Beauty And The Beast Essays (Examples)

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Beauty and the Beast
Pages: 10 Words: 3461

Beauty & the Disney Beast
"Beauty and the Beast" was never really about beauty or ugliness. It has always been about admiration; the reaching out and obtaining of a kind of wealth that otherwise seemed beyond comprehension. Not surprisingly, of course, since ugliness cannot be rewarded in its own right -- or at least it couldn't be prior to the advent of reality TV -- the creature gifted with the keys to the treasury was almost always a character of seemingly mysterious appeal, the beautiful woman. The fact that what made for the physical or intellectual basis of that beauty could itself be transformed into its own kind of commodity & #8230; well, that was just another kind of deception.

There is no question but that it is impossible to do justice to the many transformations of Beauty and the Beast since its incarnation (though Windling did an exceptional job). There are…...



Ashley (2004). Disney Princesses and Feminism: a brief (and biased) history. Pussy Goes GRRR. Viewable at .

Brode, D. (2004). From Walt to Woodstock - How Disney Created the Counterculture. University of Texas Press.

Brode, D. (2005). Multiculturalism and the Mouse -Race and Sex in Disney Entertainment. University of Texas Press.

Davis, J. (2009). The Many Versions of Beauty and the Beast. Children's Books: Suite 101. Viewable at

Beauty and the Beast Beauty
Pages: 6 Words: 1874

hile the sisters have to rub their eyes with an onion to make it look like they are crying, the brothers actually shed real tears. Beauty, on the other hand, "did not cry at all, because she did not want to make everyone even sadder" (De Beaumont 71). In addition to serving as another case in which women's self-expression is discouraged, this incident shows the brother's favorable characterization in light of the women's unfavorable one. In this instance only the men are sincere, expressing the emotions they feel. The brothers cry and the father begs her daughter to stay behind. It is only the women who deceive others as to their real feelings, one way or another. Another example of a case in which Beauty is described as inferior to a man is the dinner where Beauty asks the Beast if she can return home to see her father.…...


Works Cited

de Beaumont, Jean-Marie Leprince. "Beauty and the Beast." The Annotated Classic

Fairytales. Ed. Maria Tater. New York, Norton, 2002. 58-94.

Griswold Jerome and Jerry Griswold. The Meanings of "Beauty and the Beast."

Peterborough: Broadview Press, 2004.

Beauty Beast Judgment and Superficiality in Beauty
Pages: 4 Words: 1293

Beauty Beast
Judgment and Superficiality in "Beauty and the Beast": Parsing a Fairytale from a Postmodern Perspective

It is the conceit of nearly every epoch to assume that certain ideas, perspectives, and frameworks are new or unique to the current time, and with postmodernism this has extended to the notion of purposefully and meaningfully fragmented texts. That is, many postmodernists view fragmentation and purposeful alienation from reality -- truly, a questioning of what constitutes reality -- as the quintessential and definitive postmodern element (Erb, 51). hile it cannot be denied that the postmodern period and postmodern works frequently embrace and utilize such fragmentation, and while perhaps no era has used it to the extremes or with the prevalence as the postmodern era, it must also be acknowledged that concepts of alienation from truth and reality are not new to the period, though they were dealt with quite differently in earlier texts. The…...


Works Cited

Beaumont, Jeanne-Marie Le Prince de. "Beauty and the Beast." Accessed 2 May 2012. 

Craven, Allison. Beauty and the Belles: Discourses of Feminism and Femininity in Disneyland. European Journal of Women's Studies 9(2) (2002): 123-42.

Davidheiser, James C. Fairy Tales and Foreign Languages: Ever the Twain Shall Meet. Foreign Language Annals 40(2) (2007): 215-25.

Erb, Cynthia. Another World or the World of an Other? The Space of Romance in Recent Versions of "Beauty and the Beast." Cinema Journal 34(4) (1995): 50-70.

Beauty From the Earliest Times
Pages: 4 Words: 1110

Varying forms of what could best be described as peer pressure have also led to the skewing of the perceptions of beauty over the ages; whether one is looking at the popular fads that have grabbed the attention (and wallets) of young people probably for as long as young people have gathered together in groups, or the adult ideas of beauty that spring from something such as nice clothing, a fine horse or in modern times a new vehicle with all of the best features, the influence of others has led people to follow a preconceived notion of beauty and the lack of beauty as well.

Can Morality be Attached to Beauty?

Just as cultural mores can and have led to perceptions of beauty or the lack of beauty for as long as the human race has existed, and the morality imposed on humans by the organized religions of the world, morality…...


Works Cited

Burke, William. "A Note on the Relationship of Beauty and Peace." International Journal of Humanities and Peace 17.1 (2001): 53.

Gimlin, Debra L. Body Work: Beauty and Self-Image in American Culture. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 2002.

Lane, Belden C. "Jonathan Edwards on Beauty, Desire and the Sensory World." Theological Studies 65.1 (2004): 44+.


Price Beauty 'For Though Beauty Is Seen
Pages: 20 Words: 6265

Price Beauty?
'For though beauty is seen and confessed by all, yet, from the many fruitless attempts to account for the cause of its being so, enquiries on this head have almost been given up"

illiam Hogarth, The Analysis of Beauty, (1753)

Not very encouraging words, but if the great artist illiam Hogarth felt himself up to the task, we can attempt at least to follow his lead. That beauty is enigmatic goes almost without saying. Different ages, different cultures, and even different individuals, will have their own definitions of "beauty." The problem is more than skin deep. Any term that can be so widely and irregularly employed is bound to trap the casual researcher ... Or reader ... Or viewer ... Or for that matter, any other human being who attempts to define what is and what is not "beauty." People, places, things -- even ideas dreams -- can all be…...


Works Cited

Al-Braizat, Fares. "Muslims and Democracy: An Empirical Critique of Fukuyama's Culturalist Approach." International Journal of Comparative Sociology (2002): 269+.

Browne, Stephen H. "EDMUND BURKE (1729-1797)." Eighteenth-Century British and American Rhetorics and Rhetoricians: Critical Studies and Sources. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1994. 42-50.

Callaghan, Karen A., ed. Ideals of Feminine Beauty: Philosophical, Social, and Cultural Dimensions. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1994.

"The Eighteenth-Century Beauty Contest." Eighteenth-Century Literary History: An MLQ Reader. Ed. Brown, Marshall. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 1999. 204-234.

Supportable Logical Textual Evidence Written Component Options
Pages: 5 Words: 1999

supportable logical textual evidence written component options. You analyze primary texts relevant question principles close reading -- noting items word choice, similes, metaphors, connotations, .
"Beauty and the Beast:" Fairy tale vs. cinema

The story "Beauty and the Beast" is one of the most popular juvenile fairy tales of all time. It has also been a potent source of metaphor for many authors and filmmakers. One of the most famous written versions of the fairy tale for children is one authored by Jeanne-Marie Le Prince de Beaumont. Beaumont uses the story in a didactic fashion, both to illustrate the values of Beauty and the superior values of the countryside. hen Beauty's family is located in the city, her sisters adopt the shallow and superficial values of the city and refuse to associate with people of their own merchant class. Only after being humbled in the countryside does the youngest daughter prove…...


Works Cited

La Belle et la Bete. Directed by Jean Cocteau. 1946

Ebert, Roger. Beauty and the Beast. Review. Chicago Sun Times. 26 Dec 1999. [4 Jul 2012] 

Le Prince de Beaumont, Jeanne-Marie. "Beauty and the Beast." From the Norton Anthology of Children's Literature. New York: Norton, 2005

Elephants Dovima
Pages: 4 Words: 1394

Dovima ith Elephants
Richard Avedon's photograph "Dovima with Elephants" was taken in Paris, France during the month of August in 1955. It was a commercial piece for Harper's Bazaar to promote the work of Christian Dior. The picture was taken with trained circus elephants that are visibly shackled while the woman at the center is not, indicating the underlying social tension and low position of women during the period, although that might not have been realized at the time the photograph was taken. The model Dovima, who was born Dorothy Juba, is wearing a whit Dior evening gown and, as the title of the picture suggests, she is surrounded on both sides by large elephants. There are actually two photographs which have the same title and were taken on the same day. One has the model in a black dress. They are both culturally significant but for the sake of cultural…...


Works Cited

Edwards, Owen. "Fashion Faux Paw: Richard Avedon's Photograph of a Beauty and the Beasts

is Marred, He Believed by One Failing." Smithsonian Magazine, October 2005.

Pochna, Marie France. Christian Dior: the Man who Made the World Look New. Arcade, 1996.

Swartz, Mimi. "The Couture Cinderella." Vanity Faire, June 1991.

Beautiful Is Good Although Present
Pages: 2 Words: 560

The ancient story involving Eros and Psyche also deals with the concept of beautiful as being equivalent to good. Psyche is tricked into thinking that her lover is actually a serpent who actually wants to consume her and her child when it will need to be fed. Even with the fact that she is familiar with her husband's character, Psyche listens to her sisters and cannot possibly live with him as long as she envisions him as a monster. This demonstrates that humanity had long considered this debate and related to it with the purpose of having people understand that beauty does not necessarily make a person better, as he or she should be simply judged on account of his or her attributes.

One is likely to experience a lot of episodes involving people appreciating other people on account of their beauty throughout his or her life. Employers often act on…...

Culture and Media Works Sexual
Pages: 14 Words: 4795

Similarly, women today feel the need to appear beautiful and perfect all the time in order to be a part of a class in society. According to what Kilbourne suggests, women use their bodies as masks or objects that need to be taken care of all the time and kept in perfect shape and condition. The media and the advertisements program their minds to think that their appearance is not perfect and they need to change themselves in a particular manner (Kilbourne, 2002).
One of the main roles that media has played in this subject is to make an individual perceive themselves from the eyes of others and to take it as a responsibility to be appealing to the eyes of the audience instead of what they themselves want to do. Advertisements today sell the bodies of women, not in the literal sense but metaphorically speaking, all advertisements have women…...



Dahlberg, J. (2008). Sexual Objectification of Women in Advertising. Journal of Advertising Research .

Galician, M. (2004). Sex, Love and Romance in the Media: Analysis and criticism of the unrealistic portrayal of women in mass media. Lawrence Elbaum Associates.

Gammel, I. (1999). Confessional politics: Women's self representations in life writing and popular media. Southern Illinios University Press.

Hall, a.C. (1998). Delights, Desires and Dilemmas: Essays on Women and the Media. Praeger Publications.

Surrealism and Fashion
Pages: 7 Words: 2277

romanticism of man with imagination and the curiosity to attach meaning to inanimate objects spills over in many forms- dreams, art, literature, and of late pervades the space in commercial forms like films, advertisements, fashion exhibitions etc. Surrealism has enamored and consequently influenced intellectual and academic pursuits in the past in all fields- social behavior, politics, religion and culture. The import of psychological realms and psychoanalysis on surrealism has been multivariate. Key historical figures- Marx, Freud, Dadi have shaped surrealism since the beginning of the twentieth century. In modern times, fashion and clothing make use of surrealism to evoke extreme emotions by way of animating the inanimate as well as pushing the subjects (inanimate and women) to the limits of obscenity (over-consumption) and grotesque. An analysis of the travel of surrealism through the times shows that the original concepts continue to have an impact on the thought that goes…...



-- -- . (2015b). The Art Story. Accessed April 20. .

"Surrealism Movement, Artists and Major Works." (2015a). The Art Story. Accessed April 20.

Film History
Pages: 18 Words: 8657

movie industry in America has been controlled by some of the monolithic companies which not only provided a place for making the movies, but also made the movies themselves and then distributed it throughout the entire country. These are movie companies and their entire image revolved around the number of participants of their films. People who wanted to see the movies being made had to go to the studios in order to see them. They made movies in a profitable manner for the sake of the studios, but placed the entire industry under their control and dominated over it. The discussion here is about some of those famous studios inclusive of that of names like Metro Goldwyn Mayer, Culver, RKO, Paramount Studios, Warner Bros, 20th Century Fox, Walt Disney Studios, Universal Studios, Raleigh Studio, Hollywood Center Studio, Sunset Gower Studio, Ren-Mar Studios, Charlie Chaplin Studios and now, Manhattan Beach…...


"What better way to annoy the Hollywood liberals than to remind them every single day that

George W. Bush is STILL the President?" Retrieved from Accessed 15 September, 2005

"What's interesting about the business is that it's no longer the movie business" Retrieved from   Accessed 14 September, 2005 

Disney 3D Animation Disney Regarded
Pages: 5 Words: 2193

(White, 33)
And it was rightly found in a life form which we encounter daily in our real lives- insects. ightly, insects possess the shape, form as also the texture that aligns perfectly within the realm of computer technology and the restricted movement was also not a vital challenge to the evolving medium of animation. This started with "A Bug's Life." From then onwards, the Pixar Studio has gone even more into the details of character design which were not believed to be possible till that period, like fantasy monster, fishes and cartoon superheroes. Like the 2D animation prior to that, 3D is yet to defeat the human form in any means in which the characters are able to act in a natural manner and no look like models made of plastic or wooden sculptures in the absence of the life form inside them. (White, 33)

The initial stage of phasing…...



Belgrave, Tito a. Applying the 12 principles to 3D animation. July, 2003. 

Collie, Craig. The Business of TV Production.

Cambridge University Press. 2007.

Cusson, Roger; Maffei, Pia; Discreet Logic Inc. 3ds Max 7 Fundamentals and Beyond Courseware. Focal Press. 2005.

Imax Case Study Imax's General
Pages: 10 Words: 3389

d.). This de-institutionalization of the company will help bring the IMAX experience to new movie goers. To further broaden their appeal, IMAX has diversified their movies as well.
IMAX's second part of their business strategy centers on bringing more Hollywood movies to their large format screens. Whether it be remastering previously released films or simultaneously new films, IMAX has worked hard to expand their audience from those who typically enjoyed the unique IMAX documentary films that started the company. Costs of conversions of existing films has reduced significantly, at $22,5000 to convert a standard two-dimensional film and $45,000 to convert a 3-D film ("IMAX: Larger," n.d.). These 3-D films are also a part of the company's current business strategy.

Technological development to improve movie goers' experience as well as differentiate their product from other traditional theaters is a primary focus of IMAX's business strategy. The company has committed both financial and human…...



"IMAX: Larger than Life," 2009, Richard Ivey School of Business, the University of Western Ontario.

Women's Suffrage Movement in the
Pages: 9 Words: 2295

This public visibility had an extremely positive effect on the movement, reaching people their more passive campaign would never have touched.
Needless to say, the strategy of marching in the streets was not one typically associated with normal female behavior. Yet, through this brazen tactic, suffragists were able to elevate their public image to a position where they were seen as legitimate participants in the public political arena. Onlookers began to see suffragists as serious and dignified, and as individuals who had courage to make public appearances, presenting themselves to onlookers (McCammon). Much of the effectiveness of these parades was due to the manner in which they were held.

As McCammon notes, woman suffrage parades were neither festive nor frivolous. The women typically marched in formation. They wore white dresses and carried signs and banners stating reasons why women should have the right to vote. In eastern parades, primarily, a variety…...



Beck, E., Dorsey, E., & Stutters, a. "The Women's Suffrage Movement: Lessons for Social Action." Journal of Community Practice 11(3) 2003: p. 13-33. Academic Search Premier database. EBSCOHost. University of Phoenix, Phoenix, AZ. March 9, 2008 .

Borda, J. "The Woman Suffrage Parades of 1910-1913." Western Journal of Communication 66(1) Winter 2002: p. 25-52. Academic Search Premier database. EBSCOHost. University of Phoenix, Phoenix, AZ. March 9, 2008

Rap Since the Increased Interest
Pages: 7 Words: 2439

These findings suggest that rap may affect society in several ways. For example, how adolescent whites perceive rap may impact their support for race-based policies such as Affirmative Action as they grow older and become more politically involved. Further, to the extent that rap helps to promote interracial relationships, cross-racial social networks resulting from rap may increase employment opportunities for blacks and other non-whites (97).
However, state Thompson and Brown, another scenario is just as plausible. Since so many of the studies on racial attitudes and rap music have been cross-sectional, it is possible that over time the relationship between whites' opinions on rap music and racial attitudes may change. It is feasible that as the average young adult white rap supporters get older, have a family, and begin a career, the relationship between their opinions of rap music and their perceptions of blacks and support for liberal values may…...



Aaron, C. 1998..Black Like Them. Spin Magazine

Farley, C. 1999..Hip-Hop Nation. Time, February 8.

Goff, J.R. 2002. Close Harmony. Greenboro: University of North Carolina Press.

Jackson-Brown, I. 1990. Developments in black gospel performance and scholarship.

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