Australia Essays (Examples)

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Australia What Steps Did the Rudd Government
Pages: 5 Words: 1687

What steps did the udd government take to lessen the impact of the global financial crisis? Why do you believe they took these steps?

The global financial crisis has had a profound impact on nations around the world. I applaud udd in his efforts to abate and diminish the influence of an interconnected society on Australia. On method utilized in which to diminish the impact on the Australia was to instill confidence in the financial system overall. udd first guaranteed deposits of all major financial institutions in Australia. This prevented bank runs as consumers, fearful for their money, rush to withdraw much needed funding from banks. Instead, by guaranteeing deposits, the government was helping financial institutions avoid solvency risk. With no deposits, banks would be unable to lend or conducts other financial services oriented activities. This in turn would lower the likelihood of an Australian recovery which would be a detriment…...



1) Tom Switzer, "Australia's success story," The Asian Wall Street Journal, February 2, 2005.

2) Iain McDonald, "Australian PM expects 4% growth, sets agenda," Dow Jones, April 14, 2002, via Factiva, accessed October 1, 2008

3) IMF, "Australia: Selected Issues," IMF Country Report No. 06/373, October 2006, p. 8.

4) "A ravenous dragon," The Economist, March 15, 2008. The charges were also known as 'demurrage' charges, which could range anywhere from $50,000 to $100,000 per day.

Australia Airline
Pages: 5 Words: 1717

Australia Airline

Case Study eport: Airlines

This paper provides a comparative study of the goals, management style, and labor relations policies of three Australian airlines: Qantas, Virgin Blue, and Air Australia Airways. It examines the recent history of these major airlines, with a specific focus on the labor relations difficulties of Qantas, Virgin Blue's attempt to create a more innovative model of customer service as a budget airline, and Air Australia Airway's challenge to Qantas' dominance. It suggests that ultimately Virgin Blue offers the best prospects for investment, given its track record, size, and strong human resource policies.

Organisational culture

Employee motivation


Conclusion and summary


The airline industry has been one of the most severely-affected industries by the recent global recession. Although Australia was mercifully not impacted as much as some other nations by the recent credit crisis, because airlines have a global focus as organizations, all of the major airlines that fly through Australia were…...



Air Australia Airways. 2011. Official website. Available at:

  [Accessed: 9 Jan 2011] 

Alan, Joseph. (2011). PM Gillard's Mediation contributed to early settlement in Qantas row.

International Business Times. Available at:   [Accessed: 9 Jan 2011] 

Australia's Proposed Ndis Australia's Proposed National Disability
Pages: 8 Words: 2496

Australia's Proposed National Disability Insurance Scheme

Australia's Proposed National Disability Insurance Scheme

The Australian Government is proposing the adoption of the Productivity Commission's Inquiry eport into Disability Care, along with its two recommendations: the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), a universal, no-fault, national social insurance scheme to fund basic services for any Australian born with, or acquiring, a severe disability, and the National Injury Insurance Scheme (NIIS), a state and territory-based scheme, which would provide lifetime support for people acquiring a catastrophic injury from an accident.

These systems will be significantly different from the existing system, in that they will be insurance-focused systems, founded on a similar modeling of the Australian public health care system, Medicare. The systems at hand propose a range of changes in the provision of services to the disabled, and the NDIS in particular is a scheme that would greatly benefit the Australian population as a whole…...



Anonymous. 2011. "Hurdle jumped in health reform," in Australian Nursing Journal,

18(7): pp. 9, Retrieved from: ProQuest Database.

Becker, H. 1997. Outsiders: studies in the sociology of deviance, Free Press, Detroit, MI.

Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs. 2010.

Australia's Foreign Policy
Pages: 4 Words: 1303

Australia's Foreign Policy
Australia has constantly been referred to as a middle power in terms of international relations. The term of "middle power" has been attributed to many other countries that have a saying in international relations, but that are not great powers. Although Australia is not one of the most important countries in the world in terms of international relations, it clearly plays a very important part as a political actor in regional and international politics. The fact that Australia is considered a middle power has an impact on its foreign policy agenda as there is definitely a lot less pressure on deciding in matters of foreign policy. Australia's foreign policy has influenced its image as a middle power and also its middle power status has influenced Australia's foreign policy.

Australia's foreign policy has always been connected with that of Great ritain, as Australia is part of the ritish Commonwealth, and…...



Australia's Foreign Policy, available at ;

Dalrymple, Rawdon, "Looking for theory in Australian foreign policy," Symposium: Advancing the National Interest?, April 2003, available at ;

Darwall, Rupurt, "John Howard's Australia," Policy Review, August-September 2005;

Downer, Alexander, "Should Australia Think Big or Small in Foreign Policy?," speech held at the Centre for Independent Studies: The Policymakers Forum, 10 July 2006, Sydney, available at ;

Australia vs U S Business Culture
Pages: 6 Words: 1879

(Wu, 2010) When you are avoiding segregating the different groups within Australian society, you are not touching upon the racist past that Australian society had towards the Aborigines. This is important because avoiding such a distinctions is: showing respect and understanding for Australian culture.
Whether these dimensions are always apparent or if they are somehow implicit in the culture.

The various cultural differences are both apparent and hidden at the same time. This means, that within Australian society many people will use the various cultural differences on a regular basis, without paying any attention to them. For foreigners and visitors this can be problematic, because the various cultural distinctions are generally assumed to be understood by everyone such as: not being overly emotional in public. While, there are also various distinctions that are obvious to foreigners and visitors such as: speaking directly. Where, society openly encourages everyone to say what is…...



Language and Communication. (n.d.). Retrieved June 2, 2010 from AIJA website: 

The United States vs. Australia. (n.d.) Retrieved June 2, 2010 from Convict Creations website: 

Workman, D. (2008). World's Most Emotional Countries. Retrieved June 2, 2010 from Regional Business Profiles website:

Wu, C. (2010). Cultural Gestures. Retrieved June 2, 2010 from Tripod website:

Australia Imports the Australian Import
Pages: 9 Words: 2631

Gelineau reports that "the 755-foot (230-meter) Shen Neng 1 was successfully lifted off the reef Monday after crews spent three days pumping fuel to lighten it. Salvage crews later towed it to an anchorage area near Great Keppel Island, 45 miles (70 kilometers) away. Its refloating left a scar 1.9 miles (3 kilometers) long and up to 820 feet (250 meters) wide." (Gelineau, 1)
Indeed, according to environmental workers reporting on the site, this is seen as one of the most catastrophic groundings in recent decades. The report claims that it will be at least another twenty years before the immediate ecosystem can recover from the damage inflicted upon it both by the flattening of reef and marine life and by the intrusion of toxins from paint on the ship's hull into the devastated habitat. For the wildlife sanctuaries which are in the immediate surround of the impacted area, the…...


Works Cited:

Associated Press (AP). (2010). Barrier Reef Damage 'Severe' From Ship Grounding.

Bradsher, K. (2010). Freighter on Great Barrier Reef Has Punctured Fuel Tank. New York Times.

Fleischer, A. (2002). Fact Sheet: Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Overview and Background. The White House. .

Fraser, A. & Owens, J. (2010). Fatigue Cited in Reef Grounding of Shen Neng 1. The Australian.

Australia Qs Australia International Policy
Pages: 2 Words: 929


A world without nuclear weapons is improbable at best. The presence of such technology and the increasing accessibility of the so-called 'nuclear secrets' that the U.S. And Soviet Union once guarded so jealously denotes that there is no credible way to eliminate the opportunity for acquisition where there is a will. Only by diminishing the desire for acquisition can we realistically consider removing the influence of nuclear weapons on the world. This is to say that the current American policy of using nuclear authority to control stockpiling is counterintuitive.


There is genuinely no situation conceivable in which it could be seen as reasonable to employ nuclear weapons. Destabilization which is met by the deployment of nuclear weaponry will only prompt a total-annihilation circumstance in which such rogue nations as North Korea would be removed of their one motive for withholding from use of nuclear arms.


At present, it must be seen as…...


Works Cited:

Robb, a. (2008). A Seat at the Council Will Cost Us Dearly. The Age. Online at 

Rudd, K. (2009). A Strategy for Sustainable Economic Recovery -- the Role of the g20. Prime Minister of Australia. Online at

Australia Curriculum Rethinking Curriculum for
Pages: 3 Words: 929

In education this is particularly so, with the educator often functioning as an emissary for knowledge and perspective formulate by the culture of the nation-state. Australia's teachers are today in the difficult position of attempting to resolve this position with the needs posed by immigrant students. So denotes the text by Hassam (2007), which contends that "teachers who seek to critique the nation by deconstructing media knowledge need to consider the ethics of engaging with their students' sense of self-identity and the pedagogical risks of questioning their own authority to speak on behalf of the nation. Internationalising the curriculum means developing teaching methods and assessment instruments which will invite students to reflect on their imaginative journey into 'new' and 'different' cultures; but it will also require the teachers to reflect on their own conflicting identities and loyalties, and to make that journey alongside their students." (p. 1)
According to much…...



Bryant, Nick (2009). Online article: "Is Australia unusually racist?" Retrieved


Carnoy, M. & Rhoten, D. (2002). "What does globalisation mean for educational change?" A comparative approach. In Comparative Educational Review, 46(1), 1-

Australia Foreign Policy Issues Which
Pages: 2 Words: 952

However, this conflict in which the United States engaged military endeavors as a way to extend its ideological reach would pull Australia into a philosophically driven war that was not really its own. As with the ar on Terror, this would make Australia a peripheral target to America's many enemies.
5) if you are requested by the Australian government to review the Australia-U.S. alliance in the contemporary global context, what recommendations would you propose so as to make it more effective and better suited to serving Australia's national interests?

A primary policy objective would be to remove Australia from involvement in conflicts that are neither United Nations alliance issues or those relating to regional affairs. Such examples might be Iraq, where pressure from a powerful ally in the U.S. would provoke involvement in a war with no bearing and no threat to Australian viability or security.


Sun Tzu . . . Is…...


Works Cited:

Metz, Steven. (2001). The Contemporary Revolution in Military Affairs. Strategists and the Revolution in Military Affairs, in the Strategists, Hugh Smith (ed.), Australian Defence Studies Centre, University of New South Wales at the Australian Defence Force Academy, Canberra, 2001, pp. 99-119.

Williams, P. (1987). Deterrence and Defence in the Nuclear Age. Nuclear Deterrence, in Contemporary Strategy. Vol. 1 Theories and Concepts, 2nd. Ed. Croom Helm, Sydney, 1987, pp. 113-39.

Australia Terror Qs Australia Terrorism
Pages: 2 Words: 780

The degree to which Rudd has withdrawn from Howard's hardline stance has significantly and positively altered the scenario for refugees.
7. This is absolutely the case. The War on Terror period has been veritably defined by the imbalance with which the issue has been treated. With all respect to the tragedies of 9/11 and the Bali blast, the number of casualties in these isolated incidences is miniscule compared to those provoked by disease, poverty, environmental abuse and ecological disaster. Undue attention to security concerns has sapped us of the resources to adequately confront these problems.

8. The discussion here is not as much framed by whether or not Hezbollah is correct. Quite certainly, if it was to be seen as a true political organization or governing body as recognized by the world community, it would also be forced to commitment to greater acquiescence to global military and political will. Still, the…...

Australia's Health and Hospital Reform
Pages: 8 Words: 2313

These insights from the Simulation were meant to be a valuable contribution and reference for the effective implementation of Australia's health reform agenda, according to AHHA director Prue Power (AHHA).
Implications on the Medical Devices Industry

The Reform Plan may also trigger a series of swift market changes for this industry (MedicExchange, 2010). A Frost and Sullivan consultant projected that the U.S.$2.3-billion medical devices market would grow at an estimated 9% between 2009 and 2012. Approximately U.S.$98 billion was spent on healthcare goods and services in 2009 alone. . Government funding for healthcare steadily increased to respond to the need for better services especially to the ageing population and increasing rates of chronic disease. The consultant predicted that the Reform Plan would open many new growth opportunities for medical device companies. He foresaw the market achieving roughly U.S.$3 billion by this year. The Reform Plan will invest in primary and sub-acute…...



AHHA (2012). National health reforms simulated in ground-breaking event. Australian Healthcare and Hospitals Association. Retrieved on April 13, 2012 from

Mission, C. (2012). Universal healthcare facts. eHow: Demand Media, Inc. Retrieved on April 13, 2012 from

MedicExchange (2010). Australia's healthcare reforms: medical devices industry outlook. Retrieved on April 13, 2012 from 

NHHN (2010). A national health and hospitals network for Australia's future. National Health and Hospitals Network: Commonwealth of Australia. Retrieved on April 13,

Australia and the Global Economy
Pages: 2 Words: 658

5. Though it would seem appropriate to enlist the IAEA to conduct
investigations backed by UN Security Council Resolution, the political
roadblocks to this action are indicative of the danger in policy
inconsistency. The IAEA must conduct the same probing exercises in all
nations without prejudice to avoid creating political entitlement to
nuclear weapons only for allies of the global power structure.

6. It is true that the IAEA is essentially an impotent force. Its use
in the lead up to the Iraq War demonstrated its simultaneous capacity for
effectiveness in the efforts at non-proliferation as well as its central
weakness. When Security Council Resolutions placed the IAEA on the ground
there, it suggested that the body would perform the function for which it
was intended. However, with the obstruction of the United States to its
efforts, it also proved essentially meaningless in the face of powerful
opposition. This denotes the far-reaching shortcomings of the global
community as a whole.

7. In sum, the United…...

Australia as an International Citizen
Pages: 10 Words: 2786

One of Kilby's contentions, however, was that Australia's hypothesis that increased economic growth would result to poverty reduction is a framework that is not responsive to the realities of poor, developing countries, which are almost always the recipients of AusAID's aid program.
The author's claim is that AusAID's thrust -- that economic growth will result to reduced poverty -- is developed from a neoliberalist framework, which is not as responsive to the "contemporary" framework in which the present state of poor, developing nations that are the recipient of these aid programs are situated in. Kilby contested that contemporary movements in the socio-economic states of poor nations do not actually adhere to the neoliberalist belief that the economy will run by itself, that is, that people's interest would influence economic behavior and the economy will work independently from other mechanisms present in the society, particularly political ones (115).

Instead of economic growth,…...



Kilby, P. (2007). "The Australian aid program: dealing with poverty?" Australian Journal of International Affairs, 114-129.

Mares, P. (2002). Borderline: Australia's response to refugees and asylum seekers in the wake of the Tampa. Sydney: UNSW Press.

McDonald, M. (2005). "Fair weather friend? Ethics and Australia's approach to global climate change." Australian Journal of Politics and History, 216-234.

Singer, P. And T. Gregg. (2004). How ethical is Australia? Melbourne: Griffin Press.

Australia vs Canada Two Vast
Pages: 5 Words: 1456

(Likewise, the Canadian comedy circuit, it must be noted, as proved a fertile stomping ground for future Saturday Night Life alumni such as Dan Ackroyd and Martin Short, amongst others.)
Australia remains condemned by the international community for its treatment of its native populace, again, another irony in a nation founded by cast-off English convicts, condemned by their own people -- who now condemn others, so it is alleged. However, recently, the Australian government issued a report stating "Australia's Indigenous people and their culture have made and continue to make a unique contribution to this country. Their contribution together with the significant contributions of the early settlers and more recent migrants has helped build the nation we belong to today." (New Agenda for a Multicultural Australia, 2003) it has renewed its efforts to better integrate aboriginal life into a livable national community, without outright assimilation.

The similarly of culture has provoked…...


Works Cited

Australia Year Book 2003. Published by the Australia Tourist Council, 2003.

Cross, Michael. "Social history." Canadian Encyclopedia 2004.

Sanderson, Marie. "Climate." The Canadian Encyclopedia 2004.

Kalman, Howard & Edward Mills. "Native Architecture." The Canadian Encyclopedia 2004.

Australia's Financial System One of
Pages: 3 Words: 1068

S. "increased its production of goods and services in the first few months of 2009…Alone among the developed nations that belong to G-20, it was not being sucked into a world recession" (Stutchbury 2010). Its currency even reached parity with the U.S.
One unique facet of Australia's economy not present in the other developed nation that were hard-hit by the credit crisis is the expansion of its mining sector. In the years before the credit crisis "Australian iron ore was stoking the very Chinese industrialization that in turn was recycling a massive export surplus into excess U.S. consumption, driving up Washington's budget deficits, and inflating an American housing bubble that would almost bring down the global financial system" (Stutchbury 2010:4). This sustained demand for its commodities and mining products. Technology and globalization which has spread to the developing world was strong enough to keep the Australian economic 'miracle' afloat (PNC, 2011,…...



The financial system: Towards 2010. Australian Treasury Report. Accessed:

[May 2, 2011]

Everybody needs good neighbors. 2011. The Economist. Accessed:

Can you offer advice on outlining an essay discussing The causes and consequences of migration in trinindad and australia?
Words: 364

I. Introduction
A. Definition of migration
B. Importance of studying migration in Trinidad and Australia
C. Thesis statement: The causes and consequences of migration in Trinidad and Australia

II. Causes of Migration
A. Economic reasons
1. Job opportunities
2. Better living standards
B. Social reasons
1. Education
2. Family reunification
C. Environmental reasons
1. Natural disasters
2. Climate change

III. Consequences of Migration
A. Economic consequences
1. Remittances
2. Labor force dynamics
B. Social consequences
1. Cultural diversity
2. Integration challenges
C. Political consequences
1. Immigration policies
2. Impact on national identity

IV. Migration in Trinidad
A. Historical background
1. Colonial era

Can you offer advice on outlining an essay discussing The causes and consequences of migration in trinindad and australia?
Words: 363

Outline for an Essay on "The Causes and Consequences of Migration in Trinidad and Australia"

I. Introduction
A. Hook: Begin with a captivating statistic or personal anecdote related to migration.
B. Thesis statement: Clearly state the argument that migration in Trinidad and Australia has multiple causes and consequences.

II. Causes of Migration: Trinidad
A. Economic factors: Discuss the role of unemployment, low wages, and economic inequality in driving migration.
B. Social factors: Explore issues such as crime, political instability, and discrimination.
C. Environmental factors: Consider the impact of natural disasters and climate change on migration patterns.

III. Causes of Migration: Australia
A. Economic opportunities: Highlight the appeal of higher....

What is Outback Steakhouse\'s most popular bloomin\' onion appetizer?
Words: 542

Indulge in the Outback Steakhouse's Legendary Bloomin' Onion

Outback Steakhouse has tantalized taste buds since its inception in 1988, and one appetizer has consistently reigned supreme – the Bloomin' Onion. This colossal culinary creation is a testament to the restaurant's unwavering commitment to mouthwatering appetizers that complement their hearty entrees.

A Symphony of Flavor and Texture

The Bloomin' Onion is a masterpiece of culinary engineering. A whole onion is hand-cut into a magnificent flower shape, revealing layer upon layer of delicate petals. These petals are then coated in a light batter and deep-fried to a golden-brown perfection. The result is an appetizer that....

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