Batman Essays (Examples)

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Batman Outfit Exploring the Batman
Pages: 10 Words: 3211

Another theme which is symbolized by this dual, contradictory character in atman films is fear, especially Christopher Nolan's atman egins. The darkness of atman's outfit instills fear. ruce Wayne is initially scared of a bat he sees out the window and bat is also a dark color. What ruce is in atman egins is an individual with fear who not only tries to overcome it but also becomes part of it. atman's main antagonist in the film is also a character both instilling and absorbing fear: Scarecrow. His name symbolizes fear and also refers to a crow which is also of dark color and sometimes a metaphor for bad luck. atman egins depicts how fear can overwhelm any creature, any human regardless of their power and their morals. atman is the most powerful character in the film but he also has to overcome fear, while at the same time he…...



"America's Batman Creator Dies at 83," BBC Online, 6 November 1998, available at (Accessed: 12 December 2010).

"Batman Begins Production Notes -- the Batsuit & Gadgetry," Warner Bros., undated, available at   (Accessed: 12 December 2010). 

Brian, Marshall. "How the Batmobile Works," HowStuffWorks, undated, available at . (Accessed: 12 December 2010).

"Christopher Nolan Revisits and Analyzes His Favorite Scene in 'Dark Knight,'" Los Angeles Times, 28 October 2008, available at (Accessed: 12 December 2010).

Theories and Perspectives on Deviance in the Batman Fiction
Pages: 5 Words: 1622

atman 1989
As depicted in this DC-comic-based movie, Gotham City is a fictionalized concept of New York or Chicago in the late 30s rather than in the bicentennial period of its independence in 1776. The behavior of the characters, the black-and-white television sets, the locale and the overall mood of the fiction are suggestive of that period before the last War rather than of the conditions in New York or Chicago in 1976 or 200 years after American independence, as the time setting of the fiction. This is when atman makes his first appearances, which strike terror in the hearts of lawbreakers in the City.

The harshness and despondent atmosphere in the fiction reflect the huge economic and social impact of the Great Depression of 1929 on Americans at that time (Free Servers, 2015). They blamed their economic and social troubles on then President Herbert Hoover who was at a complete for…...



Anonymous (2015). Conceptualizing deviance. Sociology 255: Introduction to Deviance and Social Control. A Power Point Presentation

Anonymous (n.d.). Social interaction and social regulation. Theories of Deviance lecture notes

Free Servers (2015). 1930-1939. History Timeline. Retrieved on October 15, 2015 from

Little, W. and McGovern, R. (2014). Introduction to sociology. First Canadian Edition:

Fan Fiction Batman Batman The Next Generation
Pages: 3 Words: 909

Fan Fiction: Batman
Batman: The Next Generation (2033).

Episode 1: Setting the scene

The source of Alfred Wayne's fortune was shadowy, even to Alfred. From a young age, Alfred had been raised by a series of maids and butlers. He did know, however, that a higher intelligence had been guiding his growth and development from a young age. Unlike some rich boys, he was placed on a strict stipend, according to the wishes of his late father's will. (There was no mention of Alfred's mother in the will, not even her identity). His late father Bruce also mandated that his son be exposed to all of the suffering of the world. Alfred was told, at various intervals, that he must go abroad to volunteer in impoverished regions of the world, as a condition of his inheritance. He was also required to go to college, and, after receiving his acceptance from an institution, he…...

Evolution of Batman From the
Pages: 14 Words: 4714

In Miller's Batman, one sees a man waging war on a world that has sold its soul for empty slogans and nationalism: the Dark Knight represents a kind of spirit reminiscent of what the old world used to call the Church Militant -- he is virtue violently opposed to all forms of vice -- even those that bear the letter S. On their chests and come in fine wrapping.
Miller's graphic novel paved the way for Burton's dark film noir adaptation (the ill-fated Lt. Eckhardt is an homage to Orson elles' fat, corrupt police chief in the noir film Touch of Evil), and the 90s found Batman back on the television screen -- this time in an animated series that had Mark Hamil (of Star ars fame) voicing what many fans have claimed to be the best Joker of all. Batman: The Animated Series returned the Batman myth to the…...


Works Cited

Burton, Tim, dir. Batman. Los Angeles: Warner Bros, 1989. Film.

Butler, Joel. "Batman and the Rule of Law." The National Legal Eagle, vol. 17, no. 2,

2011: 6-8. Print.

Ebert, Roger. "The Dark Knight." Chicago Sun-Times. 2008. Web. 30 Dec 2011.

Dark Knight Returns Almost Since His Debut
Pages: 6 Words: 2003

Dark Knight Returns
Almost since his debut in 1939, the character of Batman has alternately been condemned and celebrated as an image of male homosexuality, and the various subsequent iterations of the character have frequently alluded to this characterization, whether implicitly or explicitly. In his seminal 1986 book The Dark Knight Returns, author and illustrator Frank Miller takes uses the potentially homosexual signification of Batman's character as a means of exploring his psychological motivations by presenting Batman's anger, drive, and physicality as indicative of repressed homosexual tendencies. These tendencies reemerge in his interactions with the new (female) Robin, a highly feminized Joker, as well as Batman's relationship both female and male characters, such as the former Catwoman Selina Kyle, retiring police commissioner James Gordon, and the leader of a violent gang called the Mutants. By examining these interactions in light previous scholarship concerning Batman's potential for homosexual signification, one is able…...


Works Cited

Medhurst, Andy. "Batman, Deviance, and Camp." Open Culture, n.d. Web. 12 May 2012.


Miller, Frank. The Dark Knight Returns. 10th Anniversary ed. New York: DC Comics, 1996.

Dark Knight Rises Has Had a Very
Pages: 4 Words: 1501

Dark Knight rises has had a very strong fan following ever since the release of Batman Begins (2005) and the Dark Knight (2008). Therefore, it was not surprising to find the excited and anxious crowd in a very huge number. The crowd had already set the mood of the film as they cheered and roared with excitement to watch the film, thanks to the trailers that had filled the crowd with a lot of hope for this film.
Usually the best seat to have in a theatre is in the middle of the theatre and in the centre. So that it is not much elevated or has a side perspective of the film. All this said, I was not very lucky to get the seat in the extreme centre, but I did manage to get four seats away from the centre (middle row). The view was not bad so I had…...


Works Cited

Cox and Greg. The Dark Knight Rises. London: Titan, 2012.

Snider, T and Brandon. The Dark Knight Rises. New York, N.Y.: Harper Festival, 2012.

Dark Knight
Pages: 5 Words: 1332

Dark Knight Hero
Myths are extremely important in navigating through the human experience. Their practicality and methods of delivering a message are rather powerful and can be conducted in a variety of ways. One such way of telling a myth is through movie and film. The movie The Dark Knight, released in 2008, is a fine example of how, through motion pictures, the importance of a myth can be revealed to the viewer.

The purpose of this essay is to analyze The Dark Knight through Seger's essay to help illuminate the relationships between myth and modern culture. To accomplish this, this essay will use the 10 step process of the "hero myth" Seger described in her writings. Through this analysis the importance of myth can help be explained by using the character of Bruce Wayne or Batman as the central figure.


Seger's interpretation of the hero myth are described as coming "from our…...



The Dark Knight. Directed by Christopher Nolan. 2008, Legendary Pictures. Film Seger, L. (2003). Creating the myth. In S. Maasik & J. Solomon (Eds.). Signs of life.

Boston: Bedford/St. Martin

Superhero Ksaos
Pages: 2 Words: 674

superhero is no easy feat or task. In order to be a successful superhero, one must possess a universal set of knowledge, skills, and abilities. Based upon Christopher Nolan's interpretation of Batman, it can be argued that Bruce Wayne/Batman possesses the necessary knowledge, skills, and abilities to be a superhero.
In order to be successful as a superhero one must know the difference between right and wrong. This ability to discriminate between right and wrong allows a superhero to establish his or her mission. Initially, Bruce Wayne was unable to distinguish between right and wrong and was, in fact, contributed to the evil that he came to revile. In Batman Begins (2005), Wayne is shown to gain first-hand knowledge of the criminal underworld through observation and participation. Through this knowledge, Wayne is able to develop a mission that was supported by his knowledge and experiences. Additionally, knowledge about the limitations…...

Tim Burton - Movie Director
Pages: 2 Words: 653

Amazingly, all of the movies mentioned above ranked in the top ten at the box office. atman was the most financially lucrative with a number one box-office rating and a total gross of just over $251 million followed by atman Returns with a number two box-office rating and a total gross of nearly $163 million. Ed Wood was the least successful and came in at number nine at the box office and grossed about $5.8 million (Tim urton FAQ).

In 2001, urton's Planet of the Apes was panned by the critics, leaving some to question if urton had lost his luster. (Andac). About the same time as Planet of the Apes, both of urton's parents died within a short space of time (Jackson and McDermott, 2004). In 2003, he bounced back with ig Fish, a story of a man trying to reconnect with his dying father. This was one of urton's…...



Andac, B. Tim Burton. Senses of Cinema. Retrieved January 26, 2005 from Web site: 

Jackson, M. And McDermott, A. (2004). The Tim Burton Collective. Retrieved January 26, 2005 from Web site: 

Tim Burton. FILMBUG. Retrieved January 26, 2005 from Web site: 

Tim Burton FAQ. Rochester Institute of Technology. Retrieved January 26, 2005 from Web site:

Graphic Novel Watchmen by Alan Moore It
Pages: 5 Words: 1823

graphic novel Watchmen by Alan Moore. It is basically about what inspired Watchmen's themes, story, and characters. As well as what Watchmen has influenced and how it has been influenced by other comics and heroes like Batman and uperman among others. Watchman and its influences
Watchman, authored by Alan Moore, artist Dave Gibbons, and colourist John Higgins was created in 1986 / 1987 in response to contemporary anxieties and as means of critiquing the superhero concept.

Watchman recreates history where superheroes emerged in the 1940s and 1950s who helped the U..A. win the war against Vietnam and later is involved in preventing nuclear war with the U...R. Most former superheroes have retired or are working for the government, so contumely freelance vigilantes are arbitrarily and voluntarily doing the job of protecting the country. The protagonists actively fight and strategically plot to help retired superheroes survive and they work to stave off…...



Amaya, Erik. (September 30, 2008) Len Wein: Watching the Watchmen. Comic Book Resources..

Cooke, J.B. (August 2000) Alan Moore discusses the Charlton-Watchmen Connection. Comic Book Artist.

Contino, Jennifer M. (December 28, 2008. ) Who Watches Rich Johnston's Watchmensch.

Kavanagh, B. (October 17, 2000.) The Alan Moore Interview: Watchmen characters.

Film Industry Merchandising as a Key Revenue Source
Pages: 9 Words: 2590

Merchandising as a Key Revenue Source in the Film IndustryIntroductionThere is no doubt whatsoever that the film industry has become more competitive over the last few decades. To continue being relevant in this increasingly competitive field, there is need for studios as well as filmmakers to consider new revenue sources. One such revenue source happens to be film merchandising. One example of a film that deployed merchandising as an additional revenue source is Batman (1989). It would be prudent to note, from the onset, that very few film researchers and authors have explored the potential of this particular revenue stream. Whereas there are some who are convinced that films could make more money by embracing merchandising, there are others who discount the relevance of this approach on multiple fronts, i.e. in as far as the generation of additional revenue is concerned. Indeed, some argue that the same could break a…...

Activities to Reduce Inappropriate Behaviors Displayed by
Pages: 25 Words: 10021

Activities to Reduce Inappopiate Behavios Displayed by Childen With Autism and Othe Developmental Disabilities
The pupose of this dissetation study is to test the effectiveness of an eveyday activities-based potocol (Holm, Santangelo, Fomuth, Bown & Walte, 2000) fo managing challenging and disuptive behavios of 13- to 23-yea-old esidential students (male and female) with Autism who live at Melmak Homes, Inc., of southeasten Pennsylvania, and attend school o adult day pogams. Applied behavio analysis and a focus on eveyday occupations (activities) will be combined duing the intevention phase. Reinfocement will be fo subtask completion and duation of paticipation, NOT fo absence of taget maladaptive o disuptive behavios. Behavio analysts, howeve, will document the fequency/duation of the taget behavios duing each condition. Inteventions will occu daily, Monday though Fiday. A single-subject, multiple-baseline, acoss-subjects design with nine subjects will be used to evaluate change in behavios unde altenating conditions. Data will be analyzed…...


references, and favorites)

Child and Family Assets

(Abilities, strengths, skills, accomplishments, and capabilities)

Functional and Meaningful Interactions

(Purposeful interactions; ways interests and assets are used in everyday life)

Christopher Nolan Technique the British-Born
Pages: 2 Words: 627

Nolan's Dark Knight deals directly with the idea of a hero's control over his world by pitting the emblem of anarchy (the Joker) against Batman (a mythological hero, supported by technology that borders on the totalitarian). Nolan questions the degree of power that someone like Batman should possess and whether or not he actually possesses it. Much of the film is spent analyzing this philosophical query, with Batman's tech-support man Lucius Fox even weighing in with his two cents. Regardless of the film, Nolan inserts the same preoccupations again and again.
For example, in the Prestige, Nolan advances the speculations of philosopher Martin Heidegger by examining the illusion of time with a nonlinear narrative: "For Heidegger, authentic temporality concerns itself above all with the future, whereas the film's notion of time is tied to repetition. According to the logic set forth by the Prestige, the idea of time as linear…...


Works Cited

Gargett, Adrian. "Nolan's Memento, Memory, and Recognition." Comparative

Literature and Culture, vol. 4, no. 3, 2002, pp. 2-9.

McGowan, Todd. "The Violence of Creation in the Prestige." International Journal of Zizek Studies, vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 1-31.

Rosenstock, Martin. "Review: Inception and Philosophy: Ideas to Die for." Image & Narrative, vol. 13, no. 1, 2012, pp. 114-116.

Tezuka and Miller -- Compare
Pages: 3 Words: 1087

Indeed Tezuka takes great liberties with Buddha, invents scenarios, but his Manga generally stays true to the life of Buddha (Siddhartha) and his spiritual journey to battle injustice (including the caste system), to help those in need during famine, warfare and drought.
Hence, Buddha is editorially far, far apart in style and in concept from Dark Knight, which in comparison, is frivolous and cliched. Aside from the superhero antics -- and saving people from villains -- Dark Knight is a pithy formula-riddled comic that delights readers in a totally different way from the readers' pleasure while going through the many volumes of Buddha. Indeed, many people who are not Buddhists, and have no real knowledge of Buddha and his travels, have been getting an education of sorts by reading Buddha.

Tezuka has brilliant story-telling abilities but his ability to combine the story with the dramatic visual effect brings out a warm…...

Use of Pop Culture in Education
Pages: 10 Words: 3380

Popular Culture in the Classroom
From the wide range of materials teachers can use in the classroom, popular culture is one of the best sources. They appear to public attention as the indication of the rapid growth of the society. Many of the pop culture icons are mostly well-known, regionally and internationally. Students enjoy working with pop culture that they are familiar with. Some of them think that such materials are less intimidating than heavy textbooks. With appropriate use and organized application, the pop icons can be remarkable teaching tools in the classroom. eading sources and mass produced resources are widely available in all seasons, giving teachers plentiful options.

Despite the 'pop' reputation, the community does not need to worry that these materials would wreck the traditional schooling rules. Modern people are quite erudite to recognize popular culture items more than just as second-class articles. In fact, the culture symbols were…...



Amster, S. (2000). Shakespeare vs. Teletubbies: Is There a Role for Pop Culture in the Classroom? Adams 5th Publication July/August 2000. Retrieved Mar. 25, 2003 from Harvard Education Letter Research Online. Web site:

Brooks, E. (1994). Japanese Popular Culture in the Classroom. Retrieved Mar. 25, 2003 from National Clearinghouse for U.S.-Japan Studies Indiana University. Web site: 

Burghes, D. And Galbraith, P. 2000. Teaching Mathematics Through National Lotteries. International Journal for Mathematics Teaching and Learning. Retrieved Mar. 25, 2003 from Centre for Innovation in Mathematics Teaching University of Exeter. Web site: 

Curry, D.L. (2003) Taking Trips to Museums Online. In The Digital Classroom Questions and Answers. Retrieved Mar. 25, 2003 from Creative Classroom Online. Web site:

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