Aquaculture Essays (Examples)

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Aquaculture Industry in Canada Is
Pages: 5 Words: 1462

Another environmental impact is with the impact on wild salmon. The aquaculture industry argues that farmed salmon eases pressure on wild stocks. Theoretically, this may be true but in practice the argument lacks strength. ild salmon stocks are subject to quotas and active management from the Department of Fisheries, and the global overfishing problem is not necessarily related to wild salmon stocks. There is no evidence presented that demand for wild salmon decreases as the result of the increased availability of farmed salmon.

Most farmed salmon are Atlantic salmon, which are preferred by the industry for a couple of reasons. These salmon are not native to British Columbia. Specimens do escape from fish farms, and this creates significant risk to local species. On the Atlantic Coast, wild stocks of Atlantic salmon are listed as critically endangered, and can be put at risk by escaped farm fish. In British Columbia, the Atlantic…...


Works Cited:

Young, Nathan. & Matthews, Ralph. (2010). The aquaculture controversy in Canada: Activism, policy and contested science. UBC Press. Vancouver.

Aquaculture in the Midwest
Pages: 7 Words: 2344

Aquaculture in the Midwest
Except for bucolic scenes of fishing on rivers meandering across the Midwest and Great Plains, most people don't equate fish with that region, at least not huge catches of commercial fish. However, as long ago as 1996, "traders in the 'futures pit' of the Minneapolis Grain Exchange were shouting and signaling bids and offers for spring wheat, white wheat, white shrimp and black tiger shrimp" (Weber 1996). Moreover, the shrimp being traded in Minneapolis was of interest to the local trading office of the Thai government (Weber 1996); Thai food depends heavily on shrimp, so finding it at commodity prices is important to the Thai people.

Naturally, this scene would not have been possible except that it is no longer necessary to harvest shrimp from warm coastal waters where they live naturally. Shrimp, as well as other shellfish and finned fish as well, are raised on inland 'farms'…...



Casper, C. (1991, June 10) Seafood; consumption has risen 25% over the last decade."

Restaurant Business. Retrieved February 5, 2005 from

Hannah, J. (2002, October 30) "Fish farming on rise in Midwest." AP Online. Retrieved February 5, 2005 from

"History of aquaculture." (Undated) What is Aquaculture Web site. Retrieved February 5, 2005 from

Aquaculture and Biotechnology as Methods
Pages: 1 Words: 351

Two of the greatest threats to sustenance in India are drought and pestilence, both of
which account for the widespread failure of many crops to reach harvest.
The bollworm that ravages cotton crops in India accounted, in 2003, for the
destruction of more than 50% of the nations' cotton harvest. (Yang, 1)
However, during this same year, a breed of cotton was engineered for
resistance against the bollworm "with a gene from the insecticidal
bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt)." (Yang, 1) The results would be a
dramatic success in yielded greater crop harvest with no reported negative
health outcomes. Naturally, this is still an area which does require far
greater scientific research before we can fully dismiss the possibility of
its negative impact on environment, ecology and human health. But it does
offer some promise to developing nations.
orks Cited:

ikipedia. (2009). Aquaculture. ikimedia, Ltd. Inc.

Yang, S. (2003) Genetically modified crops in India produced Greater
yields, Reduced Pesticide use. Eureka Alert. Online at


Works Cited:

Wikipedia. (2009). Aquaculture. Wikimedia, Ltd. Inc.

Yang, S. (2003) Genetically modified crops in India produced Greater

yields, Reduced Pesticide use. Eureka Alert. Online at

Humans Have Affected the Antarctic
Pages: 3 Words: 900

The plan would be the result of the scientific method, through which the impacts and causes of the current environmental problems would be addressed. Additionally, the scientific method would sit at the basis of the future actions to be taken. These would traditionally include:

The search for alternative sources of energy

The search for renewable sources of energy

The creation of an infrastructure which allowed the propagation and populous use of alternative energies

The education of the population to reduce their levels of consumerism to life necessities

The implementation of stricter regulations which punish economic agents who pollute waters or cut the forests in an unsustainable manner

eplant forests, clean waters and support the sustainable life of the endangered species.

At a smaller size and specific level, the alternative and immediate action to be taken is that of reducing the harvesting of krill by commercial fishermen. This would be achieved through legislative means which forbade the harvesting…...



Leonard, A., The story of stuff,   / last accessed on October 13, 2010 

Naik, A., 2010, Ozone layer and global warming, Buzzle,   last accessed on October 14, 2010 

Antarctic krill conservation project statement of principles and core goals, Antarctic Krill Conservation Project,   last accessed on October 14, 2010 

Herring in the Fish Industry
Pages: 3 Words: 1432

This means that the fishing industry today has a responsibility to manage the available resources well, so that the entire industry will not be forced to collapse, and what is an important part of this is that development of the industry can no longer be based on increased catches of fish. (Past, present, and possible future of the fishery industry)
For appropriate research on the herring, the New England Fisheries Department has formulated a plan that would make this type of research more beneficial to fishermen and others concerned, and what the research involves is that one must continue to develop and use the inshore as well as the newly formed 'acoustic' trawl surveys in order to estimate stock sizes, and also to develop tagging and morphometric studies for the study of the herring. (New England Fisheries Management Council, esearch priorities)

An Integrated Fishery Management Plan was announced in the year…...



Definitions of herring on the Web. Retrieved at   Accessed 25 September, 2005 .

Fisheries and Aquaculture. Retrieved at Accessed 26 September, 2005

Fish Food for Thought. 18 February, 2003. Retrieved at Accessed 25 September, 2005

Herring Research, the role of fishermen. Retrieved at   Accessed 25 September, 2005 .

L Marketing Tassal Is a
Pages: 12 Words: 4158

Another major competitor in the Hong Kong market is COFCO (China National Cereals, Oils and Foodstuffs), which competes in the canned ready meal market and holds a 51% share there. All ready meals can be considered competitors for Tassal. COFCO is a Chinese brand with a major Hong Kong subsidiary. Another major competitor is Kraft, which markets a wide variety of all food products, including some ready meals (Market Research Centre, 2006).
The fragmented nature of the industry and the multiple distribution channels gives rise to an interesting industry dynamic. Firms can be intensely competitive, but for the most part they compete against one their own merits, rather than against one another. This allows new entrants to gain access to the market without significant backlash. ith multiple distribution channels available, there are many ways for firms to enter the Hong Kong market. Competition is based on a wide range of…...


Works Cited:

Tassal website, various pages. (2009). Retrieved December 28, 2009 from 

Tassal 2009 Annual Report. (2009). Retrieved December 28, 2009 from

Government of Hong Kong. (2009). Medium-term outlook for the Hong Kong economy. Government of Hong Kong. Retrieved December 28, 2009 from 

CIA World Factbook: Hong Kong. (2009). Hong Kong. Central Intelligence Agency. Retrieved December 28, 2009 from

Ecofeminism Attracting the World's Attention
Pages: 19 Words: 6366

Women and water in India. In the villages of North Gujarat in India, so much groundwater has been removed that water supplies are now becoming scarce, according to hawana Upadhyay, writing in the journal Agriculture and Human Values. Women in North Gujarat are basically looked upon as "…domestic water users while men are seen as productive water users, despite the fact that women make significant use of water for productive purposes as well"

(Upadhyay, 2005, p. 411). Domestic water usage in India goes well beyond drinking and cooking, Upadhyay writes. Dalit women in Nepal for example grow commercial vegetable crops with the water they draw; they utilize a drip system, which costs just $12 to install, and it results in a profit of around $80 annually. Without a source of safe water, the livelihood of these women would disappear. Still, women's use of water tends to be classified as domestic, and…...



Buckingham, Susan, 2004, 'Ecofeminism in the Twenty-First Century', the Geographical Journal, Vol. 170, No. 2, 146-154.

Crow, Ben, and Sultana, Farhana, 2002, 'Gender, Class, and Access to Water: Three Cases in a Poor and Crowded Delta', Society and Natural Resources, Vol. 15, 709-724.

Dobscha, Susan, and Ozanne, Julie L. 2001. 'An Ecofeminist Analysis of Environmentally Sensitive Women Using Qualitative Methodology: The Emancipatory Potential of an Ecological Life', Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, Vol. 20, No. 2, 201-214.

Eaton, Heather, 'Ecofeminism and Globalization', Feminist Theology, Vol. 8, No. 41, 41-55.

Passamaquoddy Tribe & Harbor Porpoise
Pages: 10 Words: 3256

These gunboats would devastate wildlife area and other immense and indefinite environmental impact. These tankers would carry liquefied natural gas or LNG in cruising through Head Harbor Passage. It would take at least 90 minutes for each tanker, the size of Queen Mary, to cross the passage of whale and porpoise feeding areas, breeding grounds and nurseries as well as aquaculture sites and fishing grounds (Figart).
Legal attle

The Passamaquoddy people and their ancestors have, for thousands of years, lived, fished, hunted and cultivated land in the Quoddy region (Harvey, 2004). They have thrived on marine species for survival. ut over 200 years of permanent European settlement in the region since the late 18th century introduced environmental predators and developers. With the passing of the years, they increased and became more and more efficient (Harvey). In response to the situation, the United Nations Environment developed the Global Programme of Action for…...



Akagi, H.M. (2002). Appeal to the UN. NGO Committee of the United Nations

International Decade of World's Indigenous Peoples: Retrieved on December 19, 2009 from's_appeal_to_the_un.htm

CEC (1998). Impact of contaminants on the resources of the Gulf of Maine. A Global

Programme of Action Coalition for the Gulf of Maine. Commission for Environmental Cooperation: Horsley & Witten, Inc. Retrieved on December 20,

Striped Bass Morone Saxatilis This Seafood Research
Pages: 2 Words: 757

Striped Bass
Morone saxatilis

This seafood research paper will outline some basic facts about striped bass, one of the most succulent fish served in the United States. Basic information about striped bass, including market information, use in menus, potential parasites, commercial fishing information and seasonality is included.

Striped bass is also known as striped bass, striper, linesider, bass, rockfish, rock, sewer trout and Fr. bar raye. The scientific name for striped bass is Morone saxatilis, and the fish appears in some early scientific literature as Roccus lineatus. Striped bass is a member of the medium- to large-sized, perch-like fishes, and inhabits coastal marine, brackish, and fresh waters in both temperate and tropical regions. This fish species was successfully introduced in into both a large number of inland lakes and reservoirs, and the Pacific coast. Striped bass now are resident from Ensenada, Mexico to British Columbia.

Along the Atlantic coast, most striped bass are involved…...


Works Cited

McAllister, K.W., Mann, J.A. And McKenzie, L.C.. Annotated Bibliography of the diseases and parasites of striped bass. Fish Disease Leaflet. Washington, D.C. United

States Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Division of Fisheries and Wetlands Research, 1987.

Virginia Seafood: Facts about striped bass. Virginia Marine Products Board. 15 February 2002.

Powerful Stakeholder Policy to Prevent Industrial Environmental
Pages: 5 Words: 1708

Powerful Stakeholder Policy to Prevent Industrial Environmental Impact
Friedman's stakeholder theory emphasizes the critical function of stakeholders in determining company's goals and responsibilities. Responsibility in a corporation is stated as individual role of each employee and manager to act and report to the upper level and finally to the decision-making boards.

As the top-level management and decision makers, corporate directors address their responsibility to the stakeholders, literally as the "owners" of the company, to whom all the running processes in the company, goal settings, and money spent should be reported. To follow the track, a manager is tied to what his/her employers have defined in the tasks list. Whatever skills and creativity managers possess must be utilized within the range of responsibility they have to the stakeholders, as stakeholders are the top decision-making board.

Company directors act based on the interest of shareholders as stakeholders. Scholl reads them as the "agents of…...



Camill, Phil. Dec 15, 1999. The Deforestation of the Amazon: A Case Study in Understanding Ecosystems and Their Value. Department of Biology Carleton College. 2002).,

De Leon, R. And White A.T. 1997. Mangrove Resources Decline in the Philippines: Government and Community Look For New Solutions. Intercoast Network Newsletter. Special Edition # 1.

Demosthenous, M. June 20, 2000. The Social Responsibility of Business: A Review. School of Commerce. The Flinders University of South Australia. 2002).,

Lifetime Achievement:

Oxidation and Reduction Environmental Chemistry
Pages: 6 Words: 1828

ENVIONMENTAL CHEMISTYEnvironmental Chemistry1.a) An exothermic redox reaction involves the release of energy in form of heat after an oxidation-reduction reaction.b) The oxidation state of an element represents the charge of an atom after a redox reaction (Khan, n. d)c) A redox reaction involves a reduction and oxidation reaction where an atom either gains or loses electrons. The process can also involve the gain or loss of oxygen atoms in an atom (Khan, n. d).d) From the aspects above, it is important to note that energy is only released when electrons are transferred thereby losing their potential energy.2.a. During denitrification process which has the following balanced redox reaction: 5CH2O+ 4NO3-+4H+?2N2+ 7H2O+5CO2, CH2O is oxidized to CO2 while NO3- is reduced to N2. In addition, H+ is oxidized to H2O. In both CH2O and H+ there is addition of oxygen atom. In NO3 oxygen atom is reduced. Therefore, it would be prudent…...


ReferencesAgency for toxic substances and disease registry (n. d). Benzene.   G. M. (1992). Metals and Microorganisms: A Problem of definition. FEMS Microbiological Letters, 100, 197-204.Khan, S (n. d). Oxidation and Reduction, [Video]. Kutty, M. N. (1987). Site Selection for Aquaculture: Chemical Features of Water. African Regional Aquaculture Center.Mitsch, W. J., Day, J. W., Gilliam, J. W., Grofman, P. M., Hey, D. L., Randall, G. W. & Wang, N. (2001). Reducing the Nitrogen Loading to the Gulf of Mexico from the Mississippi River Basin: Strategies to Counter a Persistent Ecological Problem. Bio Science, 51(5), 373-388.Reddy, R. (2008). Wetland Biogeochemistry in Wetlands. DeLuane. Sheppard, S., Long, J. & Sanipelli, B. (2009). Solid/liquid partition coefficients (Kd) for selected soils and sediments at Forsmark and Laxemar-Simpevarp. United States Environmental Protection Agency (n. d). Gasoline Mobile Source Air Toxics. Vogt, C., Kleinsteuber, S. and Richnow H. (2011) Anaerobic benzene degradation by bacteria. Microbial biotechnology, vol. 4 (6) pp 710-724 Gadd,

Killer Whale Communication Vocal Communication
Pages: 10 Words: 2725

Measurements were obtained both in the presence of and the absence of whale watching boats. It was observed that a period of intense boating activity caused the killer whales to adjust their call duration levels to compensate for the background noise. This clearly indicates that anthropogenic noise levels directly interfere with the routine life of the killer whales, which are dependent on vocal communication for successful hunting and survival. [Andrew 2004]
It is well-known that anthropogenic sounds can even have fatal consequences as evidenced by the recent mass strandings of beaked whales that coincided with the mid frequency sonar exercises by the navy. A recent research by (Holt, 2009) focused on the effects of anthropogenic sounds on the vocal behavior of killer whales. The resident killer whales of the waters of the Puget Sound, Seattle, were the subjects of this study. The southern resident killer whales in three…...



Whale Songs, 'Killer Whale', Accessed 15th March 2009, available at 

SeaWorld, ' Killer Whales: Communication and Echo Location," Accessed 15th March 2009, available at 

Wilfredo Santiago Benitez, 'Echolocation and strategy used by Southern resident Killer Whales (Orcinus orca) during foraging', 2005, Accessed 15th March 2009, available at 

Volcker B. Deecke, John KB Ford & Peter JB Slater, 'The Vocal Behavior of Mammal eating killer Whales: Communicating with Costly Calls ' Animal Behavior, 2005, 69, 395-405,

Histone H2AX in the Study
Pages: 15 Words: 5478

These proteins include homologous members of yeast. The presences of these proteins suggest that E. histolytica is skilled to perform homologous recombination, which is the same as in other organisms. DNA damage was evaluated by TUNEL assay. In yeast and in human cells, histone H2AX becomes rapidly phosphorylated when DSs are introduced into chromatin (Lavi et al.).
Studies show that histone as a protein plays a significant role in the transition between the expression of a fetal gene and that of the adult gene. The adult gene's metabolism becomes oxidative in order to adapt to air and to weight, as it generates methylated transmitters and creatine phosphate. The muscles get used to life on the ground as compared to the fetal life which takes place in an aquatic environment. Regulated proteins allow the muscles to respond in a more adequate manner to this environment.

Now, let us see how histone and…...



Abraham, R.T. (2001). "Cell cycle checkpoint signaling through the ATM and ATR kinases." Genes Dev 15(17): 2177-96.

Alexiadis, V., T. Waldmann, J. Andersen, M. Mann, R. Knippers and C. CGruss (2000). "The protein encoded by the proto-oncogene DEK changes the topology of chromatin and reduces the efficiency of DNA replication in a chromatin-specific manner." Genes Dev 14(11): 1308-12.

Aten, R. And H. Behrman (1989). Antigonadotropic effects of bovine ovarian gonadotropin-releasing hormone-binding inhibitor from bovine ovaries. Purification and identification of histone H2A. J. Biol. Chem. 264: 11065-11071.

Antigonadotropic effects of bovine ovarian gonadotropin-releasing hormone-binding inhibitor/histone H2A in rat luteal and granulosal cells. J. Biol. Chem. 264: 11072-11075.

Reasonable Solution to the Problem
Pages: 5 Words: 1685

The government should create more incentives to use energy efficient alternatives, and they should be developed so that more people can afford them and use them.
Another solution, although extremely unpopular, it to tax carbon emissions. Some experts propose a worldwide tax of $50 per ton, which would tax industries that create greenhouse gases (Johansen 256). While this would not instantly solve the problem, it would encourage industries to develop alternatives to fossil fuels, and this could help reduce emissions while setting aside some of the tax funds to help combat global warming in other ways. Of course, industries reliant on fossil fuels are extremely opposed to the idea, and the tax would add costs to everyday items such as gasoline, oil, and coal.

The science and history of global warming defend this solution. Global warming has increased more in the last 100 years than it has at any time in…...



Behreandt, Dennis. "Global Warming Too Hot or Not? The Theory of Global Warming Proposes That Man's Activities Are Causing the Earth to Heat Up, but There Is Compelling Scientific Evidence That Does Not Support This Conclusion." The New American 18 Sept. 2006: 10+.

Editors. "Climate Change." 2008. 14 March 2008. 

Johansen, Bruce E. The Global Warming Desk Reference. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2002.

Yellow River of China the
Pages: 7 Words: 2517

Another consequence of the exploitative use of water resources is the destruction of mangrove forests and the fragmentation of the habitats of endangered species. The United Nations Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna listed 189 endangered species in China among the 740 in the world.

Sand content is quite high in the Yellow iver. In the dry season, sand rises and flies up with the wind and soil desertization becomes severe. In addition, the iver's dri-up directly reduces the quantity of water for farmland irrigation. The supply of ground water decreases while the exploitation quantity of ground water increases. The results would include a deep crescent of ground water, a decrease of land evapo-transpiration, local climate drying, soil desertization, a reduction of biotic population and a simplification of biocommunity structure.

Another serious problem confronted in the Yellow iver is nitrogen contamination. A study found that, with…...



Federal Reserve Division. Country Profile: China. (Library of Congress, August 2006)

Retrieved April 23, 2007 at   b) Jiang, Gooming and Jixi Gao. The Terrible Cost of China's Growth. Part I. (Creative Commons, January 12, 2007) 

Luo, Yufing, et al. The Lower Yellow River Basin: a System Dynamics Approach. ACIAR

Proceedings number 123. (Agricultural Water Management in China, September 2005). Retrived April 23, 2007 at$file/ACIAProc123WebPart3.pdf

Stuck on formulating a unique Aquaculture industry in the Philippines thesis statement. Can you help me brainstorm?
Words: 142

Despite facing numerous challenges, the aquaculture industry in the Philippines has experienced significant growth due to its rich biodiversity, favorable climatic conditions, and the government's support, making it an essential sector for economic development and food security in the country. To create a unique thesis statement for your aquaculture industry in the Philippines topic, you might consider exploring the impact of sustainable aquaculture practices on local communities, the potential for aquaculture to alleviate poverty and reduce inequality, or the role of technology and innovation in enhancing productivity and sustainability in the industry. Another angle to consider is examining the potential for....

Stuck on formulating a unique Aquaculture industry in the Philippines thesis statement. Can you help me brainstorm?
Words: 410

Thesis Statement:

The aquaculture industry in the Philippines has the potential to be a significant contributor to the country's economic growth and food security through sustainable practices and technological advancements, while addressing environmental concerns and ensuring the well-being of coastal communities.


1. Aquaculture's Economic Importance:

- The aquaculture industry in the Philippines has the potential to contribute significantly to the country's economy.
- By promoting responsible aquaculture practices, the industry can generate income and employment opportunities, especially in coastal regions.
- Sustainable aquaculture can also ensure a steady supply of seafood, reducing the country's reliance on imports and increasing export potential.

2. Food Security and Sustainable....

what is maritime industry?
Words: 538

Maritime Industry: A Vital Economic Engine

The maritime industry encompasses a vast network of businesses and activities related to the transportation of goods and people across oceans, seas, and inland waterways. It plays a crucial role in global trade, economic development, and national security.

Key Components of the Maritime Industry:

Shipping: The transportation of goods and passengers via ships, including container ships, tankers, and ro-ro vessels (roll-on/roll-off).
Shipbuilding and Repair: The construction, maintenance, and repair of vessels.
Ports and Terminals: Infrastructure facilities that provide access to waterborne transportation and facilitate the handling of cargo.
Logistics and Supply Chain Management: The coordination and....

How do the growth performance, survival rates, and feed conversion ratio relate in this study?
Words: 463

Growth Performance, Survival Rates, and Feed Conversion Ratio in Aquaculture
In aquaculture, the growth performance, survival rates, and feed conversion ratio (FCR) are interconnected metrics that provide valuable insights into the efficiency and profitability of fish farming operations.
Growth Performance
Growth performance refers to the increase in weight or length of fish over time. It is typically measured as specific growth rate (SGR), which is calculated as:
SGR = (ln(final weight) - ln(initial weight)) / (final time - initial time) 100
Factors affecting growth performance include:
Environmental conditions (temperature, oxygen, water quality)
Survival Rates
Survival rates measure the proportion of fish that remain alive....

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