Argumentative Essays Examples

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In an argumentative essay, a student is asked to take a position on a topic and then defend that position.  This generally requires the student to investigate the topic, evaluate the evidence, present the evidence that supports the position, ...

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Sub-Disciplines of Philosophy
Final Argumentative Paper Three important -disciplines philosophy addressed: ETHICS, EPISTEMOLOGY, ELIGION. For paper, develop argument includes view specific topic relating -disciplines. A list topics choose attached.

There are three main sub-disciplines of philosophy, which are ethics, epistemology, and religion. Philosophy deals mainly with ultimate value questions Mironov, 2013.

These questions cannot be answered using scientific or empirical data. The questions are mainly concerned with truth, reality, justice, goodness, beauty, and meaning. Mainly these questions cannot be answered by human beings, but the questions cannot be avoided. Ethics deals with questions regarding how human beings should behave and live, what is right and wrong, and what is a good life. Ethics allows people to either analyze their actions through the consequences of those actions or analyze their actions by the rules that preceded those actions. Analyzing actions allow human beings to determine what is ethically correct. Epistemology deals with questions….

Yet at the same time, the only way that he is able to deal with the murder is to return his lost skull to the grave. This allows the headless horseman to return to hell and peace is restored to the community. These elements are significant, because they are illustrating how modern science can provide specific insights in addressing the underlying causes for a host of different problems. At the same time, it is also highlighting that it is not the end all solution in dealing with these underlying issues. As, there are certain aspects which cannot be explained that will affect the outcome. Therefore, the film is showing how some kind of balance needs to be applied when using the latest techniques in regards to addressing a wide variety of issues. ("Sleepy Hollow")
Clearly, the similarities between the two different works are that the novel is about a school….

Values Portrayed in Popular Music: Argumentative Essay
he content or meaning of the words accompanying today's popular music is such that serves to define, direct, inform and ultimately bring about cohesion within society among various views providing a balanced view of the world inclusive of the polar opposites and everything ranging between the two. Generally, the individual given proper guidance from the authority figures in their lives including parents and teachers, is able to sort through this information and correctly assign values.

he Popularity of Sexual Degrading Content in oday's Music

he work of Primack, Gold, Schwarz, Dalton (2008) reports a study that states findings that individuals who are exposed to "more degrading sexual references in popular music are more likely to initiate intercourse at a younger age." he study reported used Billboard magazine for identifying the top popular songs in 2005. he songs were analyzed by independent coders for "degrading and non-degrading….

Gun Control Argumentative

Gun control is one of the most polarizing issues of our time. Because this is such a controversial subject, it is actually harder to make a coherent case -- others are arguing in circles, twisting facts to suit their agendas, and misusing statistics as a matter of routine. This does not mean that we cannot have a reasonable discussion about the subject of gun control, just that we seldom do. This paper will examine the issue of gun control, what governments hope to achieve with gun control and whether or not gun control actually addresses those issues. The latter component of the argument is important, if often overlooked. It is believed that the evidence will show that most gun control efforts are ultimately not aimed at achieving higher levels of safety, and not surprisingly gun control efforts fail to achieve higher levels of public safety.
Gun Control

There are many different forms….

The American administration was well aware of the genocidal massacre of the Tutsi by their Hutu neighbors that accounted for more than a million innocent victims killed, mostly by machetes that would have posed less of a problem to U.S. forces had they been deployed to stop the carnage in wanda.
Similar atrocities, albeit less in number, have been ongoing in Sudan and especially in Darfur since before Operation Iraqi Freedom was launched. If humanitarian concern was the justification for the war in Iraq, we would have been equally obligated to intervene in all those situations, not to mention perhaps freeing the North Koreans from the oppressive reign of the maniacal Kim Jong Il. In truth, President Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney, Donald umsfeld, and Paul Wolflowitz focused on Iraq immediately after the September 11th Attacks instead of on the real source of support for Osama bin Laden in Afghanistan….

Argumentative Synthesis

Commercialization of the Medical Profession
One of the problems with the field of medicine is that when it operates as a market-based business, severe imbalances of care and treatment inevitably arise. According to the New York Times, there has been a rapid spike in doctors desiring to specialize and a rapid downturn in the number of doctors willing to become general practitioners. This is a reflection both of economic and personal forces. Specialists make more money and work more predictable hours than physicians in high-need fields such as general practice or pediatrics. From a self-interested, market-based perspective, the decisions of young doctors simply 'make sense.' owever, when allowing the market to simply run its course, the result for the individual patient is problematic: the need for general practitioners is far greater than the number of new physicians willing to fulfill them. Also, the 'best and the brightest' tend to be….

Legalization of Marijuana
The growing approval and use of marijuana for medicinal purposes has strengthened the debate as to whether marijuana should be legalized for general use. Eight states now have laws allowing the medical use of marijuana, and territories within Australia and Canada have pass laws legalizing the use of the drug. European countries, such as Switzerland have also passed laws that legalize the use, but in some cases, outlaw the possession of the drug (Joffe et al., 2004). In fact, there are a wide variety of compelling factors that support the legalization of marijuana. Legalization allows for regulation of the substance for medicinal purposes, ensuring that supplies used by the public are not tainted with harmful chemicals. By permitting the use of marijuana governments also have increased potential to reduce the amount of violent crime that often results when drugs are illegalized and trade is driven to an….

GMO stands for genetically modified organism. GMO foods are microorganisms or organisms with genetically altered material that contain a piece of DNA from another organism. Pieces of DNA that are stitched together are the work of modern recombinant DNA technology, and can be done regardless of the pieces' source. The technology has been around for decades. As early as the 1980's researchers have stitched pieces of DNA together to see what can be made. Some uses have been to determine gene function, make copies of proteins or genes, generate models for human illness, and study gene expression patterns.
ecent and prevalent application of this technology has been to create food crops modified in such a way that is beneficial to either the consumer or the producer or both. Today's GMO crops have had bacterial genes added into their genomes encoded for herbicide or pest resistance. This is supposed to allow the….

Shelby Steele and Gerald Early are firmly on the side of liberal individualism and equal rights in their essays, as opposed to nationalism or racial group identities, and argued that this was exactly what Martin Luther King and the early civil rights movement were trying to achieve. Steele was a conservative Republican and supporter of Ronald Reagan, which was most unusual for any black intellectual, and argued that blacks would be best served by adopting middle class values and aspirations. Black nationalists had criticized James Baldwin for being too sympathetic to the idea of liberal integration in the 1950s and 1960s, although at best he seemed only cautiously optimistic about this possibility compared to Steele and Early, even while recognizing that blacks and whites in American had developed a different identity from their ancestors in Europe and Africa, partially as a result of their struggles against each other. All….

Literature Argumentative

Sonny's Blues," by James Baldwin, "The Sorrow Songs," by .E.B. Du Bois, and "Am I Blue," by Alice alker. Specifically, it will discuss the use of the blues in all three works, and how music influences each story. In this paper I will argue that music, specifically the blues, play an important and valuable role in supporting the characters and making the stories more believable and moving. Music has always played a strong part in black American's lives, from the old-time Negro spirituals to urban rap today, and this is why the authors use them to illustrate the most important themes of their stories.

Each author uses the blues in a different way, but the music plays an important part in each story, making them more readable, and the characters more sympathetic to the reader. The blues is a form of music that originated in black….

Casual Argumentative

Ageism in the United States
Many countries of the world honor their elderly citizens and hold them up as paragons of another time. Other countries look down upon the elderly and push them to the margins of society, sometimes quite literally. In the United States, elderly citizens as a group are very widely marginalized by the larger population. Many are put in retirement homes are pushed off to hospitals. Quite a few are forced out of their homes and made to exist on pension or Social Security and in some cases are not able to get by. Most senior citizens are negatively stereotyped as extremely weak and feeble. There are also positives stereotypes of the elderly which allow them to have more freedom of discourse and behavior which people younger than them are not afforded. There are many potential reasons behind this national tendency to possess biases against elderly people among….

Beyond Police Oversight
Oversight by external agencies has been posited as one of the best means of improving the standard of policing in America. In recent years, issues with many police departments have come to the fore, in particular the treatment of minorities by police departments. Issues identified include a lack of consistent training, either on ethics or on operations, that allows bad police to continue to operate, to the detriment of the people whom they are serving, and to the detriment of the reputation of police officers across the country. Scholars have sought to examine the sometimes vague, but broad-based issues faced by police departments in ensuring a high standard of quality, looking at issues of recruitment, training and motivation, all of which go far beyond what external oversight boards can offer. If one is seeking to improve the quality of policing, then it should be understood that the problem….

technological advancements over the years, the way human beings communicate has changed tremendously. Today, email, texting, social media, online chatting, and video calling, are common methods of communication. Nonetheless, while electronic communication has made communication faster and more fascinating, the downsides cannot be ignored. Indeed, electronic communication has increasingly threatened in-person or direct human interaction as people ever more desire to interact online. More importantly, electronic communication has contributed to reduced self-esteem, cyber bullying, and loneliness. These negative consequences constitute the focus of this essay.
One of the major disadvantages of electronic communication according to Roxby is the negative impact it has on self-image, with young people being the most affected. Facebook, Instagram, hatsapp, Snapchat and other popular social networks are now common platforms of communication. Through these platforms, users can post and share as much content as they desire in a day. Broadly speaking, social media users post content,….

limiting free speech ID: 53711
The arguments most often used for limiting freedom of speech include national security, protecting the public from disrupting influences at home, and protecting the public against such things as pornography.

Of the three most often given reasons for limiting freedom of speech, national security may well be the most used. President after president, regardless of party has used national security as a reason to not answer questions that might be embarrassing personally or would show their administration as behaving in ways that would upset the populace. Although there are many examples of government apply the "national security" label to various situations, perhaps some of the stories that are associated with the Iran-Contra issue best display what government uses limitations on free speech for. In horrific tangle of lies double and triple dealing that resulted in the deaths of many Nicaraguans, the egan administration sought to overthrow….

War on Drugs
The concept of the 'War on Drugs' was first coined by President Nixon back in 1971 in an effort to discourage the illegal trafficking of drugs. The primary motivation for this was the way that many states were falling victim to the dynamics of the drugs and terrorism links prevalent in the region. There have many studies conducted that show various authentic connections between the drug business and how a majority of the money it produces is used to fund terrorism and destructive activities.

Throughout the late 19th century, numerous parts of the United States, from time to time, have faced numerous disruptions in their efforts for the peace process because of the growth of the drug industry. The entire debate on war in drugs now revolves around whether or not, certain drugs must be legalized/not legalized and their trafficking and distribution monitored. In a recent article, published in….

To develop a thesis statement, the first thing you'll need to do is determine what kind of paper you're writing. It will be either expository (explain something to the reader), argumentative (make and justify a claim), or analytical (break down and evaluate an issue). The type of paper you're writing will affect the content of your thesis statement, which should be very specific. The main issue you'll cover in your paper should be listed in your statement, and should be backed up with proper evidence. Generally, the statement will appear at the very end of the paper's first paragraph. As....

The first thing you need to do when writing an argumentative essay is research your topic.  For a topic like sexual assault, we would suggest using a resource like RAINN, a nationwide resource with sexual assault data and information for sexual assault survivors.   For an argumentative essay about sexual assault, you may also want to read some resources that argue against criminalization of sexual assault.  Those resources can be more difficult to locate, as they are likely to lead you to sketchier areas of research.  However, the scholar Michel Foucault was a critic of modern rape laws,....

That sounds like an interesting essay, because Swift’s “A Modest Proposal” is so-often held up as the prime example of satire.  Would be a fascinating read, especially if you are arguing that “Huck Finn” offers a more effective use of satire. Here are a few ideas for essay titles.

  1. Eat the Poor: The Satirical Approach to Class in “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” and “A Modest Proposal”
  2. Less than Human: Race, Class, and Satire
  3. Hypocrisy and Piosity: How Swift and Twain Use Satire to Explore Religion
  4. The Impact of Realism on Satire
  5. Is Subtle Satire or Overt Satire More Effective?  An Examination....

If you want to find out arguments about infectious diseases, we are tempted to tell you to visit almost any social media site, where you are almost sure to find people debating the efficacy of face masks to slow the spread of COVID-19.  However, the reality is that you actually want to avoid looking at sites like that if you are trying to develop a good essay about infectious diseases because internet arguments notoriously fail to follow the steps to developing a good argument.  You want to make a claim, provide support for that claim, and address....

7 Pages

Mythology - Religion

Sub-Disciplines of Philosophy Final Argumentative Paper Three

Words: 2072
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

Sub-Disciplines of Philosophy Final Argumentative Paper Three important -disciplines philosophy addressed: ETHICS, EPISTEMOLOGY, ELIGION. For paper, develop argument includes view specific topic relating -disciplines. A list topics choose attached. There…

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5 Pages


Arugmentative Analysis an Argumentative Analysis

Words: 1874
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Yet at the same time, the only way that he is able to deal with the murder is to return his lost skull to the grave. This allows…

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8 Pages


Values Portrayed in Popular Music Argumentative Essay

Words: 3236
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Thesis

Values Portrayed in Popular Music: Argumentative Essay he content or meaning of the words accompanying today's popular music is such that serves to define, direct, inform and ultimately bring about…

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4 Pages

Law - Constitutional Law

Gun Control Argumentative

Words: 1411
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Gun control is one of the most polarizing issues of our time. Because this is such a controversial subject, it is actually harder to make a coherent case --…

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10 Pages
Term Paper


U S in Iraq Argumentative Essay

Words: 2999
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The American administration was well aware of the genocidal massacre of the Tutsi by their Hutu neighbors that accounted for more than a million innocent victims killed, mostly…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Health - Nursing

Argumentative Synthesis

Words: 614
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Commercialization of the Medical Profession One of the problems with the field of medicine is that when it operates as a market-based business, severe imbalances of care and treatment…

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3 Pages
Research Paper

Sports - Drugs

Argumentative on Why Marijuana Should Be Legal

Words: 908
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Legalization of Marijuana The growing approval and use of marijuana for medicinal purposes has strengthened the debate as to whether marijuana should be legalized for general use. Eight states…

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6 Pages
Research Paper


Argumentative Paper on GMO Foods

Words: 1906
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

GMO stands for genetically modified organism. GMO foods are microorganisms or organisms with genetically altered material that contain a piece of DNA from another organism. Pieces of DNA that…

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4 Pages

Black Studies

Argumentative Synthesis of Racism

Words: 1514
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Racism Shelby Steele and Gerald Early are firmly on the side of liberal individualism and equal rights in their essays, as opposed to nationalism or racial group identities, and…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Literature Argumentative

Words: 1496
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Sonny's Blues," by James Baldwin, "The Sorrow Songs," by .E.B. Du Bois, and "Am I Blue," by Alice alker. Specifically, it will discuss the use of the blues…

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3 Pages

Death and Dying  (general)

Casual Argumentative

Words: 1042
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Ageism in the United States Many countries of the world honor their elderly citizens and hold them up as paragons of another time. Other countries look down upon the elderly…

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3 Pages


How to Improve Policing Argumentative Essay

Words: 1110
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Beyond Police Oversight Oversight by external agencies has been posited as one of the best means of improving the standard of policing in America. In recent years, issues with many…

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3 Pages

Information Technology

Social Media and Communication

Words: 963
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

technological advancements over the years, the way human beings communicate has changed tremendously. Today, email, texting, social media, online chatting, and video calling, are common methods of communication.…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Arguments for Limiting Free Speech

Words: 623
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

limiting free speech ID: 53711 The arguments most often used for limiting freedom of speech include national security, protecting the public from disrupting influences at home, and protecting the…

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6 Pages
Term Paper

Sports - Drugs

Argument for or Against the Debate on Ending or Continuing the War on Drugs

Words: 2198
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

War on Drugs The concept of the 'War on Drugs' was first coined by President Nixon back in 1971 in an effort to discourage the illegal trafficking of drugs. The…

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