Assault Weapons Essays (Examples)

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NA: Nature, Structure, And External Factors Affecting Success
The National ifle Association is an organization founded in 1871, ostensibly for the purposes of encouraging activities related to gun ownership (including firearms safety and marksmanship training). It currently has a membership of approximately five million individuals, with an annual budget of approximately 231 million dollars. However, to suggest that the NA is spending its vast annual budget purely on sponsoring shooting contests and gun safety classes -- according to the original stated purpose of the organization -- is to vastly underrate what this social organization is actually engaged in. The NA's role began to shift in the latter part of the twentieth century, as issues related to gun control began to enter political discussion in the United States. At this point, by the 1960s and the 1970s, the NA began to shift into a political lobbying organization, around the same time that….

According to case law, "an infamous crime against nature" is sodomy (Yoshino, 2002). We can see here, again, a modern shift from common law with the inclusion of sodomy as a possible element of felony assault. Over the course of time, Idaho lawmakers clearly saw a need to include such a "crime" within their definitions.
While it is obvious that Idaho case law has changed over time with society with such inclusions as abortion, the death or injury of a fetus, and sodomy, it is equally clear more alterations are needed. The addition of the element of "ability" in the definition of assault (IC 18-901) may need clarification. While the addition is needed to create distinction between assault and threats, the term alone is subjective. This creates ambiguity within the definition, creating the possibility of incorrect application of the law.

Another alteration may need to be a further defining of the….

The increasing and gruesome mass killings in schools and other public arenas is connected to military type assault rifles and hidden handguns, carrying large amounts of ammunition magazines. These artilleries of war are modeled to cause overwhelming damage within short periods without reloading (Rosenthal, 2016). There is an upcoming logical debate to convince the government to ban these artilleries among the public.
A large number of Americans prefer banning "assault weapons"; the same case applies to the majority of students who strongly support criminalizing the possession, receipt, transfer and manufacture of assault weapons. The congress of 1994 permitted the assault weapons ban. It expired in 2004. Arguments to renew the ban happen periodically and a number of federals have enacted the bans.

The Sandy Hook basics school massacre in Newtown, Connecticut, which took place in December, 2012, caused a new round of ideas in relation to banning assault weapons as a plan….

Call for backup before attempting pursuit into unsecured potential gang situations

5.. Examples of gangs deploying military weapons and tactics against law enforcement:

2005: Contract assassination attempt against corrections officer in Lakewood, Wash. By United Blood Nation gang member in active service from Bremerton Navy Station (10)

2005: Ceres, California: Active-duty, U.S. Marine Iraq combat veteran gang member shoots two police, killing one, using military tactics (11)

2006: Verbal testimony by several gang members suggests veterans training gangs for combat (12)

2010: U.S.Marine Corps veterans charged with selling assault weapons to gangs (13)

2011: Twenty-seven AK-47s stolen from California's Fort Irwin Army base (14)

2011: National Gang Threat Assessment report: "Gang members are acquiring high-powered, military-style weapons and equipment, which poses a significant threat because of the potential to engage in lethal encounters with law enforcement and citizens alike" (15)

6. ACTION: If you believe you may encounter military-level threat of force from gang members, secure the scene….

Having known the mounting dangers, many public health and bio-terrorism experts, members of Congress and some well-positioned ush administration officials convey increasing discomfort about what they think are flaws in the country's bio-defenses. Over the earlier years, awareness steps have been made, mainly in the large cities. ut most of necessary equipments are not available.
The federal government's standard answer to the anthrax assaults of 2001 and the warning of upcoming bio-terror attacks has been to accumulate huge amounts of drugs and vaccines to take care of or vaccinate sufferers or possible sufferers. However, these medicines are ineffective if there is no dependable system in place to quickly distribute and give out them to the disturbed populations early enough for the drugs to be successful. Regrettably, as of now, we do not have this strong, competent system in position in the United States. At the close of 2003, only two….

Scholars believe the Fifth Amendment as competent of breaking down into five separate constitutional privileges. These include grand juries for capital offenses, a ban on double jeopardy, prevention against compulsory self-incrimination, an assurance that all criminal defendants will have a just trial, and an assurance that the government will not take private property without paying fair market worth. Although the Fifth Amendment initially only concerned federal courts, the U.S. Supreme Court has construed the Fifth Amendment's requirements as currently pertaining to the states by way of the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment (Fifth Amendment, n.d.). In this case Victor Violent would be protected from testify against himself in his aggravated assault trial because of his Fifth Amendment protections.
In all criminal proceedings, the accused has the right to a speedy and open trial, by an unbiased jury of the State and district in which the crime was allegedly….

Crimes Committed Against Persons in the United States
The United States is one of the world's super powers. Like any other country, it experiences the challenge of crimes committed against people too. The FBI has shown that the rate of violent crimes committed in the US has been declining for the past two decades. Violent crimes can be classified into types that include rape, murder, aggravated assault, and robbery. Statistically, the rate of crimes committed to people in 2016 decreased by 1.1% when it is compared with those reported in 2015. The rates of crimes against people vary across regions. For example, the FBI reports that in 2016, there was a positive change in the rate of 2.0% in murder cases in Northeast region and 1.2% in Midwest (Federal Bureau of Investigation). Therefore, this research paper examines the different types of crimes committed against persons in the US, their characteristics, and….

Gun Control in New York

S. Circuit Court of Appeals to reaffirm restrictive gun laws since the Second Amendment was not infringed by a law that requires firearm owners to demonstrate proper cause (Nimmo par, 2).
The unanimous decision by the three-judge panel was regarded as a victory for the New York State law, the American constitution, and families throughout New York who are appropriately concerned regarding the plight of gun violence that is a major problem to all communities. There are various groups in the gun industry such as the Second Amendment Foundation and the National Rifle Association have been filing cases against cities and states throughout the country on the basis of the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. The ruling re-affirming restrictive gun control laws has followed the significant increase in the number of the sale of guns.

Gun Control Laws in Other States:

Generally, crime rates associated with gun violence have increased unusually in….

Gun Control Legislation
The availability of and access to firearms which is enshrined in the U.S. Constitution by the Second Amendment has created a multitude of consequences for modern Americans. The impacts of a loosely regulated gun market include the highest per capita rate of gun-related deaths in the world, major metropolitan areas like Detroit and Chicago struggling with unprecedented murder rates, and toddlers routinely finding their parent's weapons and dying after accidental discharge. Several longitudinal studies have demonstrated that the U.S. is by far the world's leader in both gun ownership and gun-related fatalities, and in fact, America's rate of 10.2 gun-related deaths per 100,000 citizens is more than double the rate of any other developed nation. The Congress has historically been averse to the passage of restrictive gun control legislation, as a powerful firearm lobby led by the National ifle Association has successfully kept the advances of gun….

Moreover, the increase in firearm-related homicide within this age group occurred among all race-sex groups (Fatal). Rates of suicide by firearm were especially high among the elderly in the United States, and increases occurred in all race-sex groups except African-American females, for whom the number of suicides were too small to produce stable rates (Fatal).
The CDC report cautions that the surveillance data in this report are intended to familiarize public health practitioners, researchers, and policymakers concerning the problem of firearm-related deaths in the United States (Fatal). And although these data help to characterize the magnitude of the problem and identify groups at risk, there are still gaps in knowledge, thus current surveillance efforts need to be expanded to include information about nonfatal injuries (Fatal). Moreover, there needs to be a greater understanding of the causes of firearm deaths to identify modifiable individual and societal risk factors, thus, further research….

United States, in accordance with crime and violence, has been having highest rates of crime and violence in the world, and largely most of them violence are related to gun. U.S. Department of Justice has indicated that in the United States, violence related to guns consists of the largest violence rate. For example, back in year 1995.
Homicides who were involved in gun violence were about 68% out of which 60% were the cases related to handguns. Another example is that more than 34 thousand peopled died due to the gunfire in 1996 out of which 41% were outcomes of homicide in the United States (Shay et al., 1999).

The first law on gun control came about in 1911 in the State of New York. However, the most significant law on gun control was the rady bill which was passed in 1994. According to this law there is a restriction on….

Gun Control Essay

Many see gun control as a controversial topic that has sparked much debate. This gun control essay can offer ways to examine this topic from both the pro and against sides. By detailing the pros and cons of gun control, you will be able to see the impact on society. These examples include recent changes in laws, news stories associated with gun violence, and what other countries do about this highly debated subject. Examining a topic from both sides, it offers a deeper and richer understanding that cannot be achieved from one-sided analysis.

Gun Control: Examining Both Sides

Understanding Gun Control

The Impact of Gun Control on Violence

How Gun Control Influences Gun Violence
Gun Control and the Second Amendment

Countries that Ban Guns

Gun Control and the Safety of the Public

Gun Control Laws
I Introduction

II. Body
A. Background
B. Understanding Gun Control
C. Pro-Gun Control
D. Against Gun Control
E. Countries that have Low-Tolerance for Gun Ownership
III. Conclusion
Gun Control: Examining Both Sides

Tighter egulations for Buying Guns
The argument essay tighter regulations buying guns proposed. An requirements word file.

In the recent past, there have been mass shootings that have taken place in different states within the United States. These mass shootings have caused many innocent people to loose their lives, and this has led to the citizens and leaders pushing for stricter control for firearms. In 2012, there were three major shootings that prompted legislators to take action against gun control. The first was the Chardon High School shooting, where a student went on a rampage killing three students and injuring several other students. The second event was the Colorado Theater shooting. In this event, the shooter killed 12 people and injured 58 others. The final event took place in December 2012. The incident occurred at Sandy Hook Elementary School where the shooter killed six adult staff and twenty children. The shooter had….

Second mendment to the Constitution of the United States can often be as prevalent and potentially divisive as the First mendment, which covers freedom of speech, freedom of the press and the establishment caused which has come to justify the perceived separation of church and state. While there are practical and common-sense applications for gun ownership and rights, there are some weapons that probably shouldn't be in the hands of normal civilians and some people should not be allowed to own guns period due to things like felonious history, mental health issues and other similar conditions.
There has always been a butting of heads regarding what the Second mendment refers to and what it does not. To be precise, the ratified version of the Bill of Rights that was signed by Thomas Jefferson stated it "a well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the….

Nationwide, those who attended graduate school were 11 percentage points more likely to vote for Kerry than those without a college education.

In other discoveries, Bush supporters believed overwhelmingly (72% to 26%) that Iraq has weapons of mass destruction (still). This is despite the fact that it was categorically established that Iraq had no such weapons.

Bush supporters also believed, in comparison to Kerry supporters, overwhelmingly that Iraq was tied to Al Queda, when again it was categorically established there existed no such ties.

This article continues to establish that Bush supporters voted for an image and a set of factual inconsistencies that they either mistakenly believed or wanted to believe, whereas Kerry's supporters voted on facts.

Despite Rhetoric, Bush, Kerry Agree on Many Issues. Washington Post: May 9, 2004.

Although many people felt the 2004 election was an epic clash between two completely opposing camps, in reality, both sides had very similar views on….

Research-Based Essay Titles:

The Impact of Social Media on Adolescent Mental Health: A Systematic Review
The Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Anxiety Disorders: An Empirical Analysis
The Role of Environmental Factors in the Development of Obesity: A Literature Review
The Impact of Climate Change on Coastal Communities: A Case Study of New Orleans
The Effectiveness of Online Learning in Higher Education: A Meta-Analysis

Persuasive Essay Titles:

Banning Assault Weapons: A Necessity for Public Safety
The Importance of Climate Action: Why We Must Act Now
The Benefits of Universal Healthcare: A Moral Imperative
The Dangers of Censorship: Protecting Freedom of Expression

Topic 1: Capital Punishment

Opposing Viewpoints:

Proponents: Argue that capital punishment is a just and effective deterrent to crime, while also providing closure to victims' families.
Opponents: Question the morality of state-sanctioned killing, its potential for wrongful convictions, and its disproportionate impact on marginalized communities.

Topic 2: Universal Basic Income

Opposing Viewpoints:

Supporters: Advocate for a universal basic income as a guaranteed safety net that would reduce poverty, stimulate economic growth, and foster innovation.
Critics: Express concerns about the cost, the potential for disincentivizing work, and the inflationary impact on prices.

Topic 3: Abortion Rights

Opposing Viewpoints:

Pro-choice advocates: Argue for the right of women....

Refining a Thesis Statement on Gun Control

Original Thesis Statement:

Gun control measures are essential to reduce gun violence and protect public safety.

Revised Thesis Statement:

The implementation of comprehensive gun control legislation, including universal background checks, bans on assault weapons, and increased mental health screenings, is crucial for mitigating gun violence and safeguarding public health.


Original Thesis Statement:

The original statement is too general and lacks specificity. It does not provide a clear focus on the specific measures being proposed or the expected outcomes of such measures.

Revised Thesis Statement:

Comprehensive Gun Control Legislation: The revised statement specifies that the proposed measures should be part of....

Arguments for Stricter Gun Control Legislation

1. Reduction in Gun Violence:

Studies have shown that stricter gun control laws lead to lower rates of gun-related deaths and injuries.
Limiting access to firearms, especially high-capacity weapons, reduces the number of potential victims in incidents such as mass shootings.

2. Public Safety:

Gun control laws enhance public safety by reducing the availability of firearms to criminals, domestic abusers, and individuals with mental health issues.
Background checks, licensing requirements, and safe storage laws help ensure that firearms are in the hands of responsible individuals.

3. Prevention of Mass Shootings:

Stricter gun control measures, such as bans....

6 Pages

Law - Constitutional Law

NRA Analysis Stakeholders and an Assault Weapons Ban

Words: 1866
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

NA: Nature, Structure, And External Factors Affecting Success The National ifle Association is an organization founded in 1871, ostensibly for the purposes of encouraging activities related to gun ownership (including…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Criminal Justice

Assault and Battery the Crime

Words: 1697
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

According to case law, "an infamous crime against nature" is sodomy (Yoshino, 2002). We can see here, again, a modern shift from common law with the inclusion of…

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9 Pages


Should the Government Ban Assault Rifles

Words: 3857
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Essay

The increasing and gruesome mass killings in schools and other public arenas is connected to military type assault rifles and hidden handguns, carrying large amounts of ammunition magazines. These…

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2 Pages
Article Review


Gangs Military Weapons Tactics Unclassified For

Words: 721
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Article Review

Call for backup before attempting pursuit into unsecured potential gang situations 5.. Examples of gangs deploying military weapons and tactics against law enforcement: 2005: Contract assassination attempt against corrections officer in…

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11 Pages
Term Paper


Biological Weapons How Real Is

Words: 4788
Length: 11 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Having known the mounting dangers, many public health and bio-terrorism experts, members of Congress and some well-positioned ush administration officials convey increasing discomfort about what they think are…

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6 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Law

Criminal Justice Aggravated Assault Which

Words: 2111
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Scholars believe the Fifth Amendment as competent of breaking down into five separate constitutional privileges. These include grand juries for capital offenses, a ban on double jeopardy, prevention…

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4 Pages


Laws on Rape Murder Aggravated Assault and Robbery

Words: 1282
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Crimes Committed Against Persons in the United States The United States is one of the world's super powers. Like any other country, it experiences the challenge of crimes committed against…

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10 Pages
Term Paper

Law - Constitutional Law

Gun Control in New York

Words: 3571
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

S. Circuit Court of Appeals to reaffirm restrictive gun laws since the Second Amendment was not infringed by a law that requires firearm owners to demonstrate proper cause (Nimmo…

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5 Pages

Law - Constitutional Law

Gun Control Legislation the Availability of and

Words: 1708
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Gun Control Legislation The availability of and access to firearms which is enshrined in the U.S. Constitution by the Second Amendment has created a multitude of consequences for modern…

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15 Pages
Term Paper

Law - Constitutional Law

Anti-Gun Control Gun Control Is

Words: 4001
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Moreover, the increase in firearm-related homicide within this age group occurred among all race-sex groups (Fatal). Rates of suicide by firearm were especially high among the elderly in…

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13 Pages
Research Paper

Law - Constitutional Law

Impact of the Gun Control on the States

Words: 3770
Length: 13 Pages
Type: Research Paper

United States, in accordance with crime and violence, has been having highest rates of crime and violence in the world, and largely most of them violence are related…

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8 Pages

Gun Control Essay

Words: 2546
Length: 8 Pages

Many see gun control as a controversial topic that has sparked much debate. This gun control essay can offer ways to examine this topic from both the pro and…

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6 Pages

Law - Constitutional Law

Tighter Regulations for Buying Guns the Argument

Words: 1747
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Tighter egulations for Buying Guns The argument essay tighter regulations buying guns proposed. An requirements word file. In the recent past, there have been mass shootings that have taken place in…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Law - Constitutional Law

How to Prevent Mass Shootings in the USA

Words: 1644
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Second mendment to the Constitution of the United States can often be as prevalent and potentially divisive as the First mendment, which covers freedom of speech, freedom of the…

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7 Pages
Term Paper

Law - Constitutional Law

Maybe Same-Sex Marriages Didn't Make

Words: 1811
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Nationwide, those who attended graduate school were 11 percentage points more likely to vote for Kerry than those without a college education. In other discoveries, Bush supporters believed overwhelmingly (72%…

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