Artist Essays (Examples)

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Artist in Cultural Phenomenon in Science Fiction
Pages: 3 Words: 810

artist in cultural phenomenon in science fiction that have been influenced by a topic in mathematics including pure, applied mathematics, artificial languages and the philosophy of mathematics
Darren Aronofsky's Pi

Mathematics has long inspired individuals concerned in science fiction, as its logics influenced them to believe that it would be extremely important for mankind as a whole to be able to process a series of difficult mathematical calculation with the purpose of helping society experience progress from several points-of-view. Darren Aronofsky's 1998 motion picture Pi stands as an intriguing example concerning art coming together with mathematics and ultimately leading to an impressive piece of art. The film revolves around the idea of number theory and promotes the idea that individuals can use mathematics as a tool to unravel some of the Universe's deepest secrets.

Aronofsky's work provides viewers with a unique view into the world of mathematics and succeeds in making it possible…...


Works cited:

Dir. Darren Aronofsky. Pi. Artisan Entertainment, 1998.

Artist Interview a Case Study
Pages: 2 Words: 624

One time, when she was sketching the necklace of her aunt, an idea stumbled in her mind. It was at this very moment that she realized that she might actually be able to make a good business out of her jewelry designs.
She started this business at her house in 2007. She made jewelries and souvenirs using mixed media such as silk, cotton, paper, thread, lacquer, stone, bead, and glass. She also made it a point to be able to explore by using different shape and forms in her art pieces. She offered low prices for people who are looking for souvenirs.

In order to improver on her craft, she regularly participates in craft shows especially for the Spring, Summer, and Fall Collections during October and November. She also finds these occasions as ways by which she's able to get information and new ideas from the people who attend the show.…...

Artist Comparison the Rise of a Leisure
Pages: 2 Words: 760

Artist Comparison
The rise of a leisure class that demanded regular entertainment during the mid to late 19th century contributed to the need for illustrators and illustrations for those magazines, books, and other materials. This contributed to what is called the "Golden Age of Illustration." Essentially, there was a significant increase in both literacy and the desire for entertainment in print during the 19th century; particularly in American urban centers. This led to a need for the weekly story, magazine, and even book that was lavishly illustrated. Combined with the improvement in printing technology, this caused a literal revolution in the need for illustrators, many of whom were able to make quite a good living producing materials for the masses (Levin).

Charles Robert Knight- (1874-1953) -- Knight was one example of someone who lived during the late 19th century but continued working until his death in the early 1950s. He was best…...


Works Cited

Charles Livingston Bull Biography. March 1997. Web. February 2011.

Knight-Kalt, R. Charles R. Knight in Perspective. 6 October 2002. Web. February 2012.

Levin, J. The Golden Age of Illustration. Pittsburg, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1980. Print.

Artist Peter Paul Rubens the
Pages: 1 Words: 379

Rubens's personal contribution to the over 2,000 works produced by this studio varied considerably from work to work" (Pioch 2002). The studio acted as a kind of de facto academy for many young artists who served as Reuben's assistants, including Anthony van Dyck.
Rubens has been called, in contrast to the inward-looking Dutch depicters of scenes of private, interior life, a 'public' painter, a status underlined by his equally impressive career as a negotiator and diplomat for his royal patrons, Archduke Ferdinand and Archduchess Isabella, during the war between the Spanish Netherlands and the Dutch Republic. "A devout Roman Catholic, he imbued his many religious paintings with the emotional tenor of the Counter-Reformation. This aggressively religious stance, along with his deep involvement in public affairs, lent Rubens's work a conservative and public cast that contrasts sharply with the more private and secular paintings of his great Dutch contemporary, Rembrandt' (Pioch…...


Works Cited

Pioch, Nicholas. "Peter Paul Rubens." WebMuseum. July 17, 2002. April 13, 2009.

Artist Statement
Pages: 2 Words: 709

Artist's Statement
Brief Life History

I come from the town of Ahvaz, in the south of Iran, and was born during the time of the Iran-Iraq War. I was four when the war ended, so I did not experience the conflict directly, but the events of that era were a strong influence on the history of both my family and of the Iranian people. War is a relevant subject to work with, because its impacts are far-reaching. I had no direct connection with the war but because it was ongoing during my childhood it affected many aspects of life. My parents and family members had stories to tell about the war as well. While many in this world are lucky enough to avoid dealing with war directly, they know it from reputation and from images in the media. So everybody has an image of war that exists in his or her head.…...

Artist That I Respect the
Pages: 4 Words: 1239

But the music and the overall tone was a controlled sense of riotousness. Near the end of the dance, when the dancers were all gesturing up at the sky, they seemed to be asking something of nature or of God. Also, towards the end when a man and woman came out dancing in sync while hand in hand, this appeared to denote mating. When he man in purple with the long hair had the solo in which he jumped up and down and spun around a lot, he seemed to be demanding something of nature. When all four women were dancing the same moves in synonymously, they appeared to be taking part in a mating ritual dance. The woman in the very beginning who was kicking her legs above her head appeared to be expressing her power.
The sound score is based on percussion. There seems to be at least…...

Artist Statement of Background
Pages: 2 Words: 598

Artist Statement My background and upbringing has had an indelible influence on my work and perspective as an artist. I was born in Paris in 1995 and raised in Beirut, Lebanon. This kaleidoscopic childhood made me sensitive to the arts as I now work as a graphic designer and a street life photographer on the side. ? More importantly, I grew up in a family of artists: I was fortunate enough to always be exposed to adults that were constantly looking for deeper meanings and were not afraid to analyze, dig deeper and constantly create. This influence impacted my path, my approach, and my perspective as an artist. I learned that there is no limit to one’s viewpoint and imagination. My upbringing influenced my aesthetics in photography, because I wanted to embrace photographing things that seemed basic, ordinary and which are largely taken for granted. So much of art revolves around…...

Artist Barbara Kruger -- a
Pages: 2 Words: 800

Describe and evaluate one of the artist's works: title, material, size, year completed, subject matter, content, style

Untitled (Your Gaze Hits the Side of My Face) is a photograph dated 1981-1983 depicts a classical, Grecian bust of a beautiful woman's symmetrical head in white against a black background. The jagged words of the confrontational, angry subtitle of the work exist in photographic fragments against the side of the bust. The image is traditional, but the words are potentially inflammatory, as if the statue is speaking back to the gazing viewer. The words seemingly attempt to drive the viewer away, although the gaze of the bust is gentle. The viewer cannot escape the words, even while the viewer gazes at the head of the woman.

Discussion of the meaning of the work: hat is the artist trying to say?

Usually, a statue is silent, while the gazer observes and judges the statue. However, in…...


Works Cited

Barbara Kruger: Biography." (2005). PBS: Art 21. Retrieved 30 Jan 2006. 

Untitled (Your Gaze Hits the Side of My Face)" (1981-1983). Retrieved 30 Jan 2006.

Artist Synthesis Related Design Elements in a
Pages: 2 Words: 611

artist synthesis related design elements in a fashion line to create a coherent theme from them. The design of each fashion piece is imbued with intricate meaning to link it with a particular season or theme. For instance, a designer's line that is medieval inspired would represent bodices with layered over peasant blouses, ankle length tunics over long skirts, and long flowing dresses with exaggerated sleeves. These designs replicate the medieval period of dress.
A color story, on the other hand, is one where a palette of colors is used in a line or of visual merchandising in retail stores. Here it is color, rather than design, that connects the fashion piece to season or to theme. Autumn, for instance, may be evoked by brown, green, orange and similar Fall-type colors.

The best sort of compositions combine harmony in idea, treatment, and design. All methods must be related to the message.…...



Fashion Design Drawing. Web. Retrieved on February 3, 2011 

Fashion Lessons. Web. Retrieved on February 3, 2011

Artist Must Take a Stance in the
Pages: 2 Words: 660

artist must take a stance in the world. He or she must present himself from a vantage point, a perspective, that identifies him or herself and from which he is able to convey his or her sentiments about whatever topic is at hand. This sense of identity and the vantage point it affords Lucille Clifton and Etheridge Knight are fairly obvious in their poems "adam thinking" and "The Violent Space (or when your sister sleeps for money)," respectively. It is also what would more than likely cause Groddeck to say that their poetry is that of a dying tradition.
This fact is certainly true in Clifton's poem. This poem is clearly written from a feminist perspective which is not at all inclusive of the democratic values that Groddeck celebrates. The interesting thing is that although this poem champions feminist values, it is narrated from the perspective of a man. Moreover,…...


Works Cited

Clifton, Lucille. "adam thinks." Web. 

Knight, Etheridge. "The Violent Space (Or When Your Sister Sleeps Around For Money). Web.

Artist Faith Ringgold
Pages: 4 Words: 1219

art and influences of African-American artist Faith Ringgold.

Ringgold was born in New York City on October 8, 1930. She grew up in Harlem. Her mother, illi Posey Jones, was a fashion designer, and when Ringgold was young, she spent a lot of time at home, watching her mother work. She learned how to sew from her mother, and learned about working with different kinds of fabrics, and about drawing. The family was poor, but they were very interested in art and culture, and often took her to local museums. She grew up with people in her neighborhood like Duke Ellington and Ella Fitzgerald, who influenced her in black culture and what blacks could accomplish.

She attended City College in New York, where she studied art and got a degree from the School of Education, finishing her education with a master's degree in Fine Art in 1959. Like other members…...


Works Cited

Ringgold, Faith. "Faith Ringgold." Faith 2002.


Guy-Sheftall, Beverly. "Warrior Women: Art as Resistance." Bearing Witness: Contemporary Works by African-American Women Artists. New York: Rizzoli International Publications, 1996. 39-46.

McHenry, Robert, ed. "Faith Ringgold." Her Heritage: A Biographical Encyclopedia of Famous American Women. 20 Dec. 1995.

Artist and Artwork of Alice
Pages: 5 Words: 1695

She paints her own family, as in this painting of her daughter-in-law and her new babies. Even during this happy occasion, there is a pensive quality about the woman, as if she is contemplating the rigors of raising two babies at once. There are splashes of color, but the dark background is extremely prominent, and the baby nursing indicates the continuation of life and family, all themes that played strongly in Neel's personal life as well as her painting. She often paints families and children, and this almost compulsion to paint families indicates how important they were to her, and ultimately indicates that the loss of her child affected her work throughout her life.
It is interesting to note that Neel's work did not really begin to sell steadily or gain real notoriety until the 1970s. In 1979, President Jimmy Carter presented her with a National Women's Caucus for Art…...



Cork, Richard. "Sitting for Sanity: Richard Cork on How Alice Neel Painted Her Way out of Mental Breakdown." New Statesman 21 June 2004: 41+.

Editors. "Alice Neel Biography." 2008. 13 June 2008.

Nemser, Cindy. Art Talk: Conversations with 15 Women Artists. Revised ed. New York: Icon Editions, 1995.

Platt, Susan. "Pictures of People: Alice Neel's American Portrait Gallery." Art Journal 58.2 (1999): 107+.

Artist Grandma Moses and Some
Pages: 2 Words: 732

Chickens and a dog fill the scene as well, along with working farmers and fields and homes in the distance. Her perspective is not perfect, but she gives the scene life and vibrancy by her use of color and her clear understanding of the natural world she was painting. Her paintings are like taking a step back in time, and this one shows her love of the farmlands around her and her love of color and people, as well. She painted this painting in 1953, after she had been painting for nearly 20 years.
She depicted her surroundings in all the seasons, and some of her most interesting works depict winter, and one of the most arresting is "Get Along," a snowy winter day with several sleighing parties out enjoying the snowfall. The bare tree branches of the trees are covered with snow, and the houses huddle together under a…...



Editors. "Grandma Moses Is Dead at 101." New York Times. 2007. 25 Jan. 2008. 

Editors. "Grandma Moses Gallery." Bennington Museum. 2008. 25 Jan. 2008. 

Lin, Patricia. "Women Artists 1940-1960." Cal Poly Pomona University. 2003. 25. Jan. 2008.

Wassily Kandinsky Russian Artist Born Moscow Abstract Work
Pages: 5 Words: 1542

Artist: Wassily Kandinsky
The spiritual life, to which art belongs and of which she is one of the mightiest elements, is a complicated but definite and easily definable movement forwards and upwards. This movement is the movement of experience. It may take different forms, but it holds at bottom to the same inner thought and purpose.

~Wassily Kandinsky, from Concerning the Spiritual in Art

Wassily Wassilyevich Kandinsky lived from 1866 -- 1944. He was of ussian heritage, born in Moscow, and additionally had Asian ancestry on his maternal side. Not only is he a renowned abstract painter, art historians and other related professionals often credit him as the original abstract painting, at least in the west. He was born into a family with moderate to substantial wealth for the era. He was notably a friend and peer of Solomon Guggenheim, who has a museum with his namesake in New York City. There is…...



ABC Gallery. (2012) Wassily Kandinksy. Web, Available from:   2012 November 18. .

Artcyclopedia. (2012) Wassily Kandinsky. Web, Available from:   2012 November 18. .

Encyclopedia Brittanica. (2012) Wassily Kandinsky. Web, Available from:   2012 November 18. .

German (2012) Wassily Kandinsky Biography. Web, Available from:   2012 November 18. .

Art Interview With an Artist Describe Your
Pages: 4 Words: 1286

Interview with an Artist

Describe your artwork and creation processes, how you became an artist, and what training you had.

My name is Evan Z. I began working on art in high school, back in the 1990s. I used to love to draw and I would copy the cartoon drawings of Bill Watterson, who was my favorite artist back then -- the creator of Calvin and Hobbes, for anyone who does not know him. I could sit for hours at a time, listening to the same song on repeat on the CD player -- back then I think it was something by The Specials -- Rudy Something -- so I'd listen to that over and over again and copy out an entire sketch by Watterson, trying to mimic every nuance and detail just right.

After college, I kind of put away the art for a while, but while working in India with some…...

Can you provide me a topic for an essay on world civilization and an attention grabber?
Words: 487

In an essay, an attention grabber is known as the essay hook.  To help you out on your world civilization essay, we have put together a few topics, essay hooks, and thesis statements you could use for a world civilization essay.

World Civilization Essay Topics

  1. To what extent does the character Khal Drago from Game of Thrones resemble the real-life warlord, leader, and destroyer Genghis Khan?
  2. An exploration of the well-known Barbarian leader, Attila the Hun and how his actual behavior and history conflicts with his reputation as an uncultured and vicious leader, including investigation into his education, his use....

All answers to my art analysis worksheet part one assignment ?
Words: 477

Certainly! Here are the answers to your art analysis worksheet, part one, with proper spacing and format:

1. Title of the artwork: The Starry Night
Artist: Vincent van Gogh
Year of creation: 1889
Medium: Oil on canvas

2. Formal analysis:
- Line: Van Gogh uses bold, curvy lines to depict the swirling sky and cypress trees. Short, thin brushstrokes are used for details.
- Shape: The artwork features various organic shapes like the crescent moon, stars, and swirling clouds.
- Color: A vibrant and contrasting color palette is used, with deep blues dominating the sky, complemented by the yellow stars and tree....

what is ballet?
Words: 115

Ballet is a classical form of dance that originated in the 15th century during the Italian Renaissance. It is a highly technical and artistic dance style that emphasizes precise movements, grace, and elegance. Ballet dancers undergo rigorous training and follow a structured technique that includes specific positions of the arms and feet, intricate footwork, and fluid body movements. The dancers often wear pointe shoes to perform on their toes and create an illusion of weightlessness. Ballet includes various styles, such as classical ballet, neoclassical ballet, and contemporary ballet, each showcasing different choreography and music. It is widely performed in professional....

Writing a 3000 word essay on human condition and need help with an essay outline?
Words: 327

I. Introduction
A. Definition of the Human Condition
B. Importance of Studying the Human Condition
C. Thesis Statement: Exploring key aspects of the human condition and their significance in shaping human existence.

II. Historical Perspectives on the Human Condition
A. Ancient Philosophical Views (e.g., Aristotle, Plato)
B. Medieval and Renaissance Perspectives (e.g., Thomas Aquinas, Machiavelli)
C. Enlightenment Thinkers (e.g., Rousseau, Hobbes)

III. Psychological Dimensions of the Human Condition
A. Human Emotions and Behavior
B. Cognitive Processes and Perceptions
C. Impact of Social and Environmental Factors

IV. Existential and Philosophical Views
A. Existentialism: Meaning and Purpose
B. Absurdity and Anxiety in Human Existence

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