Analytical Essays (Examples)

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Students often find analytical essays particularly challenging to write.  Because so much of the K-12 writing focus is on expository essays, student writing styles tend to be geared towards summarizing information.  However, an analytica

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Analytical and Molecular Techniques in Biomedical Sciences
Pages: 13 Words: 4132

laboratory-based practical work undertaken in this module was in relation to a case study of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, SLE. SLE is a connective tissue disorder, which is autoimmune in nature. This disease affects multiple organs and its clinical manifestation is based on its severity and the organ involved. The pathogenesis of this disease is based on antigen-antibody complexes that circulate in the blood and deposit in the smaller blood vessels of organs. Through the deposition of these complexes and also through auto antibody mediated destruction, there is damage to the organ. (Boon et al., 2010)
The prevalence of SLE is influenced by certain factors, such as, gender, race and genetic predisposition. Like most autoimmune diseases, SLE is also a disease that primarily affects women. Sex hormones seem to play a positive role in this inclination, since most cases develop near menarche or before menopause. Patients, who develop this disease during…...



Burkardt, H. (2000). standardization and quality control of pcr analyse. Clin Chem Lab Me, 38(2), 87-91. Retrieved from 

Chung SA, Taylor KE, Graham RR, Nititham J, Lee AT, et al. 2011 Differential Genetic Associations for Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Based on Anti-dsDNA Autoantibody Production. PLoS Genet 7(3): e1001323. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1001323 (genes of HLA DR2,3)

Definition of pcr. (2004, Feburary, 2). Retrieved from 

Glen B, B., Susan, D., Abel, L., & Andrew, H. (2007). Handbook of neurochemistry and molecular biology. (3rd ed., Vol. 6, pp. 215-216). New York: Springer

Analytical and Comparative
Pages: 7 Words: 2040

immigrant women in Canada
Several eminent authors have composed various masterpieces or performed intensive research on the bittersweet experiences as well as the treatment of immigrant women in Canada. In the following passages of our analytical research paper, we will discuss in detail a particular group, that is the Chinese and the Hong Kong women settled in Canada. Firstly this paper provides an account of the progress of the immigration policies in Canada since its origin until today and its effects on the entryway of Chinese immigrant women in Canada. The paper then presents the effect of standardized policies regarding race and sex on Chinese immigrant women. Last but not the least, this research report and analytical essay looks into the institutional processes including employment and unemployment as well as the organizational processes including the relationships between family members, child care, household chores and social life which affected the lives…...


Works Cited

Man G.Racism, sexism, and experience of Chinese Immigrant. Available at (March 10, 2003)

Man G. The experience of Middle-class Women in Recent Hong Kong Chinese Immigrant Families in Canada. Available at: (March 10, 2003)

Man G. Globalization and the Erosion of the welfare state: Effects on Chinese

Immigrant Women. Available at (March 10, 2003)

Individual and Analytical Psychological Theory the Field
Pages: 5 Words: 1646

Individual and Analytical Psychological Theory
The field of Psychology offers a vast network of concepts, principles, and theories to explain and describe the mental and behavioral characteristics of an individual or group. It is a science that explores biological, cognitive, social, and various other aspects of the human mind and human interaction to explain mental processes. Two theories that aim to describe the relationship between individuals and behavioral motivation are the Individual Psychology theory and the Analytical Psychology theory. The theory of individual psychology was presented by Alfred Adler, and describes an individual's need to experience oneness with all of human kind by the notion of social interest (Feist, 2005). The theory of analytical psychology is a product of Carl Jung, and outlines a method of psychology for an individual to attain a concept of Self by connecting a client with their unconscious (NYAAP, 2011). During their time, each theory took…...



Feist, G. (2005). Adler: individual psychology. In Feist G (Ed.), Theories in Personality (pp. 64-

96). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.

New York Association for Analytical Psychology (NYAAP). (2011). About jungian analysis:

frequently asked questions. Retrieved from .

Macro Analytical Approaches of Marx and Durkheim
Pages: 4 Words: 1458

macro analytical approaches of Marx and Durkheim regarding democratic republics, freedom, & equality
This paper looks at the question on how the macro analytical approaches that were discussed by Marx and Durkheim are applied to the attitudes of freedom and democratic republics and how it affects the equality of society. Bibliography cites four sources

How might the macro-analytical theories advanced by Marx and Durkheim help us understand the causes and consequences of the tension between freedom and equality in a democratic republic?

Freedom does not exist in world that is run by the minority dictators, many will argue that even in the western world there is freedom however there are rules to follow a man is only as free as the rules of his country allows however there can be seen to be an underlying reason why the rules of nations and man coexist to prevent overall freedom to what one wants, freedom…...


Coser, L Masters of Sociological Thought Thomson Learning (1977)

Huntington S (1993, Summer), Clash of Civilisations, Foreign Affairs, v72, n3, p22(28)

Kashatus William C.. 'Revolution with Pen & Ink. (the influence of Thomas Paine's Common Sense)' (2000 Feb); American History, v34 i6 p53

Suitable Analytical Frameworks Conduct a Corporate Appraisal
Pages: 8 Words: 2509

suitable analytical frameworks, conduct a corporate appraisal a business organisation choice. The appraisal cover business environment organisation's strategic capabilities.
Orange Plc.

Company information

Situational analysis


Porter's Five Forces

Strategic strengths and strategic challenges

Orange PLC is one of the leading companies in the telecommunications industry. The organization retails mobile telephones, but its main activity is that of providing telecommunications services, including primarily mobile telephone communication services, but also internet services. The company operates in a highly dynamic and competitive environment and it manages to further consolidate its competitive position. In this setting then, the current report strives to assess the features which characterize the company, the industry and the market and to propose some specific recommendation for the following period.

Company information

Orange Plc. was founded in 1990 through the merger of several organizations and the brand is now used to reflect the mobile and internet services offered by the parent company French Telecom. Today, the company…...



Baily, M.N., Elliott, D.J., 2009, The U.S. financial and economic crisis: where does it stand and where do we go from here? Brookings,   last accessed on November 9, 2011 

Chrisafis, A., 2009, France: stress and worker suicide mean the future's not bright at Orange, The Guardian,   last accessed on November 9, 2011 

Cox, N., 2006, Technology and legal systems, Ashgate Publishing Ltd., ISBN 0754645444

Goodman, J.W., 2006, Telecommunications policy-making in the European Union, Edward Elgar Publishing, ISBN 1843768062

Media Plan Analytical Report the
Pages: 6 Words: 2048

A spokesperson for Miu worked the room, introducing herself to the customers. Afterwards, she talked a little bit about the company's arrival in Dubai. "e felt that our coming to Dubai was long overdue," she noted, "but we wanted to have a strategy for entering the Middle East market overall. e see a lot of growth potential in this part of the world -- one-third of the customers at our Kuala Lumpur store are Arabs -- so we took the time necessary to make this market entry right. e had to be in Dubai Mall, but we are also excited about our other plans in the region." She detailed plans to expand into other regional hubs -- Abu Dhabi, Bahrain and Kuwait, and raised the possibility of another store in Dubai. "The market is growing so quickly here. The ladies have great taste. hen you see them in a social…...


Works Cited

Basit, a. (2012). Luxury brands look to UAE to drive business growth. Khaleej Times. Retrieved November 16, 2012 from

Bergin, O. (2011). Burberry named most digitally competent luxury brand. The Telegraph. Retrieved November 16, 2012 from (2012). Retrieved November 16, 2012 from 

Kats, R. (2011). Sephora boosts e-commerce strategy via integrated digital beauty experience. Mobile Commerce Daily. Retrieved November 16, 2012 from

Public Policy Processes and Analytical
Pages: 10 Words: 3340

This historical influence does have a positive influence on the argument due to the placement and context of the current state of political appointments. For example, discussion of the development of extensive political appointment structures during the New Deal, and the growth of the program through the intervening years, presents a historical context and background as well as a pattern of cause and effect that can be examined in detail. The discussion also focuses on recent events including the Clinton administration's use of political appointment and of course the Hurricane Katrina disaster. The use of copious examples does provide strong support for Lewis's argument, although given the empirical claim that he has laid, it is difficult to fully accept these examples as a consistent factor in the book's effectiveness. However, despite's Lewis substantive empirical analysis, and detailed statistical analysis of outcomes or model building, some of these strengths are…...


At the same time however, he fails to take any other factor into account in order to address the issue of limited performance in terms of public administration. He also fails to take into account any issues that do not fit into the predefined mould, such as effective political appointee management, variations based on organizational size or culture, or other elements that may change the effectiveness and efficiency of the organization that are not related to leadership. Overall, the book offers both answers to important questions and potential sources for new questions related to the federal administrative segment and its relation to the political sphere of appointments. However, it does not provide a specific answer to the question of whether there is a direct relationship of the number of political appointees and the effectiveness of the organization. Thus, although the book is a positive piece of wiring in many respects, it fails in one of its basic tasks.


Lewis, David E. The Politics of Presidential Appointments: Political Control and Bureaucratic Performance. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2008.

Metabolomics Water Treatment Analytical Chemistry
Pages: 6 Words: 2369

Metabolomics- Water Treatment- Analytical Chemistry
Metabolic Profiling of Waste-Water Steroids & Their Disinfection Byproducts in Embryonic Zebrafish via GC-QToF Spectrometry

Steroids are a broad class of chemical compounds known to have significant metabolic effects on humans and other organisms. Their use in pharmaceutical, agricultural, and industrial applications, is, however, likely to result in contamination of surface water. Subsequent waste-water processing is intended to safely degrade steroids and other xenobiotics; yet presently employed water refinement methodology may be insufficient to wholly remove such compounds. Even extremely minuscule levels of steroidal compounds, on the order of ppm or lower concentrations, are potentially likely to have deleterious metabolic effects. As well, the treatment process itself may yield additional degradation products each with their own negative metabolic impact.

The proposed project will analyze and evaluate waste-water influent and effluent streams to determine the removal efficiency for known steroids. As well, waste-water supplies will be evaluated for the…...

New World an Analytical Book
Pages: 2 Words: 608

Knoke is on slightly surer ground as he predicts the contraction and demise of influence of multinational central banks and other depository institutions, as the orld Bank has retracted in its influence. However, when he predicts the end of gigantic corporations because of regionalization, he neglects to consider the formidable force and potential of the Internet. Of course, corporations may become smaller within the next ten years as the world grows more multipolar in its political structure. But multinational corporate entities today are actually easier to form through ecommerce, than they ever were before. The role of technology is given short shrift in the text as it relates to commerce, oddly enough, given the author's 'day job,' although he does curiously predict that the developing Global Village's children will become a database, thanks to the Internet, as more and more private information about the world's citizens becomes available online. Still,…...


Works Cited

Knoke, William. Bold New World. New York, 1996.

Future Applications of Forensic DNA Analytical Methods
Pages: 6 Words: 2276

Future Applications of Forensic DNA Analytical Methods
Following the description of the structure of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) by Nobel Prize laureates Francis Crick and James Watson in 1953, a vast array of applications have emerged based on this structure. Indeed, scientists are identifying innovative ways to treat a host of human ailments based on this discovery, and future research will undoubtedly continue to identify additional applications for this information. Other researchers have also found ways to use DNA for forensic applications. To determine what these applications are and how they are being used, this paper provides a review of the relevant literature to identify current applications and limitations of DNA-based methods using in forensic analysis. An examination of the current forensic literature with respect to DNA-based methods, including an overview of how DNA is being used, a discussion concerning the possible limitations to the use of these methods for forensic…...



Caines, V. & Gabriele, E.F. (2004) "Two Roads Converge: the Challenge of Human Subject

Protections in the Forensic DNA Research Context." Journal of Research Administration, vol. 35, no. 1, pp. 32-34.

Donohue, J. (2007) "Untapped Potential: Funds Shortages Prevent Extensive Use of Forensic

DNA." The Forensic Examiner, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 12-14.

How Apple Manages E-Marketing - An Analytical Assessment
Pages: 50 Words: 16933

E-Marketing Strategies at Apple
Orchestrating rapid new product development cycles that in many cases deliver products and services that create new markets, while at the same ensuring the continual strengthening and fidelity of a global brand is a daunting strategic challenge. Incorporating the most effective approaches to Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) strategies today across a spectrum of established and emerging e-marketing channels must be managed with goals in mind first, and guided to fruition using analytics and metrics (Strategic Direction, 2011). These strategic challenges are what Apple faces daily in orchestrating its broad product mix, keeping its new product development and introduction (NPDI) process, IMC, e-marketing, selling, highly profitable retailing and services business units tightly integrated and functioning well together (Cusumano, 2008). Of the several catalysts that keep Apple functioning so effectively as an ecosystem, the tightly synchronized nature of its IMC strategies are by far the ones that scale…...



Apple, Investor Relations (2015). Investor Relations. Retrieved July 7, 2015, from Apple Investor Relations and Filings with the SEC Web site: 

"The TV game: how will Apple, Netflix, Hulu and Time Warner play?," 2011, Strategic Direction, vol. 27, no. 8, pp. 5-7.

"BlackBerry still a favorite tasty treat," 2009, Strategic Direction, vol. 25, no. 5, pp. 5-7.

"In from the cold," 2008, Strategic Direction, vol. 24, no. 3, pp. 13-16.

Analytical Review of Book Transformation of American Law 1780-1860 by Horwitz
Pages: 2 Words: 523

Transformation of American Law
It is sometimes the movement of the smallest pebble in the field of law that begins the largest avalanche for change. In his book, Transformation of American Law, Horwitz reveals to the reader that change that is needed finds a way to make itself known and can do so through the smallest of legal actions.

The period of the late 1700's and early 1800's was a period that saw many changes in the landscape of the American institutional environment. It was a period that followed the pioneering and settling of the "New World" and a period in which the courts and institutions were attempting to build a solid structure of law in the land. It was the formative years so to speak, a time of trial and error.

The change took place within the economic, political, as well as intellectual arena and even dramatically transformed religion. The shift…...

Analytical Case Study of Federalism Port Arthur Massacre and Firearms
Pages: 9 Words: 2798

Gun Violence in Australia & its impact on federalism & coordinated gun control policy.
Gun violence yielding en masse public murders in Australia have provoked the question of whether laws governing guns are too lenient or perhaps have enabled the dangers arising from unregistered firearms. The role of federalism has begged the question of whether more jurisdictional authority is needed by one of the provincial levels of Australian government. First however, what exactly is meant by federalism?

According to Nathan (1988) the definition for modern federalism is differentiable due to the existence of "both central and regional governments, a written constitution, and a republican form on a basis is subject to two governments." (Nathan, 1988) Federalism is conditionally described as a segmented system necessary to facilitate funding to localities to better accommodate a diverse society. (Nathan, 1988) This also fits ostensibly with the definition of fiscal federalism, which denotes the federalist structure…...



Brown, A.J. 2007, "Reshaping Australia's Federation: the Choices for Regional Australia," Australasian Journal of Regional Studies, vol. 13, no. 3, pp. 235-253.

Dollery B., Fletcher M., Rao P. 1998, "Funding local government in Australia: The evolution of untied Commonwealth financial assistance" Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting & Financial Management 481-498

FED:Gillard awaits NSW election verdict 2011,, Australian Associated Press Pty Limited.

Fed: Port arthur anniversary sparks gun debate (2006). Australian Associated Press Pty Limited. Retrieved from

Analytical Comparison Between Medea and King Lear
Pages: 2 Words: 686

Medea vs. King Lear: Domestic royal tragedies
The tragedy of Medea by Euripides and the Tragedy of King Lear by Shakespeare are tales of great kingdoms gone awry yet they are also domestic tragedies. The undoing of Jason's and King Lear's kingdoms are not based in an onslaught of a foreign power but in the kings' irresponsible actions as husbands and fathers. Both plays underline the significance of domestic tragedy in the undoing of a leader. They draw a direct line between the government of the family and the government of the body politic.

Jason and Lear, although they may have been good kings, are shown to make profound misjudgments in terms of the ways in which they evaluate the character of others when they are fulfilling their domestic roles. Jason marries a non-Greek woman, Medea, which was considered to be a profound violation of accepted custom. He grows tired of her,…...

Analytical Response to Literary Text the Book Called the Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini
Pages: 2 Words: 643

Kite Runner
Khaled Hosseini's The Kite Runner is set in war-torn Afghanistan. Hosseini offers insight into Afghan culture and history, while helping the main characters develop their unique responses to life's pain and hardship. In The Kite Runner, the protagonist Amir responds to injustice at first with fear but later, with courage. The novel shows how feelings of guilt, love, and personal responsibility can alter an individual's response to injustice such as prejudice and cruelty. Amir of The Kite Runner responds to injustice by retaining a gentle and loving heart.

Class becomes a major theme of social injustice in The Kite Runner, allowing the main character to assert his identity and values. In the Kite Runner, Amir and Hassan develop a strong friendship throughout their childhood. For them, social class does not matter. As Hassan tells his friend, "For you, a thousand times over," (Hosseini 2). Amir later repeats this same line…...

How is a thesis statement developed?
Words: 316

To develop a thesis statement, the first thing you'll need to do is determine what kind of paper you're writing. It will be either expository (explain something to the reader), argumentative (make and justify a claim), or analytical (break down and evaluate an issue). The type of paper you're writing will affect the content of your thesis statement, which should be very specific. The main issue you'll cover in your paper should be listed in your statement, and should be backed up with proper evidence. Generally, the statement will appear at the very end of the paper's first paragraph. As....

Need ideas for analytical essay that applies to contemporary theories on low motivation in workplace?
Words: 347

One of the struggles facing anyone in a management situation is figuring out how to keep the workforce motivated.  In fact, working on developing management techniques requires concentrating on how to motivate people, whether it is directly focused on techniques that can increase motivation or simply focused on changing worker’s perceptions of leadership, which can either be motivating or demotivating, depending on the perception.  There are various different theories of motivation that are often used to describe what motivates workers, how to increase motivation, and how to avoid things that decrease employee motivation. 

Your analysis needs....

I have an analysis of Twelfth Night and I am struggling to word my topic sentence and then come up with my analytical points, along with the evidence?
Words: 335

Twelfth Night by William Shakespeare is, like many of his comedies, a surprisingly complex play.  Dealing with the topics of love and people not being what they seem to be on the surface, the play challenges people to look deeper. In fact, while many of Shakespeare’s tragedies really focus on the negative things that people do in the name of love, his comedies tend to take a more lighthearted approach to the topic.  Twelfth Night is an exception, as it definitely looks at how love can drive people to some really undesirable behaviors.

There are a....

Need guidance writing a critical analysis essay on Emily Emerick article?
Words: 397

Writing a critical analysis essay is a very specific type of academic writing that is similar to, but not the same as, other types of expository writing. You need to understand the specific requirements of writing analytical essays before you can use them to analyze any specific work, including the Emily Emerick article you have been asked to analyze.

We would start our analysis by discussing the type of article that she wrote.  It is a research article.  She gave a survey to 447 undergraduate students to try to gauge their social media....

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