Animals Essays (Examples)

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The well-being of an animal, preservation of species and biological diversity is always given first priority when it comes to deciding upon the appropriateness of research to be undertaken (Lin, 2013).
It reaches a point in time when some animals have to be released to the wild from the zoos. This is normally conducted in accordance with IUCN/SSC/eintroduction Specialist group guidelines. Before the animals are released to the wild, they normally undergo a thorough veterinary examination to ascertain if they are fit for such release. Their welfare after release is always taken into consideration. After their release, a thorough monitoring program ensues.

In case an animal dies while in care they are normally subjected to post-mortem examination where the cause of their death is ascertained. Animals that die while being released to the wild from the zoo are also normally taken for post-mortem examination.

Zoo keepers co-operate with government institutions and other….

Imagine that you are in Japan after the recent, tragic earthquake. The rubble surrounds you and you see thousands of homeless people. If you look and listen closely, you also hear the sounds of suffering animals. They also have been impacted by this natural disaster. They also have lost their homes. They also are in danger. In some ways, animals react differently to natural disasters and, in other ways, they have similar trauma after an event like this. I will talk about animals in earthquakes and how we can help them.

The earthquake that struck Japan in March of this year damaged buildings and destroyed many homes. It affected not only the people of Japan, but its animals as well. Although many animals may have died during the natural disaster, a large number of animals may have escaped to safety. This is because many people believe that animals can sense earthquakes….

It also stands out from other leopard subspecies because of its fur that has large rosettes and a vibrant color and it can grow to approximately 7 cm long during the winter time.
Due to the fact that deer and other prey species have started to fall in numbers, the leopard and the tiger have began to search for prey inside villages and farms. This gave people another reason to intervene in the process of endangering the species as a farmer would care less of an endangered species than of his profit.

The Amur leopard's most important enemies are men, who take advantage of every chance they get of harming the animal through pollution, the cutting of forests and through poaching for fur and bones. A great mistake that people make while considering the issue of the Amur leopard as an endangered species is that they tend to compare it to….

Animals Communications

Animal Communication may be defined as the transmission of a signal from one animal to another such that the sender benefits, on average, from the response of the recipient (Pearce). According to Robert Mannell this definition allows for the inclusion of many types of behavior and permits communication to be applied to a great range of animals. Natural animal communication can include chemical signals, smell, movement, posture, facial gestures, visual signals and sound. The intent of these signals is to attract, repel, signal aggression or submission, advertise species, warn of predators, or communicate about the environment or the availability of food. These signals may be instinctive or learned from others.
Animals have many ways to communicate, whales song, wolves howl, frogs croak, and birds chirp. Honey bees wangle dance and dogs wag their tails. These are all ways animals transmit information to one another as well as other species. Animals often….

Siberian Huskies do not bark the way most other domestic canines do, but howl amongst their pack members much more the way wolves do.
As pets, they are known to vocalize by whining or yowling, which must be addressed through corrective training to avoid becoming a persistent behavioral annoyance. Because they do not bark, they are largely incapable of performing satisfactorily as watchdogs because they will not alert to the presence of strangers in the manner desirable for watchdogs (Coppinger 2001).

Similarly, Siberian Huskies are not as threatened by strangers as are many domestic dogs; therefore, even if they were able to bark, they are as likely to greet a stranger on the property with a sniff and a wag of the tail (or perhaps, more likely, with indifference) and will not perceive stranger as a danger to themselves or their families.

The Siberian Husky also exhibits a hunting prey drive that….


There are a number of physical responses that occur in the a mammal's body when it is exposed to heat. It is important to not only understand what thermoregulation is, but the physiological and/or anatomical thermoregulatory responses that allow sustained exercise in horses.

Understanding Thermoregulation

Thermoregulation is the control of body temperature within certain limits even when the surrounding temperature is very different. This enables the body to function effectively and is known as maintaining homeostasis, which is a dynamic state of stability between an animal's internal environment and its external environment.

A relatively constant body temperature is necessary for the efficient functioning of the complicated brain of higher animals. Extreme temperatures alter biological molecules and disrupt body functions resulting in illness such as hyperthermia or hypothermia, which if not treated can lead to death. Mechanisms have subsequently evolved in mammals to enable body temperatures to stay within certain limits.

All mammals are endothermic….

Animals & Their Place Inside the Fast Food Nation
Animals and Their Place inside the Fast Food Nation

The 1950's ere a time of elegance, charm, and ere truly the apex of American poer. When one listens to music from this era or looks at photographs, one can almost feel the happiness that people felt during that time, especially after the ar-torn decade preceding the 1950's. Hoever, hen looking at old photographs of family, one ill also notice very thin, even fit young men and omen laying on beaches and smiling up at the sun ithout, seemingly, a care in the orld. No, hoever, hen on a beach in the United States, most often, one ill notice the contentment of people all around, but ill also see quite a fe sunbathers ho are not at all fit, and perhaps a small percentage of overeight beach-goers. This is an independent statement, of course,….

In another instance, scientist and primate researcher Anne Engh collected fecal samples from baboons in the African country of Botswana; Engh gathered those fecal samples following the killing of a baboon by a predator (Moss, p. 2).
Those samples were tested for "…increased levels of glucocorticoid (GC) stress markers" and Engh discovered that the stress in those baboons was elevated for nearly a month after the one baboon had been brutally attacked and killed (Moss, p. 2). The baboon feces that tested out for the highest amount of stress were from those baboons that had either family or other close ties to the baboon that had been killed. Hence, it is reasonable to assume that the baboons were hurt emotionally by the killing and they showed that through their stress following the death.

Meanwhile there is a growing movement of citizens worldwide who believe that animals have feelings and that they….

In addition, the practice of testing cosmetics and other personal items on animals was accepted practice for many years. For example, countless rabbits were blinded to test the safety of mascaras and eye products (Carbone 24) before animal rights activists spoke up and asked the haunting question, "How many rabbits does evlon blind for the sake of beauty?'" (Carbone 24). This use of animals for vanity seems unusually cruel and needless, and it seems there must be some other way to test new ideas, drugs, and treatments without wasting the lives of innocent animals.
Many scientists and health care professionals argue that medical research with animals is absolutely necessary to cure disease and make human life better and healthier. They maintain that animal research is absolutely necessary because in the end it saves human lives. Clearly, researchers have learned much from animal research, and have made great strides in science….

Animals Have Rights?" Tabor R. Machan concludes that animals do not deserve the same consideration as human beings because they are incapable of making moral decisions themselves. Machan argues that animals are distinct beings and it is a mistake to categorize them as being equal to humans. In fact, Machan states that animals should be exploited in some cases, if to do so will improve human quality of life. The author unabashedly places human beings at the top of the life spectrum, asserting that human beings are more important than animals because of our moral faculties. However, Machan does feel that animals should be treated judiciously and not cruelly.
Machan is largely utilitarian in his approach to the animal rights issue. The author argues that because animals can be used to benefit human beings, that they should not be "liberated," or protected. The author also argues that the rights conferred….

This was inexcusable. He got his rifle, and he began to shoot them, one by one. Somehow, though, he couldn't hit the last woodchuck, the wiley one. That night, he dreamed about that woodchuck, the one that got away. He dreamed he shot that woodchuck. laming the whole debacle on the woodchucks, he told himself, "If only they'd all consented to die unseen, gassed underground the quiet Nazi way." (Kumin,
Non-animal testing methods that are more reliable than animal testing and a lot cheaper have been developed. Some are computer and mathematical models. Others use cell and skin tissue or corneas from eye banks -- providing information from human genes. Some companies simply avoid testing by using all non-toxic ingredients or ingredients that the Cosrmetics, Toiletry, and Fragrance Association has already approved as safe.

According to groups on both sides of the argument, the American public -- particularly the young….

Since animals do not have a large brain capacity to accommodate such acts, normally the types of behaviors taught to these animals are usually simple and straightforward to master (Heyes, 1996).
Use of teaching as a mode of behavioral transmission among animals is where an animal trainer takes time with the animal showing them how things are done such as requesting of food or even developing routes or ways to obtain the food among other trainings. As mentioned earlier, learning is somehow restrictive towards a given group of animal species, those with a higher capacity to master what they are taught. Some of these cultures are self-taught as a survival tactic, they are usually passed from the parent to the sibling. For instance, siblings of the killer whales are taught to fend for their food through pushing of the Pinnipeds to the shore intentionally for them to be able to….

eferring to the fact that signing children acquire a lexicon first, it is argued that grammar in its largest sense is the latest acquisition in communication. The whole process is based on an underlying cognitive structure (so-called semantic memory) that is already in place. Grammar is responsible for two domains of representation: propositional and discourse pragmatics. The priority of the lexicon is also sustained by so-called pregrammatical communication as it is found, for example, in child pidgin and agrammatical aphasia. "

Human language is distinguished by these factors, however only time will tell if other animal communication evolves to math the abilty that humans currently have. While it has not happened yet, it is believed that some animals have highly advanced communication abilities as compared to other animals. Dolphins and primates both come to mind in the discussion of advanced animal communication abilities. Without being able to study the beginning it….

animals -- whether they are carnivorous, omnivorous, or herbivorous -- depend upon the mechanisms of photosynthesis as a source of food. Carnivorous and omnivorous animals eat other animals as a source of food, but prey animals such as herbivores consume plants as a source of energy. And oxygen, the by-product of plant photosynthesis, enables all animal life on land and in the water to breathe. The chlorophylls and carotenoids, the pigments present in the plant's cellular structure, absorb sunlight and convert it into energy, producing oxygen as a byproduct. Sunlight is transformed into ATP in plants. ATP enables the synthesizing of glucose from carbon dioxide and water within the plant's cellular membranes. "Glucose subunits are joined together, forming starch and other molecules," and producing oxygen for animal life as a by-product (Photosynthesis and aerobic respiration, 2010, Aquarium project website). Depending on where the plants are located, the oxygen is….

Animals Seem to Be Very

Pulling in for gas it seems like the prices jumped from Sunday too. Gas prices are higher most often on Mondays (Davis, 113) which just make this day one of the most disliked of the week.
Everyone should go on a vacation occasionally.

I love to travel and take vacations, and my family does too. We scour the Internet for travel deals and have found hotel rooms in very nice resorts for 30% to 50% off and been able to go on some very nice vacations as a result. In fact, since 2009 the discount travel sites have seen a major increase in discounted hotel rates at major resorts (Tegmeyer, While on vacation I like to go exploring around the coastlines and rivers, often on day tours with smaller cruise operations. This form of vacation has also been increasing in recent years (Pasquariello, I like to explore the coastlines….

To argue against animal abuse, you want your thesis to clearly state that you're against it and why. Your opinion should be a part of the thesis statement, but you want to be careful to actually present arguable, logical points, as well. You could say you're against animal abuse for a number of reasons. For example, some common ones are that animals feel both physical and emotional pain (abuse is cruel), that animals can't defend themselves and people should care for them because of their innocent nature, and that animal abuse can lead to further deviant and criminal behavior -....

6 Pages
Term Paper


Animals in Captivity Zoological Parks

Words: 1788
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The well-being of an animal, preservation of species and biological diversity is always given first priority when it comes to deciding upon the appropriateness of research to be…

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2 Pages


Animals Imagine That You Are in Japan

Words: 834
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Animals Imagine that you are in Japan after the recent, tragic earthquake. The rubble surrounds you and you see thousands of homeless people. If you look and listen closely, you…

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3 Pages
Research Paper


Animals Generally Are an Example

Words: 996
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

It also stands out from other leopard subspecies because of its fur that has large rosettes and a vibrant color and it can grow to approximately 7 cm…

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6 Pages
Research Paper

Communication - Language

Animals Communications

Words: 1972
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Animal Communication may be defined as the transmission of a signal from one animal to another such that the sender benefits, on average, from the response of the recipient…

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10 Pages
Term Paper


Animals - Siberian Husky Domestication

Words: 3052
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Siberian Huskies do not bark the way most other domestic canines do, but howl amongst their pack members much more the way wolves do. As pets, they are known…

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9 Pages
Term Paper


Animals Thermoregulation There Are a Number of

Words: 3016
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Animals Thermoregulation There are a number of physical responses that occur in the a mammal's body when it is exposed to heat. It is important to not only understand what thermoregulation…

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9 Pages
Research Paper


Animals and Their Place Inside the Fast Food Nation

Words: 2621
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Animals & Their Place Inside the Fast Food Nation Animals and Their Place inside the Fast Food Nation The 1950's ere a time of elegance, charm, and ere truly the apex…

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3 Pages


Animals Have the Same Rights

Words: 1094
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

In another instance, scientist and primate researcher Anne Engh collected fecal samples from baboons in the African country of Botswana; Engh gathered those fecal samples following the killing…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Animals for Research Because it

Words: 1388
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

In addition, the practice of testing cosmetics and other personal items on animals was accepted practice for many years. For example, countless rabbits were blinded to test the…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Animals Have Rights Tabor R Machan Concludes

Words: 605
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Animals Have Rights?" Tabor R. Machan concludes that animals do not deserve the same consideration as human beings because they are incapable of making moral decisions themselves. Machan…

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4 Pages


Animals for Testing Concern About

Words: 1323
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

This was inexcusable. He got his rifle, and he began to shoot them, one by one. Somehow, though, he couldn't hit the last woodchuck, the wiley one. That…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Animals Have Culture Animal Culture

Words: 822
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Since animals do not have a large brain capacity to accommodate such acts, normally the types of behaviors taught to these animals are usually simple and straightforward to…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Communication - Language

Animals Communicate Humans Do it

Words: 752
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

eferring to the fact that signing children acquire a lexicon first, it is argued that grammar in its largest sense is the latest acquisition in communication. The whole process…

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3 Pages


Animals -- Whether They Are Carnivorous Omnivorous

Words: 914
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

animals -- whether they are carnivorous, omnivorous, or herbivorous -- depend upon the mechanisms of photosynthesis as a source of food. Carnivorous and omnivorous animals eat other animals…

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2 Pages


Animals Seem to Be Very

Words: 451
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Pulling in for gas it seems like the prices jumped from Sunday too. Gas prices are higher most often on Mondays (Davis, 113) which just make this day…

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