Anthem Essays (Examples)

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Anthem Individuality vs Conformity the Novella Anthem
Pages: 3 Words: 923

Anthem: Individuality vs. Conformity
The novella Anthem by Ayn Rand is the story of an individual's search for identity in a society based on conformity. Set in the future the story's protagonist, Equality 7-2521 is a street sweeper whose great sin is to have personal ambition. Equality 7-2521 is born into a collectivist society in which everyone's life is controlled by various councils of social planners and disciplinarians and in which the use of the word "I" has been forbidden. Every individual is "we," the perfection of "equality." Lacking any avenue for private thought and initiative, this would be utopia is so miserably poor, intellectually and materially, that its heroes of technological progress are "the twenty illustrious men who had invented the candle."

Equality 7-2521 rebels against this cult of interchangeable parts and the lowest common denominator and hides in order to conduct scientific research in a secret tunnel that contains relics…...


Works Cited

Rand, Ayn. Anthem. New York: New American Library, 1961. Print.

Wilfred Owen's Anthem for Doomed Youth and Claude Mckay's if We Must Die
Pages: 2 Words: 789

Wilfred Owen's "Anthem for Doomed outh" and Claude Mckay's "If we must Die."
This is a paper that compares and contrasts two poems on death and dying. It has 2 sources.

Wilfred Owen's "Anthem for Doomed outh" and Claude Mckay's "If we must Die" are two poems that share several similarities. They are both sonnets and pertain to struggle. They are both are set in different periods, but are set in the same century (1900s).

The sonnets, "Anthem for Doomed outh" and "If we must Die" are set about fifty years apart in the 20th century, and they focus on the First World War and the Civil Rights movement respectively. Each of these poems has described the state of its characters very well because of the imagery in them. The words that are used in them rhyme very well too, which shows that the poets have been very selective. This can be…...


Yet another difference between the two poems is the way that the poets have depicted the opposition in each of the struggles. In McKay's poem the oppressors of the freedom rights fighters are described as a "murderous, cowardly pack." This is in contrast to the automatic assumption that neither army could be called cowardly because they are each fighting to defend their countries.

McKay, Claude. If We Must Die 1919

Owen, Wilfred. Anthem for Doomed Youth. 1921.

National Anthem Protest Essay
Pages: Words: 3012

This free essay discusses the National Anthem Protest which was first started by Colin Kaepernick in the NFL and has now spread to many players both in the NFL and other major sports.  We will provide you with example titles, related topics, an outline as well as all the major parts of an essay (thesis statement, essay hook, introduction, body, conclusion, works cited).  This can be used as a template/guideline/reference in helping you write your own paper.  If you need help writing, please review our "how to write an essay" tutorial.
In 2016, a football player with the NFL named Colin Kaepernick made the decision to stop standing for the National Anthem as a means of protesting the fact that unarmed African Americans are killed by police in disproportionate numbers, usually without any repercussions for the officers who engaged in the killings.  After hearing from a veteran that he found Kaepernick’s…...

Death of Soldiers on the
Pages: 4 Words: 1467

Instead, the soldiers about to serve should be 'treated' to the mimicking of gunfire, so they will be prepared for the trenches. In foxholes, after all, the soldier's 'hasty orisons' must keep time to the guns and the rifles. Owen uses personification to characterize the guns which are angry (as his tone). The guns do their work and the alliteration of the 'rifles' and 'rapid rattle' and the consonance of the 'ts' in 'stuttering' and 'rattle' give a sense of what a battlefield really sounds like -- not a church service with slow bells, but with roaring guns and spattering bullets.
Owen makes frequent use of 'nihilistic' language in "Anthem," to convey sadness and the future sense of deadness the soldiers may experience, or at very least feel. "No mockeries now for them; no prayers nor bells; nor any voice of mourning save the choirs," he writes. Prayers and bells…...


Works Cited

Owen, Wilfred. "Anthem for a Doomed Youth." 1917.

December 1, 2008. 

Smith, Leslie. Wilfred Owen: Biography. George Mason University. 2001.

December 1, 2008.

Forces Analysis Wellpoint Is Subject
Pages: 10 Words: 3232

They are striving to be the best of both worlds. In their heavily regulated industry, there is a relatively high degree of commoditization between different health care plan offerings. There is high intensity of rivalry in the industry as well. This intensity of rivalry pushes down costs, but the cost structure of the industry is fairly rigid, such that it is difficult for a health care plan provider to fully engage a cost leadership strategy. Consumers are demanding both low costs and superior product offerings. ellPoint is attempting to meet these conflicting demands to their best of their abilities.
This strategy stems in part from ellPoint's position within the industry. The industry itself is relatively fragmented, despite significant barriers to entry. ellPoint is the #2 player in the industry, behind the United Health Group. ellPoint holds at 9.75% market share. Other competitors are Aetna, Humana, Kaiser, and many smaller firms.…...


Works Cited

Wellpoint 2008 Annual Report. (2008). Wellpoint. Retrieved November 28, 2008 at

Some financial information from Reuters. Retrieved November 28, 2008 at 

Hamilton, David P. (2008) How Insurance Really Works, courtesy of Wellpoint. BNet Healthcare. Retrieved November 28, 2008 at 

No author. (2007). Porter's Five Forces. QuickMBA. Retrieved November 28, 2008 at

Impact of Music During Various Decades
Pages: 3 Words: 1345

Media Has Shaped the Ages through Music:
Music is a medium that has shaped the ages in relation to its significant role in social movements. Actually, music has acted as one of the various methods and vehicles through which social movements have existed and developed. The role and significance of music in shaping the ages is primarily attributed to the fact that it represents more than entertainment as it has spoken for generations and exemplified belief systems. Generally, music has had a tremendous relationship to and impact on social movements in every decade from the 1960s through 2000-2010. Music has been used as a means of exemplifying the mood of the decade in terms of high profile events or movements that took place in the respective decade.

Music through the Decades:

As previously mentioned, music has played a significant role through the ages by shaping social movements and exemplifying the mood of…...



Hector, H. (2013, June 14). Understanding the History of Slavery through Bob Marley's 'Redemption Song.' Retrieved August 2, 2014, from 

Holz, A.R. (2010, October 18). Musical Decades: The Revolutionary 1960s. Retrieved August 2,

2014, from

Suddath, C. (2011, October 21). ALL-TIME 100 Songs. Time Magazine. Retrieved August 2,

Man Proposes- God Disposes Man Proposes but
Pages: 2 Words: 609

Man Proposes- God Disposes
Man proposes but God disposes

Life hands us what it wills and these may not necessarily be in line with the desires of our hearts and the intent of our actions. We often plan as man and God who controls all nature is not duty bound to bring our plans, however noble or ignoble they may be, to completion. Man can always propose but God disposes at His own will and liking.

Soapy's case is a perfect example of the lessons that man can be derive from the adage 'man proposes but God disposes'. Having seen that winter was fast approaching and being aware of the rough conditions that accompany the winter season, Soapy pondered over the best solution out of his impending predicament and concluded that going into incarceration over a petty crime would be the only option. He decided therefore to venture out in search of a…...



Henry O., (2010). The Cop and the Anthem.

Psychological View of Investment &
Pages: 6 Words: 1828

" (Grabel, 2004) Good institutions serve as the basis for economic growth due to right market-based and market-guided incentives being created which include those stated in this study and specifically: (1) rule of law; (2) competitive markets; (3) low taxation (4) noninflationary monetary policies; and (5) free trade. (2002) Good institutions serve to "Foster other cultural patterns of conduct, hard work, savings and industriousness, honesty and trustworthiness, creativity, and self-responsibility. These are the bases of the wealth of nations." (Easterly, 2002; as cited in: Ebeling, 2002) These tools are helpful in avoiding and mitigating economic risks in development.

Easterly, W (2002) the Elusive Quest for Growth: An Economists Adventures and Misadventures in the Tropics (Cambridge, MIT Press) Chapter 2

Krueger, a.O (1998) Why Trade Liberalization Is good for Growth, Economic Journal 108

Demetriades, P. And Hussein, K.A (1996) Does Financial Development Cause Economic Growth? Time-Series Evidence From 16 Countries, Journal of Development Economics…...



Easterly, W (2002) the Elusive Quest for Growth: An Economists Adventures and Misadventures in the Tropics (Cambridge, MIT Press) Chapter 2

Krueger, a.O (1998) Why Trade Liberalization Is good for Growth, Economic Journal 108

Demetriades, P. And Hussein, K.A (1996) Does Financial Development Cause Economic Growth? Time-Series Evidence From 16 Countries, Journal of Development Economics 51, pp387-411.

Grabel, I. (2003) International Private Capital Flows and Developing Countries, in H-J. Chang (ed.) Rethinking Development Economics, London: Anthem Press.

Do Most People Know Everything About Their Health Insurance Plans
Pages: 3 Words: 932

Health Insurance Consumer Knowledge
Do most people know everything about their health insurance plans?

The two plans investigated for this assignment are Blue Cross Blue Shield and Humana, two of the most widely used and recognized health insurance companies in the United States.

Do you think that in general most people know everything about their health insurance plans?

The healthcare reform act of 2009 sought to make the healthcare system in the United States more navigable for Americans and to prevent health insurance companies from taking advantage of their customers. It seems, however, that the dense amount of legal and financial information embedding in the policies published by most companies is beyond the comprehension of most Americans (Gabel et al. 1987). Most people probably are aware of their emergency and primary care coverage but might not know about other less publicized and critical elements of insurance coverage plans which may offer valuable benefits, such…...


Works Cited

Anthem. (2011)Anthem Connecticut Health Plans. Retrieved from: 

J Gabel, C Jajich-Toth, K Williams, S Loughran and K. Haugh. (1987). "The commercial health insurance industry in transition" Health Affairs, 6, no.3:46-60

Humana. (2011). Individual Insurance Plans from Humana. Retrieved from: 

United States Government. (2011). Retrieved from:

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Missouri
Pages: 5 Words: 1983

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Missouri Marketing
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Missouri is an insurance company that serves the state of Missouri. The company serves residents in approximately 75% of the state's area, with services concentrate in the southeastern portion (Blue Cross Blue Shield of Missouri). RightCHOICE Managed Care Inc. (RIT) operates as Blue Cross Blue Shield of Missouri in Missouri, and is a licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. Blue Cross Blue Shield of Missouri has over 1.1 million medical members and acts as an operating subsidiary of ellPoint Health Networks Inc. (Kansas City InfoZine). ellPoint Health Networks Inc. is the second-largest publicly traded health care company in the United States (Kansas City InfoZine), and serves close to 45 million members (Hoovers Online).

In the past, the marketing of Blue Cross Blue Shield of Missouri has faced severe criticism. A Market Conduct Examination Report by Health Care…...


Works Cited

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Missouri. 26 July 2004.

Health Care Financing Administration, Kansas City Regional Office. Market Conduct Examination Report: Blue Cross and Blue Shield. 26 July 2004. 

Hoovers Online. WellPoint Health Networks Inc.

27 July 2004. -- /free-co-factsheet.xhtml

Nike and Social Justice
Pages: 2 Words: 699

Kaepernick Nike Ad Colin Kaepernick, the former pro-football quarterback, has become the face of Nike in a new controversial campaign that has aimed to leverage Kaepernick’s status as an anti-establishment, counter-culture hero of social justice. Kaepernick, who became famous for being the first to “take a knee” during the national anthem sung before kickoff, soon found himself unemployed by the NFL (an organization he thereupon sued for discrimination). By trying to draw attention to social injustice during a particularly turbulent time in recent years when the Black Lives Matter organization got underway in response to a rising perception of police assaults on the black community, Kaepernick became a pariah in the corporate NFL world. Nike, however, like many other professional athletes—from LeBron James to Tom Brady (ESPN; Sanchez)—has shown support for the message that Kaepernick was trying to communicate. Nike has even gone a step further and tried to capitalize on…...

Oppression of the Chechen People
Pages: 10 Words: 3268

Hee, howeve, a geat many of the components of the ex-USSR have been facing anothe majo poblem: Unde Soviet nationality policy the diffeent peoples of the U.S.S.R. wee tapped in the midst of thee incompatible pocesses - nation-building by the diffeent titula goups, the constuction of 'Soviet patiotism' and the foging of 'poletaian intenationalism'. Suggested is the need fo a collective initiative in joining fo a ewiting of histoy and a edefinition to be given to cultual heitages and it is stated that this is a geat need fo the Chechen people in the following paagaph:" (Gamme, 2002)
In tadition Chechens eithe have subscibed to the Sunni Islam Shafi'I Islam, which is the least as to estictions as any othe fom in Islam and is not a faith that is laced with intoleance. Sufis ae the most peaceable of the Muslims and is focused on spiituality as well as toleant…...


references already stated within this work and finally upon the February 24, 2005 report in the Chechen Times that relates the fact that the European Court of Human Rights has passed down a ruling that finds Russia guilty of the commission of extreme harm which is inclusive of torture and of having killed civilians in the country. Moscow was ordered by the court to pay fines totaling 135, 710 euros and states that:

The panel of judges, among them one Russian, were unanimous in condemning Russia for breaching the European Convention of Human Rights article on the right to life. The court also said that Moscow had breached the plaintiffs' right to a full hearing. It said in two cases that Moscow had also violated the ban on torture and inhumane or degrading treatment and, in the case of one person, breached a clause on the protection of property." (the Chechyan Times, 2005)

This verdict in itself is clear and compelling evidence against the Soviets and supports the statement that the Chechen people have suffered abuses and violence at the hands of the Soviet Government who have dealt harshly with those of Chechnya. This work has shown that the Soviet Russians have had their own agenda for the Chechen people and that the violence and violations to human right perpetrated again the Chechen people are indeed heinous and of a harsh rule that has given those same people good reason to fight again the Russian invaders, perpetrators and abusers of human rights and liberty.

Russian Oppression of the Chechen People

Usmanov, Lyoma (1999) the Chechen Nation: A Portraint of Ethnical Features 1999 Jan 9 Washington DC [Online at ]

Poetry and Nationalism Rabindranath Tagore
Pages: 4 Words: 1363

Rabindranath Tagore
When we consider the career of Rabindranath Tagore as a "nationalist leader," it is slightly hard to find comparable figures elsewhere in world-history. Outside of India, Tagore is most famous as a poet: he won the 1913 Nobel Prize for Literature for his engali poetry collection Gitanjali. Perhaps the closest contemporary analogue to Tagore would be the Irish poet and "nationalist leader" W.. Yeats, who would win the Nobel Prize for Literature ten years after Tagore. Ironically enough, it was Yeats who introduced Tagore to Europe, quite literally -- the English translation of Gitanjali had an introduction by Yeats recommending Tagore in the highest possible terms to European readers. And Yeats was a "nationalist leader" in the same way as Tagore: Yeats, after all, believed that his own poetry and drama in favor of Irish independence had inspired the 1916 Irish "Easter Rebellion" against the ritish Empire, and was…...



Guha, Ramachandra. Makers of Modern India. Massachusetts: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2011.

Metcalf, Barbara, and Metcalf, Thomas. A Concise History of India. London: Cambridge University Press, 2012.

Social Justice and Macklemore
Pages: 6 Words: 1697

No Justice, No Peace In Z-Ro’s “No Justice No Peace,” the hip hop artist states, “No justice, no peace
It's us against police. Every time I turn around they shoot another brother down.” The argument made by the artist is that police brutality and oppression is marginalizing African-Americans and making them fearful of the law—which to them represents white rule, white power, and white aggression. The artist, like all hip hop artists, is coming from a traditional of criticism against Jim Crow: his descendents are men like Malcolm X and MLK, Jr., Ice Cube, and Tupac Shakur. Z-Ro’s words echo with all the history of those stories and more rolled into a monumental protest anthem. It is an anthem that many can understand. However, there is also a racial component to it that disqualified anyone who is not African-American from identifying with the song. For instance, others who are white and who…...

Economics Virginia Public Health Care
Pages: 5 Words: 1727

Expenditures on health care has been mounting faster than the economy for many years, representing a challenge not only for the government's health insurance programs, but also for the private sector. As health care expenditures consume a larger share of the nation's economic output, Virginians along with all Americans will be faced with progressively harder choices to make (the Long-Term Outlook for Health Care Spending, n.d.).
orks Cited

"About Your Benefits." 2010, viewed 14 February 2011, from

"Benefits Descriptions." 2010, viewed 14 February 2011, from

"Current Inflation Rates: 2000-2011." 2010, viewed 14 February 2011, from

"Eligibility, Enrollment and Plan Choices." 2010, viewed 14 February 2011, from

"Five health insurers raise rates in Virginia."2010, viewed 14 February 2011, from

Martin, Keith L. 2010, "Virginia passes budget cutting Medicaid, other health services," viewed

14 February 2011, from <>

"Monthly Premiums for Non-Medicare Eligible Retiree Group." 2010, viewed 14 February 2011,

Martin, Keith L. 2010. "Virginia…...


Works Cited

"About Your Benefits." 2010, viewed 14 February 2011, from

"Benefits Descriptions." 2010, viewed 14 February 2011, from

"Current Inflation Rates: 2000-2011." 2010, viewed 14 February 2011, from

"Eligibility, Enrollment and Plan Choices." 2010, viewed 14 February 2011, from

I\'m up for a challenge! Do you have any complex or thought-provoking essay topics on music?
Words: 585

The Symbiotic Relationship Between Music and Emotion: A Neuropsychological Exploration

Music has an unparalleled ability to evoke emotions, from elation to sorrow. This essay examines the complex interplay between music and emotion, exploring the neurological mechanisms that facilitate this connection and analyzing the psychological impact of music on human experience.

The Neural Architecture of Music and Emotion

Music activates specific neural pathways in the brain responsible for processing emotions. The amygdala and hippocampus, involved in emotional memory and association, are highly receptive to musical stimuli. Music can stimulate the release of neurotransmitters such as dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin, which produce pleasure, relaxation, and....

Can the right soundtrack help you navigate the transition to higher education?
Words: 262

1. "Rhythmic Resilience: How Music Empowers Students during the Transition to Higher Education"

2. "Harmonizing Higher Education: Unveiling the Impact of Music on Academic Success"

3. "Melodies of Motivation: Exploring the Role of Music in Transitioning to Higher Education"

4. "The Soundtrack of Success: How Music Transforms the Transition to Higher Education"

5. "Music as a Catalyst: Enhancing the Transition to Higher Education"

6. "Tuning into Triumph: Utilizing Music for a Smooth Transition to Higher Education"

7. "The Cadence of Confidence: How Music Supports Students in the Transition to Higher Education"

8. "Unlocking Potential: The Transformative Power of Music in Higher Education Transitions"

9. "Sonic Study Buddies: How....

What iconic title is often used to refer to the national anthem of Poland?
Words: 288

1. "Exploring Poland's Rich Cultural Heritage"

2. "The Impact of Poland's Historical Events on its Modern Identity"

3. "Poland's Transition from Communism to Democracy: Lessons and Challenges"

4. "Poland's Role in World War II and its Aftermath"

5. "Preserving Poland's Natural Beauty: Environmental Conservation in a Changing World"

6. "Poland's Economic Growth and the European Union: Opportunities and Challenges"

7. "Uncovering Poland's Folklore: Traditions, Myths, and Legends"

8. "Poland's Educational System: Achievements and Innovations"

9. "Poland's Contribution to Science, Technology, and Innovation"

10. "Poland's Unique Culinary Traditions: From Pierogi to Bigos"
11. "The Symbolism and Importance of 'Jeszcze Polska nie zgin??a' as Poland's National Anthem"

The national anthem of Poland, known....

What iconic title is often used to refer to the national anthem of Poland?
Words: 499

Mazurek D?browskiego: The Resonant Anthem of Polish Patriotism

Among the diverse tapestry of national anthems, Poland's stands out with a title that evokes a rich historical tapestry: "Mazurek D?browskiego." This iconic moniker carries immense significance, deeply intertwined with the nation's struggles for independence and its enduring spirit.

Historical Roots of the Mazurek

The term "mazurek" originates from the traditional Polish folk dance of the same name. Characterized by its lively tempo, intricate footwork, and spirited rhythms, the mazurek epitomized the vitality and exuberance of Polish culture. During the late 18th and early 19th centuries, as Poland faced political turmoil and partitions by neighboring....

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