Bangladesh Essays (Examples)

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angladesh's poverty situation

Poverty is a major issue in today's world and it remains one of the biggest challenges for humankind to overcome. A third world country, such as angladesh, is defined as an underdeveloped nation that faces challenges in growth (either economic, agricultural, social, etc.). angladesh, a country with a population of 164 million, is one of the poorest countries in the world with a high poverty rate of 40% and a literacy rate of just 51%. Poverty in angladesh exacerbates the problem of the large social divide between the rich and the poor. Some of the causes for poverty in angladesh are unemployment, income distribution, natural disasters, and the lack of education -- among others. The poverty rate in angladesh has contributed to several issues such as child labor, high crime rates, as well as the gaping social divide. This paper will examine the issues associated with poverty….

Pakistan and Bangladesh
The theme of these articles is a lack of dependable democratic stewardship, and leadership, which includes failure to respond to citizens' needs due to social chaos and civil unrest. Bangladesh is mired in political corruption; Pakistan is engaged in jihadist-related civil strife and has struggled historically with floods, hostility and distrust vis-a-vis India and Afghanistan -- in part due to the use of "relentless propaganda" (Khan, 2010).

In the Khan article Pakistani relations with the U.S. have been strained due to the U.S. support of India, and yet the U.S. needs a strategic relationship with Pakistan. Pilling's article shows that Pakistan has attempted to help the U.S. By disrupting the Taliban and the Green / Bokhari piece reflects that six million people were impacted by floods. Jones points out that the enclaves between India and Bangladesh are "inherently misrepresented/underrepresented" (Jones, 2013). And Mahmud writes that there is so much….

Decisions about foreign direct investment can be complex, and require an incredible amount of information in order to evaluate the different options that a company needs to consider. The best methods of evaluation will apply a consistent set of criteria across a number of different variables and use these for all of the different countries. The company will also want to understand which key variables are the most important. How a country scores on a factor is one critical variable, but how important that factor is the final decision is also important. The following paper will work through a framework for understanding the desirability of a country for foreign direct investment, using the nation of Bangladesh as the prompt. The end result will be an example framework that illustrates the scoring system as applied to Bangladesh. In practice, this would then be used to evaluate Bangladesh against other countries that….

Bangladesh has made considerable progress in economic reform and growth, making the country a fairly attractive destination for international trade. In the 2015 economic freedom index, Bangladesh scored 53.9 points and was ranked the 131st freest economy in the world (Heritage, 2017). Though Bangladesh’s economy has moved from “repressed” status, significant deficiencies in the progress of reform remain. The country is still characterised by corruption, an inefficient judicial system, weak governance structures, an underdeveloped financial sector, and considerable government interference (The Financial Express, 2012;, 2014; Heritage, 2017). These factors continue to hinder development as well as the achievement and sustenance of open markets. For American companies wishing to export goods to Bangladesh, these obstacles present significant risks. This paper highlights these risks and ways of minimising the risks. Recommendations are also provided. Risks and Concerns in Financing Foreign Trade with Bangladesh
Trade plays a moderately important role in the economy of….

The United States is the #1 export partner for Bangladesh, representing 13.9% of Bangladesh's exports. However, the US is not one of the countries from which Bangladesh primarily imports (CIA World Factbook, 2017). The total trade between the two countries in 2016 was around $6.8 billion, $5.9 billion of which was from Bangladesh to the US. Imports of American goods to Bangladesh totalled just $895 million. Bangladesh is thus the 50th-largest trade partner of the US (USTR, 2017). Bangladesh exports are woven apparel ($3.8 billion), knit apparel ($1.4 billion), other textiles ($206 million) and footwear ($105 million). The US exports to Bangladesh soybeans ($232 million), cotton ($95 million), corn ($39 million) and feed/fodder ($22 million). Thus, the Bangladesh has a position as one of the clothing and footwear-producing nations exporting to the US, but really only has the means to import small amounts of agricultural goods. Trade with Bangladesh is estimated….

Training can be provided, which will assure that teachers in the IT group at least have the basic tools that they need to administer the course effectively.

The purpose of this research study is to gain insight into the potential effectiveness of a program that combines e-learning with traditional face-to-face classroom instruction in rural areas of Bangladesh. The results of this study are intended to serve in the development of policies that can be used by the government of Bangladesh in the establishment of effective IT policies. At the present time, much skepticism exists as to the effectiveness of this proposed initiative. This research will shed light onto the real potential of the initiative and the real results of the initiative the student learning, classroom attendance and other factors that might be affected by this initiative. The most important outcome of the study will be the ability to develop consistent….

Operating in these conditions helped Telenor gain valuable experience and insights into how to plan future joint ventures and alliances in emerging, high growth 3rd world nations.
Indirect benefits included gaining greater insight and intelligence with regard to the Indian consumer cell phone market in general, and the village and rural market needs specifically. Partnering with Grameen Bank provided invaluable experiences in seeing how to create profitable businesses in each village. There are many indirect benefits to Telenor and Grameen from a CSR standpoint as well, as the cell phone service they provided turned out to be a critical catalyst for growing the economies of these rural communities. By participating in the joint venture, Telenor helped create a platform of economic growth for the 29,000 villages participating in the program.

ow would you calculate the SROI (Social Return on Investment) for the Village Phone Project?

The Social Return on Investment (SROI) for….

Bangladesh Connection to the World Political aspects
Bangladesh’s cultural, political, and economic facets are its link with the remaining world. Bangladeshi art expresses the historical political and social transformations the nation has undergone over time. The previously united Bengal region is now segregated into the Indian state of West Bengal and the independent nation called the People’s Republic of Bangladesh. The former’s major religion is Hinduism while the latter’s is Islam. All through the course of history, cultural concepts and particular facets’ identifications as ‘tradition’ contributed significantly to constructing identity notions within the region, where a mingling of multiple cultures may be seen to this day (Selim, 2014). By highlighting the nation’s political developments historically, Bangladesh’s Muslim nationalism is revealed to be an alternative approach to the prior nationalism-secularism of Bengal (Hossain, 2012).
Cultural aspects
Identity – The nation’s culture, a product of centuries of amassing elements from Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam and Jainism, revolves symbolically….

Rohingya Refugee Crisis Rakhine state is historically known to be the home of Muslim population who in a large part identify as Rohinya. They have suffered legal and social discrimination and they have had historical long-standing tensions with the Buddhist Rakhine community. The violence, occasioned by inter-ethnic clashes, that was experienced in Myanmar’s Rakhine state since the August of 2017 has seen exponential number of refugees flee into Bangladesh, thereby getting exposed to terrible suffering and squalid living conditions in the refugee camps. According to the UN CERF, (2018), there were an estimated 1.2 million refugees hosted in Bangladesh which included the new refugees, the old refugees who had already migrated into the region and the affected host communities urgently needed assistance as they were in distress. Though Bangladesh, being an Islamic nation and its geographical location makes it an obvious option for the Muslim Rohingya refugees, there are other countries….

The Bangladesh culture and minority affairs The minority tribes of Bangladesh have over the years faced numerous systemic and traditional challenges. These minority tribes have been scattered on the hilly parts of Bangladesh particularly in the districts of Rangpur, Dinajpur, Rajshahi, Mymensigh, Sylhet and Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHTs). The known groups under this minority category are the Chakmas, marmas, Marungs, Chaks, Bowns, Pankoos among other tribes. The basic human rights of these groups are violated often. These violations are perpetrated by private companies and even the government agencies and if not then state agencies fail to conclusively investigate the violations. There are other third parties who are involved in the violations like the Bengali settlers, private companies, illegal land grabbers as well as the local administrations.
The minority tribes have seen massive displacements over the years. For the CHT people it can be said that since the 1940s the CHT people have….

Crisis at Footwear International
Case Summary

A multinational shoe manufacturing company has been accused of deliberately designing a shoe with an insole that is offensive to Muslims. Footwear International consists of a number of companies that are semi-autonomous with regard to operations, and are governed by boards of directors that include local business community members. The Footwear International company in Bangladesh experienced severe criticism from local activist student groups who interpreted the design of an insole to include the name of Allah. Further, the students charged the manufacturing company of being owned and financed by Jews, and somehow linked the entire episode to Salman ushdie. The designer of the shoe -- a devout Bengali Muslim who does not speak or read Arabic -- declared that the pattern integrated into the insole design was inspired by Chinese temple bells that she purchased. Further, the insole design had been considered and approved for inclusion….

Response Team Problems

The following is a response to a major disaster in the Asian coastal country of Bangladesh. A major and destructive typhoon has recently hit the country and there are significant problems. The result of this typhoon has seem massive death, destruction and population displacement, and to worsen the situation, data indicates that cases of a diarrheal disease consistent with cholera have been reported.

This essay will highlight the priorities of work that need to be addressed in order to respond to the cholera outbreak that appears imminent. This response will recommend certain actions that need to be implemented and which agencies to seek assistance from to help in making the plan work. Pre-deployment preparations for those flocking to the disaster will also be discussed to give a more descriptive form to the problem.

Impacts of Cholera Outbreaks

It is important and preliminary to understand the problems and risks associated with an cholera outbreak.….

Audit Management DQ
Consider the governance of the company owning ana Plaza and describe the regional expectations as well as best practice in this area and the benefits that adoption brings. Evaluate the governance of ana Plaza during and after the collapse of the building against these and explain how this helped or hindered ana Plaza.

The management of ana Plaza failed to ensure employee safety. In such a case, workers and suppliers equate the weakest points in relation to conditions of order and input dependency, footloose sourcing practices, and hand-to-mouth contracting. One of the incidents that happened in 2013 at Sadia Garments Ltd. saw new unionized workers facing aggressive campaigns on factory management (Ayres, 2014). Workers faced threats of violence while lead organizers were sent death threats. Later, one factory supervisor attacked the Union General Secretary for Sadia Garments with a pair of scissors while demanding for the resignation ( (n.d.).….

While the main bases are still located in the Bangladesh area, there are branches in almost every country (Muktadhara, 2001).
Most of the crimes committed by the Jamaat were done in Bangladesh and surrounding areas. The actual locations vary between Shrines, local businesses, celebrations, airfields, and sporting events. As funding increases, both their crime locations and base of operations continues to increase (Muktadhara, 2001).

The Jamaat organization dislikes the United States and other Western cultures for two main reasons. First, they challenge the western methods to achieve social and industrial reform. According to the Jamaat, their method provides more opportunity for equality and change from within, rather than changing the industry, and leaving the citizens to starve. Secondly, the Jamaat dislikes the capitalistic ways of the Western world. They view the values and methods of the United States and other western nations as actions taken against Islam, and view those actions….

' Indians across the political spectrum, especially the country's powerful nuclear weapons establishment, are critical of the NPT, arguing that it unfairly warps international hierarchies to the disadvantage of the non-nuclear-weapon states" (1998:15). In its efforts to balance the pressures from the international community with its own self-interests in formulating foreign policies, the position adopted by India has been starkly different than other countries. In this regard, Karp concludes that, "Most states party to the NPT accept the unfairness of the treaty as a tradeoff that serves their own and global interests. India's leaders insist that fair and genuine nuclear disarmament must start with the nuclear-weapon states themselves, a demand formalized by former Prime Minister ajiv Gandhi in his 1990 global nuclear disarmament initiative" (Karp 1998:14).
As a result of these events, the 20th century witnessed the formation of various positions in Indian foreign policy that would endure throughout the Cold….

Cinnamon is a highly prized spice that has been used for centuries for its unique flavor and medicinal properties. In recent years, the demand for cinnamon has been steadily increasing due to its numerous health benefits and culinary versatility. As a result, many countries have started to invest in the production and export of cinnamon to meet this growing demand.

One important aspect of the cinnamon export industry is the management system that governs the production, processing, and export of cinnamon. Effective management of the cinnamon export process is crucial in ensuring that high-quality cinnamon reaches the global market and that....

Overall, the Assamese Macaques (AMs) at the Sitakunda Botanical Garden and Eco-Park in Chattogram, Bangladesh, displayed a diverse range of feeding behaviors, activity patterns, social structures, and habitat utilization. Their diet consisted of a variety of plant species, with a preference for leaves and fruits, emphasizing their folivorous and frugivorous habits. The study also highlighted the importance of understanding the phyto-chemical composition of their food items to gain insights into their nutritional requirements and feeding strategies. By analyzing the group size, composition, activity budgets, and feeding behavior of AMs, this research provides valuable information for the conservation and management of....

The literature on the effects of cash transfer programs on the empowerment of internally displaced persons (IDPs) is extensive, with various studies examining this relationship from different angles. Cash transfer programs are increasingly being used as a tool to provide assistance to IDPs, as they are seen as a more efficient and dignified way of delivering aid compared to traditional forms of assistance such as in-kind aid.
One study by Alameddine et al. (2014) found that cash transfer programs can significantly increase the ability of IDPs to make decisions about their own lives and have a sense of control over their....

Acceptance and Utilization of Family Planning Services among Secondary School Students: A Concise Empirical Literature Review

Unplanned pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are prevalent among secondary school students worldwide. Family planning services provide essential tools for students to make informed choices about their reproductive health. This review examines recent empirical studies on the acceptance and utilization of family planning services by this population.

Acceptance of Family Planning Services
Studies indicate that secondary school students generally have positive attitudes towards family planning. A survey in Kenya found that 82% of students supported the use of contraception, while a study in Bangladesh revealed that....

9 Pages


Bangladesh's Poverty Situation Bangladesh Poverty Is a

Words: 2891
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Essay

angladesh's poverty situation angladesh Poverty is a major issue in today's world and it remains one of the biggest challenges for humankind to overcome. A third world country, such as…

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2 Pages


Bangladesh A Country With Terrible Corruption

Words: 814
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Pakistan and Bangladesh The theme of these articles is a lack of dependable democratic stewardship, and leadership, which includes failure to respond to citizens' needs due to social chaos and…

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10 Pages
Term Paper


Country Analysis of Bangladesh

Words: 3036
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Bangladesh Decisions about foreign direct investment can be complex, and require an incredible amount of information in order to evaluate the different options that a company needs to consider. The…

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5 Pages


Financing Trade with Bangladesh

Words: 1571
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Bangladesh has made considerable progress in economic reform and growth, making the country a fairly attractive destination for international trade. In the 2015 economic freedom index, Bangladesh scored 53.9…

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3 Pages

Business - International

Trade finance USA and Bangladesh

Words: 994
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

The United States is the #1 export partner for Bangladesh, representing 13.9% of Bangladesh's exports. However, the US is not one of the countries from which Bangladesh primarily imports…

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6 Pages
Research Proposal


E-Learning in Rural Bangladesh Measuring

Words: 1777
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

Training can be provided, which will assure that teachers in the IT group at least have the basic tools that they need to administer the course effectively. Conclusion The purpose…

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3 Pages
Case Study


Telenor in Bangladesh B Case

Words: 834
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Case Study

Operating in these conditions helped Telenor gain valuable experience and insights into how to plan future joint ventures and alliances in emerging, high growth 3rd world nations. Indirect benefits…

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2 Pages


Bangladesh and its Connection to the World

Words: 800
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Bangladesh Connection to the World Political aspects Bangladesh’s cultural, political, and economic facets are its link with the remaining world. Bangladeshi art expresses the historical political and social transformations the nation…

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1 Pages


Bangladesh refugee influx from Rohingya

Words: 361
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Essay

Rohingya Refugee Crisis Rakhine state is historically known to be the home of Muslim population who in a large part identify as Rohinya. They have suffered legal and social discrimination…

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1 Pages


The culture of minority tribes of Bangladesh

Words: 364
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Essay

The Bangladesh culture and minority affairs The minority tribes of Bangladesh have over the years faced numerous systemic and traditional challenges. These minority tribes have been scattered on the hilly…

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5 Pages
Case Study


Crisis at Footwear International Case Summary a

Words: 1508
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Case Study

Crisis at Footwear International Case Summary A multinational shoe manufacturing company has been accused of deliberately designing a shoe with an insole that is offensive to Muslims. Footwear International consists of…

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3 Pages


Response Team Problems

Words: 799
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Cholera The following is a response to a major disaster in the Asian coastal country of Bangladesh. A major and destructive typhoon has recently hit the country and there are…

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10 Pages


Risk Management and Mitigation Strategies at Rana Plaza

Words: 3177
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

Audit Management DQ Consider the governance of the company owning ana Plaza and describe the regional expectations as well as best practice in this area and the benefits that adoption…

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6 Pages
Term Paper


Terrorism Who Leads the Group

Words: 1998
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

While the main bases are still located in the Bangladesh area, there are branches in almost every country (Muktadhara, 2001). Most of the crimes committed by the Jamaat were…

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26 Pages

History - Asian

Indian-Israeli Relations Valuable to India's

Words: 9235
Length: 26 Pages
Type: Thesis

' Indians across the political spectrum, especially the country's powerful nuclear weapons establishment, are critical of the NPT, arguing that it unfairly warps international hierarchies to the disadvantage of…

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