Border Patrol Essays (Examples)

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Among the strengths of this strategic plan are its ability to collect data in a broad manner of ways, from interviewing individuals, using biometrics such as fingerprints and iris scans, and using various electronic means. By combining these different techniques and by having such a broad purview, the agency is capable of being able to have the necessarily broad view of the ways in which people and goods enter and leave the country.

Among its key faults is that it has consistently targeted individuals who are guilty of nothing at all, perhaps sharing the same name of someone who is wanted, or merely being Muslim or Arabic. This latter problem can deprive individuals of the civil rights that any individual who is in the United States (whether or not that individual is a citizen of the U.S.) is guaranteed.

Linked to this is the fact that people who are arrested under the….

Border Patrol protects the United States from potential terrorist activities, smuggling, trafficking, and illegal migration along the border. The operations and resource built base that has been conducted over the last twenty years has enabled U.S. Border Patrol to focus on the development and implementation of various Strategic Plans based on identifying high risk areas as well as targeted responses to meet such threats. This proposal is meant to serve as a means of examining Border Patrol policy, past implementation, and ways to develop better practices, better outcomes through identifying what has worked in the past and what is needed in the present.
Border Patrol is an intelligence-driven, risk-based, law enforcement organization and is part of a much bigger change within the United State Government's approach to homeland and border security. After the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, such a tragedy has spurred a fundamental rethinking concerning cross-border movements, and….

He didn't have to say it but political posturing and the power of special interest lobbying will not stop anytime soon. Nor will the illegal immigrants who want a better life in the U.S. stop trying to come across into the U.S. And while all that goes on, the Border Patrol agents are out there on the front lines, doing their best to protect the border and risking life and limb in doing so. The families of Michael V. Gallagher (died Sept. 2, 2010) and Mark F. Van Doren (died May 23, 2010) can tell you how dangerous it is on the border with Mexico -- they both agents were killed in the line of duty this year (
orks Cited

Kyl, Jon. (2010). Border Security. U.S. Senate. Retrieved Dec. 11, 2010, from

Marek, Angie C. Border Battles. U.S. News & orld Report. 142.23. (2007): 46-50.

Obama, Barack. (2010). Speech to the….

Border agents will be allowed to make arrests on city streets, by Gregory Alan Gross, San Diego Union Tribune, August 16, 2003.
An order that angered many San Diego-Based Border Patrol agents and caused a firestorm of public outcry from conservatives, anti-immigration activists, and "law-and-order" advocates, has been rescinded by higher-ups in Washington, D.C. It is now legal again for the 1,600 Border Patrol agents who work for the San Diego office to stop and question suspected illegal immigrants on city streets - in San Diego and in outlying suburban neighborhoods. On August 8, San Diego Border Patrol Sector Chief William T. Veal issued a memo which ordered the agents to cease their policy of stopping suspected illegal immigrants on the streets. The order stated that agents were barred from "any interior enforcement or city patrol operations in or near residential areas or places of employment." Why?

On August 2, a Mexican….

Opening the U S Border the

In this sense, White has underlined the fact that "the Social Security Administration remains solvent in large part due to deductions taken from the paychecks of illegal immigrant workers, yet Social Security will never pay benefits to those workers. The workers pay in, but they never receive back" (White, 2010). Therefore it can be said that the illegal immigration has a win-win situation.
Overall it can be concluded that the present administration is clearly focused on a hard core policy planning which incurs extremely high expenses. However, the Mexican legal migration system also takes into account the benefits of Mexican immigration. Thus, as stated above, they represent a source for income, for cheap labor, and the availability of Mexicans to come tot he U.S.. Finally in analyzing the matter, it is clear that their eventual contribution reaches levels of social accounts and state accounts. Overall, the migration of Mexicans is….

Improving the United States Custom and Border Protection Agency
Alden, E. W. (2012). Immigration and Border Control. Cato Journal, 32(1), 37-46

Like Polner, in Coordinated Border Management: From Theory to Practice, the author of this particular article identifies the need to ensure that border security benefits the economy of the country. In so doing, he seeks ways of making "border security compatible with a sensible immigration system that strengthens the U.S. economy rather than weakens it." Unlike the other authors listed in tis text, Winter also gives a brief history of U.S. border patrol. This article will come in handy as I seek to highlight the consequences of the border security enforcement approaches in place currently. The article also outlines the various strategies that could be utilized in seeking to further enhance the flexibility as well as effectiveness of border security in the future. Its relevance cannot, therefore, be overstated.

Bullock, J.A., Haddow,….

Combating Drug Trade Along the Southwestern Border
Proposed Strategy for Combating the Drug Trade along the Southwestern Border

The issue of drug trafficking and smuggling has been a serious concern for both Mexico and the United States for decades. Mexico has been identified as the primary supplier of narcotics to the U.S., with the Southwestern border accounting for between 90 and 95% of all illicit drugs smuggled illegally into the U.S. market. In 2007, the presidents of the two countries held a summit, where they pledged to work together, collaboratively in the fight against drug trafficking. Today, substance use accounts for approximately 26% of crimes committed in the U.S. Both the U.S. and the Mexican governments recognize the security threat posed by illicit drug use, and have committed themselves to addressing the problem once and for all. The two countries have implemented numerous initiatives geared at curbing the growth of the drug….

Allowing more legal migrants from Mexico will not only save lives, it will decrease the terrible practice of smuggling, and it will free up the Border Patrol to concentrate on more important issues, such as drug smuggling and national security. Legal migration is an important issue that needs to be addressed by Congress, so that more people can enjoy the freedom and prosperity of living in America - legally and without fear of reprisal or deportation.

Annerino, John. Dead in Their Tracks: Crossing America's Desert Borderlands. New York: Four Walls Eight Windows, 1999.

Borjas, George J., and Eric O'N. Fisher. "Dollarization and the Mexican Labor Market." Journal of Money, Credit & Banking 33.2 (2001): 626.

Dunn, Timothy J. "Border Militarization Via Drug and Immigration Enforcement: Human ights Implications." Social Justice 28.2 (2001): 7+.

Ladik, Steven M. "On Strengthening U.S./Mexican elations: The Unfinished Agenda." American Immigration Lawyers Association. 16 April 2002. 24 Nov. 2004.….

S. - Canadian border. And what makes it all even worse is that even U.S. Border Patrol Agents need to sleep every once in a while so less than a third of the 1,000 are on duty at any one moment. The real number is secret but a safe guess could be that fewer than 250 agents are on-duty defending us from the dozens of known terrorist cells operating in Canada. Of the 22 U.S. Border Patrol Sectors, there are only seven are considered absolutely critical to a secure America (Northern Border, n.d.).
The Detroit Sector for instance is one of these. It is accountable for 804 miles of total wilderness between Michigan and Canada. The Detroit area is home not just to wilderness but to the city of Detroit which has the largest Muslim populace anywhere outside of the Middle East. With a Muslim population exceeding 150,000, Detroit is amending….

Immigration in to the U S


The population concerns, and the amount of finance drained towards the social welfare of the immigrants pose threat to the U.S. economy. It is therefore important for the government to focus more towards the employment of the local population, and the immigration to the applicants should be granted on the basis of available job opportunities. The government has so far failed to deliver the economic grievances of the local population, therefore the amount sanctioned for the social welfare of the immigrants can be diverted towards the well-being of the local population the allocation of the funds towards security along the borders is justified because in many of the cases the immigrants have been associated with practices that are responsible for unethical and terrorist activities.


Gordon Howard Hanson. Why Does Immigration Divide America? Public Finance and Political Opposition to Open Borders Peterson Institute. 2005. pp. 51

Gary Scott Smith. Faith and the Presidency:….

All too often, the human stories of how and why certain people get involved in such rings are avoided. Tobon looked past this, and has become a valuable person to the Colombian community. The police even call him now, when they find the body of a mule. One way in which to deprive criminals of their unsuspecting dupes is by eliminating backbreaking poverty, by giving individuals a chance to pull themselves up by the bootstraps without having to resort to illegal measures. In the meantime, mules are a different sort of criminal than the ringleaders of these drug trafficking organizations, and so therefore ought to be tried in a court of law differently.
1. PBS (2009). The Border

Accompanying website Last accessed March 2010:

2. -. Drug Trafficking in the United States DEA Fact Sheet.

Last accessed April 2010:

3. Altschuler, David & Brounstein, Paul. (1992) Patterns of Drug Use and Drug….

Many peoples' lives, destinies, and hopes for the future, and not only American ones, depend and will depend in the future on this taking place sooner rather than later, and now more than ever before in America's history.
orks Cited

Illegal Immigration." ikipedia. 4 May 2007.>.

Espenshade, Thomas J. "Unauthorized Immigration to the United States" Annual

Review of Sociology. 21 (1995). 195-200.

Flores, illiam V. "New Citizens, New Rights: Undocumented Immigrants and Latino Cultural Citizenship" Latin American Perspectives. 2003. 30(2). 87-" Love Unites Them, La Migra Separates Them." El observador, 30 Nov. 2006. b2579269c3c901ad0ae85bd42dd2920d.html>.

Morgan, Edmund S. The Puritan Dilemma: The Story of John inthrop. New York: Longman 2nd Edition, November 20, 1998.

Snyder, Tanya.,0,460257.story?coll=bal-oped-headlinesTo Slow Immigration from El Salvador, Understand its Causes."

Baltimore Sun, 11 Jan. 2007. oped/bal-op.elsalvador11jan11,0,460257.story?coll=bal-oped-headlines.

Young Migrants Risk All to Reach U.S." ashington Post. 28 Aug 2006.

A http:


Zimmermann, K.F. (Ed.). European Migration: hat Do e Know? New York:

Oxford University Press,….

September 11th shocked and enraged many people, in the United States and around the world. With that shock came a cry for change, a tightening of the open and free society in which we live. September 11th was an unprecedented occurrence, leaving many people personally affected and still others traumatized by the severity of the events and the seemingly senseless act against civilians. "What happened on September 11 is unparalleled by anything we have ever known. The attacks killed more than 5,000 people, injured tens of thousands more, and caused economic hardship and grief to hundreds of thousands more. From the New York attacks alone, more than 10,000 people lost a parent." (O'Brien, 2001, pg. 425)
This research work will attempt to analyze the real circumstances of change in the border between the U.S. And Canada since September 11th. It will answer several questions associated with the potential or real….

As far back as the 1930s, the Texas angers became involved in the African-American struggle for full citizenship and civil rights. The angers were summoned to protect two Black men who had been called for jury duty. (Klarman, 2004, p. 154) Unfortunately, the same fabled angers operated on the other side of the fence when it came to their interactions with Mexican-Americans. According to Joan Moore in a 1970s work, "For decades the Texas angers terrorized the Mexican-Americans of the io Grande Valley, and even today, although they are reduced in numbers, los rinches are still used to 'handle' Mexicans." (Feagin, 2001, p. 218) the angers were also commonly used as a kind of border patrol. Though Mexicans and Mexican-Americans often suffered at their hands, the Texas angers came to be idolized by the State's White Population:

The Texas anger had acquired a strong and positive standing in myth, "eulogized, idolized….

Illegal Immigration

Slowing or stopping the flow of immigrants across the U.S. Mexico border has remained a hot political issue for several decades. The events of 9/11 only added fuel to the fire and politicians have repeatedly promised to plug the leaky border. Although the budget and manpower of the Border Patrol has been tripled since 9/11, leaders in congress felt more needed to be done. In 2006 the Secure Fence Act was passed into law, which authorized funding to build 700 miles of fencing along the most troublesome stretches of the Mexico/U.S. border (Ellis, 2011). By the end of 2008 only 120 miles had been completed. In 2006 the Secure Border Initiative awarded a billion dollar contract to Boeing to build a virtual fence along the border and by the end of last year only 53 miles had been completed. The past January the….

1. The impact of immigration policies on border communities
2. Border security vs. human rights: finding a balance in immigration enforcement
3. The economic benefits and challenges of immigration at the border
4. The role of border states in shaping national immigration policy
5. The humanitarian crisis at the US-Mexico border and the need for reform
6. The history of immigration and border control in the United States
7. The cultural and social implications of immigration on border towns
8. The role of border security in preventing human trafficking and drug smuggling
9. The effects of immigration on cross-border trade and commerce
10. The role of immigration in shaping....

Essay Topics on Immigration Border Control

1. The Evolving Landscape of Border Security: Technological Advancements and Ethical Implications

Examine the advancements in border security technology, such as facial recognition, biometrics, and surveillance systems.
Analyze the ethical considerations related to data privacy, human rights, and the potential for bias in AI-powered border control systems.
Discuss the trade-offs between enhancing security and preserving civil liberties.

2. Cross-Border Cooperation and International Diplomacy in Border Management

Explore the challenges and opportunities of international cooperation in border management.
Analyze the role of bilateral agreements, multilateral organizations, and shared intelligence in facilitating effective border control.
Discuss the diplomatic....

Impact of Illegal Immigration on Economies, Societies, and National Security

I. Economic Impact

A. Labor Market Effects:
- Depressing wages for low-skilled native-born workers
- Increasing unemployment among certain demographics
- Creating a shadow economy and undercutting legitimate businesses

B. Government Spending:
- Imposing costs on healthcare, education, and social services
- Reducing tax revenue due to undocumented workers' inability to file
- Straining infrastructure and public resources

C. Business Climate:
- Creating an unfair competitive advantage for employers hiring undocumented workers
- Reducing investments and economic growth
- Distorting labor markets and hindering innovation

II. Social Impact

A. Social Cohesion:
- Creating divisions within communities

2 Pages

American History

Border Patrol How Many Agents

Words: 610
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Among the strengths of this strategic plan are its ability to collect data in a broad manner of ways, from interviewing individuals, using biometrics such as fingerprints and iris…

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8 Pages


The Use of Body Cameras in Border Patrol

Words: 2156
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

Border Patrol protects the United States from potential terrorist activities, smuggling, trafficking, and illegal migration along the border. The operations and resource built base that has been conducted over…

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4 Pages
Capstone Project

Criminal Justice

United States Border Patrol Border

Words: 1522
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Capstone Project

He didn't have to say it but political posturing and the power of special interest lobbying will not stop anytime soon. Nor will the illegal immigrants who want…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Border Agents Will Be Allowed to Make

Words: 992
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Border agents will be allowed to make arrests on city streets, by Gregory Alan Gross, San Diego Union Tribune, August 16, 2003. An order that angered many San Diego-Based Border…

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5 Pages
Research Paper

American History

Opening the U S Border the

Words: 1666
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

In this sense, White has underlined the fact that "the Social Security Administration remains solvent in large part due to deductions taken from the paychecks of illegal immigrant…

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4 Pages


Improving the United States Custom and Border Protection Agency

Words: 1174
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Improving the United States Custom and Border Protection Agency Alden, E. W. (2012). Immigration and Border Control. Cato Journal, 32(1), 37-46 Like Polner, in Coordinated Border Management: From Theory to Practice,…

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10 Pages


Southwestern Border Combating Drug Trade

Words: 4279
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

Combating Drug Trade Along the Southwestern Border Proposed Strategy for Combating the Drug Trade along the Southwestern Border The issue of drug trafficking and smuggling has been a serious concern for…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Sports - Drugs

Legal Migration Benefits of Allowing

Words: 1705
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Allowing more legal migrants from Mexico will not only save lives, it will decrease the terrible practice of smuggling, and it will free up the Border Patrol to…

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4 Pages
Research Proposal


Government How Secure Is the

Words: 1479
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

S. - Canadian border. And what makes it all even worse is that even U.S. Border Patrol Agents need to sleep every once in a while so less than…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Immigration in to the U S

Words: 1517
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Conclusion The population concerns, and the amount of finance drained towards the social welfare of the immigrants pose threat to the U.S. economy. It is therefore important for the government…

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4 Pages
Research Paper

Sports - Drugs

Drug Enforcement of the U S

Words: 1570
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

All too often, the human stories of how and why certain people get involved in such rings are avoided. Tobon looked past this, and has become a valuable…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Literature - Latin-American

Illegal Immigration Amnesty for Illegal

Words: 1751
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Many peoples' lives, destinies, and hopes for the future, and not only American ones, depend and will depend in the future on this taking place sooner rather than…

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9 Pages
Research Paper


September 11th Shocked and Enraged Many People

Words: 2812
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Research Paper

September 11th shocked and enraged many people, in the United States and around the world. With that shock came a cry for change, a tightening of the open…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Criminal Justice

Criminal Justice Protecting the Rights

Words: 1097
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

As far back as the 1930s, the Texas angers became involved in the African-American struggle for full citizenship and civil rights. The angers were summoned to protect two Black…

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2 Pages
Case Study


Geopolitics of Illegal Migration in the U S

Words: 938
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Case Study

GEOPOLITICS OF ILLEGAL MIGATION IN THE U.S. Illegal Immigration Slowing or stopping the flow of immigrants across the U.S. Mexico border has remained a hot political issue for several decades. The…

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