Asian Essays (Examples)

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Asian esources and Economic Power
Asia has always been a centre of attention in world's politics. A single decision made by one of the Asian countries has a tendency of altering the world's political and economic scenery. A change in Afghanistan changed the perception about world's security and enunciated an on-going war of peace. Similarly, China's growth has altered economic policies of many countries in the world. Hence, whatever takes place in Asia shakes the world to its roots. This region has a lot of importance from economic point-of-view. However, even internally, there is a constant struggle in Asian countries for power and this battle is supported by the resources they have. Who has the most and knows how to use it, will decide the fate of this region.

A lot of Asian countries have desired of developing a framework of policies based on Western model. However, they have successfully managed to….

Asian Monetary Fund - What

The contributions of U.S. In these cases were only U.S.$5 billion to South Korea, U.S.$3 billion to Indonesia and zero to Thailand. (Examining the case for an Asian Monetary Fund)
Alternatively, the East Asian economies like Japan and Singapore entailed bilateral assistance to the crisis hit regional economies in some other forms. Secondly, the East Asian crisis appeared to have accorded due emphasis on prevalence of 'demand' by dominating regional members for some form of regional cooperative alliance, while the actual prospective 'supply' of such a regional arrangement appears in little doubt. Thirdly, there were prevailing channels and organizations in East Asia and others which promote regional economic cooperation in other arenas with the monetary facility being an inherent amplification of such measures. Fourthly, the necessity for some sort of geographically concentrated arrangement is felt that would enable the regional economies to work collaboratively to have a larger opinion in….

Asian Immigration
In the decades before the Second orld ar, throngs of Asian immigrants came to American shores from China, Japan, India, Korea, and the Philippines. In many cases, these immigrants only planned on remaining in the United States for a short while to earn money and then return back home to their families. Thus, many Asian immigrants left their families behind. However, in other cases, whole families followed, full of hope and the American Dream. These diverse Asian immigrant groups varied greatly in terms of their culture of origin, their outlooks, and their visions of the future. However, all Asian immigrants, especially those that reached the shores of the United States before orld ar Two, shared several experiences in common. All groups suffered from intense discrimination that was not only delivered by angry white workers in fear of losing their jobs but also by the American government. Also, almost all….

Some cultural traditions exist in complete isolation from neighboring regions. For instance, Korea and China do not have the well-developed geisha role for women or the Samurai class of warriors. Japan's indigenous Shinto religion is not practiced on the Korean peninsula or in China. Taoism, an indigenous Chinese philosophical tradition, did not take root in Korea or Japan.

Geography is a factor in why Korea, Japan, and China have evolved different cultures. For one, China's large land borders with surrounding regions have made it more open to the influences of Central Asian, West Asian, Indian, Tibetan, and Mongolian societies, to name a few. China, as a result, is far more ethnically diverse -- as well as linguistically and culturally diverse -- than are Korea or Japan. This was true as much before the Mongol invasion as after. However, the Mongol invasion did affect Korea, China, and Japan and helped to usher….

As students and consumers, we should be aware of the power that marketing has over our consciousness. The t-shirts send the wrong message: that exploitation is fine when it is done in the name of financial gain.
Our campus commercialism is a far cry from the powerful artistic expressions of filmmakers like Greg Pak and playwright David Henry Hwang. Pak produces humorous and sexy digital art that capitalizes on Asian imagery and especially Asian pop culture imagery. The skillful representation of his subject matter is a world apart from racist caricature. Pak's films stand up on their own; they are not silk screen advertisements for a preppy clothing company. Moreover, Pak's work is genuinely interesting, compelling, and entertaining. Some of the pop-porn is overtly feminist in theme, offering empowering imagery created for contemplation, not commercialization.

As Hill & Tu point out, though, not everyone is pleased with the work of researchers….

In the post-World War II model Japan, under the economic and political influence of the United States, began repairing its economy and was a clear strategic ally for the U.S. In relation to the Soviet Union. As Japan became more and more sophisticated and built up wealth, its reputation as a financial and technological leader grew until, but the 1980s, it surpassed most of the world in numerous business niches. China, on the other hand, opted for a "sleeping giant" template, slowly and carefully building up its internal structure until the past decade or so, in which many capitalistic opportunities abound and a rising wealthy/educated population promises to change China into a dominant, global economic power.

China's first 33 years after WWII were a period of relative isolation from the rest of the world, certainly acting with the U.S.S.. As part of the World Communist Bloc, but concentrating on retention of….

Asian Religious Studies: Write 3 One a half page reactions 3 texts: 1. Reaction the Tibetan Book Dead. 2. Write reaction Shintoism 11 short videos youtube attached-
The "Tibetan Book of the Dead" brings on a series of ideas that people in the Western world typically have trouble accepting. Reading the book practically influences a person to acknowledge that he or she and people in general are generally trying to avoid thinking about one of the only things they know for sure with regard to their future. The text promotes the idea that it is only natural to think about mortality and about the idea of inevitable death. The "Tibetan Book of the Dead" is meant to be recited to a person as he or she faces imminent death, as it is apparently likely to make the passing more comfortable for the individual.

The manuscript proceeds with explaining a series of….

History is largely a story of power and subjugation. Being unfree and disempowered as been unfortunately normative, which is why the last vestiges of what Dahl, Nexo and Prendergast call "unfreedom" stand out in the modern era. North Korea is perhaps the most potent and extreme example of unfreedom in the world. As Daniel Gordon shows in the documentary feature A State of Mind, the people of North Korea blame "imperial America" for problems originating within the dysfunctional power structure of their own authoritarian regime. However, the North Korean regime did not originate or evolve in isolation. Global forces and powers, as well as more specific events have aided and abetted North Korea directly or indirectly.

Even in estern democracies, the degree to which the average person is free is variable, due to the structures and institutions that govern a capitalist society. The people of the United States pride themselves on….

Asian Financial Crisis of 1997
It is indeed true to assert that The Asian financial Crisis of 1997 imparted a truly tremendous influence on the economic and political development of East Asian nations and sparked the necessary impetus in acknowledging the economic interdependence. This crisis also put clear emphasis on the necessity of cooperation and integration within this region of the world.

Causes of the Crisis

When it comes to the causes of the Asian financial crisis, there are two schools of thought on what caused it. The first school of thought orbits around the idea that the collapse of the Thai Baht in July of 1997 was largely responsible for this crisis. "One view is that there was nothing inherently wrong with East Asian economies, which have historically performed very well. These economies experienced a surge in capital inflows to finance productive investments that made them vulnerable to a financial panic. That….

Gayatri Gopinath, associate professor of women and gender studies at the University of California at Davis, says that many of these young Asian-Americans who join artistic subcultures are individuals who cross over from one country to another in addition to not fitting into the norm of gender, sexuality or psychology. A first-world homosexual transnational has difficulty finding rights of citizenship or dual citizenship in any geographical locations of a diaspora where heterosexuality is the accepted or expected norm. These youths can never return home and, at the same time, they cannot find a place in their new world.

Traditionally, diaspora was defined strictly as those people who migrated and did not have the option of returning to the homeland. Safran (83-84) has extended this definition of diaspora as a group of ethnic expatriates who have the following characteristics in common: 1) they or their ancestors traveled from a specific original center….

Asian and Latino Gangs and

Gang activity would then threaten the family and friends of gang members due to association and not any true guilt in any criminal activity. Along with the potential threats to innocent community members, gang activity deteriorates the condition of the communal space as well. Graffiti is very often evident as border markers and property rights within the gang hierarchy; yet "graffiti is offensive to the community" (HACE 2005:35). Along with destroying the aesthetics of the community, such actions cause losses to local businesses in property damages and lost business due the overwhelming fear created by such replications of the images of gang violence. All in all, the self-proclaimed protectors of Latino-American communities, are they ones who threaten them most. Having to deal with such violence has also pushed law enforcement to heightened and sometimes controversial measures in their attempt to stop gang violence. Law enforcement has been utilized in….

Asian Godfathers

Asian Godfathers
There has always been opportunity for the astute to accomplish what is known as asset farming, and the variants are as broad as domestic or native conditions provide (Studwell, 2007). The British in Malaysia, Hong Kong, and Singapore, and the Dutch in Indonesia, perfected asset farming, the idea being that an entity focused on extracting and exploiting assets from a country as quickly as possible will also have no interest in sharing the wealth generated from those efforts (Studwell, 2007). Marginalized people function as a labor force to withdraw the assets from the land or to exploit the business opportunities that can be manipulated to generate personal wealth for an elite group (Studwell, 2007). Though Americans, by and large, do not benefit from a corrupt government -- in the pure sense of the word -- business entities and private interests have succeeded in establishing networks of lobbyists and government….

Nevertheless, the country was still influenced in terms of consumer demands. In this order of ideas, the Malaysian economy remains highly dependent on exports. And in a context in which the global purchasing power and demand have decreased as result of the crisis, the levels of exports -- and the adjacent earnings -- have also decreased. In order to remedy the situation, the Malaysian government is striving to reduce the country's dependence on exports (Central Intelligence Agency, 2010).
The efforts seem to have generated positive results and the first half of 2010 has retrieved sustainable growths in the country's gross domestic product. The main explanation forwarded by the federal authority in Malaysia is that the country is not threatened by the crisis as it is not involved in risky borrowings. Nevertheless, the government would continue to assess the global arena and develop the country specific strategies and actions which best….

The women are anticipated to spend 80% of her reproductive years in pregnancy and lactation. A latest study undertaken by the New Delhi-based Center for Science and the Environment of the small Himalayan village of Bemru revealed that child birth in majority of the instances happen in the cattle stable, as villagers consider that holy cows safeguard the mother and the newborn child from evil spirits. Childbirth is regarded as unhygienic, and the mother and their newborn are considered as "untouchables" for nearly 2 weeks following delivery. According to the study, regardless of the woman being young, old or in carrying stage, she is denied rest, Sunday or not, observing that women in the village attended to 59% of the work, frequently toiling for 14 hours daily and pushing heavy load one and half times their own body weight. Following two or three pregnancies, their energy levels exhausts, their….

The Taoist concept of wu wei refers to "non-action." Misunderstood as a proposal for inertia or inaction, wu wei means letting go. Instead of interfering or trying to control external situations or people, I can use the principle of wu wei to allow genuinely wise action take place. A combination of Beginner's Mind and wu wei permit me to take my ego out of my interpersonal relationships. I greet life on life's terms rather than complaining.
Both Taoism and Buddhism discourage dualistic thinking, even though the latter introduces the concepts of yin and yang. Yin and yang are principles that illustrate flux, flow, and balance: not duality. Whereas Christianity and other Western religions promote concepts of Heaven and Hell, Eastern traditions view the world more like the breath. in-breath and out-breath are part of the same singular action of breathing.

The Hindu-derived practice of yoga also emphasizes the power of the….

One of the more shameful moments in American history was the establishment of internment camps for Japanese-Americans during World War II.  Ostensibly started because the United States was at war with Japan, it is interesting to note that there were no similar internment camps for people of Italian or German descent, despite the fact that Italy and Germany were also part of the Axis powers that fought against the Allies in World War II. 

Prior to World War II, Japanese began immigrating to America for work opportunities.  They initially immigrated to Hawaii, which was annexed by the United....

In turn-of-the-century America, there were some major civil rights advances for some groups, while other groups saw no advances in their civil rights and even saw advances that had been made begin to erode.  The time period was well after the end of the Reconstruction era and the beginning of Jim Crow laws, the rise of the suffragette movement, and a continued assault on rights for Native Americans.  There was also a significant increase in anti-Asian discrimination. Here are some suggested titles and thesis statements for an essay about civil rights in this era.

Essay Title....

Looking at how cars were invented and reality quickly became the go-to transportation method for much of the world is fascinating.  While the automobile was invented in Germany and France, Henry Ford, who mastered automation and the mass production of cars, probably deserves much of the credit for the automobile’s early successes.  In fact, Ford’s focuses on wages and affordability probably deserve credit for the rise of the American middle class, suggesting that the history of the automobile and the history of the middle class are inextricably intertwined.

I. Introduction

A. Precursors....

The Forgotten Chapters of American History: Uncovering Lesser-Known but Captivating Essay Topics

Beyond the familiar narratives of the American Revolution, Civil War, and westward expansion, American history is a tapestry woven with countless lesser-known stories that offer valuable insights and provoke thought. Here are some intriguing essay topics that illuminate hidden aspects of our nation's past:

1. The Forgotten Pioneers: Exploring the Contributions of Women in the Transcontinental Railroad

While the construction of the transcontinental railroad is often attributed to male workers, over a thousand women played a crucial role as cooks, laundresses, nurses, and telegraph operators. Their contributions were essential to the....

16 Pages
Research Paper

History - Asian

Asian Resources and Economic Power

Words: 4982
Length: 16 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Asian esources and Economic Power Asia has always been a centre of attention in world's politics. A single decision made by one of the Asian countries has a tendency of…

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10 Pages
Term Paper

History - Asian

Asian Monetary Fund - What

Words: 4024
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The contributions of U.S. In these cases were only U.S.$5 billion to South Korea, U.S.$3 billion to Indonesia and zero to Thailand. (Examining the case for an Asian…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

History - Asian

Asian Immigration in the Decades Before the

Words: 665
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Asian Immigration In the decades before the Second orld ar, throngs of Asian immigrants came to American shores from China, Japan, India, Korea, and the Philippines. In many cases, these…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

History - Asian

Asian History Although the Great

Words: 966
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Some cultural traditions exist in complete isolation from neighboring regions. For instance, Korea and China do not have the well-developed geisha role for women or the Samurai class of…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Asian Studies

Asian-Americans Surreal Described One Student

Words: 1199
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

As students and consumers, we should be aware of the power that marketing has over our consciousness. The t-shirts send the wrong message: that exploitation is fine when…

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8 Pages

History - Asian

Asian Pacific Security the Asian

Words: 3994
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Assessment

In the post-World War II model Japan, under the economic and political influence of the United States, began repairing its economy and was a clear strategic ally for the…

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5 Pages

Mythology - Religion

Asian Religious Studies Write 3 One a

Words: 1504
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Asian Religious Studies: Write 3 One a half page reactions 3 texts: 1. Reaction the Tibetan Book Dead. 2. Write reaction Shintoism 11 short videos youtube attached- The "Tibetan…

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4 Pages

History - Asian

Asian History Is Largely a Story of

Words: 1291
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Asian History is largely a story of power and subjugation. Being unfree and disempowered as been unfortunately normative, which is why the last vestiges of what Dahl, Nexo and Prendergast…

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5 Pages


Asian Financial Crisis of 1997 it Is

Words: 1586
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Asian Financial Crisis of 1997 It is indeed true to assert that The Asian financial Crisis of 1997 imparted a truly tremendous influence on the economic and political development of…

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8 Pages
Term Paper


Asian Youth Although Most Adults

Words: 2507
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Gayatri Gopinath, associate professor of women and gender studies at the University of California at Davis, says that many of these young Asian-Americans who join artistic subcultures are individuals…

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6 Pages


Asian and Latino Gangs and

Words: 1866
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Thesis

Gang activity would then threaten the family and friends of gang members due to association and not any true guilt in any criminal activity. Along with the potential…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Asian Godfathers

Words: 1325
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Asian Godfathers There has always been opportunity for the astute to accomplish what is known as asset farming, and the variants are as broad as domestic or native conditions provide…

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7 Pages


Asian Financial Crisis and Recovery of Malaysia

Words: 2239
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

Nevertheless, the country was still influenced in terms of consumer demands. In this order of ideas, the Malaysian economy remains highly dependent on exports. And in a context…

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8 Pages
Term Paper

Sports - Women

Asian Women South Asia Consists

Words: 3565
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The women are anticipated to spend 80% of her reproductive years in pregnancy and lactation. A latest study undertaken by the New Delhi-based Center for Science and the…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Mythology - Religion

Asian Phil Almost All Asian

Words: 603
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The Taoist concept of wu wei refers to "non-action." Misunderstood as a proposal for inertia or inaction, wu wei means letting go. Instead of interfering or trying to…

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