Apple Essays (Examples)

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Apple Corporation SWOT analysis
Apple Inc. is one of the well-known and recognized enterprises by not only the business community but populace from all over the world are cognizant about this corporation. It started off its business from the decade of 1970 that has been involved in the designing, manufacturing and offering its consumers with a wide range of innovative and technologically refined products like computers, software, music players and its related accessories, peripherals, and networking solutions. Macintosh computers, iPod, iPhone, iPad, iMac are few of the popular and admired range of product lines that is offered by Apple Inc. (O'GADY, 2008).

Apple Inc. did not intend to cater a small target audience but aimed at a larger population with target audience in multiple segments. In this regard, Apple targeted vast group of consumers incorporating home users, small and medium sized business users, education sector and young generation population. Apple Inc. has….

Apple Inc. that was previously known as Apple Computer, Inc. is an American multi-national corporation that deals in consumer electronics, personal computers and computer software and was founded in 1976. Steve Jobs was the co-founder of Apple. During his stay as CEO, company launched series of revolutionary technologies. He died on October 5, 2011. Currently, Tim Cook is the CEO of Apple. efore being on this position, Cook was Apple's Chief Operating Officer. He was responsible for managing the company's sales and operations including supply chain, support services, and sales activities all over the world.
As according to the September 2011 stats, Apple operates more than 300 retail stores in 11 countries. In addition to the retail stores, there is an online store that deals with individuals and corporate customers in hardware and software products.

The company had computer in its name but removed it on January 9, 2007 when it achieved….

Apple Inc. Company Analysis
Current situation

Currently, Apple Inc. focuses on designing, manufacturing, and marketing media and mobile devices, digital portable music players and personal computers. The company sells varied related services, software, networking solutions, digital application, content and peripherals. Products manufactured by the company include Mac, iPhone, iPod, Apple TV, different varieties of professional and consumer software, OSX and iOS operating systems, support and service offerings, as well as various iCloud accessories. The company manufactures and markets digital applications and content through Mac App Store, App Stores, and iTunes Software. These products and services are sold globally on the company's online stores, retail stores, and direct selling through sales representatives. They also sell through third party networks such as value added sellers, retailers and wholesalers. ecently, Apple Inc. acquired a new Chomp search engine (Linzmayer, 2008).

Current changes

After the death of Steve Jobs, Apple Inc. has maintained and expanded the leadership as….

Apple Inc. Organization's Product Life Cycle
Samsung, Google, and Microsoft are the three predominant competitors for Apple Inc. These giant firms are fundamentally auspicious in making Apple Inc. lose its market share. They are utilizing price competition methodologies and more current and quick line expansions. The rivalry is exceptionally extreme because of current players and the presence of substitutes, which have the capacity to snatch ten percent of the market share of the overall industry (Melnyk & Narasimhan, 2010). The explanation for such solid rivalry from substitutes is the low switching expenses of the clients. This is because they can effectively shift from one brand name onto the next by being attracted to lower commodity prices.

Clearly, these alternative brands do not charge premium costs like that of Apple's branded items. The organization confronts the threat of new entrants in the business sector. In any case, the industry requires high venture for….

Apple Company

Apple in the Enterprise -- their role in B2B Markets
Apple in the Enterprise:

How They Are Succeeding in the Business-to-Business (B2B) Marketplace

Apple Inc., has shown through the consecutive series of innovations in the smartphone, MP3 and tablet markets that their propensity to create profitable business models is now a core competency. While investment and analysts debate just what the critical catalyst of their successes are, nearly everyone agrees on the ability to create products that deliver exceptional customer experiences (Brown, 2011). In addition, Apple has long been one of the most integrated companies within the network of Silicon Valley entrepreneurs and engineers (Saxenian, 1991). Combining a unique new product development and design process with the intensive levels of engineering, social and technology-based connections throughout the industry has given Apple a defensible, highly profitable position in the industry. All of these factors are exactly what Chief Information Officers (CIOs), Directors of IT….

Apple is a consumer technology company that markets a wide range of branded consumer electronics. According to Porter's typology, Apple utilizes a differentiation strategy, wherein it markets to a mass audience but focuses on finding ways to differentiate itself from its competitors (QuickMBA, 2010). ith this strategy, it is the degree to which the company is able to successfully differentiate itself that allows it to make money.
Apple's most important activities are product development and marketing. The company develops its products at its California headquarters. The development process is highly secretive, but it also contributes strongly to the company's differentiation (Lowensohn, 2012). The products are developed individually to appeal to consumers on a number of different levels. Slick design is important to the success of the products, as Apple aims to have superior aesthetic value to its competitors. The company also utilizes proprietary operating systems and software in order to distinguish….

Apple Corporation and Ethics
Apple Corporation and Its Corporate Responsibility and Marketing Strategies

Apple Inc.(2014) is an American corporation, which designs and produces computer hardware, software and other consumer. Its best-known products include the Macintosh personal computer line, Mac OS X, iTunes media applications and the iPod personal music player. Its headquarters are in Cupertino, California and has 284 retail locations in 10 different countries. It was opened on April 16, 1976 by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne to sell the Apple I personal computer kit. Since then, it has enjoyed a unique reputation in the consumer electronic industry. Forbes (2014) placed Apple Inc.'s market capital at $416.62 billion (Apple).

Current Position on Ethical and Social Responsibilities

Apple formulated and enforced a Supplier Code of Conduct in 2005 a year ahead of accusations of sweatshops' violations (Myers, 202; Shapiro & Nova, 2014; USSEC, 2011; Apple, 2014; Satariano & Culpa, 2014). This Code….

Apple Marketing

Apple iPad 4
Questions from the Survey Used to Conduct Qualitative esearch

On a scale of one to five with five being an extremely strong desire and one representing no desire, what is your desire to purchase an iPad?

What is the main use for which you are buying an iPad?

In your opinion, why do you see the iPad as being more expensive than other tablets?

What other apple products do you own?

What word first comes to your head when you hear the word "apple products" or see the apple logo?

What benefits does the iPad 4 have to offer you?

What other issues are a concern to you when purchasing an iPad other than price?

Who else do you know that owns an iPad 4?

What feature of the iPad 4 do you anticipate using the most?

Will your iPad 4 be used mostly for work-related issues or for personal tasks?

Subjects were recruited at random from a pool….

Founded sometimes in 1976 by Stephen Wozniak and the late Steve Jobs, Apple Inc. has today become one of the most popular companies in the personal computers industry. Today, the company designs, manufactures and offers for sale a wide variety of consumer electronics including but not in any way limited to portable communication mobile devices and personal computers. Further, the company also avails to consumers a number of related peripherals as well as software and other related services. In this text, I review Apple's marketing strategy and make recommendations on the changes the company needs to make on the same.

Apple Inc.'s Marketing Strategy

Arguable one of the best innovators in the personal computers marketplace, Apple offers for sale a wide range of products and services. When it comes to hardware, the company avails for sale personal computers through its Macintosh PCs line and other portable devices including the iPad, the iPhone….

Apple Inc

Apple Inc.
About the company

The odds that Apple will be mentioned as the most innovative company are very high due to its reputation for leading edge products. It is the world's third largest mobile phone maker just after Samsung and Nokia. Apple has had a reputation since its founders who are college dropouts Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak brought it into existence. It was established in 1976 and incorporated in 1977 (euters Edition U.S., 2012). It had the name Apple Computers Inc. For thirty years until it was renamed in 2007 since the traditional focus of production of computers shifted to the production of consumer electronics.

Apple memorably invented the Mackintosh in 1984 and since then it has gone on to build a hard core brand name due to the fact that its customers who liked the good designs of their products (euters edition U.S., 2012). Apple Inc. is a company that….

Apple Inc. is a designer and marketer of consumer electronics based in California. Although the U.S. is by far its biggest market, it operates in a number of markets around the world. The company's current product segments include computers, tablets, smartphones, software and music players. Apple faces a wide range of competition, often different competitors in each business segment. The company has enjoyed considerable success in recent years, making market share gains and seeing its stock price to over $640 at one point (MSN Moneycentral, 2012). This paper will analyze Apple from the perspective of both its qualitative strategy and its financials. Some of its competitors will also be analyzed. The objective of the report is to make a determination about Apple's financial health. It is expected that, given the run of success that Apple has had, that the company is in good financial health.
Income Statement

There are a few different….

Apple iPad Promotional Activity Analysis
Promotional activities are extremely important in terms of how a company gains and maintains customer traffic. The use of promotional tactics have the capacity to make or break a company, along with being a driving force in placing a company on the map in terms of competing industries. Apple is a company that has utilized clever and timely promotions for its products that have allowed Apple products to become the standard in terms of high quality and recognition within the technology industry. Such vital promotional activity can be seen more specifically in Apple's work with their iPad campaign. In understanding the campaign fully in terms of its reach, frequency, message, target, etc. one can better gauge the overall success of the campaign in order to understand if Apple's promotional tactics have paid off in the long-run.

Promotional Goals

In viewing the promotional goals of Apple in marketing the….

Apple's success leaves little room for improvement. However, there are few areas where improvements can be made. Pricing strategy is one of them. There are two common tactics that Apple is reticent to make use of. One is discounts -- aside from Black Friday most of Apple's core products are seldom discounted. One example is the MacBook Air. When launched, it was a best in class machine with a best in class price. Premium pricing is logical when the company has a monopoly, which was the case for the second iteration of the MacBook Air for around a year. Now, however, new competitors are entering the market including Toshiba, Asus, Samsung and Sony. It is recommended therefore that Apple makes more use of competitive pricing, including discounts.
The argument can be made that Apple offers a highly-differentiated product at a premium price point, and in many cases this is true. But….

Creating applications that are interesting, fun and productive for its customer segments is a high priority that Apple continually invests in over time (Apple Investor elations, 2013). By analyzing a series of Apple filings with the Securities and Exchange (SEC) in addition to the latest annual reports the following market segmentation analysis of the Apple customer base has been created. Figure 1, Apple iPhone, iPad, iPad2 and MacBook Series Demographics 2013 illustrates the distribution of sales by market segment. Males 18 -- 45 are the largest market segment with 37% of all sales worldwide.
Figure 1: Worldwide Apple iPhone, iPad, iPad2 and MacBook Series Demographics, 2013

Market Segment


Males 18-45


Females 18-45


Males 45


Based on an analysis of sources:

(Apple Investor elations, 2013)

Apple uses these specific demographics for planning product strategies and also defining segmentation strategies by product line. Apple has shown in their filings with the SEC and throughout their annual reports that the….

Race to the Top is less harsh, but more rewarding to better schools, and provides a huge amount of incentive to improve. (Race to the Top, 1) Only time will tell if President Obama's education program will be successful or not.
Those who oppose using federal money to buy Apple Computers, which are notoriously expensive, are against the idea of education as being a source of pride for America, and a tool for expanding the capabilities of America's new 21st century leadership. Usually, these groups are against public education as a federal mandate, believing that local districts should carry the entire burden of education. This view is popular amongst conservatives, but will tarnish the ability of thousands of schools and tens of thousands of students to acquire an adequate education when they are living within poor school districts. These devices are necessary because they hold in themselves the magic of….

Harvard Business Review has some of the best in-depth reviews of individual companies and may offer you some of the information that you seek about an individual Fortune 500 company’s culture.  You could start by looking at individual aspects of what is considered part of successful corporate culture and then look for articles or essays about those different facets of corporate culture, which could be a spring-board for an in-depth analysis.

If we were looking at a Fortune 500 company and wanted to find a source of an in-depth look at its corporate culture, we would search for....


- Origin: Apples are commonly grown in temperate regions.
- Appearance: They have a round shape with a stem and can be found in various colors.
- Taste: Apples have a crisp and sweet, sometimes tart flavor.
- Nutritional content: They are a good source of fiber, vitamin C, and antioxidants.
- Popular varieties: Red Delicious, Granny Smith, Gala, Fuji.


- Origin: Oranges are typically found in tropical and subtropical regions.
- Appearance: They have a spherical shape with a thick, textured peel.
- Taste: Oranges have a juicy and tangy, often sweet flavor.
- Nutritional content: They are rich in vitamin C, dietary fiber, and different....

AIDS Ethics: Navigating Moral Dilemmas in the Time of a Pandemic


The advent of AIDS in the 1980s not only unleashed a devastating pandemic but also ignited a storm of ethical quandaries. The disease, marked by its insidious nature and social stigma, laid bare the inadequacies of existing healthcare systems and highlighted the urgent need for ethical frameworks to guide decision-making. This essay delves into the intricate web of AIDS ethics, exploring various topics that have challenged our moral sensibilities and continue to shape our response to the pandemic.

1. The Right to Privacy vs. the Duty to Disclose

One of the most....

I. Introduction
- Hook: Religion has long been a source of fascination for humanity, offering a system of beliefs and practices that often involve a higher power.
- Thesis statement: Through exploring the diverse perspectives and practices of different religions, one can gain insight into the complexities and significance of this concept.

II. Definition of Religion
- Explanation: Religion is a cultural system of beliefs, practices, and moral values that guides individuals in understanding their place in the world and their relationship to a higher power or the divine.
- Examples: Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism, etc.

III. The Role of Religion in Society
- Explanation: Religion....

6 Pages

Education - Computers

Apple Corporation SWOT Analysis Apple Inc Is

Words: 1635
Length: 6 Pages
Type: SWOT

Apple Corporation SWOT analysis Apple Inc. is one of the well-known and recognized enterprises by not only the business community but populace from all over the world are cognizant about…

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11 Pages


Apple Inc That Was Previously Known as

Words: 3288
Length: 11 Pages
Type: Essay

Apple Inc. that was previously known as Apple Computer, Inc. is an American multi-national corporation that deals in consumer electronics, personal computers and computer software and was founded in…

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4 Pages


Apple Inc Company Analysis Current Situation Currently

Words: 1319
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Apple Inc. Company Analysis Current situation Currently, Apple Inc. focuses on designing, manufacturing, and marketing media and mobile devices, digital portable music players and personal computers. The company sells varied related…

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6 Pages

Business - Management

Apple Inc Organization's Product Life Cycle Samsung

Words: 1968
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Apple Inc. Organization's Product Life Cycle Samsung, Google, and Microsoft are the three predominant competitors for Apple Inc. These giant firms are fundamentally auspicious in making Apple Inc. lose its…

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3 Pages
Business Plan

Education - Computers

Apple Company

Words: 764
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Business Plan

Apple in the Enterprise -- their role in B2B Markets Apple in the Enterprise: How They Are Succeeding in the Business-to-Business (B2B) Marketplace Apple Inc., has shown through the consecutive series of…

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8 Pages

Education - Computers

Apple Is a Consumer Technology Company That

Words: 2421
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

Apple is a consumer technology company that markets a wide range of branded consumer electronics. According to Porter's typology, Apple utilizes a differentiation strategy, wherein it markets to a…

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8 Pages


Apple Corporation and Ethics Apple Corporation and

Words: 2499
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

Apple Corporation and Ethics Apple Corporation and Its Corporate Responsibility and Marketing Strategies Apple Inc.(2014) is an American corporation, which designs and produces computer hardware, software and other consumer. Its best-known…

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4 Pages
Case Study

Business - Advertising

Apple Marketing

Words: 1370
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Case Study

Apple iPad 4 Questions from the Survey Used to Conduct Qualitative esearch On a scale of one to five with five being an extremely strong desire and one representing no desire,…

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5 Pages

Business - Advertising

Apple Founded Sometimes in 1976 by Stephen

Words: 1708
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Apple Founded sometimes in 1976 by Stephen Wozniak and the late Steve Jobs, Apple Inc. has today become one of the most popular companies in the personal computers industry. Today,…

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5 Pages
Case Study


Apple Inc

Words: 1695
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Case Study

Apple Inc. About the company The odds that Apple will be mentioned as the most innovative company are very high due to its reputation for leading edge products. It is the…

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9 Pages


Apple Inc Is a Designer and Marketer

Words: 2595
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Essay

Apple Inc. is a designer and marketer of consumer electronics based in California. Although the U.S. is by far its biggest market, it operates in a number of markets…

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4 Pages

Business - Advertising

Apple iPad Promotional Activity Analysis Promotional Activities

Words: 1253
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Apple iPad Promotional Activity Analysis Promotional activities are extremely important in terms of how a company gains and maintains customer traffic. The use of promotional tactics have the capacity to…

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5 Pages


Apple's Success Leaves Little Room for Improvement

Words: 1358
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Apple's success leaves little room for improvement. However, there are few areas where improvements can be made. Pricing strategy is one of them. There are two common tactics that…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Advertising

Apple's Marketing Strategy Business Environment

Words: 1046
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Creating applications that are interesting, fun and productive for its customer segments is a high priority that Apple continually invests in over time (Apple Investor elations, 2013). By…

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4 Pages
Research Paper

Education - Computers

Apple and K-12 Education the

Words: 1217
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Race to the Top is less harsh, but more rewarding to better schools, and provides a huge amount of incentive to improve. (Race to the Top, 1) Only…

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