Artistic Essays (Examples)

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Artistic 'Techniques'
Art becomes reality. This is my desire, this is my purpose. So this is my creation, my child. The visions of primitive cave paintings dance in my vision as I put the last touches on the backdrop of this set. This abandoned Victorian house which is now home to leaves and spiders and forest creatures and my child, my masterpiece... we have carried generators and lights and cameras the many miles to this isolated place so that it can take form. Oral traditions of stories and mythologies have existed since before history was ever written, perhaps before man himself as the wolves and mystical creatures of the world before humans howled to each other the secrets of the universe. Simple pictographs and hieroglyphs illustrating the sacred and the profane and the good and the bad of existence emerged from the stories, and these pictures became written language. Language advanced….

Artistic Representations of the Divine and Patronage During the Renaissance:
Patronage in the Relationship of Julius II and Michelangelo

The nature of Catholic art during the Renaissance period, as manifested in the mutually beneficial though sometimes antagonistic relationship of patronage between the artists and popes of the period, can never simply be understood an expression of the individual art's vision of Jesus Christ, or even of an individual vision's expression in the face of a hostile authority. Rather, religious art during this period was an intensely social production and vision, a dialogue between religious leaders such as Pope Julius II and artistic producers such as Michelangelo. Popes commissioned artistic works and inspired, guided, and checked the artist's individual vision.

To properly understand the art of the period, one must eschew later representations of artists as individual laborers, toiling away from society, or even the idea that authority smothers artistic freedom and expression in….

Part 3 -- Millepied's approach to this solo was, as noted, a movement between longing and vivaciousness. Of course, this is not classical ballet in the sense of Nijinsky or the Kirov school; but more earthy, more in touch with the core of human emotion and far less literal in it approach to what dance has to offer humanity than classical storylines. Certainly, the grand ballets, Copellia, Romeo and Juliet, Giselle, etc. have something to offer every generation of audience. Yet Millepied's approach takes a look at the way the body can move in less traditional, or less classical, taste and more an exploration of the capabilities of the human body and what emotion this can engender. It seems as if Millepied wishes to celebrate emotional interpretation based on the way music can be interpreted through kinesthetic movement without finding a traditional or even repeatable sense -- less harsh, more….

Artistic Styles
Although one is a sculpture and the other a painting, what differences do you see in the representation of the human figure between Michelangelo's work and the altarpiece?

Isenheim Altarpiece was a canvas that shows Christ's mother carrying his dead body (after the Crucifixion). What makes the work so unique is that it opens up into different dimensions on the outer and sub-canvases. As, the bottom image will show Christ laying on alter (which is different from the main canvas). While, the two outer figures are a depiction of the torment that man is going through (with: St. Paul and St. Anthony in the images). These different elements are important, because they are showing how Gruenwald wanted to create a unique interpretation of the Crucifixion. As, he was showing Christ in his present form in: the center canvas. Then, he is signifying a change with the conflict of humankind (in….

Jonestown, in Guyana, is a contemporary example of what would be classified as a utopian community.)
In a wave of successfully created "utopian" architecture, modern architects from Virilio to Le Corbusier, Louis I Kahn and Aldo Van Eyck, invented welcoming environments that transcended the "limitations of both the postmodern and hyper-modern stance and orthodox modernist architecture" (Coleman, p. 332).

Coleman, in his book Utopias and Architecture, claims that architects, particularly Le Corbusier, Kahn and Van Eyck challenged the assumptions of their current architectural discourse, building modern buildings that had welcoming environments and transcended popular limitations imposed on them. He states that the usefulness of utopias for thinking through problems in architecture provides the architect with a place from which to invent whole utopias. Yet the distance that a true utopia locates itself in encourages them to expand horizons for projects as nothing else could (p. 10).

Karl Mannheim said that Utopia is….

Artistic View Wave Hill and

A sea of buildings would cover the Island of Manhattan, and the iron tentacles of urbanization would extend outward over hundreds of square miles, even into distant Riverdale in estchester County - the once rural site of ave Hill. The picturesque rail line that up the eastern shoreline of the Hudson had by now been joined by a maze of elevated railways, streetcar lines, and examples of a new form of transportation that would soon change the landscape even more - the automobile. The year after illiam Henry Appleton's death, New York's first subway line would go become operational. Skyscrapers, like the Flatiron Building (1902), would soon rival in height the mountains so beloved of the Hudson River School.
One response to the looming crisis of nature was to come in the form of city beautification, specifically in New York's case, in Central park - a new direction in American….

Dali simply lets his train of thoughts run freely and, in the process, allows the creation of different expressions full of meaning.
One such expression is the figure that is seen in the central of the painting. Many, including the museum's description of the painting, point out that this is, in fact, "an approximation of Dali's own face in profile" (Museum of Modern Art, 2006). At the same time, on a different level and pushing the analysis further, Nathaniel Harris points out that Dali's figure is also a "a transparent, near-extinct version of the self" (Harris, 2002). One can understand another reason why this painting is a reference painting: Dali's does not pass on his messages in a simple, straightforward way, but rather uses symbols to do so and allows the viewer to use his or her own creativity in order to understand the painting.

This is true for some of….

What is certain from all three films is that technology essentially shapes the way in which modern stories are told.
Abstraction and Cinematic Modernism

Cinematic modernism, as defined by a certain purposeful ambiguity and a rather high level of abstraction, has become a prominent feature of many films made in the past several decades. Rather than making meaning less apparent in films through the lack of concrete and certain interpretations of different cinematic elements, plots, etc., this cinematic modernism actually serves to enhance meaning in these films by increasing the personal responsibility of each viewer in the interpretation of the film. Meaning is guided rather than dictated, and becomes more individually profound because of this feature.

In Lars von Trier's the Kingdom, the method of storytelling is often disjointed and surreal, calling into question exactly which events that are portrayed are real, and which are more heavily colored or even created by….

Gardner's Art Through The Ages
Gender in Western Art has been a vexed subject since the later twentieth century, not only in terms of artistic representation of gender, but also in terms of the gender of the artists themselves. With the rise of the feminist movement in America and elsewhere in the latter half of the twentieth century, art historians have been called to task for the relative lack of female creators in the artistic "canon" they propose. I would like to examine questions of gender through four different artworks -- Artemisia Gentileschi's "Judith Slaying Holofernes," Pablo Picasso's portrait of Gertrude Stein, Maya Lin's Vietnam Veteran's Memorial, and Judy Chicago's "The Dinner Party" -- to ask whether any generalizations are possible about the role played by the gender of an artist in the artistic representation itself.

Artemisia Gentileschi's depiction of "Judith Slaying Holofernes" offers an example of a female artist working in….

Knight, Death, Devil Durer
Artistic Analysis: Knight, Death, Devil by Durer

"Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil," Psalm 23 could easily be taken as the primary influence for this piece (The British Museum 2012). "Knight, Death, and the Devil," by Albercht Durer in 1513, features a Christian knight walking through a dark valley in the midst of evil and death. It is a beautiful engraving filled with eerie symbolism and Christian dogma.

This engraving really represents the medieval devotion to Christian themes and expressions within artistic expression. It is filled with Christian symbolism, and gave the artist a sense of moral rectitude through its execution. Here, the research suggests that "the prints are closely interrelated and complementary, corresponding to the three kinds of virtue in medieval scholasticism -- theological, intellectual, and moral" (Metropolitan Museum of Art 2012). There are many within the world….

Analysis of Luxurious Forms: The Levant, Greece, and BeyondAccording to Feldman (2002), 13th and 14th century B.C.E. Mediterranean art is often characterized as international in nature. This means that across many different regions and geographical areas, works of art and artifacts exhibit similar features, reflecting the cross-pollination of different ideas and material forms. This is underlined by the fact that such internationalization is particularly reflected in portable luxury goods such as ivory, gold, and alabaster across the Levant, into Cypress and beyond. The wealthy could easily transport and exchange such materials into their homes, without regard to cultural tradition. However, Feldman (2002) attempts to add nuance and complexity to the term international, suggesting that within the very broad characterization there is considerably more variety, stylistically speaking, than might seem to exist on the surface.Feldman (2002) specifically posits that an indigenous Levantine versus a true international style in many luxury goods….

To use personal and later, cultural schemas in their most fruitful ways, the crayon and the magic market cannot be abandoned in favor of clicking a mouse, nor can arts education be relegated to second-class status, especially young children. Art teaches students motor skills, about space and depth, about using the world around them in a creative fashion, and helps them see things anew, as well as sharpens their realistic observational skills.
orks Cited

Popular magazine:

Dewan, Shalia. (2007, September 17). Using Crayons to Exorcise Katrina.

The New York Times Magazine. Retrieved March 21, 2009 at


Geracimos, Ann. (2008, August 17). A box of possibilities: Children can learn a lot from colorful world of low-tech crayons. ashington Times, M.14. Retrieved March 21, 2009, from ProQuest Newsstand database. (Document ID: 1533647331).


Toku, Masami. (2002, Summer). Children's artistic and aesthetic development: The influence of pop-culture in children's drawings. Presented at the 31st INSEA (International Society for….

strong artistic talents making drawing appear so simple. Writing takes a lot of different skills, some that I possess more so than others. It is important that I continually practice my writing, so I further strengthen my better abilities and improve upon those that need more help.
Imagination is one of my stronger writing skills. Some people can write well, but have difficulty coming up with new ideas and topics. I am better the opposite way. I can think of many different story lines and new plots, but have more trouble trying to get my thoughts down on paper. This has always been the case: When I was a young kid, I used to daydream a lot -- sometimes forgetting where I actually was as my mind drifted off to that other land or adventure. When I read a book or see a movie, normally I can quickly figure out….

Another work of art using nudes was dated as having been created by the end of the Hellenistic period is that of Laocoon Group. The sculpture was inspired by a legend and it is the depiction of the epic fight between Laoccon, his sons and the snakes. The admiration for the beauty of the human body that can be seen from the sculptures created during the Hellenistic period reflects the attitude the Greeks had toward its reflection in art. Compared to their predecessors, the Greeks appear to be the first to acknowledge the artistic values of the human body, in its bare form. Kenneth Clark even wrote that "the nude is an art form invented by the Greeks in the fifth century" () Naked children are often depicted in the works of ancient Greeks and one of the examples is a Roman reproduction of a boy strangling a goose.….

Interactive art usually contains computers, sensors, and other devices that allow the art and the user to interact with each other. Video and computer games have brought a different set of artists to the field. The tools have changed as well with the advent of voice analyzers, robotics, actuators, LED's, and etc.

Is the line between real reality and virtual reality getting blurred? Virtual describes the animated form and how closely it resembles the original. Users and the environment interact freely with each other in worlds that are replicas of our own environments. When we watch movies, we are watching real actors but in a virtual landscape or scene. Is this really different from watching the animatronics characters? Mixed reality refers to environments or situations that contain elements from both the virtual and the real world. The two are entwined to create the optimal effect on the user.

Computer and Video Games,….

Certainly! Here are the answers to your art analysis worksheet, part one, with proper spacing and format:

1. Title of the artwork: The Starry Night
Artist: Vincent van Gogh
Year of creation: 1889
Medium: Oil on canvas

2. Formal analysis:
- Line: Van Gogh uses bold, curvy lines to depict the swirling sky and cypress trees. Short, thin brushstrokes are used for details.
- Shape: The artwork features various organic shapes like the crescent moon, stars, and swirling clouds.
- Color: A vibrant and contrasting color palette is used, with deep blues dominating the sky, complemented by the yellow stars and tree....

Ballet is a classical form of dance that originated in the 15th century during the Italian Renaissance. It is a highly technical and artistic dance style that emphasizes precise movements, grace, and elegance. Ballet dancers undergo rigorous training and follow a structured technique that includes specific positions of the arms and feet, intricate footwork, and fluid body movements. The dancers often wear pointe shoes to perform on their toes and create an illusion of weightlessness. Ballet includes various styles, such as classical ballet, neoclassical ballet, and contemporary ballet, each showcasing different choreography and music. It is widely performed in professional....

I. Introduction
A. Definition of the Human Condition
B. Importance of Studying the Human Condition
C. Thesis Statement: Exploring key aspects of the human condition and their significance in shaping human existence.

II. Historical Perspectives on the Human Condition
A. Ancient Philosophical Views (e.g., Aristotle, Plato)
B. Medieval and Renaissance Perspectives (e.g., Thomas Aquinas, Machiavelli)
C. Enlightenment Thinkers (e.g., Rousseau, Hobbes)

III. Psychological Dimensions of the Human Condition
A. Human Emotions and Behavior
B. Cognitive Processes and Perceptions
C. Impact of Social and Environmental Factors

IV. Existential and Philosophical Views
A. Existentialism: Meaning and Purpose
B. Absurdity and Anxiety in Human Existence

Certainly! Here are a few unique and fresh essay topics on Japanese internment:

1. Exploring the Role of Japanese American Women during Internment: Discuss the experiences, contributions, and resilience of Japanese American women during the internment period, highlighting their role in preserving their communities and influencing social change.

2. The Psychological Impact of Internment on Japanese American Children: Analyze the long-term psychological effects that internment had on Japanese American children and how their experiences shaped their identity, relationships, and future aspirations.

3. Artistic Expression and Resistance in Internment Camps: Examine how interned Japanese Americans utilized various art forms, such as poetry, drawing, and....

2 Pages
Term Paper


Artistic 'Techniques' Art Becomes Reality This Is

Words: 596
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Artistic 'Techniques' Art becomes reality. This is my desire, this is my purpose. So this is my creation, my child. The visions of primitive cave paintings dance in my vision…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Art  (general)

Artistic Representations of the Divine and Patronage

Words: 1275
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Artistic Representations of the Divine and Patronage During the Renaissance: Patronage in the Relationship of Julius II and Michelangelo The nature of Catholic art during the Renaissance period, as manifested in…

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1 Pages


Artistic Brazen Crystal Dour Exuberant

Words: 332
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Essay

Part 3 -- Millepied's approach to this solo was, as noted, a movement between longing and vivaciousness. Of course, this is not classical ballet in the sense of Nijinsky…

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2 Pages

Art  (general)

Artistic Styles in the Emerging Modern World

Words: 643
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Artistic Styles Although one is a sculpture and the other a painting, what differences do you see in the representation of the human figure between Michelangelo's work and the altarpiece? Isenheim…

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8 Pages
Term Paper


Artistic Utopias Utopia Is From

Words: 2827
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Jonestown, in Guyana, is a contemporary example of what would be classified as a utopian community.) In a wave of successfully created "utopian" architecture, modern architects from Virilio to…

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10 Pages
Term Paper

American History

Artistic View Wave Hill and

Words: 2971
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

A sea of buildings would cover the Island of Manhattan, and the iron tentacles of urbanization would extend outward over hundreds of square miles, even into distant Riverdale…

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3 Pages
Research Proposal

Art  (general)

Moma Ref The Artistic Importance

Words: 846
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

Dali simply lets his train of thoughts run freely and, in the process, allows the creation of different expressions full of meaning. One such expression is the figure that…

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8 Pages
Research Paper


Cinematic Generic and Artistic Reference

Words: 2158
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Research Paper

What is certain from all three films is that technology essentially shapes the way in which modern stories are told. Abstraction and Cinematic Modernism Cinematic modernism, as defined by a…

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5 Pages

Art  (general)

Gender and Artistic Representation Four Examples From Gardner's Art Through the Ages

Words: 1864
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Gardner's Art Through The Ages Gender in Western Art has been a vexed subject since the later twentieth century, not only in terms of artistic representation of gender, but also…

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2 Pages

Mythology - Religion

Knight Death Devil Durer Artistic Analysis Knight

Words: 653
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Knight, Death, Devil Durer Artistic Analysis: Knight, Death, Devil by Durer "Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil," Psalm 23 could easily…

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2 Pages

Art - Famous Works

Luxury and Different Artistic Traditions in the Levant

Words: 699
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Analysis of Luxurious Forms: The Levant, Greece, and BeyondAccording to Feldman (2002), 13th and 14th century B.C.E. Mediterranean art is often characterized as international in nature. This means that…

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4 Pages

Art  (general)

Preschoolers Drawing Development Artistic Development

Words: 1518
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Thesis

To use personal and later, cultural schemas in their most fruitful ways, the crayon and the magic market cannot be abandoned in favor of clicking a mouse, nor…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Strong Artistic Talents Making Drawing Appear'so

Words: 662
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

strong artistic talents making drawing appear so simple. Writing takes a lot of different skills, some that I possess more so than others. It is important that I…

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2 Pages

Art  (general)

Nude Religion Influenced the Artistic

Words: 706
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Another work of art using nudes was dated as having been created by the end of the Hellenistic period is that of Laocoon Group. The sculpture was inspired…

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12 Pages

Art  (general)

Interactive Art Is an Artistic

Words: 3548
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Essay

Interactive art usually contains computers, sensors, and other devices that allow the art and the user to interact with each other. Video and computer games have brought a different…

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