Beethoven Essays (Examples)

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7). It is the only symphony out of the nine for which Beethoven chose the key of a. In form, the symphony is not strikingly different from his previous six symphonies but the way in which the power and the beauty of thoughts have been treated gives it a unique "romantic" air. In the Finale, this 'romance' develops into "a vein of boisterous mirth" that had not been seen in any of Beethoven's previous works (Grove, 240).
Symphony No. 8: Composed in F major, it is the shortest of Beethoven's 9 symphonies. It was also the composer's favorite work, and when it did not receive the expected accolades at the time of its first performance, he remarked "It will please them some day." (Quoted by Grove, 279). And indeed, despite its simplicity, the symphony has come to be recognized as a true masterpiece, and it provided a lead for subsequent….

...a symphony which could present its creator's image of the world," a concept which "lay at the heart of the Romantic revolution" and through which eethoven "first brought Romanticism into Western music ("Ludwig Van eethoven," Internet).
Of course, it is eethoven's momentous and magnificent Symphony no. 9, the Choral, which continues to thrill music lovers all over the world. This incredible piece of music stirs up a galaxy of human emotions, ranging from sadness to joy and exhilaration to melancholia. The first eight notes are the most powerful and memorable and possibly symbolize the greatest opening lines in the history of Western music. One story about eethoven and this particular symphony is quite moving. On May 7th, 1824 in Vienna, even though he was stone deaf, eethoven managed to successfully conduct the orchestra at the premier of this symphony and when it was over, it is said that a member of….

Moreover, the scherzo arrives in the second movement and before instead of after the slow movement. Beethoven's Ninth Symphony's untraditional arrangement might have irked performers as well as critics.
Although Beethoven was still venerated by the Viennese public, a follow-up performance of the Ninth Symphony was not well attended or well received. In fact, the second performance of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony brought in a shamefully small crowd: the venue was only half full and ticket sales barely earned the orchestra enough money to cover expenses (Huscher, 2007). The mixed critical and audience responses to his final symphony must have troubled Beethoven and solidified his decision to retire for good.

Some critics came close to panning the premiere, denouncing the musicians for their performances and also the composition itself. The symphony was deemed too difficult to perform, too unwieldy to include in a concert program, and was subsequently shelved for quite some….

Beethoven's Greatest Hits

Beethoven: Greatest Hits CD is relatively self-explanatory. It is a compilation of many of the works that Beethoven created during his life and showcases the works that seem to be the most often heard or the most often discussed by music lovers and critics alike. The CD has only the works of Beethoven and does not contain a compilation of artists like many other classical music CDs, where there are works by many different classical composers that all lived in the same basic period of time. The 'Greatest Hits' title is a common one. It is seen on the CDs of many artists when they have been producing music for some time, have several CDs available, and feel that they should take their best-selling or most-often-played songs and put them together in one compilation for their fans to buy. This allows these fans to have a compilation that has what….

Beethoven's Fifth Symphony
Beethoven's Fifth:

Classical music is still often the most powerful in eliciting an emotion or portraying a feeling. We hear it utilized in many movies and other important social events, for example. However, certain classical music has been utilized in very important events. This is the case with Beethoven's Fifth Symphony, a true symphony of sounds, omnipresent and showing such genius, that it was utilized by American and Allied forces in World War II as a symbol of victory. This paper will discuss the technical aspects of this work of art, as well as how it came to be utilized in such a great event.

The instruments that are utilized to play Beethoven's work vary from most instruments known to us today. One can hear flutes, clarinets, horns, trombones, violins, and other string instruments, oboes and trumpets. It is due to this truly great literal symphony of instruments that the….

This is what connects Americans with Iraqis more fundamentally -- a common humanity, not abstract desires to change the government.
Discussion 2: Beethoven

This passage prompts the question -- why do we tend to classify Beethoven as a Romantic artist and David as Neoclassical? After all, both artists combined Romantic and Neoclassical elements in their composition. Perhaps the answer is that when we listen to a composition by Beethoven, we feel as listeners that we have gained a sense of who Beethoven was like as a man, the emotions that moved him as a human being. David, in contrast, although he had clear political views that shifted and evolved over the course of the French Revolution to the rule of Napoleon is not an emotional presence in his paintings. David's paintings seem to be historical, almost photographic depictions of 'real life' or imagined real life in the classical past like the….

One of the most well-known work from this period, the 9th Symphony, represents very well the inner turmoil of the composer and is very characteristic of other work published during this Late period. Many historians also consider this symphony to be the greatest piece of music to be ever written (Cook, 1993). It also happened to be the very first symphony using voices; the chorus can be heard in the fourth movement, referred to as 'Ode to Joy'. This symphony is also a great example of how Beethoven influenced the course of music history. During the Classical period, symphonies usually followed a very strict form in which the slow movement (the second movement) before the scherzo movement (the third movement). However, Beethoven strived to push the boundaries and, as a composer who successfully crossed over from the Classical era to the omantic era, forms had to be altered. One….

She ate one of the plums she had bought, fruit meant to last for both breakfast and lunch. Its surprisingly juicy interior left a long sticky trail down her bony chin. She wiped it away, inhaled the plumy sweetness deeply, and inhaled the air, deeply.
Everyone coming today, Sharon?" she asked the receptionist at the desk. The woman behind the glass pane at the dance studio smiled at her and nodded. No laggards today. She knew how much Bethany hated to have anyone absent, even though the girls she taught were only in grade school.

Yes, we had no cancellations. No one is sick with allergies or spring colds -- yet," said Sharon. Sharon, a large, pillowy, matronly woman, gazed at the gazelle-like Bethany and giggled. "You work those little girls to hard," she said. "They're only children."

From children, great dancers spring," said Bethany solemnly. Sharon giggled again and took a….

In this movement he uses antiphonal, or equal bars of forte and equal bars of piano as the movement opens with a six note falling scale motif for this harmony. Finally there is a trio in D major, side by side, taking abrupt leaps and descents and which ends quietly with a modified recurrence of the scherzo. The first "repeat" was written out to allow an extra ritardando. There are then some syncopated chords and the movement soon rests with a short coda in F major by way of a long broken arpeggio in the bass.
The third and final movement alternates two slow ariosos and two faster fugues. The movement starts by using the final ritardando bass arpeggio in F major and then moving to B flat minor. This Beethoven has written it this way to form a bridge from the rough humor of the scherzo to the doleful….

The presence of dissonance and harmony in Beethoven's Fifth Symphony is also reflected in Virginia Woolf's motif alluding to the fictive creation of "Shakespeare's sister" in the essay, "A Room of One's Own." While Woolf's voice creates a reality that is both dissonant and harmonious to her own life as a writer, the struggle for the female to be taken seriously as a writer in a male-dominated world becomes the main premise of the chapter. Woolf relates her research into women's lives during Shakespeare's times and creates a fictional character called Judith, who is Shakespeare's imaginary sister. Woolf argues that Judith would have been gifted as Shakespeare, but, "thwarted and hindered by other people, so tortured and pulled asunder by her own contrary instincts that she must have lost her health and sanity to a certainty." The story of Judith is tragic because she is not given the opportunity to….

His music forms are also an important characteristic that define him as a Romantic composer. Indeed, his preference for sonatas allowed him both to use his enormous potential of imagination and to sustain it with borrowings from folk music or local influences. The symphony as well was redefined to fit his Romantic profile, Beethoven choosing to go with a more flexible structure than the previous one defined by Haydn, which was rigid and had fixed rules.

Besides the argument mentioned previously, as an individual in society Beethoven reflected Romantic characteristics. Indeed, he was badly adapted to social norms, had very few friends and lived almost exclusively for the sake of his art and his creations. In this sense, he reflected the Romantic ideal of art for art and dedicated his entire existence to creating rather than anything else..

Beethoven's 9th
Beethoven's Ninth Symphony is a symphonic-choral blend that revolutionized the way composers approached their work in the 19th century. It prepared the way for future artists like agner and set the tone for the Romantic spring of classical music composition. Its ideological foundation is rooted in the Romantic "Ode to Joy" poem of Friedrich Schiller, penned in 1785 in celebration of the poet's sense-feeling of the universal fraternity of mankind. Fraternity was a notion much in vogue at the time (the French Revolution adopted it as one of its mantras), but Beethoven takes Schiller's idea and elevates in an almost spiritual way, delivering sections of the "Ode" in choral form in the final movement of the Ninth Symphony. But before getting there, Beethoven develops massive musical themes that explore that nature and impulse of humankind's mind and heart. This paper will provide a biography of Beethoven, a history of….

e. "The Public Beethoven" and "The Private Beethoven.") Rather than integrating both facets of Beethoven the person and Beethoven the artist, as Jones does in his biography, Geck wishes to show us the two different sides of Beethoven through a sort of dichotomous split. The result makes for a rather dense, at times tedious read. Jones's skillful integration of the two facets of Beethoven's life seems to flow on a much more natural narrative level.
One of the characteristics that distinguish each of the biographies is their brevity. Unlike more definitive biographical studies, which tend to number into the late hundreds or even thousands in page count, both Jones and Geck manage to condense Beethoven's life to less than two hundred pages. This brevity has both its benefits and its limitations. On the one hand, the general reader, who perhaps has an appreciation of Beethoven's music that has spurred their interest….

The aldstein sonata is considered to be one of the notable piano sonatas that Beethoven ever composed, maybe equaled only by the Appassionata sonata. They are both part of the works between op. 50 and op. 60 that, through their content, form and proportions represent the height of Beethoven's creation" ("aldstein," All about Beethoven, 2006). The first movement entitled "Allegro con brio" opens "with repeated chords, played pianissimo. This initial straightforward, but anxious rhythm is devoid of melody for two bars. It then swiftly ascends and follows with a three-note descent in the middle register and a four-note descent in the upper. More of this teasing rhythm rumbles forward, until 45 seconds later, when the notes seem to almost stumble over themselves," into a "dolce," or sweet choral theme in E major, followed by an ending with a heavy coda ("Piano Sonata No 21," All academic dictionary, 2009).. The….

Live Concert April 8, 2016: Carnegie Hall Presents Dover Quartet in the eill Recital Hall
The performers in this concert consisted of the Dover string quartet: Joel Link on violin, Bryan Lee on violin, Milena Pajaro-van de Stadt on viola, and Camden Shaw on cello. The program consisted of the String Quartet No. 12 in F Major, Op. 96 "American" by Dvorak, the String Quartet, Op. 3 by Berg, and the String Quartet in F Major, Op. 59, No. 1 "Razumovsky" by Beethoven.

The three works were very different, which is not surprising considering that each was written in a different time period. Beethoven's quartet was composed in 1806 in for the Russian Count Andrey Razumovsky; Dvorak's quartet was composed in the 1890s during the artist's say in New York; and Berg's quartet was composed in 1910 (but not debuted for another 13 years) ("At a Glance"). So each piece has its….

Concert Outline: A Symphony of Unforgettable Moments

Prelude: Setting the Stage

The evening commenced with a hushed anticipation as the audience took their seats. The stage lights illuminated a sleek and modern orchestra, their instruments gleaming in the warm glow. The conductor, a distinguished figure with piercing eyes and an aura of command, raised his baton, signaling the start of a musical journey.

Act I: A Crescendo of Excitement

Beethoven's Fifth Symphony: The concert soared to new heights with Beethoven's iconic fifth symphony. The "Fate" motif, a driving force of four short notes, reverberated through the hall, evoking a sense of both urgency....

5 Pages
Term Paper


Beethoven and His Symphonies Beethoven

Words: 1969
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

7). It is the only symphony out of the nine for which Beethoven chose the key of a. In form, the symphony is not strikingly different from his…

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3 Pages


Beethoven the Great Symphonist in

Words: 886
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

...a symphony which could present its creator's image of the world," a concept which "lay at the heart of the Romantic revolution" and through which eethoven "first brought Romanticism…

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4 Pages


Beethoven Ludwig Von Beethoven's Ninth

Words: 1152
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Moreover, the scherzo arrives in the second movement and before instead of after the slow movement. Beethoven's Ninth Symphony's untraditional arrangement might have irked performers as well as…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Beethoven's Greatest Hits

Words: 689
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Beethoven: Greatest Hits CD is relatively self-explanatory. It is a compilation of many of the works that Beethoven created during his life and showcases the works that seem to…

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2 Pages


Beethoven's Fifth Symphony

Words: 552
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Beethoven's Fifth Symphony Beethoven's Fifth: Classical music is still often the most powerful in eliciting an emotion or portraying a feeling. We hear it utilized in many movies and other important…

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1 Pages
Term Paper

History - Israel

Beethoven Iraq During a Brief

Words: 398
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

This is what connects Americans with Iraqis more fundamentally -- a common humanity, not abstract desires to change the government. Discussion 2: Beethoven This passage prompts the question -- why…

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3 Pages
Research Paper


Beethoven the Music of Ludwig

Words: 991
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

One of the most well-known work from this period, the 9th Symphony, represents very well the inner turmoil of the composer and is very characteristic of other work…

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8 Pages


Beethoven Moonlight Sonata and Vivaldi

Words: 2732
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Thesis

She ate one of the plums she had bought, fruit meant to last for both breakfast and lunch. Its surprisingly juicy interior left a long sticky trail down…

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22 Pages


Beethoven's Piano Sonata No 31

Words: 6061
Length: 22 Pages
Type: Dissertation

In this movement he uses antiphonal, or equal bars of forte and equal bars of piano as the movement opens with a six note falling scale motif for…

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3 Pages


Beethoven's Fifth Symphony in C

Words: 1130
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

The presence of dissonance and harmony in Beethoven's Fifth Symphony is also reflected in Virginia Woolf's motif alluding to the fictive creation of "Shakespeare's sister" in the essay, "A…

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1 Pages
Term Paper


Beethoven Romanticism Developed as a

Words: 300
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

His music forms are also an important characteristic that define him as a Romantic composer. Indeed, his preference for sonatas allowed him both to use his enormous potential of…

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3 Pages


Ninth Symphony by Beethoven

Words: 945
Length: 3 Pages

Beethoven's 9th Beethoven's Ninth Symphony is a symphonic-choral blend that revolutionized the way composers approached their work in the 19th century. It prepared the way for future artists like agner…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Lives of Beethoven No Other

Words: 1430
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

e. "The Public Beethoven" and "The Private Beethoven.") Rather than integrating both facets of Beethoven the person and Beethoven the artist, as Jones does in his biography, Geck wishes…

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2 Pages


Program Notes for Beethoven's Waldstein

Words: 682
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Thesis

The aldstein sonata is considered to be one of the notable piano sonatas that Beethoven ever composed, maybe equaled only by the Appassionata sonata. They are both part…

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3 Pages


String Quartets by Beethoven and Dvorak at Carnegie Hall

Words: 968
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Live Concert April 8, 2016: Carnegie Hall Presents Dover Quartet in the eill Recital Hall The performers in this concert consisted of the Dover string quartet: Joel Link on violin,…

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