Anabolic Steroids Essays (Examples)

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Anabolic Steroids Medical Issues With Anabolic Steroid
Pages: 6 Words: 1956

Anabolic Steroids
Medical Issues with Anabolic Steroid Use

Medical Issues Associated with Anabolic Steroid Use

This paper is review of the article "Medical Issue Associated with Anabolic Steroid Use: are they exaggerated?" The review deals with the medical issues related to the use of anabolic steroids by athletes and bodybuilders. They use such exogenous sources of testosterone in order to attain attributes which would help them in enhancing their performance in sports or other related games. These anabolic steroids provide many advantages like increase in lean body mass, aggression in behavior and maturation of male secondary characteristics. They are taken orally or parenterally and in a cyclic manner. They can also be used along with other drugs to increase efficacy.

Although an athlete may gain all these advantages but he also faces adverse effects of these drugs as they affect multiple systems of our body like heart, liver, brain and bones. However, it is…...



Angel, P., Chester, N., Green, D. And et al. (2012). Anabolic steroids and cardiovascular risk. Sports medicine, 42, 119-134.

Dhar, R., Stout, C.W., Link, M.S. And et al. (2005) Cardiovascular toxicities of performance enhancing substances in sports. Mayo Clinic Proceedings, 80, 1308-1315.

Dickerman, R.D., Pertusi, R.M., Zachariah and et al. (1999) Anabolic steroid-induced hepatotoxicity: Is it overstated? Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine 9, 34-39.

Maravelias, C., Dona, A.M., Stefanidou, C. And et al. (2005). Adverse effects of anabolic steroids in athletes. A constant threat. Toxicology Letters, 158, 167-175.

Anabolic Steroids Ergogenic Aids Are
Pages: 5 Words: 1819

Athletes should also be concerned about their lives after they retire from athletics; if they continue using anabolic steroid there are many harmful implications that comes as aftermaths of the practices that have been discussed in the essay. The athletic body on its part should strengthen its drug screening systems to ensure only right athletes are allowed to participate in tournaments.


Beckett a., Cowan D. (2003). Misuse of drugs in sport. Br J. Sports Med, 12, 185-194.

Collins, . (2003). Performance-Enhancing Drugs. San Diego: Green haven Press.

Gladwell, M. (2003). Performance-Enhancing Drugs Should Be egulated, Not Prohibited.

Performance-Enhancing Drugs. San Diego: Green haven Press.

Goldberg, L., Elliot, D., Clarke, G.N., MacKinnon, D.P., Moe, E., Zoref, L., Green, C., Wolf,

S.L., GreffrathE., Miller, D.J., and Lapin, a. (1996). Effects of a multidimensional anabolic steroid prevention intervention: The adolescents training and learning to avoid steroids (ATLAS) program. JAMA,276 (19):1555-1562.

Laura K. (2006). Steroids Can Provide Medical Benefits. San Diego:…...



Beckett a., Cowan D. (2003). Misuse of drugs in sport. Br J. Sports Med, 12, 185-194.

Collins, R. (2003). Performance-Enhancing Drugs. San Diego: Green haven Press.

Gladwell, M. (2003). Performance-Enhancing Drugs Should Be Regulated, Not Prohibited.

Performance-Enhancing Drugs. San Diego: Green haven Press.

Anabolic-Steroids-Psychological-Effects-1 Http Thinksteroids Articles Demonization-anabolic-steroids-01 Summary of an Original
Pages: 2 Words: 627

anabolic-steroids-psychological-effects-1 / http://thinksteroids./articles/Demonization-anabolic-steroids-01/.
Summary of an original research article

Darkes, Jack. (2000). The psychological effects of anabolic steroids (Part 1).

Steroids have been one of the most demonized substances in modern pharmaceutical science. When discussed in relationship to baseball, the most common word which arose was 'cheating' in the media, reflecting the idea that taking steroids was a betrayal of fans' trust. Much has also been written about so-called 'roid rage,' or the psychological effects of the drugs. Jack Darkes' article on the psychological effects of steroids attempts to provide some rational medical context to the often heated rhetoric surrounding the drug. Psychological effects due to heighted testosterone are the most-cited reasons that steroid use by ordinary people is 'bad.' Darkes believes that negative psychological case studies are more often the exception rather than the rule, although these exceptions understandably gain more media attention. "There is, however, a lack of interest in…...



Darkes, Jack. (2000). The psychological effects of anabolic steroids (Part 1). 

Williams, John. (2000). The demonization of anabolic steroids (Part 1).

Anabolic Steroids on Teenagers the
Pages: 4 Words: 1300

However, in spite of the controversy and the impact of drug testing on these athletes, studies that have been conducted of the athletes' opinions regarding performance-enhancing and recreational drugs, as well as drug testing, are seen to be somewhat rare, and these include studies that examine the psychological effects. Also, studies that have actually been conducted approach the topic of steroid use or other drug use from many different perspectives, with mixed results. As a consequence, there is still very little known regarding these athletes' perceptions of performance-enhancing drug use and the drug testing policies in sports, with even less being known regarding the psychological effects that these athletes experience from the use of performance-enhancing drugs (Kindlundh, Hagekull, Isacson, & Nyberg, 2001).

A large majority of the student-athletes that have been studied and surveyed regarding drug use have been shown to have very negative attitudes toward the use of drugs by…...



Kindlundh, Anna M.S., Hagekull, Berit, Isacson, Dag G.L., & Nyberg, Fred. 2001. Adolescent use of anabolic-androgenic steroids and relations to self-reports of social, personality and health aspects. European Journal of Public Health, 11(3), 322-328. Retrieved 15 September 2007 at

Anabolic Steroids in the Sporting
Pages: 3 Words: 906

1017). Not only will the usage of steroids and strength training have the tendency to produce aggression and hostility that can lead to a number of complications, but the usage of other drugs such as cocaine has the potential to make such a teenager addicted to that substance. The combination can lead to impair judgment rash decisions, and a host of negative consequences.
Of course, there is also evidence that suggests that steroids can produce some positive effects, particularly for athletes who are looking to gain a competitive advantage. The usage of steroids has been linked to increased thresholds for pain and confidence (International Society of Sports Psychology 4). In this respect, steroids appear to positively influence the mind and body relationship. Yet these effects merely indicate that steroids actually do affect the mind and the body, and that despite these positive effects in performance, the mental and emotional side…...


Works Cited

Becker, Amy, Scheufele, Dietram. "Public Perceptions of Steroid Use in Sport: Contextualizing Communication Efforts." International Journal of Sports Communication. 2008: 444-457. Print. This resource explains the effect of rampant steroid use on the American public and explains how the media can cope with this public outcry.

Cheatham, Seth, Hosey, Robert, Johnson, Darren. Performance-Enhancing Drugs and today's Athlete: A Growing Concern." Orthopedics. 2008: 1014-1017. This analyzes the prevalence of steroid use among younger, non-professional athletes and discuss its harmful effects.

Durant, Robert, Middleman, Amy, Faulkner, Annie, Emans, S. Jean, Woods, Elizabeth. "Adolescent Anabolic-Androgenic Steroid Use, Multiple Drug Use, and High School Sports Participation." Pediatric Exercise Science. 1997: 150-158. This source draws parallels between high school steroid use and that of illegal recreational drugs between athletes and non-athletes.

Haff, Gregory. "Roundtable Discussion: Anabolic Androgenic Steroids: Part I." National Strength and Conditioning Association. 2006: 42-55. Print. This source provides a roundtable discussion with conflicting viewpoints to determine basic fact regarding steroid use.

Anabolic Steroids This Drug Has
Pages: 6 Words: 1951

, 2008).
Summary: An attached handout

From all the data and evidences provided above it is evident that all these anabolic drugs are very harmful for health as:

These drugs not only affect you mentally but also physically and the long-term use of these drugs can cause some irreversible damage.

These drugs may improve the performance of the athletes for a very short period of time but in the long run they can cause life threatening damages.

The use of these drugs under the proper instructions of the experts hasn't been observed to cause any harm however, when taken without proper supervision these drugs can lead to their addiction, dependent symptoms along with mood swings etc.

The anabolic drugs, even with all their side effects, are still legal and widely available in a lot of countries. However, the countries like U.S., Australia and Canada have made the use of these drugs with prescription illegal but these…...



Grace F, Sculthorpe N, Baker J, Davies B (2003). "Blood pressure and rate pressure product response in males using high-dose anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS)." J Sci Med Sport 6 (3): 307 -- 12.

Hoffman JR, Ratamess NA (June 1, 2006). "Medical Issues Associated with Anabolic Steroid Use: Are they Exaggerated?" (PDF). Journal of Sports Science and Medicine.

Kanayama G, Hudson JI, Pope HG (November 2008). "Long-Term Psychiatric and Medical Consequences of Anabolic-Androgenic Steroid Abuse: A Looming Public Health Concern?." Drug Alcohol Depend 98 (1 -- 2): 1 -- 12.

Melnik B, Jansen T, Grabbe S (2007). "Abuse of anabolic-androgenic steroids and bodybuilding acne: an underestimated health problem." Journal der Deutschen Dermatologischen Gesellschaft: Journal of the German Society of Dermatology.

Nutritional Effects of Anabolic Steroids
Pages: 4 Words: 1481

The long-term use of steroids can lead to a change in the cholesterol profile of the individual and lead to heart disease and myocardial infarction. The drug can also lead to increased serum low-density lipoproteins. (Reeseand Exum 239) These aspects also obviously impact absorption, distribution and bodily regulation of nutritional elements.
Other effect that this substance can have on the healthy balance of the body is that it can lead to increased blood volume and hypertension. This is a result of the "... sodium-, potassium-, and water-retaining properties of anabolic steroids" (Reese, and Exum 239). Other negative aspects include Oligospermia to a decrease in the amount of sperm in semen and decreased levels of circulating hormones.

While all of the above impact on the normal body functions and chemical balance, one of the most worrying aspects noted in the literature with regard to the use of anabolic steroids and nutrition is…...



BAHRKE, M.S., YESALIS, C.E. And BROWER, K.J. Anabolic-androgenic steroid abuse and performance-enhancing drugs among adolescents. Child Adolesc. Psychiat. Clin. No. Amer. 7: 821-838, 1998. 

Burnett, Kent F., and Mark E. Kleiman. "Psychological Characteristics of Adolescent Steroid Users." Adolescence 29.113 (1994): 81+.


Sallis, Robert E., and Ferdy Massimino, eds. Essentials of Sports Medicine. St. Louis, MO: Mosby, 1997.

Anabolic Steroid and Performance Enhancing Drug Use
Pages: 10 Words: 3144

Anabolic Steroid and Performance Enhancing Drug Use
Among High School Athletes

Anabolic steroid use has, at least in the past, been prevalent among major college and, especially, professional sports. Major League Baseball implemented a drug testing regimen very recently after backlash from fans made it an issue that the sport believed it had to listen to. The National Football League has a testing program that has been in place since 1989, and other sports have also begun programs to test for anabolic steroids and other performance enhancing drugs (PED) to ensure that there is a level playing field among all of their athletes. Unfortunately this testing has led to consequences for some athletes.

Some notable case of athletes being either stripped of honors or not being selected for honors because they acknowledged PED or steroid use have occurred in recent times. Lance Armstrong was recently stripped of all of his wins in…...



Denham, BE. (2006). Effects of mass communication on attitudes toward anabolic steroids: An analysis of high school seniors. Journal of Drug Issues, 36(4), 809- 823.

Green, G.A. (2007). The prevalence of anabolic steroid use by Southern California high school athletes. LA84 Foundation. Retrieved from   CE/AnabolicSteroidsSouthernCaliforniaHighScho ol.pdf 

Liberatore, S. (2009). Q: I have a lot of competitive athletes in my classes. If they decide to use steroids, what effect will this have on their health? The Science Teacher, 76(1), 70.

Martin, J., & Govender, K. (2011). Making muscle junkies: Investigating traditional masculine ideology, body image discrepancy, and the pursuit of muscularity in adolescent males. International Journal of Men's Health, 10(3), 220-233.

Steroid Use Controversies of the
Pages: 17 Words: 5176

e., their use of anabolic steroids (and whether they had ever been offered steroids), their involvement in power sports, appearance and eating problems, and problem behavior. Background information about the participants included their degree of urbanization, parental socioeconomic status and the region to which they belonged.
Analyses of the study's results show that the prevalence of steroid use among Norwegian youth was lower (lifetime use was 0.8% and 12 months prevalence was 0.3%) than in several other Western societies such as the U.S. (2.5% to 7%) and in Australia, Canada, Sweden and South Africa (2% to 3.5%). It also showed that AAS use was first and foremost associated with problem behavior (i.e., drug [marijuana] involvement and aggressive-type conduct problems). Its relation with power sports and appearance came in at second and third place respectively.

The study is, therefore, significant in highlighting the hitherto largely ignored area of problem behavior in steroid use.…...



Admissions before BALCO grand jury detailed." (2004, December). Retrieved on November 1, 2005 at 

Anabolic Steroid Abuse." (2000, April). National Institute on Drug Abuse: Research Report Series. Retrieved on November 1, 2005 at 

Langone, J. (1995). Tough Choices A Book about Substance Abuse. Boston: Little, Brown and Company.

Miller, R.W. (1987, November). Athletes and Steroids: Playing a Deadly Game. FDA Consumer, 21, 16+.

Steroid Use in High School
Pages: 5 Words: 1695

Bonds than his fellow African-Americans."
Recently, it has come to the attention of the media and others that the drug called, "human growth hormone" (HGH) is being used by some major league baseball players. An article in USA Today (Nightengale, 2007) points out through secondary reporting of data that Rick Ankiel (St. Louis Cardinals), Jay Gibbons (Baltimore Orioles) and Troy Glaus (Blue Jays) have been implicated in the use of HGH. This information was made available because an investigation of a Florida pharmacy by the federal government (reported by Sports Illustrated and the New York Daily News) turned up receipts detailing transactions between those players and the pharmacy.

According to the article, a quantitative piece, by taking HGH (another performance-enhancing substance) players may be able to "avert positive steroid tests." How can they do that? "Taking HGH enables you to take lower doses of anabolic steroids," journalist Bob Nightengale quotes Gary…...


Works Cited

Dowshen, Steven. (2007). Steroids. KidsHealth. Retrieved September 14, 2007, at .

Economist. (2007). Curb your enthusiasm. 384(8541), p. 28.

Kopkowski, Cynthia. (2007). Home Field Disadvantages. NEA Today, 25(6), p. 23.

National Institute of Drug Addiction. (2007). NIDA InfoFacts: Steroids (Anabolic-Androgenic)

Difference between'steroids and HGH
Pages: 5 Words: 1792

Ergogenic Aid
When discussing and pondering the broader subject of steroids and other substances that aid the body in getting stronger and healthier, one word or term that is likely to come to mind is “anabolic”. However, the use and employment of steroids and supplements has multiple layers and types that must be considered. One of the other terms to consider is ergogenic. Regardless of the type of steroid or body aid, there is an intended and desired effect on performance. There is also the related, yet different, use of what is known as human growth hormone, or HGH. As with all medicines and treatments, there are medical risks when it comes to the use or abuse of steroids of any type, which would include ergogenic. While some people are prone to disavow and condemn the use of steroids and/or supplements across the board, here are a number of findings and…...

English Topic Steroid I Specific Details Topic
Pages: 10 Words: 2834

english topic Steroid. I specific details topic Steroid Use Sports. steroid ? famous types steroid sport function type. good bad effective steroid athletes steroid ? steroid affect short-term long-term.
Steroids: are they a necessary evil?

Society traditionally encouraged people to experience progress in any field that they possibly could and this made it difficult for some to keep up with the fact that the world was constantly changing. In their struggle to keep up and even to be recognized for their contributions, some individuals have turned to using controversial methods. Athletes are provided with difficult choices as they feel the need to satisfy the needs of their fans. Society is indirectly responsible for the fact that some athletes use steroids because of the pressure that it puts on their shoulders. Many athletes today use steroids at the expense of their own health because they know that this is one of the…...



Dilingham, Michael, "Steroids, Sports and the Ethics of Winning," Retrieved December 4, 2011, from the Santa Clara University Website: 

Dodgshon, Robert, The Age of the Clans: The Highlands from Somerled to the Clearances (Edinburgh: Birlinn, 2002)

Hecht, Annabel, "Anabolic Steroids: Pumping Trouble," FDA Consumer Sept. 1984

Sender Aaron J. "Anabolic Steroids for non-therapeutic use," Retrieved December 4, 2011, from the New York University Website:

Legal Implications of Steroid Use
Pages: 5 Words: 1711

, 2003, p. 3).

The research showed that the use of various performance-enhancing substances is not new, but the controversies associated with the use of anabolic steroids, particularly by young athletes, has assumed increasing importance in recent years. More and more studies have shown that the use of these substances typically begins during the formative adolescent years, a practice that can have lifelong consequences in terms of physical problems and growth constraints. Moreover, there are profound moral and legal issues involved in the use of such performance enhancers, and while many observers might question that legality of such testing programs at the high school and collegiate level, the high incidence of use in recent years clearly indicates that more needs to be at all levels to help prevent young athletes from beginning to use these substances, and to help those who have already started to stop.


Allison, P.C., Diacin, M.J., & Parks,…...



Allison, P.C., Diacin, M.J., & Parks, J.B. (2003). Voices of male athletes on drug use, drug testing and the existing order in intercollegiate athletics. Journal of Sport Behavior, 26(1), 1.

Hill v. National Collegiate Athletic Association, 865 P. 2d 633 (1994).

NCAA. (1998, November). NCAA drug-testing protocol, 1998-99. Overland Park, KS, in Allison, Diacin, & Parks, 2003, p. 3.

Pedersen, W., & Wichstrom, L. (2001). Use of anabolic-androgenic steroids in adolescence: Winning, looking good or being bad? Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 62(1), 5.

Depression Caused by Steroid Use
Pages: 8 Words: 2383

The affects of precursory steroidal compounds is difficult to determine due to differences in how adolescent bodies process them, but they may have an impact on social behavior similar to steroidal compounds, therefore, use of these substances will be included in this study as well.
A key area of research focused on treatment of the symptoms of depression and aggression caused by steroid use. Effective treatment was achieved through the use of common antidepressants (Schule, et. al, 2003). This is an important body of research, as it provides the guidance counselor with choices in treating students found to be affected by steroid use. Knowing that there are treatment options available through mental health channels will help in the development of treatment strategies for students whose social lives are being negatively influenced by steroid use.

The literature revealed many facets of academic research that will have an impact on the conduct of…...



Fish, L., Goldberg, L., and Spratt, D. (2005). Supplements, Steroid Precursors and Adolescent Heatlh. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism. 90 (9).

Gober, S, Klein, M., Berger, T., Vindigni, C., and Paul McCabe (2006). Steroids in Adolescence: the Cost of Achieving the Physical Ideal. NASP Communique, 34 (7). Retrieved April 18, 2008 at .

Goodyer, I. (2002). Social adversity and mental functions in adolescents at high risk of psychopathology, the British Journal of Psychiatry 18, 383-386.

Melloni, R. (2006). Animal Models Show That Anabolic Steroids Flip the Adolescent Brain's Switch for Aggressive Behavior. American Psychological Association. Retrieved April 18, 2008 at

Clinical Problem of Interest
Pages: 5 Words: 1450

Clinical Problem of Interest
Anabolic Steroids and Their Effects on the Body

Even though governing bodies and media reports may have a person thinking otherwise, the use of anabolic steroids by athletes is nothing new or unique. The use of these drugs has been going on for some time throughout many different kinds of sports, and there is no reason to think that it will stop, despite the illegality of it and the dangers that are seen when athletes engage in the use of anabolic steroids and other drugs believed to enhance performance. The biological and psychological effects can be very strong, and can include an increase in desire for sex, aggressiveness, and an increase in behaviors that are typically considered to be masculine (Graham, et al., 2008). These behaviors can also include sleep disorders, paranoia, euphoria, confusion, hallucinations, and anxiety (Graham, et al., 2008). Naturally, these are the kinds of problems…...

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