious allegations that an about the Spanish violations of human rights, Americans railed in support of the Spanish-American War. The idea that the supposedly oppressed Cuban freedom fighters were like American rebels of old was used to justify American determination of the situation abroad.
nder the leadership of Theodore Roosevelt at the helm of the navy and President McKinley, America exercised its dominance and declared war on Spain in April of 1898. The suspicious sinking of the .S.S. Maine sealed the fate of Spain, although it is not even certain why the Maine sank today. However, rather than merely guarantee freedom for Cubans, Americans actions….

In much African music-making repetition is regarded as an aesthetic strength, and many forms are constructed of short phrases that recur in a regular cycle;
2) interlocking of multiple repeating patterns to form dense polyrhythmic; and 3) in contrast to the aesthetics of Western art music, in which a "clear" tone is the ideal, African singers and instrumentalists make use of a wide palette of timbres. uzzing tones are created by attaching a rattling device to an instrument, and singers frequently use growling and humming effects, a technique that can also be heard in African-American genres such as blues, gospel, and jazz. (Starr and Waterman, nd)

Latin music has also integrated in American popular music as did early music of the American South which was greatly influenced by black gospel music. Country music which is produced in Nashville has also influenced popular American music and has wound its way with its….

America in a World at War and "America and the Cold War questions:
Brinkley, Alan. The Unfinished Nation: A Concise History of the American People. Fourth Edition. New York: McGraw-Hill 2004.

During WWII the German government methodically went about the destruction of six million Jews, Catholics, gypsies and other ethnic groups not considered Aryan in nature. How, in your opinion could this happen? How was a leader such as Adolph Hitler able to go about what we now call the Holocaust, without the citizens rising up in objection? More importantly could this happen again? Could it happen in the United States?

To answer this question is difficult, for it poses essentially, a question that historians and Germans alike have wrestled with for decades, namely why did the Holocaust occur? The only, albeit incomplete answer is that genocides have occurred throughout human history. Genocides continue in Europe to this day, as evidenced in the….

America and the Post Cold War World
This work of non-fiction authored by Chollet and Goldgeiger chronicles a pivotal epoch in United States history, which was marked by the end of the Cold War and the beginning of the purported War on Terror. The authors dedicate most of the manuscript to the foreign policy and international developments that America faced during this interim between major, time-consuming wars. Nonetheless, there are some interesting domestic developments that they discuss as well, strictly within the context of how those events influenced the country's efficacy -- or lack thereof -- in foreign affairs.

In combing through this period which began on 11/9 of 1989 and ended on 9/11 of 2001 (which marked the fall of the erlin Wall and the start of the War on Terror as denoted by the attack on the World Trade Center) the primary purpose of the authors is to glean insight….

One text states, "16 million Americans -- about one-third of the available workforce -- was unemployed" (Lamb 237). It was one of the worst times in American history, and it took President Franklin D. oosevelt, elected in 1933, to end it with his radical "New Deal" that created jobs and fiscal security. One historian notes, "The achievements of the New Deal soon came to be not only admired but imitated; the United States became not merely the consumer of social experiments from other lands but the exporter"
Leuchtenburg 306). The New Deal was successful, but it was really the entrance into World War II that revved up the economy and finally ended the depression.

There were so many changes from 1900 through 1941; it is difficult to name them all. However, overall, just about every part of society changed, from economically to how people lived and worked. It was one of….

America Is Overmedicating Children
America is over-medicating its children. ecently, the studies and the reports have shown that there is a great increase in the usage of prescription as well as nonprescription drugs within the American children. There are three main classes of drugs being used on the children; psychotropic drugs, antibiotics and asthma medications. Why are the drugs being used on the children in increasing rates? Has there been an increase in these illnesses, or are these drugs being used without a reason. There are three main areas of concern on which the paper will concentrate.


These are the first kind of medications that were used on a wider scale. Penicillin is an important example. Since the 1940s, when the drug was released in the market, the advantages as well as the pitfalls of usage have been seen (United States Congress House Of epresentatives, 2010, p. 56). It was observed that….

America's ise To Power
It is not a new notion that America rose to world domination on the backs of the less fortunate, such as Native Americans and slaves. Before the Civil War, legislation like the Dred Scott case and the Kansas-Nebraska Act mandated white's control over slaves and slavery, allowing the Southern states to continue a policy that had been banned in the North. The South grew wealthy by exporting cotton and other materials that were farmed by slave labor, and even after the war, when the slaves were freed, they continued to be subjugated by Jim Crow laws and other means to keep them "in their place" on the bottom rung of society. The Native Americans were consistently pushed from their native lands, treaties were ignored, and they were sent to reservations far from where they had lived, making it impossible to continue their way of life. The Trail….

America Economy
The global economic crisis that the United States finds itself in today is in many ways similar to the basic characteristics and consequences that followed the Great Depression that lasted from 1929 to 1933. In this paper, the Great Depression and its aftermath will be examined at length with the purpose of comparing its similarities and differences with the current economic turmoil. Specifically, this paper will highlight government bond rates, interest rates, the U.S. gross domestic product (GDP) and the trends of primary stock prices. In addition, the response of the federal government will be compared with an eye toward examining its impact and lessons learned for future crises.

One of the major indicators of a county's wealth is its GDP. This is comprised of the cumulative value of all services and goods produced within a given time period. GDP is most frequently compared from one fiscal quarter to the….

Having started as a bookkeeper in Cleveland, John D. Rockefeller accumulated money while being a merchant, and then bought his first oil refinery in 1862. By 1870 he had started Standard Oil Company of Ohio. His secret agreements with railroads allowed him to ship his oil with rebates and discounts, thusly driving competitors out of business. By 1899, The Standard Oil Company, acting as a holding company, controlled the stock of many companies, with $110 million in capital, and $45 million in profit a year. John D. Rockefeller's fortune was estimated at $200 million.

It is not an unusual tale, the one in which clever businessmen built empires by mercilessly defeating competition, keeping prices high and wages low, and using government subsidies. At the turn of the century, American Telephone and Telegraph had a monopoly over the nation's telephone system, and International harvester made 85% of all farm machinery. The banks….

1. A diet or lifestyle related disease is one that is brought about specifically because of the type of diet the person has or the lifestyle he or she chooses to live. 2. Obesity causes many health issues. The most common are sleep apnea, type II diabetes, and heart disease. 3. Obesity is linked to both diet and lifestyle. Someone who overeats and also does not exercise can become obese over time. 4. In society, obesity causes higher health care costs, "fat shaming," and discomfort for many people because of a lack of ability to accommodate larger-sized people (think airplane and bus seats,....

This book is about how politicians don't have the best interests of the American people in their hearts anymore, and how greed and corruption has stopped many of them from doing what's right to help the country as a whole. The middle class are struggling with this more than others, because they get the least help. Rich people don't need help from the government, and poor people get a lot of assistance and handouts. If someone is middle class, he or she often needs a little assistance to really live comfortably but can't get that help because he or she....

6 Pages
Research Paper


America's Medical System Is Broken Can it

Words: 1883
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

America's Medical System is Broken: Can it Be Saved and at What Cost? It is not an undisclosed reality that the health care system of the United States of America…

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13 Pages
Term Paper

Literature - Latin-American

Americas Interests & Involvement in

Words: 4606
Length: 13 Pages
Type: Term Paper

..) the subsequent U.S. occupation of the island tied its economy ever closed to the United States as U.S. military governors promulgated laws giving U.S. firms concessionary access to…

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6 Pages


America and Diversity Impacts of Immigration on

Words: 2044
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

America and Diversity Impacts of Immigration on U.S. America has indeed a true diverse population and challenges of having such a diversified group of people range from the most serious issues…

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2 Pages


America's Cuban Conundrum Issue That Prompted the

Words: 736
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

America's Cuban Conundrum Issue that prompted the EU to take the Helm-Burton dispute to the WTO The stances of the U.S. government in the suctions issued upon Cuba were heavy and…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

American History

America's Road to Becoming a

Words: 902
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Argument against colonization While the American government pursued this expansionist policy, many citizens expressed concerns and dissent, for many disparate reasons. Ironically, while expansionism was based on ideas of racial…

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6 Pages
Term Paper

Black Studies

America John Debrizzi's Book America

Words: 1822
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

e., whites). Marx would say that capitalism is a machine made out of human beings; human beings are the little cogs that make the machine go round. Work is such…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

American History

America's Rise to World Power

Words: 580
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

This essentially meant that America declared its sphere of influence extended into Central America. Shifting from its isolationist past, America became increasingly embroiled in international affairs as a…

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3 Pages


America Popular Music the Objective

Words: 822
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

In much African music-making repetition is regarded as an aesthetic strength, and many forms are constructed of short phrases that recur in a regular cycle; 2) interlocking of multiple…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Drama - World

America in a World at War and America and the Cold War

Words: 1155
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

America in a World at War and "America and the Cold War questions: Brinkley, Alan. The Unfinished Nation: A Concise History of the American People. Fourth Edition. New York: McGraw-Hill…

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3 Pages
Research Paper


America and the Post Cold War World

Words: 963
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

America and the Post Cold War World This work of non-fiction authored by Chollet and Goldgeiger chronicles a pivotal epoch in United States history, which was marked by the end…

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1 Pages
Term Paper

American History

America Changes Many Changes Took

Words: 413
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

One text states, "16 million Americans -- about one-third of the available workforce -- was unemployed" (Lamb 237). It was one of the worst times in American history,…

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2 Pages


America Is Overmedicating Children America Is Over-Medicating

Words: 739
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

America Is Overmedicating Children America is over-medicating its children. ecently, the studies and the reports have shown that there is a great increase in the usage of prescription as well…

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1 Pages
Term Paper

Native Americans

America's Rise to World Power

Words: 354
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

America's ise To Power It is not a new notion that America rose to world domination on the backs of the less fortunate, such as Native Americans and slaves. Before…

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5 Pages
Research Paper


America Economy the Global Economic Crisis That

Words: 1627
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

America Economy The global economic crisis that the United States finds itself in today is in many ways similar to the basic characteristics and consequences that followed the Great Depression…

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11 Pages
Research Paper

American History

Americas Rise to Industrial Power

Words: 2937
Length: 11 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Having started as a bookkeeper in Cleveland, John D. Rockefeller accumulated money while being a merchant, and then bought his first oil refinery in 1862. By 1870 he had…

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