Lewis Sinclair's Babbitt is anything but an ordinary character and this is evident from the fact that Babbitt is now part of our general vocabulary. As Hutchison notes, "Babbitt" has become a term in our vocabulary for the philistine businessman" (Pg. 7). He is a true representative of American upper-middle class society. It is important to remember that Babbitt is not a middle class member as many would argue but he is essentially a little higher on the social stratification ladder. This is clear from the abundance and affluence that he enjoys which is not always easily available to members of American middle class. But Babbitt is neither a member of the upper elite class as he still possesses a conscious and is basically a self-made man who worked hard to become part of the American bourgeois.
Though the novel was written more than 75 years ago,…...
James M. Hutchisson, Sinclair Lewis: New Essays in Criticism. Whitston Publishing. Troy, NY. 1997.
Works of Sinclair Lewis: General Commentary., Monarch Notes, 01-01-1963.
These recommendations give way to the action intervention as it is described in Part B of the case study. Here, the bureaucratic conflicts which Babbitt identified would be addressed by a multipart strategy that does not follow the recommendations produced by this account. Indeed, entering into the intervention, Babbitt pointedly eschewed his own observations by determining to bypass reorganization in favor of simply expanding the roles of those already in central leadership positions. The Intervention segment of the case study remarks that "In doing so, he described these office-holders as having responsibility for specific business areas.i The business areas included supply, maintenance, scientific and technological research, testing and evaluation, product support, and installations and support." (CTR1, 1)
This is an important point to remember as much of the case study in the intervention section concerns the relative success Babbitt would experience in pursuing his immediate agenda of altering the broader culture…...
mlaWorks Cited:
Case Teaching Resources (CTR). (?). Air Force Commands: Diagnosing the Situation Case A. The Electronic Hallway: Evans School of Public Affairs.
Case Teaching Resources (CTR1). (?). Air Force Commands: The Intervention Case B. The Electronic Hallway: Evans School of Public Affairs.
Governmental acquisition can involve many different things. It is important for organizations that deal with governmental acquisition to understand why they do various things and what it is that they must do (Angelis, 35). This helps them not only comply with many of the financial management laws that have been created, as well as regulations dealing with these things, but it also helps manage costs as well (Angelis, 35). This is a very critical step in being able to define outputs, develop systems, identify customers, and trace and collect the costs of the various resources that they have all the way through to the outputs that they produce (Angelis, 35).
There are many different models that are designed for collecting and tracing these costs but the most popular one is known as the ABC model (Babbitt, 4). This stands for activity-based cost and it is important to look at how governmental…...
mlaWorks Cited
Angelis, D. (2001). Implementing activity-based management in an acquisition organization. Acquisition Review Quarterly, 35-39.
Babbitt, G.T. (1998). War fighters are priority one. AFMC Leading Edge, 40(9), 3-4.
Babbitt, G.T. (1998). Briefing to the American Society of Military Comptrollers & Society of Cost Estimating and Analysis.
Ely, R. (1997). Accounting and accountability. AFMC Leading Edge, 39(7), 4-9.
This abuse of Arab-Americans and Muslim-American follows the ritualized sacrifice of the pharmakos, which involved the projection of a specific set of characteristics onto the scapegoated victim, who was then sacrificed in order to restore the health and unity of the community" (p. 165). As Taslitz (2002) emphasizes, such hate crimes and stereotypical portrayals of Arab-Americans represent a firmly entrenched set of beliefs held by many Americans that contribute to the government's ability to increase its power at the expense of the civil rights afforded the ordinary citizenry. "The most serious threats to our freedom often advance in small steps," Taslitz notes, and, "The risks we assume are, in large part, reflections of laws that encourage certain customs and values" (p. 125).
This step-by-step erosion of civil liberties can be best understood as a response to the demonizing of Arabs in America as far back as the late 1800s (Akram,…...
Abu-Laban, B. (2007). Reflections on the rise and decline of an Arab-American organization. Arab Studies Quarterly, 29(3-4), 47.
Akram, S.M. (2002). The aftermath of September 11, 2001: The targeting of Arabs and Muslims in America. Arab Studies Quarterly, 61.
Babbitt, S.E. & Campbell, S. (1999). Racism and philosophy. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.
Chermak, S., Bailey, F.Y., Brown, M. (2003). Media representations of September 11. Westport, CT: Praeger.
Hazards on the Hudson
Imagine, if you will, a sunny day. A boy and his father are fishing on the beautiful waters of the Hudson River. Excitedly, the boy yells, "I got a fish! I got a fish!" He reels it in and his father removes the hook from its mouth. Dad says, "That sure is nice one, son." He then tosses the fish back in the water. hen the boy asks why, the father explains that the fish in these waters are dangerous to eat. They contain high levels of Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs).
Since the middle part of this decade, the GE Company used PCBs to pack and insulate their electrical components. During this manufacturing process they managed to dump millions of tons of dangerous chemicals into the Hudson River. Now the EPA has ordered GE to help clean up the mess they created. The legal battle has been ferocious. The…...
mlaWorks Cited
CleanupGE.org. Toxics on the Hudson: The story of GE, PCBs and the Hudson River. Retrieved at Accessed August 2002.http://www.cleanupge.org/pcbarticle.html
Clearwater.org. Fact Sheet 8: Hudson River PCB Pollution Timeline. News and Bulletins. 1997.
Retrieved at Accessed August 2002.http://www.clearwater.org/news/timeline.html
Dupont, Anna. Hudson River Interview Comparison Chart. 1999. Retrieved at Accessed August 2002.http://www.marist.edu/summerscholars/99/pol/chart.htm
In Rain Man, Raymond's area of phenomenal skill is his memory: He can remember specific details to a degree that seems supernatural. This combination of autism and specialized skill can exist but it is not at all typical of those with autism.
The cause (or causes) or autism are not yet known, although there is clear genetic component. Scientists do not even know if autism is in fact a single (or small number) of disorders or actually a large number of disorders with a variety of different causes (Geschwind 391).
Currently the gold standard of treatment for autism is a combination of special education interventions and behavioral modification therapy. Neither of these (alone or in combination) is highly effective (Myers and Johnson 1164). Certainly standard treatments for autism will not create the kind of person we see in the character of Raymond. Most autistic people will never have the kind of…...
mlaWorks Cited
American Psychiatric Association (2000). "Diagnostic criteria for 299.00 Autistic Disorder." Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th, text revision (DSM-IV-TR) ed.). Retrieved 2009-11-30.
Geschwind, David. "Autism: many genes, common pathways?." Cell 135 (3): 391 -- 5, 2008.
Myers S.M. And C.P. Johnson. "Management of children with autism spectrum disorders." Pediatrics 120 (5): 1162-82. 2007.
Treffert, Darold A. And Gregory L. Wallace. "Islands of Genius" (PDF). Scientific American, I nc. Retrieved 2009-11-28.
The basic materials might include tin cans, fragments of speech, a cough, canal boats chugging or natural snatches of Tibetan chant (all these are in a work called Etude Pathetique).
Musical instruments are not taboo: one piece used a flute that was both played and struck. Differences in balance or performance can also be used to extend the range of materials. All of this is very similar to the way that the sample integrated into popular music have included news actuality, political statements and fragments of other people's compositions." (2003) Nisbett additionally relates that the "preliminary concrete recording was described analytically in terms of a variety of sound qualities" as follows:
Instantaneous content - frequency spectrum or timbre (which might contain separate harmonics, bands of noise or a mixture of the two);
The melodic sequence of successive sound structure; and Its dynamics or envelope (the way sound intensity varies in time). (Nisbett,…...
mlaBibliography of Electronic Music." Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1966.
Darter, Tom. Greg Armbruster, ed. "The Art of Electronic Music." New York: Quill, 1984.
Davies, Hugh, ed. "International Electronic Music Catalogue." Cambridge: M.I.T Press, 1967.
Dennis, Brian. "Experimental Music in Schools." London: Oxford University Press, 1970.
Deutsch, Herbert a. "Synthesis: An Introduction to the History, Theory, and Practice of Electronic Music." New York: Alfred Publishing Company, Inc., 1976.
Global Supply Chain SecurityThe goal of a global supply chain security strategy goes past safeguarding goods in transit. It also includes minimizing disruption to the supply chain, which can arise as a result of various problems, like operational hiccups, natural disasters, or even governmental instability in parts of the world (see Ukraine currently). Because of this, good strategy requires the establishment of resilient systems that are capable of recovering from such unexpected disruptions. At the same time, compliance with international and local laws is a major component of a secure supply chain strategy, since non-compliance can result in significant disruption to operations if goods are detained at borders. Plus, this strategy has to ensure visibility and control, i.e., there are solid systems for tracking and tracing goods in transit and for monitoring operations across the entire supply chain. Ultimately, a comprehensive risk management plan should be the essence of strategy.…...
mlaReferencesAlthaf, S., & Babbitt, C. W. (2021). Disruption risks to material supply chains in the electronics sector. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 167, 105248.Mtewa, A. G., Chikowe, I., Kumar, S., Ngwira, K. J., & Lampiao, F. (2020). Good manufacturing practices and safety issues in functional food industries. Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals: Bioactive Components, Formulations and Innovations, 613-628.
On the hand, some plans may be slow to respond to the pilot's commands; complicating the piloting process, much like a sports car, for example, that under steers or a truck that over steers (Personal Communication, 2010). Bay contends that training on more than one plane of a particular model would prove to be a positive practice for airlines to implement.
Bay asserts that the following questions need to be answered regarding the cause of the crash of Flight 3407.
How much training and experience did the pilot/s have with this particular aircraft?
How many hours experience did the pilot/s have flying this particular craft?
Did a matter of pilot fatigue play a part in the incident?
Could alcohol have been a factor in the pilot's inability to "do the right thing"?
Were there any known defects with the plane?
Did any type mechanical malfunction occur?
On what date was the plane last inspected and/or serviced? (Personal
Alcohol and Flying. (N.d.). Federal Aviation Administration. Retrieved February 13, 2010
from www.faa.gov/pilots/safety/pilotsafetybrochures/media/alcohol.pdf
Baron, R. (2005). The Cockpit, the Cabin, and Social Psychology. Airline Safety.com. Retrieved February 13, 2010 from http://airlinesafety.com/editorials/CockpitCabinPsychology.htm
Black, H.C.(1990). Discovery. Black's Law Dictionary West Publishing: St. Paul, MN.
..from sin by keeping the soul unspotted from the world."
Meantime, Platonic scholar Paul Elmer More, in his book The Religion of Plato, develops the idea that at the very heart of Plato's philosophy is a "moral dualism" (there is a higher soul, the spirit, and a lower soul, the body) upon which Plato fashions ideas that link up with what was later known as Christianity. "Philosophy then may be defined to be the [higher] soul's discovery of itself, as an entity having a law and interests of its own apart from and above all this mixed and incomprehensible life of the body," More wrote (More, 48). That concept of a soul discovering itself and its worth in spiritual terms, he continued, "...is the beginning of the Platonic religion and, if not the beginning, certainly the consummation of Christianity." More even saw Christianity as "the completion of the philosophy of Plato,"…...
mlaWorks Cited
Harrington, K.W. "Santayana and the Humanists on Plato." Philosophy and Phenomenological
Research 38.1 (1977): 66-81.
More, Paul Elmer. The Religion of Plato. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1921, p. 48.
The tragic paradox of the whole book lies in the mindset of the author himself. Brooks eventually is also a "mixed-up" Bobo which he admitted in an interview with Gwen Ifill of the "News Hour" ("Yeah, I consider myself a Bobo with bad grades. If I had studied harder, I could have got into Harvard, and really made all the money and had the really big kitchen"). Of course he starts his book jeering at the Bobos (and continues to do that for about 47 pages). He ridicules and caricatures the new bankers who sit in coffeehouses listening to alternative music, He scoffs at the artsy and the rich types, who love Starbucks and Pottery Barn, bookshelves and Crate & Barrel and whose chopping tables are copied fashions from the farm of French peasants -- a type whose anxieties include how to spend money without betraying the bohemians
Till there it…...
Goodnight Moon by Margaret Wise Brown. Specifically, it will include a brief comparison between a good children's book and a bad one. In the text, author Natalie Babbitt states "Good stories are always a pleasure to read, and we like pleasure, regardless of our ages" (Norton et al. 80). Good children's books are more than stories that are easy to read, have an important message or theme, or keep the child entertained. A good children's story is a pleasure to read, and Brown's classis "Goodnight Moon" is indeed a pleasure to read, which makes it an excellent children's book.
"Goodnight Moon" was originally written in 1947, but the message it gives children is still vital and entertaining today. The book is quite easy to read, which makes it a good bedtime story, and the illustrations by Clement Hurd are enchanting, which add to the pleasure of reading this book. Good…...
Brown, Margaret Wise. Goodnight Moon. New York: Harper Collins Publishers, 1975.
Norton, Donna E., Saundra E. Norton, and Amy McClure. Through the Eyes of a Child: An Introduction to Children's Literature. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2002.
black history, the emphasis is on the events leading up to the Civil War or the advances made during the 1960s. Arc of Justice instead covers race relations in the 1920s through the experiences and court trial of Ossian Sweet, a black physician charged with murder for protecting himself, wife and child from a Detroit mob that was terrorizing their home. The event led to the creation of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People's Legal Defense Fund and nationwide action on residential segregation. The history contained in the book is interesting, but more so are the portrayals of the people involved. The author, Kevin Boyle, shows all sides of individuals as Sweet as well as defense attorney Clarence Darrow, NAACP assistant secretary Walter White, and the prosecutor obert Toms.
Sweet became the tragic hero of an incident that he would have done anything to evade. He was…...
mlaReference Cited
Goodman, Bonnie. "Interview with Kevin Boyle, Winner of the National Book Award."
History News Network. January 24, 2005. 14, November 2005
Mandatory Drug Testing
In certain professional occupations, mandatory drug testing is not only a good idea, it is very important to public safety. There are good arguments on both sides as to whether all professional athletes should be tested for drugs -- or whether high school athletes should be tested. And in the business world, one could argue that drug testing is an invasion of privacy, and unless an employee is acting irresponsibly and clearly is ineffective, there is no good reason to require regular (or even sporadic) drug testing. But this paper takes the position that employees in certain professions -- airline pilots, bus drivers and heavy equipment operators -- should accept that mandatory drug testing is part of the job. The public safety is vastly more important than concerns over personal privacy issues, hence, the need for mandatory drug testing.
The Literature on Mandatory Drug Testing -- Airline Industry
Does the…...
mlaWorks Cited
Ahlers, Mike M. (2011). FAA: United Airline's drug testing protocols flawed. CNN Travel.
Retrieved February 5, 2013, from http://articles.cnn.com.
Central Lakes College. (2008). Heavy Equipment Operations & Maintenance. Retrieved February 5, 2013, from http://www.clcmn.edu .
DiMaggio, Charles, Baker, Susan, McCarthy, Melissa, and Rebok, George. (2009). Mandatory
Howards Stern
I am the King of All Media."
-Howard Stern
Howard Stern, ordained as the King of All Media, is definitely one of the most popular figures of the media world. The popularity that he enjoys has not been overshadowed by the controversial topics of his radio show.
Stern's influence on America has come to represent a major part of the U.S. demographic, which holds one of the lowest literacy rates of all industrial countries, as his syndicated radio show receives one of the highest set of ratings around the world. His brand of in your face topics and humor has influenced a generation of people not just in the U.S., but also around the world.
This essay will discuss the historical influence of Howard Stern on American society. e will explore both the good and bad opinions that are shared about the media giant and how he changed the manner in which we…...
mlaWorks Cited caller to Howard Stern's radio show has been arrested. http://www.findarticles.com/cf_0/m0BCA/35_130/64456453/p1/article.jhtml?term=Howard+Stern
AFA Condemns Howard Stern's Remarks On New York Tragedy." September 17, 2001 http://www.afa.net/activism/aa091701.asp
Burning Stern. Broad Casting and Cable http://www.findarticles.com/cf_0/m0BCA/49_130/68213048/p1/article.jhtml?term=Howard+Stern
Howard Stern. http://www.askmen.com/men/apr00/19c_howard_stern.html
Howard Stern FAQ. http://www.findarticles.com/cf_0/PI/search.jhtml?magR=all+magazines&key=Howard+Stern
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