Book Analysis Essays (Examples)

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On page 16 grandfather and grandmother are pictured in a meadow with a baby girl, and on page 17, as the daughter grows grandfather begins to think about "his own childhood" and his "old friends" -- in other words, he is thinking about his home country. On page 19 he, his wife and his daughter -- who was "nearly grown" -- leave for his "homeland." The village of his childhood was "…not a place for a daughter from San Francisco," so grandfather bought a hose in "a large city nearby."

The daughter -- who turns out to be the author's mother -- having been raised in a modern city like San Francisco, is plenty smart enough and strong enough as a woman to live by herself in a big Japanese city. Perhaps if she had been born and raised in Japan, she might not have moved to a big city; the….

Tail Economics
Book Analysis: The long tail. How endless choice is creating unlimited demand

In the past, economics' was dominated by vendors that sold a large quantity of only one or two items. The Internet has changed the shape of product offerings. The new economic model, first made popular by Chris Anderson in an article published in ired magazine, examines the new economic model. This model is based on each vendor selling a large number of unique items, but only small quantities of each. As a result, the vendor sells fewer of the more popular items in large quantities. Amazon and Netflix are two of the best examples of companies that are applying this new business model. Chris Anderson explains his concept in the book: The Long Tail: hy the Future of Business is Selling Less of More. Chris Anderson is the Editor-in-Chief of ired Magazine. The long tail economy is….

ritten in 1902, Owen ister's The Virginian is often seen as the progenitor of the Great American estern. Like the genre pieces that followed, The Virginian sets up a quest for justice and sets large cattle ranchers and smaller family businessmen. Frontier justice is meted out, often reluctantly, in lynchings carried out by the hero, the unnamed Virginian, who serves as the prototype for many western characters to follow -- a rugged man who speaks few words and lets his actions speak for themselves. The Virginian is a deeply moral man who tries to emulate God, seek out justice even when it is distasteful, and defend himself and his honor. His moral center is in place throughout the novel and he always tries to live out these virtues.

In ister's idealized version of the est, where working on a cattle ranch apparently involves very little physical labor, the Virginian believes strongly….

Louisa May Alcott, Jo's Boys
Jo's Boys by Louisa May Alcott is an episodic novel, which means it does not have a consistent protagonist running through the entire book. However, any reader asked to nominate a main character in the novel would probably select Dan, simply because his character is the most broadly dramatic in terms of incident and action. Dan has a complicated and dark character which changes over the course of the novel, which allows him in various episodes to demonstrate traits both good and bad: he is loyal and loving, but also troubled and ultimately violent. I will examine the dramatic arc of Dan's character, and examine the specific traits that mark each stage of his journey over the course of Alcott's novel.

Before discussing Dan's role at the start of Jo's Boys, it is worth noting that Jo's Boys is, in fact, a sequel to Alcott's Little Men,….

King Leopold's Ghost By Adam Hochschild
This is a short analysis of the content and historical merit of King Leopold's Ghost by Adam Hochschild. It has 2 sources.

Adam Hochschild is a Journalism teacher at the University of California at Berkeley. He has written several books, with many of them having a central theme of megalomania and the subversion of the rights of the many by the few. He appears to have a fascination with good and evil, and what drives men to do unexpectedly evil or heroic things.

These concerns of his are foremost in "King Leopold's Ghost - A tory of Greed, Terror and Heroism in Colonial Africa." It is an account of what befell the nation now known as Congo during the years of Belgian colonial rule in the early years of the twentieth century.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, it was becoming a commonly accepted belief among the….

Summary of the Book
As 21st century is drawing to an end, the United States has emerged as the sole superpower with no rival in the international system based on its superior economic and military powers. However, a critical issue still remains with reference to the U.S. global strategy and its exceptional position in the international system. Zbigniew Brzezinski has been able to address this issue in his path-breaking and an incisive book titled "The Grand Chessboard." (Brzezinski, 1998 p 1). Brzezinski analyzes the American provocative and bold geostrategic vision in the 21st century, and its supremacy on the Eurasian landmass. Brzezinski, (1998) pointed out that Eurasia was the center of world power five-century ago, and during this period, Eurasia dominated and penetrated the international system, dictating the world order, and attaining the special status of being the premier power. However, in the 20th century, the world witnessed a tectonic shift….

Chinua Achebe’s classic novel Things Fall Apart describes a critical juncture in Igbo society: the first point of contact with missionaries. Even prior to their arrival, the protagonist of the story, Okonkwo, contends with both personal and collective crises in his community. Okonkwo “was well known throughout the nine villages and beyond,” an introduction to a man whose power and prestige have become the cornerstones of his identity (Achebe, 1958, p. 1). However, Achebe (1958) also describes Okonkwo’s dark side: his severity, the way he would “pounce on people,” acting with violence and aggression to achieve his egoistic goals (Achebe, 1958, p. 1). As the community of Umuofia falls apart due to historical changes, external threats, and a leadership crisis, Okonkwo also falls apart due to his own existential crisis. Things Fall Apart has a strong ethical overtone, offering the reader insight into Igbo society but also into universal norms….

I enjoyed reading the book as it provides the reader with a lot of suspense over what will happen next in the book. The events are not predictable, which means that the reader cannot in anyway be in a position to know what will be happening in the next chapter. The series of events arranged by the author provides the reader with a desire to continue reading the book to uncover some of the issues that pertain to Emily and her family. Of importance in the book is the love story between Emily and Valancourt. Their affair remains a mystery that can only be uncovered by reading the whole book and understanding the flow of events. The reader sympathizes with Emily especially after she lost her mother and father. This sympathy made me continue reading the book to determine her fate.
Answer two
The book is enjoyable to read as events unfold….

The Way of the Warrior is an amazing story recalling the transformation of Dan Millman who traverses various realms (spiritual, emotional, and physical), with the able guidance of a spiritual teacher called Socrates, to become a ‘peaceful warrior.’  This text will analyze/critique the ideas presented in the book.  In addition to outlining how Socrates changes Dan, the text will define the approaches leaders, coaches, as well as mentors use to change people and how those approaches compare to Dan’s initiation and mentorship.

In the Beginning

In the beginning, Dan seems to have it all.  He seems to have what most of us would call tools of a happy life.  In addition to doing well in gymnastics, Dan’s studies are proceeding well and he is in a reasonably happy relationship.  Further, his family is reasonably well-off and Dan, therefore, needs not be troubled by some of the financial worries that distress young people….

In Genentech, Hughes examines the remarkable rise of the Genentech company, which was an industry pioneer in the field of genetic engineering. The basic premise of Hughes’s book is that Genentech radically transformed biotechnology and even made a broader impact beyond the medical technology and science sectors. Themes Hughes addresses in Genentech include the business practices and processes needed to start a radical, innovative firm, particularly one with a business model based on science. Another major theme covered in Genentech is intellectual property, which is a major concern for the pharmaceutical industry, which eventually became heavily and inextricably entrenched in genetic science. Hughes also covers the theme of ethics: especially the conflicts of interest that can arise between the altruistic aims of academia and applied science and the commercial goals of a profit-driven enterprise.
Hughes offers an overview and history of the firm, which was created in 1976 by Herbert Boyer….

Joseph eaves's book, Taking in a Game -- a History of Baseball in Asia, which was published in 2002. The book studies the growth of baseball in Asian countries and how it merged into their cultural and social fabric.
Joseph eaves reads like a newspaper account of some event and this is not some coincidence. eaves has been involved with sports journalism for almost three decades and has worked with newspapers and magazines of repute including United Press International, the Chicago Tribune, and eader's Digest. eaves is a well-known reporter with sound credentials. He was nominated for Pulitzer Prize four times for his realistic coverage of various issues including war and economy. He was also involved in teaching journalism from 1999 to 2001 at Northern Arizona University. The author has written more than one book on his favorite subject i.e. baseball and thus possesses indepth knowledge of the game and….

Each chapter provides sufficient entertainment material to draw the interest of lay people, while balancing this with a good amount of academic information for those who wish to study the country and its people. The narrative throughout the book is bound together well by starting each chapter with a narrative about Gloria or those who share her world. Another strong connecting factor is the quotation at the start of each chapter, which is relevant to the specific topic of the chapter as well as to the general ideas in the book as a whole. While these are excellent techniques, I think the structure of the chapters themselves could have been handled better by more consistently organizing the information in each.
One shortcoming of the book is the internal structure of each chapter, which can be haphazard in some cases, and also a lack of consistent focus on the laughter element.….

, pp.69-70.] [5: Ibid., p.85.]
The rather stern critique offered of Fee and Stuart herein should not indicate that this book is entirely without value, merely that its presentation in title and chapter headings is somewhat misleading. There is plenty of common sense in what Fee and Stuart are doing here, but the difficulty is that very often an intelligent decision on their part is mingled with an overall failure to highlight many of the most important issues involved in the interpretation of a iblical text. Their last chapter on Revelation indicates both the best and worst of their method. In some sense, Fee and Stuart are going to be on their most careful behavior in this passage, as the idiotic handling of Revelation by any heretic with a penchant for paranoia has been well-evidenced over the past two millennia. ut the history of this particular iblical book, such as has….

Robert Slater
This report is based upon the book Titans of Takeover by Robert Slater. This book was originally published in 1987 by Englewood Cliffs, and then re-published and copyrighted in 1999 by Beard Books.

Introduction of the Author

The book Titans of Takeover was authored by Robert Slater, who is famous for his strong stand against President Ronald Reagan's attempts to make the U.S. marketplace a free economy by doing away with the Sherman and Clayton Antitrust Laws. He proved to America that although such a move would appear to yield immediate benefits by putting the nation's economy on the map against the vibrant economies that gave no room to antitrust laws, it would, to an equally large extent, produce devastating outcomes on the economy in the long run. Slater has authored a couple of other bestselling business books and authored several articles on the Wall Street Journal, in addition to….

Bethany Moreton's "To serve God and Walmart: The making of Christian free enterprise." (Harvard University Press, 2009)
Author Bethany Moreton's work provides an insight into Walmart's corporate history and its swift climb, within 50 years, from a little discount retail chain opened up by Sam Walton to an international retailing giant. The author goes beyond readers' expectations to include Walmart Country's religious, social, and cultural history (the term 'Walmart Country' would refer to its politically charged birthplace and surroundings of East Oklahoma, north-western Arkansas, and south Missouri). It is a place where the retailer's customers, supervisors and staff collaborate with missionaries, evangelical housewives, and pastors, within a doctrine of free enterprise and community service.

Moreton has penned an in-depth and captivating analysis of the popular global retail giant, America's largest private-sector employer, and the largest global public company. Through an elaborate case study, the author has effectively assimilated its cultural history and….

2 Pages
Book Review


Children's Book Analysis the Book

Words: 778
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Book Review

On page 16 grandfather and grandmother are pictured in a meadow with a baby girl, and on page 17, as the daughter grows grandfather begins to think about "his…

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33 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Advertising

Tail Economics Book Analysis The Long Tail

Words: 10616
Length: 33 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Tail Economics Book Analysis: The long tail. How endless choice is creating unlimited demand In the past, economics' was dominated by vendors that sold a large quantity of only one…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Book Analysis on Moral Life and Conflict on the Book the Virginian

Words: 805
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Virginian ritten in 1902, Owen ister's The Virginian is often seen as the progenitor of the Great American estern. Like the genre pieces that followed, The Virginian sets up a…

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2 Pages


Book Analysis on Jo's Boys

Words: 935
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Louisa May Alcott, Jo's Boys Jo's Boys by Louisa May Alcott is an episodic novel, which means it does not have a consistent protagonist running through the entire book. However,…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


King Leopold's Ghost Book Analysis

Words: 924
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

King Leopold's Ghost By Adam Hochschild This is a short analysis of the content and historical merit of King Leopold's Ghost by Adam Hochschild. It has 2 sources. Adam Hochschild is…

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5 Pages


The Grand Chessboard Book Analysis

Words: 1602
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Summary of the Book As 21st century is drawing to an end, the United States has emerged as the sole superpower with no rival in the international system based on…

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5 Pages


things fall apart novel analysis

Words: 1666
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Chinua Achebe’s classic novel Things Fall Apart describes a critical juncture in Igbo society: the first point of contact with missionaries. Even prior to their arrival, the protagonist of…

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3 Pages


The mysteries of Udolpho Book Analysis

Words: 910
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

I enjoyed reading the book as it provides the reader with a lot of suspense over what will happen next in the book. The events are not predictable, which…

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Way of the Peaceful Warrior Book Analysis Essay

Words: 1145
Length: Pages

Introduction The Way of the Warrior is an amazing story recalling the transformation of Dan Millman who traverses various realms (spiritual, emotional, and physical), with the able guidance of a…

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6 Pages


genentech book analysis business'science

Words: 1970
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

In Genentech, Hughes examines the remarkable rise of the Genentech company, which was an industry pioneer in the field of genetic engineering. The basic premise of Hughes’s book is…

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6 Pages
Term Paper


Joseph Reaves's Book Taking in a Game

Words: 1947
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Joseph eaves's book, Taking in a Game -- a History of Baseball in Asia, which was published in 2002. The book studies the growth of baseball in Asian…

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5 Pages


Book for Academic Audiences Has

Words: 1705
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Each chapter provides sufficient entertainment material to draw the interest of lay people, while balancing this with a good amount of academic information for those who wish to…

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6 Pages
Book Review

Mythology - Religion

Book Critique Fee and Stuart

Words: 2003
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Book Review

, pp.69-70.] [5: Ibid., p.85.] The rather stern critique offered of Fee and Stuart herein should not indicate that this book is entirely without value, merely that its presentation in…

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3 Pages
Book Report


Book the Titans of Takeover

Words: 846
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Book Report

Robert Slater This report is based upon the book Titans of Takeover by Robert Slater. This book was originally published in 1987 by Englewood Cliffs, and then re-published and…

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10 Pages


Book Review of Bethany Moretons To'serve God and Walmart

Words: 3001
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

Bethany Moreton's "To serve God and Walmart: The making of Christian free enterprise." (Harvard University Press, 2009) Author Bethany Moreton's work provides an insight into Walmart's corporate history and its…

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