Bastard Out Of Carolina Essays (Examples)

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Bastard Out of Carolina by Dorothy Allison
Pages: 3 Words: 1036

BASTARD OUT OF CAROLINA is a difficult book not because of the narration style but solely because of its contents. It is not easy to read the text when you know that a 12-year-old child would become victim of sexual abuse and extreme physical violence. On top of that, there is hardly any feel-good ending to this real-life story and one may be left with more questions than answers. Dorothy Allison's novel is autobiographical in nature with Bone representing young Allison in South Carolina. Bone was 'illegitimate' as her birth certificate indicated and together with extreme poverty and hunger, she presents the real and complete picture of a true social victim.
Apart from Bone herself, it is her mother, Anney who plays an important role in the novel, as it is solely due to her inability to take action at the right time that causes young Bone her innocence, her childhood,…...

Orchestrate the Plot Such That the Characters
Pages: 5 Words: 1667

orchestrate the plot such that the characters are forced to make crucial decisions regarding their most centrally held values and beliefs; whichever action a specific character chooses serves to inform the audience as to what type of individual he or she is. It should not be surprising, therefore, that the motif of abuse, in particular, occurs in tales throughout history; but also, considering each story's social context allows for insight into these singular characterizations, as well as, a better grasp of the underlying values permeating their settings. Through the characters in The Bluest Eye and Bastard out of Carolina their particular moral settings become clear, and the similarities seem to span many of the divides of race. Centrally, the key issues in both novels seem to be poverty, oppression, and their emotional consequences; in other words, the themes within The Bluest Eye and Bastard out of Carolina are similar…...


Works Cited:

1. Allison, Dorothy. Bastard out of Carolina. New York: Dutton, 1992.

2. Morrison, Toni. The Bluest Eye. New York: Plume, 1970.

Media Review Project the 1993 Film What's
Pages: 5 Words: 1660

Media eview Project
The 1993 film "What's Love Got To Do With It" presents many of the classic symptoms and effects of domestic violence. As such, it provides a great deal of insight into this phenomenon, both on the part of the abuser and on the one who is receiving the abuse. The film is a musical biography of Tina Turner, who was one of the late 20th century's most popular singers. The movie opens up with Tin Turner as a young girl singing in a church choir. Even at this early age her prowess as a singer, the power of her voice and the zeal she expresses through her musical performance, become readily apparent. It is crucial to note that despite such an enthusiastic performance, Tina Turner (who is going by her true name at this point, Anna Mae Bullock), is enduring a tumultuous home life. Her mother eventually abandons…...



Center for Substance Abuse Treatment. (1997. Substance Abuse Treatment and Domestic Violence. Rockville (MD): Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Retrieved from 

Ebert, R. (1993). "What's love got to do with it." Retrieved from 

Maslin, J. (1993). "What's love got to do with it film review." The New York Times. Retrieved from

Tempest -- the Blockbuster a
Pages: 4 Words: 1121

He would need to do that here, for sure.
Caliban is a slave, which might be a problem for the actor. He is also a drunkard in some scenes, calling for understanding and a physical presence, too. Foxx has the physique necessary for this assignment, too. He could certainly carry off wearing a loin-cloth and cloak, as the wood-carrying scene seems to require. He is a master of both physical and mental acting, and that would be important with this character, who can be both brutal and endearing. There could be a problem with Foxx. Caliban requires an actor who can be both commanding and very subservient. He is fearful of "spirits." "Here comes a spirit of his, and to torment me" (Shakespeare 77, 15), and he offers to lick Trinculo's foot simply for a drink. "I will kiss thy foot" (Shakespeare 85, 155). Whoever plays Caliban has to represent…...



Shakespeare, William. "The Tempest." 77-87.

101st Airborne Division Headquartered in
Pages: 6 Words: 1911

The 101st Division has also supported humanitarian relief efforts in Rwanda and Somalia, and have been deployed as peacekeepers to Haiti and Bosnia (101st).
As part of the 2003 invasion of Iraq, Operation Iraqi Freedom, the Screaming Eagles were deployed once again to Iraq (101st). "The division was in V Corps, providing support to the 3rd Infantry Division by clearing Iraqi strong-points which that division had bypassed" (101st). Using the city of Mosul as their primary base of operations, they then went on to become part of the occupation forces in Iraq before being withdrawn in 2004 for rest and refit (101st). The existing infantry brigades, artillery brigade, and aviation brigades were transformed as part of the Army's modular transformation, with the addition of re-activating a new 4th Brigade Combat Team, called Currahee, and its subordinate units to form a 6-7 major units division, one of the Army's largest (101st).



Works Cited

101st Airborne Division. Wikipedia. Retrieved July 08, 2006 at 

101st 1 Airborne Division: Air Assault. Fort Campbell, Kentucky. Retrieved July 08, 2006 at

Lone Sentry. Retrieved July 08, 2006 at

Rap Since the Increased Interest
Pages: 7 Words: 2439

These findings suggest that rap may affect society in several ways. For example, how adolescent whites perceive rap may impact their support for race-based policies such as Affirmative Action as they grow older and become more politically involved. Further, to the extent that rap helps to promote interracial relationships, cross-racial social networks resulting from rap may increase employment opportunities for blacks and other non-whites (97).
However, state Thompson and Brown, another scenario is just as plausible. Since so many of the studies on racial attitudes and rap music have been cross-sectional, it is possible that over time the relationship between whites' opinions on rap music and racial attitudes may change. It is feasible that as the average young adult white rap supporters get older, have a family, and begin a career, the relationship between their opinions of rap music and their perceptions of blacks and support for liberal values may…...



Aaron, C. 1998..Black Like Them. Spin Magazine

Farley, C. 1999..Hip-Hop Nation. Time, February 8.

Goff, J.R. 2002. Close Harmony. Greenboro: University of North Carolina Press.

Jackson-Brown, I. 1990. Developments in black gospel performance and scholarship.

Psychobiography of Chuck Yeager
Pages: 7 Words: 2045

Personality Theories in Chuck Yeager's Life
General Yeager was born in 1923, in Myra, .Va., and is a graduate of Hamlin, .Va., High School. He enlisted in the Army Air Corps in September of 1941, and was then accepted for pilot training under the flying sergeant program in July of 1942. Yeager received his pilot wings and appointment as a flight officer in March of 1943 at Luke Field in Arizona

During orld ar II, General Yeager distinguished himself in aerial combat over France and Germany during the years 1943-1945 by shooting down 13 German aircraft. In fact, he shot down five on one mission, including one of Germany's first jet fighters. On March 5, 1944, he was shot down over German-occupied France but escaped capture when friendly factions of the French Maquis helped him to reach the safety of the Spanish border.

He returned to the United States in February 1945…...


Works Cited

Yeager, Chuck & Janos, Leo. "Yeager." New York: Bantam.

Promise to My Partner That I Would
Pages: 2 Words: 926

promise to my partner that I would complete my education, get my bachelors degree and that I would go forth, and rise through the ranks, with him to become at least a Lieutenant in the detective bureau.
My reasons for attending AMU.

Promotional opportunities

Squad leader

Still receive overtime pay

Career Interview

Introduce commanding officer

Awards and recognition

Suitability for Lieutenant

Benefits of position


The purpose of this paper is to introduce and discuss the career I am hoping to work in. Since I already work in my chosen field, I will cover some of my accomplishments so far, and what I hope to accomplish with my promotion to Lieutenant. On September 11, 2001, I was on the initial response team to the World Trade Center. My partner Detective Joe Vigiano was killed as well as three members of my unit. On the same morning at about 0600, I made a promise to my partner that I would…...



Allee, William. Personal Interview. 25 Nov. 2002.

Benefits." Patrolmen's Benevolent Association. 8 Nov. 2002. 26 Nov. 2002.

Careers." 2002. 26 Nov. 2002.

Chambers, Harry E. Getting Promoted: Real Strategies for Advancing Your Career. Reading, MA: Perseus Publishing, 1999.

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