Atmosphere Essays (Examples)

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Atmospheric circulation is initiated when mass moves in the atmosphere. The motion can be vertical or horizontal. Atmospheric forces cause air to move, modifying the difference in pressure. Vertical and horizontal movements combine to modify temperature and pressure at local levels (Chou & Neelin, 2004).

High precipitation in the temperate regions is occasioned by differential solar heating of the planet due to axial tilt, rotation and proximity to the sun. The sun rays hit the equator at a direct angle between 23° 26'22"N and 23°26'22"S. Solar radiation that reaches that reaches the atmosphere is more intense between the tropic of cancer and the tropic of Capricorn. Anywhere else, the solar radiation hits the earth surface at an angle and is therefore less intense (Chou & Neelin, 2004).

The closer a place is to the poles, the smaller the angle and the less intense the radiation. Trade winds north of the equator blow….

In conclusion, both of these planets, which are closest to the Earth in miles, are a world away in their weather and atmosphere. Mars is a desert planet of extremes that can be exceedingly cold and enormously windy, while Venus is a planet covered in clouds and extremely hot. Both planets have several weather-related events that are quite similar to Earth, but there are shocking differences, as well. As scientists continue to study the weather on these planets, they will continue to learn more about their atmospheres, storms, and other weather events. Eventually, they may discover a way for humans to survive, or at least visit these remarkable planets that are "right next door."


Borenstein, Seth. "Like Earth, Venus Has Bursts of Lightning." 2008. 1 April 2008.

Brillo. "Martian Weather." 2008. 1 April 2008.

Editors. "The Planets - Mars." 2008. 1 April 2008.

Editors. "The Planets - Venus."….

The story that Lawrence writes bears the entire existentialist anguish of the 20th century. The boy needs a parallel and imaginary universe, with the horse as its centerpiece, on which to base his existence, mainly because of an attempt to avoid and evade his own existence. This is where his imagination meets his remarkable gift for choosing horses at the race track.

On the other hand, in Greene's story, the existentialist anguish that the teenagers might be themselves starting to experiment, does not reflect a tragic perspective, but more of a phase of life that everybody has to pass through (which is why Old Misery's remark that he was a boy once as well is important). The prank, despite being conceived with a master plan, is still just a teenager prank.

It is interesting to note, and this is something unique to Greene's story, the way in which the relationships within the….

atmosphere is filled with toxic chemicals which technology and policy tries to deal with and eliminate in various ways. Reducibly, however, certain workers have to work with toxic chemicals. The question then becomes one of how to make this environment as healthy as possible and how to rid the environment of these elements in as rapid and complete a ways as possible so that the atmosphere remains healthy for both themselves and fellow workers.
Two types of ventilation systems have been created for diffusing toxic factors. They are called the Dilution (or general) ventilation system and the Local exhaust ventilation system. Each has its particular advantages and disadvantages as well as its particular qualities. These will be discussed in the following essay so that the reader, were he or she compelled to select one above the other, would know which to choose.

The key difference between the two systems is that….

Marketing Questions and eBay
Atmosphere and the retail environment

There can be little doubt that retailers believe consumers will be influenced by the shopping environment; retailers will spend large amounts of money to manage the retail spaces to attract customers and encourage spending (Kotler & Keller, 2011). Arguably, the atmosphere or the way a shop 'feels' is the most important element of the environment is perceived by the shops customer. If a shop feels welcoming the environment is likely to be interpreted as positive and customers may be more likely to stay, and make purchases but if an atmosphere is oppressive it is unlikely to cause positive feelings and the environment is likely to be interpreted as unwelcoming and deter purchasers.

There are many influences which impact on the way an environment is perceived; shop layout, lighting, sound, and body language and attitude of those in the shop, notably they all impact on….

This works in relation to the old man's desire to stay at the cafe because it is nothing that awaits him when he goes home. In the bright cafe, the world is literally a brighter place. Hoffman notes, "Because nada appears to dominate 'A Clean, ell-Lighted Place,' it has been easy to miss the fact that the story is not about nada per se but the various available human responses to it" (Hoffman). This notion forces us to look at the old man's mood and the importance of how he feels. He goes on, "The clean, well-lighted place that is, is not actually a 'place' at all; rather, it is a metaphor for an attitude toward the self" (Hoffman). From this perspective, we can see the depth of the old man's loneliness. He needs the cafe to lift him from the darkness that otherwise surrounds him.
The different moods and….

S. Climate Change Science Program (CCSP). The purpose of CCSP is to improve the public's understanding of natural climatic variations and how citizens can help to slow down the rate of warming.
The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is meeting in Denmark in December, and has released some information that helps to understand global warming. In the fact sheet the UNFCCC reports that "more powerful storms and hotter, longer dry periods" are being observed and are assessed by the UN scientists. "The frequency of heavy precipitation events has increased over most land areas," the report goes on. In Africa's large lake basins like Niger, Lake Chad, and Senegal, total available water "has decreased by 40 to 60%."

"Almost all mountain glaciers in non-polar regions retreated during the 20th century." In fact, the UNFCCC continues, the overall volume of glaciers in Switzerland "decreased by two-thirds" due to the warming of….

classroom atmosphere which encourages all students to take on the desire to become lifelong learners is a challenging task. The task is even more daunting when the context of the assignment takes place within the walls of a 7th grade social studies classroom. Middle school students are progressively less interested in social history, and increasingly more interested in what the latest top 40 music group did on their last concert tour. None the less, by using a constructivist approach to the classroom, the students were engaged in the subject matter, and moved in the direction of developing the target attitude - that of being personally interested in the education process.
As a constructivist educator, I must admit that I am a relative constructionist, and not one who takes the constructivist dogma to unrealistic conclusions. Let me explain. As a constructivist, I cannot pretend to have an "objective" view of how….

They also act as a reminder that she, her mother and her mother's mother before her have all ventured out into the unknown -- it is a woman's duty.
Her life with Somesh in contrast to her nervousness while they were together in India progresses nicely into a playful and happy union. They live with her in-laws as Somesh works hard to raise enough money for them to move out on their own while also taking care of his parents. This time acts as a protective cocoon for the burgeoning love and affection for one another and the complete transition of Mita into a married woman flourishing in a new world -- American. Here, as before, clothing expresses this newness and her comfort with it to the reader.

Somesh covertly buys her American clothing, in one instance jeans, "…the same pale blue as the nayantara flowers that grow in my parent's….

Rather, the reader is only exposed to the short, choppy explanations of a first person narrator. Very little explanation is given as to why the events are happening or who the characters really are underneath their outward expressions and appearances. This tends to add to the general confusion the narrator feels during the intensely scary situation. One moment the narrator was thinking about tailgating with friends, and the next he is on the floor after being hit by a bus. The level of description coincides with the overall tone of confusion. The events following the initial accident also tend to carry this sense of confusion, but the atmosphere is much faster paced. The hospital and the ensuing trouble the narrator faces is in a much more rapid and hectic atmosphere than the dull and dreary atmosphere seen in Butler's work.
Overall, it is clear that the two works may share….

(1) Discuss which of the interrelationships between the environmental spheres, in your experience, has had the biggest effect on human society, or vice versa. Give some examples.

The work of Manahan (2005) explains that there are four traditional environmental spheres including the hydrosphere, atmosphere, geosphere and the biosphere. It is related however, that a fifth sphere should be included and that is the anthrosphere, which consists of "the things humans make and do." (Manahan, 2005) The atmosphere is reported as a very thin layer compared to the size of Earth, with most atmospheric gases lying within a few kilometers of sea level. The atmosphere serves a vital protective function in that it absorbs highly energetic ultraviolet radiation from the sun that would kill living organisms exposed to it.

A specifically important aspect of the atmosphere is that the atmosphere serves a vital protective function in that it absorbs highly energetic ultraviolet radiation….

10) the locations of oceans and seas, which are determined by the movement of continental plates, affect the ability for ocean waters to circulate heat around the Earth, and thus can have a major effect on the climate of the planet.

11) Jet streams can have abundant influence on ground-level weather by creating low-pressure centers that can lead to storms, and the streams can continue to steer these storms once they are formed

12) Thunderstorms and tornadoes are more likely to occur in the mid-afternoon because they come as the result of heated air that then rises in a column and the rapidly cools; the initial heating is more likely to reach adequate levels for causing a storm during the later afternoon.

Chapter 13

5) Oxygen isotopes found in rocks can vary greatly as they are subjected to different temperatures, with hotter temperatures creating "overwriting" of isotopes left by cooler temperatures. The preservation of….

.....managing and operating a recently acquired small retail business. The paper specifically focuses on strategies for targeting customers and information gathering, a plan for recruiting and training new staff and employee management, the relevance of the concept of one hundred percent location and saturation to the business, as well as important financial dimensions for the business. Also, the paper provides a name, mission, and philosophy for the business, a description of hours of operation, and a plan for cultivating an inviting store atmosphere. Strategies for Targeting Customers and Information Gathering

The importance of targeting customers and gathering information about the target market cannot be overemphasised. It is crucial for understanding customer behaviour, how to best serve the target market, whether a market exists for offering(s) in question, as well as how to effectively communicate with the target audience (Mathur, 2010). In the retail industry, targeting customers may be a little bit different….

hy the huge disparity in viewpoints when the science has been empirically established for twenty years or more? Journalist Bryan alsh references sociologists from Michigan State and Oklahoma State Universities (Riley Dunlap and Aaron McCright, respectively), who say there has been a "well-financed effort on the part of conservative groups and corporations to distort global-warming science" (alsh, 2011). In the book written by Dunlap and McCright (the Oxford Handbook of Climate Change and Society) they assert that global climate change science has been "assaulted" by fossil-fuel corporations, conservative think tanks" for over twenty years.
Hence, in conclusion, one way to spread the word to consumers and citizens is to battle back against the propaganda that seeks to deny the truth about climate change. In addition, very simple changes in lifestyles (using CFLs, taking the bus, hanging clothes out to dry, keeping the car tuned up, and sealing up leaks and….

Lichens as Bio-indicators

1. Introduction
Lichens are commonly used as ecological signs or bio-indicators. If atmosphere is extremely contaminated with sulphur dioxide there could be no lichens existing, just eco-friendly algae might be identified. When the atmosphere is clear, shrubby, hairy as well as, leafy; lichens turn out to be plentiful. A small number of lichen varieties can put up with extremely high degrees of air pollution and therefore are generally seen on pavements, wall surfaces and also tree-bark in city locations. By far the most delicate lichens happen to be shrubby and leafy whilst the most resistant lichens are crusty in looks (Showman, 68; Nash and Gries, 1-29). A lichen area design might be noticed in big cities and towns or close to commercial buildings which matches the average degrees of sulphur dioxide encountered.

2. Purpose

The resistant lichens are helpful bioindicators for atmosphere air pollution, particularly sulfur dioxide contamination, given that they get their….

While the concept of a bathing culture may be most strongly associated with the Romans at the time of the Roman Empire, many cultures have placed social, economic, and personal emphasis on bathing in a way that makes the practice as much about culture as it is about hygiene.  Historically, cultures had very different approaches to bathing, with some ancient cultures considering baths dangerous, while others considered them almost sacred.  Even in modern times, cultures take different approaches to the concept of bathing.

You can see the influence of nature on Japanese bathing tradition, which sets it apart....

Creating a 900-word essay on global warming is a substantial task. However, we can certainly help you get started with an outline, key points, and some sources that you can use to expand your essay.


"Global Warming: Understanding the Crisis and Seeking Solutions"

Introduction (Approx. 150 words):

  • Definition of global warming.
  • Brief overview of how global warming has become a critical issue in the 21st century.
  • Thesis statement: This essay explores the causes, impacts, and potential solutions to global warming.

Causes of Global Warming (Approx. 250 words):

  1. Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Explain how carbon dioxide, methane, and....

Global Warming:

- Global warming refers to the long-term increase in Earth's average surface temperature.
- It is primarily caused by the buildup of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, such as carbon dioxide and methane.
- These greenhouse gases trap heat from the sun, leading to a rise in temperatures on Earth.
- Global warming can result in various impacts, including melting glaciers, rising sea levels, and more frequent extreme weather events.
- The term "global warming" specifically focuses on the increase in temperature.

Climate Change:

- Climate change refers to the broader set of changes occurring in Earth's climate system.
- It encompasses not only changes in....

Certainly! Here are the answers to your art analysis worksheet, part one, with proper spacing and format:

1. Title of the artwork: The Starry Night
Artist: Vincent van Gogh
Year of creation: 1889
Medium: Oil on canvas

2. Formal analysis:
- Line: Van Gogh uses bold, curvy lines to depict the swirling sky and cypress trees. Short, thin brushstrokes are used for details.
- Shape: The artwork features various organic shapes like the crescent moon, stars, and swirling clouds.
- Color: A vibrant and contrasting color palette is used, with deep blues dominating the sky, complemented by the yellow stars and tree....

2 Pages


Atmosphere Atmospheric Circulation Is Initiated When Mass

Words: 620
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Atmosphere Atmospheric circulation is initiated when mass moves in the atmosphere. The motion can be vertical or horizontal. Atmospheric forces cause air to move, modifying the difference in pressure. Vertical…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Atmospheres on Mars and Venus

Words: 1702
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

In conclusion, both of these planets, which are closest to the Earth in miles, are a world away in their weather and atmosphere. Mars is a desert planet of…

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3 Pages


Atmosphere Described of the Characters

Words: 855
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

The story that Lawrence writes bears the entire existentialist anguish of the 20th century. The boy needs a parallel and imaginary universe, with the horse as its centerpiece, on…

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2 Pages

Transportation - Environmental Issues

Atmosphere Is Filled With Toxic Chemicals Which

Words: 645
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

atmosphere is filled with toxic chemicals which technology and policy tries to deal with and eliminate in various ways. Reducibly, however, certain workers have to work with toxic…

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3 Pages
Case Study


Marketing Questions and Ebay Atmosphere and the

Words: 1305
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Case Study

Marketing Questions and eBay Atmosphere and the retail environment There can be little doubt that retailers believe consumers will be influenced by the shopping environment; retailers will spend large amounts of…

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4 Pages


Setting and Atmosphere in a

Words: 1256
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

This works in relation to the old man's desire to stay at the cafe because it is nothing that awaits him when he goes home. In the bright…

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2 Pages


Global Warming the Earth's Atmosphere

Words: 679
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Thesis

S. Climate Change Science Program (CCSP). The purpose of CCSP is to improve the public's understanding of natural climatic variations and how citizens can help to slow down the…

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9 Pages
Term Paper


Classroom Atmosphere Which Encourages All Students to

Words: 2695
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Term Paper

classroom atmosphere which encourages all students to take on the desire to become lifelong learners is a challenging task. The task is even more daunting when the context…

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3 Pages

Business - Miscellaneous

Creating Atmosphere Within a Story

Words: 1077
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

They also act as a reminder that she, her mother and her mother's mother before her have all ventured out into the unknown -- it is a woman's…

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5 Pages


Broke My Father's Heart and

Words: 1753
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Rather, the reader is only exposed to the short, choppy explanations of a first person narrator. Very little explanation is given as to why the events are happening…

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10 Pages
Case Study


Geology 1 Discuss Which of the Interrelationships

Words: 3109
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Case Study

Geology (1) Discuss which of the interrelationships between the environmental spheres, in your experience, has had the biggest effect on human society, or vice versa. Give some examples. The work of…

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3 Pages
Book Review


Environmental Review the Carbon in

Words: 734
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Book Review

10) the locations of oceans and seas, which are determined by the movement of continental plates, affect the ability for ocean waters to circulate heat around the Earth, and…

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6 Pages


Developing Managing and Operating a Retail Business

Words: 1895
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

.....managing and operating a recently acquired small retail business. The paper specifically focuses on strategies for targeting customers and information gathering, a plan for recruiting and training new staff…

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4 Pages


Behavioral Changes Reducing the Effects

Words: 1835
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

hy the huge disparity in viewpoints when the science has been empirically established for twenty years or more? Journalist Bryan alsh references sociologists from Michigan State and Oklahoma…

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6 Pages


Lichens as Bio-indicators

Words: 1931
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

1. Introduction Lichens are commonly used as ecological signs or bio-indicators. If atmosphere is extremely contaminated with sulphur dioxide there could be no lichens existing, just eco-friendly algae might be…

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