Book Of Job Essays (Examples)

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Book of Job - Biblical Allegory Job's
Pages: 3 Words: 978

Book of Job - Biblical Allegory
Job's tale is one of the most accessible Biblical allegories. An honorable, just, pious man loses everything: his ten children, his wife, his entire estate, and on top of it all is inflicted with a horrendous skin disease that leaves him crippled. All this was done as a challenge and a test of his faith. The Book of Job opens with a conversation between God and Satan, who together enter into a sort of mean bet in which Job's life is at stake. Satan wants to prove to God that Job will "curse thee to thy face" if some trauma should befall him (1: 11). But God refutes this and tells Satan he will gladly test his faithful servant. At first Job seems at peace with his loss, saying "the Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away," (1: 21). He remains steadfast in his…...

Book of Job
Pages: 5 Words: 1490

Book of Job
There is a fair amount of controversy surrounding the book of Job along with various controversies about who wrote it. Some scholars maintain that Job did live in the time of Moses, and that the book was written by him; others disagree and maintain that the book was written by Elihu or Isaiah. Since so much of the book focuses on the idea of "wisdom" and comparable factors, others have argued that the book was actually written during the time of King David and King Solomon. On the other hand, others place the book as having been developed during the time of the Babylonian exile, arguing that there is textual evidence within the book which points to this era as being the likely time of its development.

As one scholar describes "The Book of Job, in the Old Testament, opens with words both majestic and once-upon-a-time-ish: 'There was…...



Acocella, J. (2013, December 13). Misery: Is there justice in the Book of Job. Retrieved from (2013). The Trial of Job. Retrieved from

Book of Job and Personal Piety
Pages: 5 Words: 1665

The religious texts of the ancient Near East share core themes in common related to the theme of personal piety. Personal piety becomes a powerful, poignant theme in the Hebrew Bible, especially in the Book of Job. The story of Job is laden with lessons related to the nature of human suffering and the role it plays in the development of personal piety. Moreover, the nature of human suffering is also linked with the spiritual, cosmological, and metaphysical relationship between the human being and God. God is established as paradoxically personal and impersonal; God's will is existentially beyond that of the human being, who can never presume to understand God's motives. It is not up to the human being to speculate, as Job's friends do, but it is up to the human being to continually praise God.

Background: Character Analysis of Job

In the New International Version of the Hebrew Bible,…...



Bible: New International Version

"Prophecy of Nefer-rohu"

"Man and His Ba"

"Man and His God"

Book of Job Job's Friend
Pages: 3 Words: 1035

Children are always perplexed when bad things happen to good people. "Mommy, why did Jerry get hit by a car? Why did daddy lose his job? Why did you get cancer?" When bad things happen to good people, we risk losing our faith in God, in the goodness of the world, and in our own power to create positive change. The Biblical story of Job is one of the most heart-wrenching tales of the Old Testament and perhaps the book that modern readers can relate to the most. Stephen Mitchell's translation offers modern readers even more opportunities to reflect on the meanings of Job's profound predicament. Because Job's story is about friendship and faith, modern readers can apply its lessons to their daily lives.

A often wondered why some friends fail to past the test of trustworthiness and others go out of their way to help. Now I can see that…...

Job Rhetorical Reading of Book
Pages: 10 Words: 4960

The two notions are not comprised in one definition, contrary to what is thought by all those who are confused, and there is nothing in common between the two except the name alone.
The author relates this view to the realization that the goal of human existence is the attainment of the knowledge of God. It is through this knowledge that the secular and social world becomes to a great extent 'insignificant', which also refers to the suffering of the secular as an illusion.

When Job comes to know God "by the way of [philosophical] speculation" (that is, through the divine speeches), he ceases to be troubled by the loss of his health, wealth, and children -things that he had only "imagined" to be sources of happiness -- and experiences "true happiness, which is knowledge of the deity."

There are of course strong objections to this type of interpretation of the text…...


Michael Rizzotti, "?


Job Psalms Ruth Joshua and
Pages: 2 Words: 674

By showing such devotion, Ruth is rewarded with a new husband, Boaz, as well as a son, Obed.
The Book of Joshua is a historical narrative that records the words of Joshua and the Covenant made between God and the Jews concerning the Promised Land. The Book recounts the travels of the chosen people across the Jordon and the various wars that follow with the Canaanites in the south and King Hazor in the north. Joshua leads God's chosen over the Jordan, into battle at Jericho (where the Ark is held), and witnesses the miracle of God that keeps the sun high in the sky so that His people may conquer the Canaanites. God's faithfulness is shown, and Joshua's faith in God is likewise revealed. The chosen people are exhorted by Joshua to be true to God as God has been true to all of them.

The Book of Daniel is…...


Works Cited

"Book of Daniel." New Advent. 2009. Web. 17 June 2011.

"The Jewish Woman." 2011. Web. 17 June 2011.

New Revised Standard Version Bible. New York, NY: HarperCollins, 2009.

Job Jonah Egypt the Book
Pages: 3 Words: 1155

However the boat is beset by terrible storms and the sailors determine by casting lots that it is Jonah's fault, so Jonah tells them to toss him overboard. They do, and God arranges for a giant fish to swallow Jonah. hile inside the fish for three days, Jonah has time to chant a psalm of thanksgiving, whereupon the fish vomits him out onto dry land. Jonah then goes to Nineveh and preaches that the city will be destroyed in forty days, whereupon the inhabitants relent from their wicked ways. As a result God decides to spare the city. However Jonah thinks God's judgment is wrong. He goes out into the desert where it is very hot, and God causes a plant to grow and give him shade. Then God causes a worm to devour the plant, leaving Jonah at the mercy of the elements. hereupon God uses the example…...


Works Cited

Allen, Leslie C. The Books of Joel, Obadiah, Jonah, and Micah. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1976. Print.

Hartley, John E. The Book of Job. Second Edition. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1988. Print.

Kubler Ross and the Story of Job
Pages: 3 Words: 1104

Job and Kubler-oss
Biblical and Buddhist Grief: A Comparison

Job's lamentations, according to Patricia Byrne (2002), represent the painful process of redefining his place in the world. Before Satan's challenge to God to test Job's faith, Job's life was the envy of his neighbors. With seven healthy and vibrant sons and three daughters, seven thousand sheep, three thousand camels, one thousand oxen, five hundred donkeys, and an untold number of servants, Job was a profoundly wealthy man (Job 1:2-4, King James Version). Job's sons and daughters feasted every day, leaving the reader to imagine a life of happiness and fulfillment. To forestall vanity however, Job thanked God daily for all he had been given. When Satan challenges God to test Job's faith, all this is stripped away and his body and mind are tormented with disease.

Job begins his grieving process by cursing the day he was born and wishing he had died…...



Byrne, Patricia Huff. (2002). "Give sorrow words": Lament -- contemporary need for Job's old time religion. Journal of Pastoral Care & Counseling, 56(3), 255-264.

Halifax, Joan. (2006). A Buddhist's perspective on grieving. Explore, 2(3), 260-261.

Kellehear, Allan. (2013). On Death and Dying: Dr. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross and the Five Stages of Grief. Retrieved 18 Sep. 2013 from .

Lyon, Deborah S. (2000). Before Kubler-Ross: Lessons about grief from the Book of Job. Obstetrics & Gynocology, 96(1), 151-152.

Jobs and Work at R R
Pages: 3 Words: 947

The production methods may have been new, but Six Sigma has worked well at many organizations, including GE, where its concepts were first formulated (Calloway & Gleich, 2006).
Another reason that Donnelley was so successful was its effective coordination of changes in job classifications and actual work standards: many workers were performing new tasks. New labeling of skill levels, compensation, and benefits was done relatively seamlessly, to avoid confusion. Some changes are invariably uncomfortable, like trying to work well with new people when there is a forced lateral movement. At Donnelley, many workers were moved from obsolete areas of production to positions which emphasized new, digitized technologies. Incorporating human resources into the change resulted in better coordinated training efforts, and also less confusing administrative and bureaucratic problems, which made workers less resistant to change.

Donnelley's changes were successful: as hoped, production time for printing four-color books was reduced by 50% due…...



Calloway, David & Greg Gleich. (2006). What is Six Sigma? Search CIO.

Retrieved July 2, 2010 at,,sid182_gci763122,00.html 

Schuler, a.J. (2003). Overcoming resistance to change. Schuler Solutions.

Retrieved July 2, 2010 at

Job Redesign and Workplace Rewards Assessment Identify
Pages: 8 Words: 2050

Job edesign and Workplace ewards Assessment
Identify the current major components, tasks, or responsibilities of the selected position. Does the job currently allow any self-management or sense of choice? Does the position cultivate a sense of intrinsic motivation?

Coca Cola Company represents the largest manufacturing, marketer, and distributor, of non-alcoholic beverages and syrups across the globe. The approximate turnover of the company is above six millions beverages per day. The company also boosts of the largest distribution system across the world. The company operates on four missions: to create a value in brands and difference everywhere the company engages; to be a global leader in beverage; to refresh the planet in mind, body, and spirit; and to inspire moments of optimism through company's brands and actions. Coca Cola Company operates on four vision elements in order to meet the needs and preferences of the consumers. The first element is people. The company…...



Byars, L., & Rue, L. (2000). Human Resource Management (6th ed.). North

America: McGraw-Hill.

DATAMONITOR: The Coca-Cola Company. (2011). Coca-Cola Company SWOT Analysis, 1-9.

Roembke, J. (2009). Diversity, persistence pays off. Wood Digest, 40(3), 10.

Job Fair Summary Clues From
Pages: 12 Words: 4020

Accuracy is lost the further one strays from the actual date of the writing. According to the early scholars, particularly Eusebius (263-340 AD) and Clement of Alexandria (150-215 AD), Paul authored the work and Luke translated it. Eusibius was a historian who spoke of fourteen epistles written by Paul. Jerusalem author, Jerome (347-420 AD) and Augustine (354-430 AD) also considered Hebrews to be to Pauline origin.
There appears to be a consensus among ancient scholars that the writings are of Pauline origin. In Greek manuscripts, Hebrews is located among other Pauline epistles. In modern Christian Bibles it is located after Phulimon, and not included in the Pauline works. However, in light of the argument that those closer to the source are more accurate, one would have to consider the Greek placement of the writing to be more accurate than modern translations would have one to believe. There is a consensus…...



Bruce, F.F. "The Epistle to the Hebrews." Rev. ed. The New International Commentary on the New Testament, F.F. Bruce, ed. (Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdmans, 1990), 20.

Guthrie, Donald. New Testament Introduction (Downers Grove: InterVarsity Press, 1970), 685-698;

Guthrie, New Testament Introduction, 695-698.

Stuart, Moses. A Commentary on the Epistle to the Hebrews (London: William Tegg and Company, 1850), 146.

Lessons from the Book of Job
Pages: 3 Words: 782

The Suffering of Job2. How does the book of Job explain human suffering and the human beings capacity to understand their own suffering? What coping strategies does the book offer if any? Do you think that there is any relevance to the story and can it be applicable to your own life? If so, how? And if not, why?The book of Job explains human suffering as something that God allows or permits to happenthe purpose being that through their suffering they might demonstrate the continuation of their trust in and love for Him. The reasoning is that it is easy to love when everything is going ones way, which is what the devil says to God. The devil believes Job is only good because God has favored him with so much; he wants to test Joband God allows the devil to plague Job to prove that Job is just because…...

Job Burnout
Pages: 2 Words: 530

Job burnout has been defined as "a psychological syndrome in response to chronic interpersonal stressors on the job. The three key dimensions of this response are an overwhelming exhaustion, feelings of cynicism and detachment from the job, and a sense of ineffectiveness and lack of accomplishment." (Maslach, 2001)
Maslach describes exhaustion as stemming from the chronic stress of feeling burned out. The employee feels overextended, and lacks the emotional strength to overcome the hurdles he or she faces. It involves negative feelings of incompetence and lack of productivity.

Musick (1997) looked specifically at the medical profession, noting trends that have been seen in other fields as well. Management, in an effort to increase productivity, sometimes increases demands and arbitrarily changes job descriptions in ways that stress the employees. Musick reports one interviewee as saying, "People can do more for brief periods of time," but noted that sometimes people feel the bar is…...



Maslach, Christina. 2001. "Job Burnout." Annual Review of Psychology.

Mashlach, Christina. September, 1999. "Take this Job and... Love It! (6 ways to Beat Burnout)" Psychology Today.

Musick, Janine Latus. April, 1997. "H (Wellsley, 2000) ow Close Are You to Burnout?" Family Practice Management.

Wellsley, Kristin. August 21, 2000. "Are You Suffering The Symptoms of Burnout?" Los Angeles Business Journal.

Job Portal Security the Objective
Pages: 11 Words: 3023

XML is used not only to represent the data but also as a messaging protocol called SOAP; and (6) Portal Integration is another popular integration methodology in use today. It doesn't involve expensive and time consuming technologies and processes that EAI and data warehousing require. Also, it is the most customer-facing of all the methods described in this section. This means that it can be highly personalized and customized to the customer's requirements. In future, portals will present their functionality as web services so that multiple portals from different vendors can be integrated.
Architecture of Portals

The portal, when speaking technically, is "a framework that enables developers to plug various software components called portlets, and then deliver the aggregated content to multi-devices." (Mohan, 2003) Integration may be accomplished through using HRML, JSP, Java eans, Java servlets, XSL that transforms XML through XSL transformation or even CGI. Sun Microsystems' Java Community Process…...



Mohan, Sajeev (2003) Mechanics of Oracle Portal and Identity Management. Online available at 

Reducing the Costs of it Security Management (2006) Sumner Blount eTrust Solutions Online available at 

Building a Portal? Vive La Difference (2001) Information Week. 5 November 2001 Online available at 

Oracle Solutions for Workforce Excellence - HR Transformation: Transform HR from an Administrative Function to a Strategic Partner.

Job Application
Pages: 3 Words: 870

Job Application
Why are you applying for a role in your chosen area? (Demonstrate your suitability for the position(s) sought.)

In September of 2002, I graduated with honors with a degree in Civil Electronic Engineering from the Free University of Brussels (V.U.B). Although I enjoyed studying this discipline and pursuing my degree, I have come to realize that my naturally extroverted personality is far more suited and more fulfilled in the fast-paced world of business and finance. This is why I have decided to apply for an entry-level position for the Financial Management Program (FMP) at General Electric.

I do not only seek an education for myself in my new, chosen field. I also believe that my background has given me, as a person, a good deal that I can offer to GE as a company. A civil electronic engineer, such as myself, is often confronted with highly complex mathematical and IT problems.…...

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