Animal Welfare Essays (Examples)

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Animal Welfare Assurance Organizations
Animal welfare: Assurance organizations

Organization 1: Manes and Tails Mission (Hoboken, NJ)

Manes and Tails Mission, located in Hoboken, NJ is a locally-based organization that oversees a variety of efforts to reduce cruelty against horses. Given the faltering economy, many horses have been abandoned and/or abused, as fewer and fewer people have the ability to care for their animals properly. Horses from the racetrack or who have been used in vocations like the Mounted Police often have difficulties finding good homes after they retire. This organization resolves to "rescue, rehabilitate, retrain, and re-home the most commonly slaughtered breeds of horses - Quarter horses, Thoroughbreds, and Standardbreds." (Mission statement, 2011, Manes and Tails.). It does not sell horses, although it does lease them. It also provides retirement homes for Mounted Police horses. It educates the public about equine slaughter. It also provides community service through reduced rate boarding, maintenance of….

Animal Welfare Assurance Programs
Temple Grandin's program concerning livestock behavior, design of facilities and humane slaughter is present in a series of meat plants across the American continent, Europe, Australia, and in several other locations from around the world. Her objectives are also related to the welfare of animals as they are transported, prepared for slaughter, and as they are treated in general. Grandin's involvement the well-being of animals is most certainly worthy of being praised because of the contribution that she brought to making society more humane. Similar to Grandin's plan,'s approach at reducing stress in animals as they are raised, transported, and prepared to be turned into food is surely laudable, especially given that the website's promoters are focused on ensuring that animals are managed with increased understanding of their needs. These Connecticut-based animal supporters are principally concerned about having the masses, meat consumers, and the meat industry….

Animal Welfare Ethics

Animal Welfare Ethics: Is There A Balanced Approach? Part One: The Question
It is generally considered unethical, even illegal, to practice cruelty towards animals reared as pets. Wantonly killing wildlife is similarly scorned, and yet for some reason consumers turn a blind eye to livestock. It is possible to eat a balanced, healthy, and delicious diet that does not include meat but it is also understandable that many people would prefer a more balanced approach to animal welfare and the ethics of meat consumption. Therefore, the ethical question for this paper is: “Are factory farming conditions unethical, and if so, what would constitute an ethical framework for farming animals?”
Part Two: Introduction
Almost all (99%) of all livestock in the United States is raised in what is known as “factory farming” conditions, described by the ASCPA (2018) as “a large, industrial operation that raises large numbers of animals for food,” (p. 1). While many….

Animal Welfare and Stress

Pig welfare has been receiving a tremendous amount of attention in both scientific literature and in public policy analysis. The UK Department for Environment Food and ural Affairs (2013) and Crown legislation both offer detailed guidelines for humane pig husbandry. Central to pig welfare is the reduction of stress within the farm environment. Current policy and legislation covers such issues as pen size, prevention of fighting amongst pigs, castration, sanitation, and feeding. However, tail docking -- the cutting of pig tails -- remains relatively common practice even in the UK, where pig welfare rules are stricture than they are in the European Union given the latter's continued routine practice of castration ("Balancing Pig Welfare, Castration and Boar Taint," 2009). Whereas UK Department for Environment Food and ural Affairs (2013) advocates against tail docking as a means to reduce pig-on-pig aggression, it does admit to the usefulness of the practice as….

Animal Welfare and Animals

Welfae in Captive Wild Animals
The Holy Bible gets the elationship between humankind and wild animals out of the way ealy on in Genesis 1:26 when God said, "Let us make mankind in ou image, in ou likeness, so that they may ule ove the fish in the sea and the bids in the sky, ove the livestock and all the wild animals, and ove all the ceatues that move along the gound." Humanity clealy took this divine gift seiously, and the elationship between humankind and wild animals has been lagely one-sided since people climbed to the top of the food chain. Since the second half of the 20th centuy, though, thee have been gowing calls fo impoving the manne in which humans teat animals in geneal and wild animals maintained in captivity in paticula. The ecent closue of Ringling and Banum and Bailey's "Geatest Show on Eath" due to….

Mignini, Pradeep Jayaram, and Khalid S. Khan
BMJ 2007 334: 97. Online available at

Perel, et al. (2007) states that only immediate preclinical testing of new drug therapies, but animal research aids medical science in many more ways Animal studies play a part in the initial development of candidate drugs, and the development and testing of medical devices and surgical procedures. Even more crucial, animal research informs clinical research by building the foundation of biological knowledge." (2007)

6. Study on Long-Term Effects of Chemicals on the Environment

Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution. 22 Mar 2007. Online available at

This work states that diverse organizations including the 'Chemical Industries Association', CEFIC, the Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions as well as the Department of Health and Friends of the Earth "...raise the impact of chemicals assessment policy on animal testing. Most of the Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions'….

Formal Proposal for Increased Funding for Animal Spay and Neuter ClinicsTo: The Board of Directors, Animal Welfare FoundationFrom: XX, Animal Welfare AdvocateDate: November 22, 2023Subject: Proposal for Allocating Additional Funds to Animal Spay and Neuter ClinicsIntroductionThe serious problem of animal overpopulation and homelessness is a major concern in our community. As an advocate for animal welfare and a member of the local animal rights group, I have personally witnessed and can bear testimony to the challenges faced by animal shelters and the distress of homeless animals. This proposal aims to address this issue by seeking increased funding for animal spay and neuter clinics, which is a proven method to control the animal population and reduce homelessness (Slater and Weiss).Current SituationCurrently, our community faces a growing problem of animal overpopulation, meaning there are increased numbers of homeless animals on our streets and overcrowded shelters. One problem that this causes, as Carow….

Should Animals Be Used in Scientific Testing for Medical Research or Commercial Products? The fear and dread of you will fall on all the beasts of the earth, and on all the birds in the sky, on every creature that moves along the ground, and on all the fish in the sea; they are given into your hands. – Genesis 9:2 (c. 1450 BCE)
Studies published in prestigious medical journals have shown time and again that animal experimentation wastes lives—both animal and human—and precious resources by trying to infect animals with diseases that they would never normally contract. -- People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (2019)
As the epigraphs above clearly show that humankind’s views about using animals for their own purposes have changed significantly over the past several millennia, but despite increasing condemnation by animal rights advocates, animal testing for medical research or commercial products continues around the world today. Proponents….
Arguments For: In response to those allegations, Bill Mattos, the president of the California Poultry Federation, said that he had invited California Senate representatives to visit poultry farms -- and to see for themselves that allegations of inhumane treatment are not true -- but his offer was declined (Fitzenberger). "To me, it's propaganda disguised as research," Mattos said in response to the report the California state Senate Office of Research produced.

Essayist Bart Gruzalski (Ethics and Animals, p. 253) writes that "the use of animals for food can be justified on utilitarian grounds even if we take into account only the pleasures and pains of the animals involved." Gruzalski quotes pig farmer James Cargile, who buys "several pigs" every year "from a neighboring hog farm"; Cargile raises them "to slaughter for food" but sees no meanness because the pigs "are given lots of room and food, everything a pig could want….

Animal Advocacy Organizations
There are many local, national, and international organizations that advocate for the rights and welfare of animals, domestic and wild. Two of those organisations are PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) and the ASPCA (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals). In this paper, the two will be compared and contrasted.


The ASPCA was the very first humane society to exist in North America, according to their website. Henry Bergh founded the ASPCA in 1866, who believed that animals have the right to be respected by humans, and to be treated kindly, and to be protected under the law. In fact the ASPCA was the first humane organization that has been granted "legal authority to investigate and make arrests for crimes against animals… [although the ASPCA] fulfills its mission through nonviolent approaches" (ASPCA).

PETA was founded in 1980, and their mission statement explains, "…animals….

Zoo Animal Technology Program
I want to enter the Zoo Animal Technology Program at BLANK University for a number of reasons. First, I have always loved animals since I was very young, and I've always felt I wanted to help take care of them in some capacity as my career. In the past, I've had tropical fish, dogs, cats, hamsters, guinea pigs, rabbits, birds, and other animals in my family for as long as I can remember. I have always been involved in training, maintaining, and caring for these animals, and I have loved every one of them. I would like to continue in my life.

I also strongly believe in animal conservation and husbandry, and the zoo technology program would allow me to learn more about these important areas of zookeeping. I know that many animals are endangered in the wild today, and the only way to help preserve many….

Wild species, which includes that of animals, plants, and of other organisms, constitute the most part of the seafood of the world and of the timber. The Wild species provide a means of earning to the communities apart from providing them with food, medicines, fibers, skins, furs and forage, without which many communities could not have had their living.
Apart from this they also help in the intellectual growth, provide a sense of beauty and also promotes the religious and cultural beliefs of the people. ecause of the importance given to the wild species and of the use made of them by people, many natural and semi-natural ecosystems owe their present existence and even their future would owe to these uses.

Firstly, the use of wild species is that it has direct commercial value in terms of fishing, hunting, harvesting which enables the U.S. economy to earn $200 billion and also….

The main concern in virtue ethics becomes about a person's moral character. When people choose to develop their moral character, better virtues will be created, and thus there will be more people acting in virtuous ways in all aspects of their lives -- and this includes how they treat all animals.
One example to be considered when thinking about how a person with a strong sense of virtue might behave is to counter it with how a person with a strong sense of duty might behave. From a duty sense, if one were a livestock farmer, he or she might believe that his or her duty lies in what is best for the people because, after all, the job is about raising livestock for slaughter, which will then become food for people. Therefore, the first duty would be to humans and the second duty to animals (Panaman 20008) (which may….

Man's Ability To Treat Humans Like Animals
It is a vivid fact that the feelings of cruelty, discrimination and racial distribution are embedded well in to human nature since its very inception. This world depicts several cases where humans treat other humans like animals and ignore their right of living peacefully and according to their own will. This article highlights the work of several writers who have depicted the different ways in which humans have been treated brutally by other humans. Majority of the cases deal with racial discrimination and poverty-based cruelty issues encountered by humans. The article presents an in depth analysis of the works of seven different writers and how their works represent the ill treatment encountered by the human race.

Charles Chestnutt's "Po Sandy" and its Linkage to Human Cruelty

"Po' Sandy" written by Charles Chestnutt is basically the story of Sandy, who is made the slave of his master's….

Functional motivation suggests that psychological factors, such as a need to feel useful, a need for a sense of purpose, motivate volunteerism (Widjaja, 2010). Therefore, volunteerism can be framed within the tenets of basic behaviorism and cognitive-behavioral principles. If volunteering feels good, then a person will be increasingly motivated to volunteer. Volunteering is not always selfless and altruistic; it can be ego-driven. In some situations, the motivation to volunteer comes from concrete extrinsic variables such as receiving credit in school or one's place of employment (Widjaja, 2010). Social motives for volunteering include social pressure or even shaming (Widjaja, 2010). Individuals can be pushed into volunteering from a sense of obligation or guilt, or pulled into it based on factors like boredom, curiosity, or an altruistic desire to promote the well being of others. Self-determination theory takes individual differences into account, and differentiates between autonomous motivation and controlled motivation (Oostlander, Guntert, van….

Part I: The Allegory of Freedom and Confinement

1. The Bird in the Gilded Cage: Exploring the Paradoxes of Liberty
- Dive into the complex interplays of freedom and confinement through the allegory of a bird in a gilded cage. Discuss how the bird's perceived freedom is juxtaposed against the limitations imposed by its gilded prison.

2. The Broken Winged Songbird: A Metaphor for Resilience in Adversity
- Examine the resilience of a bird with a broken wing, exploring how it finds strength and hope amidst adversity. Draw parallels to human experiences of overcoming challenges and finding beauty within brokenness.

3. Of Caged....

1. The use of genetic engineering in creating designer babies
2. The ethics of animal testing in scientific research
3. The impact of social media on privacy and ethical boundaries
4. The ethical implications of artificial intelligence and automation in the workforce
5. The ethical considerations of data mining and surveillance in the digital age
6. The ethical responsibilities of pharmaceutical companies in pricing and distributing life-saving medications
7. The ethics of factory farming and its impact on animal welfare and the environment
8. The ethical dilemmas surrounding end-of-life care and physician-assisted suicide
9. The ethical implications of technology companies manipulating user data for profit
10. The ethical considerations....

Topic 1: The Ethical Implications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the Workplace

Key Issues:
The potential for AI to automate jobs and displace human workers, leading to unemployment and economic insecurity.
AI's impact on workplace privacy and surveillance, with AI-powered monitoring systems potentially infringing on workers' rights.
The need for ethical guidelines and regulations governing the development and use of AI in the workplace, to ensure fairness and protect workers' rights.

Topic 2: The Ethics of Genetic Engineering and Human Enhancement

Key Issues:
The potential benefits of genetic engineering, such as curing diseases, improving cognitive abilities, and extending lifespan.
The ethical....

## Thesis Statement

The decline in whale hunting practices over the centuries is a testament to the evolving societal values and the increasing recognition of the importance of marine ecosystem preservation.

## Elaboration

The practice of whale hunting has undergone significant transformations throughout history, influenced by factors such as technological advancements, economic drivers, and shifting societal attitudes. In the early stages, whale hunting played a crucial role in meeting human needs for food, oil, and other resources. However, as time progressed and alternative sources of these commodities became available, along with growing awareness of the ecological repercussions, whale hunting practices gradually declined.

This thesis....

3 Pages
Research Paper


Animal Welfare Assurance Programs

Words: 1107
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Animal Welfare Assurance Organizations Animal welfare: Assurance organizations Organization 1: Manes and Tails Mission (Hoboken, NJ) Manes and Tails Mission, located in Hoboken, NJ is a locally-based organization that oversees a variety…

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2 Pages


Animal Welfare Assurance Programs

Words: 606
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Animal Welfare Assurance Programs Temple Grandin's program concerning livestock behavior, design of facilities and humane slaughter is present in a series of meat plants across the American continent, Europe, Australia,…

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2 Pages

Ethics / Morality

Animal Welfare Ethics

Words: 648
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Animal Welfare Ethics: Is There A Balanced Approach? Part One: The Question It is generally considered unethical, even illegal, to practice cruelty towards animals reared as pets. Wantonly killing wildlife is…

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4 Pages

Animal Rights

Animal Welfare and Stress

Words: 1500
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Pig welfare has been receiving a tremendous amount of attention in both scientific literature and in public policy analysis. The UK Department for Environment Food and ural Affairs (2013)…

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8 Pages

Environmental Science

Animal Welfare and Animals

Words: 2346
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

Welfae in Captive Wild Animals The Holy Bible gets the elationship between humankind and wild animals out of the way ealy on in Genesis 1:26 when God said, "Let…

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6 Pages
Research Proposal


Animal Experiments and Testing Pcrm

Words: 1765
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

Mignini, Pradeep Jayaram, and Khalid S. Khan BMJ 2007 334: 97. Online available at Perel, et al. (2007) states that only immediate preclinical testing of new drug therapies, but…

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5 Pages
Research Proposal

Animals / Animal Rights

Overpopulation of Homeless Animals

Words: 1373
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

Formal Proposal for Increased Funding for Animal Spay and Neuter ClinicsTo: The Board of Directors, Animal Welfare FoundationFrom: XX, Animal Welfare AdvocateDate: November 22, 2023Subject: Proposal for Allocating Additional…

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8 Pages
Research Paper

Animals / Animal Rights

Why Animal Testing Should Be Banned

Words: 2153
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Should Animals Be Used in Scientific Testing for Medical Research or Commercial Products? The fear and dread of you will fall on all the beasts of the earth, and on…

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5 Pages


Ethical to Raise Animals for

Words: 2104
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Thesis Arguments For: In response to those allegations, Bill Mattos, the president of the California Poultry Federation, said that he had invited California Senate representatives to visit poultry farms --…

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2 Pages
Dissertation or Thesis complete


Rights and Welfare of Animals

Words: 754
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Dissertation or Thesis complete

Animal Advocacy Organizations There are many local, national, and international organizations that advocate for the rights and welfare of animals, domestic and wild. Two of those organisations are PETA (People…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Zoo Animal Technology Program I Want to

Words: 718
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Zoo Animal Technology Program I want to enter the Zoo Animal Technology Program at BLANK University for a number of reasons. First, I have always loved animals since I…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Wild Species Which Includes That of Animals

Words: 1428
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Wild species, which includes that of animals, plants, and of other organisms, constitute the most part of the seafood of the world and of the timber. The Wild…

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8 Pages
Research Paper

Business - Ethics

Ethical Treatment of Animals the

Words: 3045
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Research Paper

The main concern in virtue ethics becomes about a person's moral character. When people choose to develop their moral character, better virtues will be created, and thus there…

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13 Pages
Term Paper


Man's Ability to Treat Humans Like Animals

Words: 4278
Length: 13 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Man's Ability To Treat Humans Like Animals It is a vivid fact that the feelings of cruelty, discrimination and racial distribution are embedded well in to human nature since its…

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6 Pages

Labor and Union Studies

Motivational Theories of animal'shelters

Words: 1580
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Functional motivation suggests that psychological factors, such as a need to feel useful, a need for a sense of purpose, motivate volunteerism (Widjaja, 2010). Therefore, volunteerism can be framed…

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