Literature Essays (Examples)

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Even people who love reading can find the idea of a literary analysis to be challenging. This is unfortunate, because the whole goal of a literary analysis is for the reader to consider how and why a work was written. What message w...

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North American Literature of the 20th Century: A Literature of Alienation
North American literature of the twentieth century began as a predominantly white male-dominated literature, on the heels of 19th century romantic literary expression, such as within the works of Nathaniel Hawthorne, Herman Melville, Mark Twain, illiam Dean Howells, Stephen Crane, and others. Similarly, in the early decades of the 20th century, American literature was dominated by the likes of illiam Faulkner, Ernest Hemingway, Theodore Dreiser, and other white male authors, whose works (understandably) reflected their own experiences and world views. In the latter half of the 20th century, however, subsequent to orld ar II, more diverse voices began to appear within North American literature. By the time authors like Maxine Hong Kingston; Toni Morrison; James Baldwin and others came on the scene, diverse literary viewpoints were beginning to be seen as integral to the American literary cannon. In my opinion,….

Literature as Psychology

Psychology and Literature
Both psychology and literature explore how people interact with each other. Both psychology and literature explore how prior events affect what follows. Both psychology and literature look at how a person grows, develops and changes over time. However, psychology looks at how events affect what people do and how they act in very precise ways, while literature fictionalizes and supposes what an imaginary person might do. Psychology looks at growth and development based on real cases studied scientifically while literature uses imagination go suppose what people might do as they develop. Psychology looks at how people react in given situations in a scientific way, while literature looks at it in terms of how the events drive a story forward.

Examples of how social-psychological issues are portrayed in literature can be seen, for instance, in the stories of Edgar Allen Poe, such as in "The Cask of Amontillado," where the….

classroom, regardless of the age of the learner, we realize that there are multiple learning styles and responses to divergent stimuli. he modern pedagogical environment is faced with a number of challenges that are directly related to learning. In fact, as an educational pendulum swings, we find any number of methods that are thought to be new and innovative; yet it is sometimes the tried and true methods that are more efficacious. For instance, peer-to-peer learning improves cognitive and higher level questioning, humor bolsters biological reactions to learning, and changing the learning environment improves cognition and attention span (Harlin, 2008).
Howard Gardner, for one, has written extensively about the idea of multiple intelligences in learning. this theory holds that traditionally defined intelligence does not really describe the actual innate intelligence of the person. For instance, a child may learn mathematical forumulas quite easily, but that does not mean they are….

Octavio Paz's 1990 Nobel Lecture accentuated the issue of transplanted languages and the literature that emerged in a transplanted culture. Latin-American and Caribbean literature is good example of the use of transplanted languages since the influence of European and American cultures is quite pronounced. hen people migrate from one place to another or are forced to endure foreign rule, the impact on the language is usually the most marked. ords and concepts are borrowed from other languages and cultures, incorporated in native languages and from this fusion, emerges a language which lacks the beauty and grandeur of the original but is well-understood and even widely accepted by the natives influenced by transplantation. This is what Octavio Paz was referring to when he spoke of transplanted languages and its use in Latin American literature.

Languages are born and grow from the native soil, nourished by a common history. The….

courtly love your purchase.

In this paper, we shall study the tradition of Courtly love in the Middle Ages as reflected by literary works produced in that period. The paper will first focus on what the exact nature of Courtly Love, then proceed to briefly discuss its development and finally take into account the literary works of Middle Ages that contained elements of this tradition.

Courtly love refers to romance in chivalric tradition that emerged during the first Millennium and endured throughout the medieval period. Andreas Capellanus, in his book, The Art of Courtly Love, defines courtly loved as ". . . A certain inborn suffering derived from the sight of and excessive meditation upon the beauty of the opposite sex, which causes each one to wish above all things the embraces of the other and by common desire to carry out all of love's precepts in….

Literature and Sexuality

Abbe Prevost's tale of Manon Lescaut performs several different functions at once. It is in part a cautionary story. It is in part a push to create a fully modern sensibility in French literature. It is in part an exploration of the trope of Romanticism. And in all of these things it is partly a story about the New orld, for to Prevost, as to other Europeans of his time, the New orld was a place in which new rules could be written for human behavior. The New orld was a metaphor for new ways of looking at what it meant to be human - and not usually complementary ways. This paper examines some of the ways that Prevost used the New orld in metaphorical and symbolic ways in Manon Lescaut.
Although Prevost was in fact a very productive writer during his lifetime, he is now remembered almost entirely for the….

Literature Russian

Leo Tolstoy
During Leo Tolstoy's lifetime (1828-1910), Russia and Europe went through a number of political and intellectual changes. Writing evolved from Romanticism to Realism during the period. As the term "realism" implies the realistic novelists like Tolstoy focused on observation and attention to detail. In Russia the czars retained absolute power by preventing the political and social changes that the Western European countries were experiencing. Intellectuals including Tolstoy led the effort toward reform. The reform efforts met with considerable resistance until the twentieth century. For the writers, retention of power by the czars meant repression of writing. This repression had a severe impact on the realistic writers like Tolstoy who presented a true picture of political and social conditions. Nicholas I, who ruled until 1855, was particularly repressive. In spite of his conservatism, Russian literature experienced a tremendous upsurge during his reign and that of this son, Alexander II.….

Literature Beowulf

Beowulf: A Classic Medieval Archetypal Leader
Beowulf is one of the earliest epic poems. It tells a classic tale of a great hero. he style of the epic reflects a much earlier writing style found in the Viking sagas. Yet the story is that of a Danish King. Literature and art are the keys to understanding society. Art is not random, but rather is a product of the society in which it lives. Beowulf is a hero in the society that produced him. It is not known it Beowulf is an exaggeration of a real king, or if he is simply a composite of the values that the society held dear. We learn much about Beowulf through this epic. hrough the following research we will examine this idea more carefully. hrough examination of other medieval works, a composite will be created of medieval society expected of their leaders. It will support….

Literature Frankenstein

Gothic novel era is widely accepted as the years from 1764 to 1834. The Gothic genre has remained "an elusive minor literary upheaval that has had eminence influenced on most genres today" (Summer 164). The Gothic novel includes magic and mystery; horrors abound, while ghosts, castles, and charnel houses take part in adding to the mood of terror. The true Gothic novel creates an "atmosphere of brooding and unknown terror" (Holman). In addition, Gothic fiction is usually characterized by "a chronic sense of apprehension" (Tracy 1981). "Although all Gothic fiction is tragedy, its key component is the edifice [or building].... Gothic fiction usually takes place in an ancient castle or abbey whose owner discovers his noble line is doomed, usually because some past misdemeanor has caused the family to be cursed" (Ashley 147).
alter Scott said Shelley's novel, Frankenstein, is a different kind of Gothic novel, or a "philosophical gothic"….

Literature and Society

American Cultural Values: hitman and Otsuka
America has been criticized and praised as having one of the most individualistic systems of cultural values in the world, rather than any cohesive system of national ethics. This is partly the result of America's status as a nation of immigrants. However, merely because America is an individualistic nation, and made up of many peoples and ways of life does not mean that the American government and populace has not acted in a racially exclusive and oppressive manner, at times, such as the case of the internment of Japanese-Americans during orld ar II.

The poet alt hitman embodies the individualistic, idealized system of American values in his verse, although he oversaw the tragic consequences of American racism in his own lifetime, in the form of the civil war. hen but when hitman the poet wrote that he sang of himself, he not only celebrated his own….

judge books by covers.
But it is something entirely different to job a story by its form, for the way in which an author chooses to frame a story is as important to our understanding of it as the content of the story itself - something that is becomes clear to us when we examine books that tell very different stories shaped by very different forms. Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights could not have conveyed either the passion or the essential, existential solitude of the characters had it not been written as an amalgam of first-person narratives wrapped in a Romantic form. Likewise, Theodor Fontane's highly realistic Effi Briest would also have been a very different novel had it been written - for example - as a Romantic work. This paper examines the ways in which form and content affect each other in these two works to the extent that they….

Literature Australia

British and Australian characters based on stereotypes. Discuss how the characters are different.
Review the book and relevant literature on the book and the author.

Nevil Shute's characters epitomize the British and Australian stereotypes but are also characters of depth with moral values.

Town Like Alice, (Alice) written in 1950 is often categorized as one of Nevil Shute's "anti-war" novels and is part of a set of novels that was not produced sequentially.

During the 1950s, Shute's writing took a drastic turn and was an affirmation in support of the democratic spirit of the "plain and simple" people, a description that fit many of his characters. Shute had strong ideas about how society should be organized and maintains a credo that is evident in his writing

Town Like Alice is the story of two people who meet during WWII. Jean Paget, who is an Englishwoman and Joe Harmon, an Australian POW. Shute wrote about….

Literature House of Mirth

House of Mirth, by Edith harton. Specifically, it will look at the theme of success in the novel, and how a success-oriented society can destroy the weak and untrained.

Lily Bart begins her tumble into poverty from the very beginning of the book, because she does not conform to society, and she cannot become a success in the world of business, because she does not even understand what success is. From the very start of the novel, success is a strong and prevalent theme, and it is clear Lily is not going to be a success, when she does not even understand the concept. "Later he [Selden] inquires: 'Is there any final test of genius but success?' Lily replies: 'Success?' She hesitated. 'hy, to get as much as one can out of life I suppose. It's a relative quality after all. Isn't that your idea of it?'"….

Gothic Literature
Art, as defined by Plato in his paradigmatic work The Republic, serves both as a definition qua definition - a way of telling us what art should be in and of itself - and as an exemplar of other aspects of society. Plato was fundamentally concerned with the relationship between the world and art (including all media of art) because he argued passionately that the true purpose of literature was a mimetic one. Art should, in other worlds, imitate life in all things and as closely as possible. (Aristotle, one of Plato's students, would extend this idea of Plato's even farther.) This paper examines how Plato's understanding of the form and function of art can help us to situate the epistemological stance of Gothic Victorian literature - a set of literary endeavors that was also deeply committed to the mimetic, although not precisely in the way that Plato outlined.


Literature Dry Needling

Dry Needling
Cover letter

Department of Science


Over time, dry needling has turned out to be a well-liked therapy method in manual physical rehabilitation (Dommerholt et al., 2006). Physiotherapists as well as other healthcare service providers in numerous nations utilize dry needling within the clinical therapy of individuals with myofascial discomfort and trigger points. Within the U.S.A., roughly 20 states and also the District of Columbia have authorized dry needling by physiotherapists, that is an impressive improve ever since 2004, when only 4 states authorized dry needling (Dommerholt, 2004). During 2009, the American Academy of Orthopaedic Manual Physiotherapists implemented a position proclamation that dry needling is actually in the capacity of manual physical rehabilitation. The benefits of dry needling happen to be significantly reported (Dommerholt and Gerwin, 2010) and consist of an instant decrease in local, known, as well as prevalent discomfort (Hsieh et al., 2007), recovery of variety of movement as….

You might want to start out with information on postnatal (postpartum) depression in general, talk about some of the symptoms, and mention that it\'s not only for women. Men often struggle with that kind of depression, but it\'s not something that\'s talked about very much - the focus is almost always on the mother. You could talk not only about the symptoms, but what fathers should do if they find themselves in that situation and how (and where) they can get help. More research is needed on the subject, along with more awareness that it even exists at all.....

4 Pages
Term Paper


Literature of North America

Words: 1824
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

North American Literature of the 20th Century: A Literature of Alienation North American literature of the twentieth century began as a predominantly white male-dominated literature, on the heels of 19th…

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1 Pages
Term Paper


Literature as Psychology

Words: 330
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Psychology and Literature Both psychology and literature explore how people interact with each other. Both psychology and literature explore how prior events affect what follows. Both psychology and literature look…

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5 Pages


Literature as Educational Philosophy

Words: 1450
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

classroom, regardless of the age of the learner, we realize that there are multiple learning styles and responses to divergent stimuli. he modern pedagogical environment is faced with…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Literature of Latin America and the Caribbean

Words: 1200
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

OCTAVIO PAZ "TRANSPLANTED LANGUAGES" Octavio Paz's 1990 Nobel Lecture accentuated the issue of transplanted languages and the literature that emerged in a transplanted culture. Latin-American and Caribbean literature is good…

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8 Pages
Term Paper


Literature and Codes of Behavior in the Middle Ages

Words: 2336
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

courtly love your purchase. COURTLY LOVE AND MIDDLE AGES LITERATURE In this paper, we shall study the tradition of Courtly love in the Middle Ages as reflected by literary works produced…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Literature and Sexuality

Words: 1661
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Abbe Prevost's tale of Manon Lescaut performs several different functions at once. It is in part a cautionary story. It is in part a push to create a fully…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Literature Russian

Words: 1563
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Leo Tolstoy During Leo Tolstoy's lifetime (1828-1910), Russia and Europe went through a number of political and intellectual changes. Writing evolved from Romanticism to Realism during the period. As…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Literature Beowulf

Words: 1450
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Beowulf: A Classic Medieval Archetypal Leader Beowulf is one of the earliest epic poems. It tells a classic tale of a great hero. he style of the epic reflects a…

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6 Pages
Term Paper


Literature Frankenstein

Words: 2126
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Gothic novel era is widely accepted as the years from 1764 to 1834. The Gothic genre has remained "an elusive minor literary upheaval that has had eminence influenced…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Literature and Society

Words: 874
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

American Cultural Values: hitman and Otsuka America has been criticized and praised as having one of the most individualistic systems of cultural values in the world, rather than any cohesive…

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7 Pages
Term Paper


Literature Wuthering Heights and Effie Briest

Words: 2064
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

judge books by covers. But it is something entirely different to job a story by its form, for the way in which an author chooses to frame a story…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Literature Australia

Words: 591
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

British and Australian characters based on stereotypes. Discuss how the characters are different. Review the book and relevant literature on the book and the author. Nevil Shute's characters epitomize the…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Literature House of Mirth

Words: 1489
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

House of Mirth, by Edith harton. Specifically, it will look at the theme of success in the novel, and how a success-oriented society can destroy the weak and…

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7 Pages
Term Paper

Black Studies - Philosophy

Literature Theory and Gothic Fiction

Words: 2129
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Gothic Literature Art, as defined by Plato in his paradigmatic work The Republic, serves both as a definition qua definition - a way of telling us what art should be…

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12 Pages
Peer-Reviewed Journal


Literature Dry Needling

Words: 3480
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Peer-Reviewed Journal

Dry Needling Cover letter Department of Science Attachment: Over time, dry needling has turned out to be a well-liked therapy method in manual physical rehabilitation (Dommerholt et al., 2006). Physiotherapists as well…

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