Bribery Essays (Examples)

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What is the difference between lobbying and bribery?

The major difference between lobbying and bribery is that the latter is considered a criminal activity which can lead to massive fines or even jail time depending on the nature and degree of the offense. Lobbying on the other hand is considered legal. Interest groups wish to gain the attention and support of politicians or influential groups, such as the International Olympics Committee or IOC. There is supposed to be a legally determined limit as to the number and value of the contributions that are made by the interest group to those making decisions. Also, any and all contributions must be recorded and reviewed to make sure they are done legitimately. Bribery has none of these sanctions and thus ensures that the person with the deepest pockets is the one who is heard by politicians.

What argument could the SLOC members make that the….

According to Goodman (2001) American companies recognize that a serious dilemma exist. On the one hand, the laws that govern international business for American companies have declared it illegal to provide bribes and kickbacks. Not only are the companies breaking the law but they are using deceitful tactics to break the law so that they will not get caught. On the other hand, "They are answerable to shareholders on all Street and home offices that demand a piece of an increasingly lucrative Chinese market (Goodman 2001) ." The author explains that in many cases shareholders have expectation that are not realistic. These expectations exist because of the size of the Chinese market and the rate of economic growth that has occurred in the country over the last decade.

This dilemma has proved to be a difficult one for multinational corporations. In the case of China, many have decided that the expectations….

Business Ethics Megacomp
Ethics are play a major role in how an organization carries out its duties and responsibilities. Ethical behavior is a leader driven quality that resonates throughout the company files. By default, the leader of an organization sets the ethical and moral tone of the organization, and will reflect the inner most qualities of the leader.

Ms. Werner, as the CEO of Megacomp, needs to be aware of her role as a leader and that what she says and does will most likely be repeated in other business scenarios. The importance of Ms. Werner's decision regarding what she must tell her division managers regarding the business practices of the Chinese cannot be understated. The important issue dealing with this case is not necessary ethics but more of a practical or moral situation.

Megacomp was created and grew successful under a certain ethical approach. That approach needs to be modified if it….

A lack of cultural competence can explain the moral binaries that surround American allegations of bribery in cases like that of Ericsson. Bribery is a common and entrenched way of doing business in Asia and Africa: the continents on which the alleged briberies occurred (Turula 1). Bribery is not a black versus white ethical issue, which is why Carroll and Schultz describe it as a “subject of continuing debate, more than any other form of corruption (319). As Carroll and Schultz point out, “some countries of the world continue to assert that [bribes] are culturally obligatory or defensible,” with some businesspeople arguing they are “necessary,” (319). In the Ericsson suit, none of the people suspected of bribery are making any such claims because they are being investigated by the American Security and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Department of Justice (DOJ), neither of which take kindly to bribery regardless of….

Illicit finance has come to be a significant issue not only locally, but also internationally. There are numerous delineations of illicit finance, but fundamentally it comes about from the practices, approaches and crimes targeting to transfer financial capital within and out of a nation in violation of national and global laws. Across the world, government administrations are working in tandem and joining forces to combat different illicit financial flows, which include tax evasion, global bribery and money laundering (OECD, 2014). Despite the fact that the precise scale of the problem is unidentified, illicit finance has had shattering and disparaging effects on developing nations. In the recent number of years, nations have executed and put into practice standards and abided by most recommendations provided (OECD, 2014). The fight against illicit finance is largely dependent on the quality of state regulations and whether they abide by the set global best practices. This….

If an employee invokes the www.reference.comGarrity v. New Jersey, 385 U.S. (1967) the rule is most commonly applied to public employees such as police officers.
If a police officer is suspected of taking bribes and is investigated by internal affairs (IA), and he is given a "Garrity" warning by the IA investigator, then admits that he has taken bribes and resigns, he cannot be prosecuted in criminal court on the bribery allegation. The Garrity rule allows the officer to admit wrong-doing to an internal investigative officer utilizing the Garrity rule to obtain information, without being prosecuted for that wrong-doing. Even though the officer may be asked to resign his or her commission or be dismissed, any statements made after invoking Garrity, may only be used for department investigation purposes and not for criminal prosecution purposes. (Hall p. 145)


Constitution of the United Statse of America. etrieved January 20, 2007 at


Cultural Ethical Variances
The author of this report has been asked to complete a short essay about the differing ethical dimensions that are present in different situations. One can compare and contrast among many different group types and locations. Indeed, the ethics of doing business and giving gifts can vary greatly from country to country, from region to region, from state to state, from city to city or even from business to business in the same general vicinity. The reasons for these variances typically vary based on things like religion, ethnicity, race, age and family status. This report shall explore the differences that exist all within the United States because even the differences in a single country can vary quite a bit. While there are some standards and practices in business that are pretty consistent, not everyone is singing from the same proverbial hymnal when it comes to what is ethical….

Siemens AG Scandal
Siemens AG had over one hundred fifty years of experience making business deals internationally by the time it became embroiled in several bribery scandals in 2006. Beginning in the mid-1800s, the company set up products such as telegraph networks and maintenance and initiated business practices such as fixed-hour workdays and employee career training that helped it get ahead. ith a long and solid history as a leading company in Germany and internationally, the accusations against it might seem surprising, but investigators turned up plenty of evidence that Siemens AG had made frequent bribes of foreign officials and businessmen in order to turn business its way. It was also accused of embezzlement and tax evasion. The resulting scandal, which involved authorities in Germany, Switzerland, Greece, the U.S., and other countries, cost Siemens billions of dollars, landed some managers in legal trouble, and harmed Siemens AG's reputation. The Siemens bribery….

bribing" unethical and illegal or just a cost of doing business?
Bribery is unethical and illegal in some societies and a regular part of business in others. Whether or not an activity is unethical is largely dependent on the culture, customs, norms, values, and laws of the country where the activity takes place. It's a matter of perspective. When you consider that the act of bribery is intended to supplement the income of underpaid officials or increase the power of a nation's governments, the outcome of the bribe is a negative one. Most economists and ethicists agree that bribery's effects are largely detrimental (Weber and Getz, 2004). If the effect of the act is detrimental, then it can be argued that it is unethical to engage in bribery even if it is only a cost of doing business.

There are different types of corruption: bureaucratic corruption where officials take bribes; political….

Other measures can include sanctions against foreign companies that are engaged in bribery. This many motivate the governments of those countries to take stronger measures towards eliminating bribery.
3) There are a couple of reasons I think Starbucks has been so concerned about its corporate social responsibility. One is that it helps cultivate a positive image of the company, which can help to both attract and retain customers. Another reason is that the company comes from a culture in the Pacific Northwest where philanthropy and social responsibility is more accepted in business. This cultural difference may have impacted the overall philosophy of Starbucks with regards to this issue. Also, Starbucks is a high-profile company. They open themselves up to significant negative publicity if they engage in social irresponsible acts. Maintaining a high level of corporate social responsibility is therefore a defense against potentially damaging criticism.

Starbucks' various relationships are generally positive.….

In a democratic system, whose underlying foundation is a philosophy of independence and equal representation, giving somebody the power to buy political power or interest is unethical. For this reason, must governing boards have codes of ethics that specifically prohibit bribery.
The mayor's proposed plan to lure tourism to igtown is akin to the illegal bribery committed by the SLOC. In other words, what the mayor proposes is to give convention planners government contracts for coming to igtown, which is essentially giving the planners political power not available to the city's citizens. According to the governing rules, this form of political bribery is illegal. If the mayor does go through with this plan, he could be punished with such actions as fines or an impeachment from his position.


15 United States Code Sec. 78. (2006): The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.

Longman, Jere. (1999): "Olympics: 2 Officials Quit in Salt Lake City as….

Transaction Under Each of the Five Ethical Theories
Ethical fundamentalism:

Juanita's behavior is clearly in contravention of a normative code of ethics since each of the world's religions proscribe bribery. The Bible, for instance, as does the Koran goes on in depth about the severity of perverting justice and bring officials or any one involved in the jurisprudence sector.


Utilitarianism is somewhat stickier in application. If Juanita's behavior provides the greatest amount of people in her environment with pleasure, she can, consequently, proceed. Utilitarianism is, however, not so clear in this situation for how do you define and set the limits to providing happiness t o the greatest amount of people. Who are the majority in this case? Are they the employees in Giantcorp and the bribed official (as well as recipients who profit from the bribe)? Are they competitors to the company? Are they the specific country? Or are they all….


Bribery is fundamentally unethical because it is inherently unfair. Regardless of the situation, bribery means that someone is transferring some form of compensation that is not permitted and that necessarily undermines the fair efforts of competitors or the purpose of rules and regulation. Where bribery occurs in connection with gaining an unfair advantage over others (such as bribing a college professor for a good grade), the ethical violation is a function of the fundamental right of others competing for the same goal to achieve it through only legitimate means. The student who bribes a college professor and receives a grade for it harms the other students by lowering the grading curve for everybody. In the long run, many instances of bribery of this kind would also diminish the value of the educational degree from an institution whose reputation as lowered by unqualified graduates who perform less….

Ethics in elationship to Power Structures
Ethical obligations allegedly breached by Smith or Halloran while in office

Senator Malcolm Smith and New York City Councilman Dan Halloran were accused of attempting to fix the mayoral ballot. They were allegedly reported having exchanged thousands of dollars in cash. This money was intended to pay off the officials of the epublican Party to agree to one of the Democrats, Smith on the GOP line. Halloran demonstrated clear ignorance as he walked into the evil bargain as the confidential witness dangled campaign funds for a personal interest bid. In the context of public ethics, the actions of Smith and Halloran raise questions their principles of justice, democratic society, and common good (Stensota, 2010).

Smith and Halloran must adhere to the principle of ethical policymaking. This principle requires that they hold one another accountable for what they know and value. As such, it draws into play both….

campaign financing in the election of judges and cites numerous studies which illustrate correlation between campaign donations and favorable court rulings. The point of the article is to highlight a possibly damaging policy that could be creating a perverse criminal justice system. Skaggs offers a number of solutions to the issue, each of which could conceivably address the problem. The best solution is to make elections dependent upon public financing, which would eliminate Big Money from the process; or it should be necessary for judges to show who has contributed to their election so that bias could be determined by litigants before a case goes to trial. This would ensure that the criminal justice system is kept honorably above board and it would also promote a more Christian sense of propriety on the judiciary's part, as the idea of judges being "bribed" by campaign donors would become obsolete along….

Corruption is rampant in many countries around the world, and it can take many forms.

One common example of corruption is bribery, where individuals in positions of power accept money or gifts in exchange for giving preferential treatment to certain individuals or companies.

Another example is embezzlement, where officials siphon off public funds for personal gain.

Nepotism is also a form of corruption, where individuals in power give jobs or opportunities to family members or friends, rather than based on merit.

These forms of corruption undermine democracy, the rule of law, and economic development, creating a vicious cycle that is....

1. The Impacts of Graft and Corruption on Societal Development

2. Exploring the Causes and Consequences of Graft and Corruption

3. The Role of Institutions in Curbing Graft and Corruption

4. Corruption as a Barrier to Economic Growth: An Analysis of Case Studies

5. Examining the Relationship Between Graft, Corruption, and Political Stability

6. Ethical Dilemmas in Public Service: Understanding Graft and Corruption

7. Corruption and Impunity: The Need for Judicial Reform

8. Anti-Corruption Measures: Evaluating their Effectiveness in Combatting Graft

9. The Role of Civil Society in Combating Graft and Corruption

10. The Fight Against Corruption: Lessons Learned and Future Strategies
11. Uncovering the Hidden Costs of Graft and....

2 Pages


Bribery What Is the Difference Between Lobbying

Words: 542
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Bribery What is the difference between lobbying and bribery? The major difference between lobbying and bribery is that the latter is considered a criminal activity which can lead to massive fines…

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11 Pages


Bribery the Issue of Business

Words: 3147
Length: 11 Pages
Type: Essay

According to Goodman (2001) American companies recognize that a serious dilemma exist. On the one hand, the laws that govern international business for American companies have declared it illegal…

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4 Pages
Case Study


Ethical Bribery in Business

Words: 1104
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Case Study

Business Ethics Megacomp Ethics are play a major role in how an organization carries out its duties and responsibilities. Ethical behavior is a leader driven quality that resonates throughout the…

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2 Pages

Ethics / Morality

business ethics and ericsson bribery

Words: 697
Length: 2 Pages

A lack of cultural competence can explain the moral binaries that surround American allegations of bribery in cases like that of Ericsson. Bribery is a common and entrenched way…

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4 Pages


Money Laundering and Bribery

Words: 1260
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Illicit finance has come to be a significant issue not only locally, but also internationally. There are numerous delineations of illicit finance, but fundamentally it comes about from the…

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1 Pages
Term Paper

Criminal Justice

Garrity and the Fifth Amendment

Words: 410
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

If an employee invokes the www.reference.comGarrity v. New Jersey, 385 U.S. (1967) the rule is most commonly applied to public employees such as police officers. If a police officer…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Family and Marriage

Cultural Ethical Variances With Gifting

Words: 750
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Cultural Ethical Variances The author of this report has been asked to complete a short essay about the differing ethical dimensions that are present in different situations. One can compare…

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8 Pages


Siemens AG Scandal Siemens AG Had Over

Words: 2649
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

Siemens AG Scandal Siemens AG had over one hundred fifty years of experience making business deals internationally by the time it became embroiled in several bribery scandals in 2006. Beginning…

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4 Pages


Bribing Unethical and Illegal or Just a

Words: 1334
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

bribing" unethical and illegal or just a cost of doing business? Bribery is unethical and illegal in some societies and a regular part of business in others. Whether or…

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4 Pages
Research Proposal


Business Ethics Whether or Not

Words: 1164
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

Other measures can include sanctions against foreign companies that are engaged in bribery. This many motivate the governments of those countries to take stronger measures towards eliminating bribery. 3)…

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1 Pages
Term Paper


Legal Environment of Business According

Words: 339
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

In a democratic system, whose underlying foundation is a philosophy of independence and equal representation, giving somebody the power to buy political power or interest is unethical. For…

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8 Pages


Business Entities Laws and Regulations Information

Words: 2499
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

Transaction Under Each of the Five Ethical Theories Ethical fundamentalism: Juanita's behavior is clearly in contravention of a normative code of ethics since each of the world's religions proscribe bribery.…

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2 Pages

Business - Ethics

Ethical Business Standards and Social

Words: 554
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

BRIBERY AS AN ETHICAL ISSUE Bribery is fundamentally unethical because it is inherently unfair. Regardless of the situation, bribery means that someone is transferring some form of compensation that is…

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4 Pages

Business - Ethics

Ethics in Relationship to Power Structures Ethical

Words: 1298
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Ethics in elationship to Power Structures Ethical obligations allegedly breached by Smith or Halloran while in office Senator Malcolm Smith and New York City Councilman Dan Halloran were accused of attempting…

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4 Pages
Article Critique


Electing Judges or Appointing Them a Question for the Courts

Words: 1406
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Article Critique

campaign financing in the election of judges and cites numerous studies which illustrate correlation between campaign donations and favorable court rulings. The point of the article is to…

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