Business Culture Decision Making
Every research is centered on the need to make a decision and the need to make a decision in any organization sprouts from a dilemma that the particular organization may be in. Some of these dilemmas may be in the form of complains within the organization, controversy over pay, competitors introduction of a new form of operation or technology, some looming major commitment of resources and more of such issues can effectively prompt a research in an organization.
The bottom line is that research draws its origins from decision making. There must be a dilemma that dominates the course of the research in pursuit of specific information to enable a manager to set objectives, define the tasks, and obtain the best strategy for completion of some tasks. It is at this time that it can be concluded that the research always comes 'just- in -- time' for the…...
Martin Shutleworth, (2008). Research Variables. Retrieved May 26, 2011 from
University of Wisconsin Eau Claire, (2011). Generating A Research Hypothesis. Retrieved May
usiness Culture -- Gender Differences
Identifying Gender Communication Styles: ridging the Gap between the Male-Female Diversity for Increasing Performance in the Workplace Setting
One of the best and most essential assets that a business organization has is its workforce, composed of members/employees that use their knowledge and skills about a specific task in order to perform well for the production of goods and services of the organization. Human resources are crucial elements in improving the efficiency of an organization because they are the first people to experience and determine the organization's strengths and weaknesses. Furthermore, ascertaining the nature of each member's personality is vital to better communication and interaction within the organization, leading to higher productivity and efficiency in his or her work performance.
ecause of the importance of human resources in organizational management, this paper discusses an issue that is of vital importance in the politics of workplace environment and interaction. This…...
Ng, C. (1998). Do women and men communicate differently at work? Women in Management Review, Vol. 13, Issue No. 1.
Business Culture in Lithuania
Socio-cultural environment
Lithuania has a very family-focused culture. Social obligations and protocols are very important. Fostering close relationships is vital to Lithuanians, both in business and in the general social environment. especting others by making eye contact is essential (Doing business in Lithuania, 2011, Communicaid: 3).
Elements of culture
National pride and traditions have been very important in Lithuania since its liberation from Soviet control. In general, as a people Lithuanians are quite conservative, so it is best to err on the side of caution and dress professionally and use formal modes of address. However, do not be overly brusque during first meetings and engage in respectful small talk that is not too intimate, but is still friendly (Doing business in Lithuania2011, Communicaid: 3).
Business practices and etiquette
"Organisations in Lithuania have a strong respect for hierarchy and authority, with structure and delegation coming from above. This hierarchical style is reflected in…...
Dapkus, L. (2009). Lithuania anti-gay law. Huffington Post. Retrieved:
Doing business in Lithuania. (2011). Communicaid. Retrieved at:
American and Chinese Business Cultures
Though there is no universally accepted definition, culture denotes a set of values, beliefs, traditions, practices, attitudes, and behaviors shared by a given group of people (odrigues, 2009). Culture defines a people's way of life -- how they do things, communicate, behave, relate with one another, and so forth. Culture theory, especially Geert Hofstede's cultural dimensions theory, illustrates that cultures tend to vary from country to country or region to region (Hofstede, 2001). These differences imply that norms, behaviors, attitudes, and other elements of culture differ across countries or regions. For instance, the culture of Americans tends to differ from that of the Chinese, Africans, or Arabs.
Culture permeates every aspect of society -- from organization and social relationships to communication and business. Business is especially influenced by culture. Culture affects how organizations are structured and managed, how employers relate with employees, how decisions are made, how…...
Alon, I. (2003). Chinese culture, organizational behavior, and international business management. Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing.
Althen, G. (2003). American ways: A guide for foreigners in the United States. 2nd edition. US: Intercultural Press.
Cook, G. (2012). The influence of national culture on American business people -- managerial implications for central Europe. Central European Business Review, 1(2), 46-51. (n.d.). Country comparison. Retrieved from
American Business Culture in Novel and Film -- all Street, Martha Stewart, and a Cookbook Mix of Greed and Gracious Living
Perhaps the quintessential film about American business culture is Oliver Stone's 1987 drama "all Street." The film's infamous Gordon Gekko, as portrayed by Michael Douglass, is shown as a hollow charlatan whose ethos that "greed is good" highlights the corruption of American business culture. However, quite often, breaches of American business ethics are not nearly so obvious. The protagonist of the film, as portrayed by Charlie Sheen, is a callow and easily corrupted young man, eager to make money, and easily swayed by the promises of American capitalism.
However, although the general American business culture's lack value of ethics may 'feel' accurately portrayed in the film, in reality, quite often a lack of ethical norms is not quite so raw nor so obvious on all Street. Business people's reasons for starting…...
mlaWorks Cited
Elias, Paul. (April 19, 2004). "ImClone Stock Passes Pre-Scandal Levels." AP Wire. Accessed on April 24, 2004 at
Harrigan, Susan. (July 2, 20040. "When Greed is Good Gone Wrong." The Baltimore Sun. Accessed on April 24, 2004 at,0,7607649.story
Status of Corporate Scandals." AOL News. (April 24, 2004) Accessed on April 24, 2004 at
Wall Street." (1987) Directed by Oliver Stone.
a" in Japanese Business Culture
The series of articles depicting the kind of business culture in Japan reflects on the collectivist and high level of uncertainty avoidance present in the Japanese society. Collectivism and uncertainty avoidance is best illustrated through the concept of "wa," which may mean any of the following: "harmony, peace, tranquility, and balance." In this paper, "wa" is studied in the context of the business environment, applying this in discussing the basic principles present in the Total Quality Management (TQM) principles, conceived by . Edwards Deming.
TQM, according to Deming, is defined as follows: "TQM means that the organization's culture is defined by and supports the constant attainment of costumer satisfaction... This involves the continuous improvement organizational processes, resulting in high quality products and services." In effect, TQM focuses on two important principles: "customer-centered and employee driven management" (Kreitner, 1995:16).
Japanese business culture is evidently an example of a…...
mlaWorks Cited
Kreitner, R. (1995). Organizational Behavior. Chicago: Richard D. Irwin, Inc.
Globalisation Led to a Convergence of Business Cultures and Practices?
Globalisation, generally defined as the economic, political, and cultural convergence of the world, is undoubtedly a major hallmark of the modern world (French, 2010). The world has increasingly become interconnected in terms of economic activities, communication, technology, social aspects, as well as politics. Indeed, the once diversified and distanced world has converged into a small global village because of globalisation. Globalisation has led to the interdependence of not only politics and economic activities, but also culture (Grewal, 2008). Cultural convergence is now a widely-recognised phenomenon (Cojocaru, 2011). Owing to increased contact amongst people from diverse cultural backgrounds, cultural practices have become ever more similar, consequently resulting in the convergence of business cultures and practices. Organisations now experience lesser cultural difficulties when doing business across cultures. As a result, the study of comparative business cultures may be becoming less relevant. While there…...
Many of them are either uddhist or Taoist, and both of these religions teach respect very seriously. In order to understand the idea of respect amongst siblings in the way that the Chinese individuals see it, it becomes necessary to also understand some of the Taoist and uddhist traditions and beliefs. These are not always seen as being very significant, largely because many individuals in the west do not understand Taoism and/or uddhism, and therefore it gets largely ignored. However, it is also important to understand the importance of schooling and how this affects the way that the Chinese individuals think when it comes to the respect that they show to their siblings (ogdan & iklen, 1992).
Integration of the Elements by Locals
Religion and usiness in China
uddhism is the religion that is generally seen in the Chinese culture. uddhists seek an elimination of suffering. The uddha teaches that, in order…...
Balfour, Frederik. (2006). B&Q stores: Renovating China's attitudes. BusinessWeek. Retrieved from: htm .
Bass, Frank M. The Future of Research in Marketing: Marketing Science. Journal of Marketing Research 30, 1 (1993): 1-6.
Bogdan, R.C., & Biklen, S.K. (1992). Qualitative research for education: An introduction to theory and methods (2nd ed.). Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
Cateora, P.R., & Graham, J.L., (2002) International Marketing 11th Ed. Mc Graw-Hill
There are also some words that are used, which do not translate into English such as privacy. This is because the cultural traditions of Russia do not understand such concepts, which makes translating certain ideas more challenging. (Richmond, 2009, pp. 109 -- 117)
1.3.1: Russian
Russian is a Slavic language that has close ties to all of the different European languages including: English and German. This means that many of the root words are similar to what is used in the common languages spoken throughout the West. However, as far as the alphabet is concerned, the language will utilize what is known as the Cyrillic alphabet. This is different from Western languages, as each of 32 different symbols will represent particular roots of certain words. When reading the language and learning Russian, the basic alphabet will help foreign business executives to navigate their way around. With the alphabet is pronounced the…...
Andresen, F. (2007). Walking on Ice. Denver, CO: Outskirts Press.
Ayios, A. (2004). East West Relationships in Russia. Trust and Western Russian Business Relationships. (pp. 156 -- 180). Burlington, VT: Ashgate.
Horton, P. (2006). Religion. Russia and Belarus. (pp. 77 -- 83). Melbourne: Lonely Planet Publications.
Jones, A. (1994). Education and Society in the New Russia. Armonk, NY: ME Sharpe.
In that regard, even the protections available in more sophisticated societies cannot prevent major governmental corruption, exploitation, or unethical business practices in the private sector.
Therefore, the prospect of expanding our company presence to Kava does not obligate us to become more directly involved in Kava government or politics, but it does impose an obligation on our part to encourage the most beneficial organizational values and practices at every level. Business management principles must be shared in a manner that best cultivates a fundamental respect for human rights, equal rights, ethical principles of fairness and equity.
Naturally, in addition to attempting to instil socially responsible organizational values in Kava, our ethical responsibility requires us to determine a fair method of apportioning the measurable value that we derive from our Kava operations between the Kava people and our financial interests. It should go without saying that we will restrict our operations, organizational…...
Having this traditional silo-structured environment makes it very difficult to properly develop a curriculum surrounding service management. Because of this there is a significant gap that exists between the education received by business school graduates and the skills that they need to succeed in today's service heavy environment.
Non-traditional Business Skills and Tactics
Nontraditional business skills are often referred to as soft skills or people skills. These consist of the ability to communicate and understand people on an emotional level. These are often the skills that can determine the success or failure of a career (Thilmany, 2009). The skills are all related to human interaction. This includes most forms of communication, negotiation and leadership. Soft skills can be distinguished by different types such as informative, negotiating, listening, and communicative. Informative soft skills are those that send a message that has to be conveyed accurately. Negotiating or convincing soft skills is the…...
21 Business Skills Needed to Succeed. (2009). Retrieved September 22, 2009, from New
Horizons Web site:
Davis, M.M. And Berdrow, I. (2008). Service science: Catalyst for change in business school curricula. IBM Systems Journal, 47(1), 29-39.
This would lead to a new round of calls for increased ethical standards. (De George, 2005)
Name at least three reasons why ethics are important to your job/profession or a job/profession you would like to work in Three reasons why ethics is important would include: it helps improve decision making, allows us to go beyond traditional business theories and it creates a culture of acceptable behavior within an organization. Decision making is improved, because executives can see the impact of their actions. Ethics help managers to choose the outcome that will have greatest impact, resulting in improved decision making. Once this takes place it allows, executives will be able to see what is occurring beyond traditional business theories. Where, ethics will shape how each theory is applied and to what degree. Over the course of time, the consistent application of ethical standards will become a part of the business culture,…...
Business Ethics. (2010). National American University, 6 -- 146.
Securities and Exchange Act of 1934. (2010). Retrieved July 24, 2010 from Investopedia website:
Crane, A. (2007). Why is Business Ethics Important. Business Ethics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 9 -- 11.
De George, R. (2005). A History of Business Ethics. Retrieved July 24, 2010 from Santa Clara University website:
They wanted to know the best places to go after work, and expected him to help them in that regard.
Hanes finally told his Japanese trainers "he preferred not to mix business with pleasure." ithin a couple days, the group requested another instructor. The critical issue here, one can quickly discern, is that Hanes did not do his homework on the Japanese business culture; if he had, he would know the Japanese are intensely committed to their work, on duty and off duty.
The "Miscue No. 2" involves Ray Lopez, top salesperson for his company who was fluent in Spanish; he was sent to Buenos Aires to make a marketing pitch to a distribution firm there. He arrived and was picked up at the airport and surprised to learn that the meeting had been postponed for two days " that Ray could rest after the long trip" and also have an…...
mlaWorks Cited
Hult, G. Tomas M.; Cavusgil, S. Tamer; Deligonul, Seyda; Kiyak, Tunga; & Lagerstrom,
Katarina. (2007) What Drives Performance in Globally Focused Marketing Organizations? A Three-Country Study. Journal of International Marketing, 15(2), 58-85.
Keeley, Timothy Dean. 2001, International Human Resource Management in Japanese Firms: Their Greatest Challenge, New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Kim, Youngok, Gray, Sidney J. 2005, 'Strategic factors influencing international human resource management practices: an empirical study of Australian multinational corporations', International Journal of Human Resource Management, vol. 16, no. 5, pp. 809-830.
Also people enjoying decent salaies with huge emuneation believe that thei level of pefomance is so high that they ae woking on low salaies. (Vickes, 2005) at the time of the boom duing the 1990s because of the unpaalleled stock options, the high anked manages possessed immensely moe monetay inducement to influence the eanings epot compaed to the executives in the pevious yeas. These inducements sometimes supassed the CEO and acoss the top levels of management - a eality which suppots to descibe the paticipation of seveal of the chief financial executives in copoate scandals. (Callahan, 2004)
Apat fom the sepaate instances of insatiability and wath, U.S. business cultue also suffes fom vey sevee attention on the bottom line, an issue that pemeates into the sphee of business eseach. While a team of eseaches inspected all the empiical eseach eleased by the Academy of Management fom 1958 to 2000, it…...
mlareferences they encounter, take decisions within ethical perspectives, and create and upkeep an ethical work atmosphere. (Sims, 1994) Norms of ethical behavior must be devised methodically at the apex level of management. Employees anticipate supervisors and managers to be a precept. Maybe this is the reason behind 50% of the workforce reviewed in a research supported by the Ethics Officer Association and the American Society of Chartered Life Underwriters and Chartered Financial Consultant acknowledged to behaving in an unethical manner or unlawfully at the time of job. Roughly, 60%, nevertheless, supposed that ethical predicaments cannot be evaded in carrying out business. (Jackson, 2005) lot of business analysts maintain that apex management regularly must be accountable for the performances of their sub-staff. The plan is that till the higher officers are made answerable for the unethical works of their sub-staff, organizational cultures will carry on supporting -- if tacitly-- unethical behavior that generate short-term advantages. To put it differently, the leaders at the apex level of the organization might be the most efficient manner of instilling a culture that disheartens unethical behavior. This state presumes that leadership will be contributing a lot in building an ethical organizational culture. (Sims, 1994)
Even though the support of the apex management and real dedication to an ethical atmosphere is vital, other campaigners for these types of atmosphere are required - individuals who will assume a powerful stands on the urgency for ethical behavior, standardize the actions needed to strengthen these behaviors, and help in regularly striving to move the organization in the forward direction in an ethical manner. (Sims, 1994) Managers must fix achievable targets in consonance with the team associates. Employees can be urged to channel their thought process in an ethical manner and to calculate more accurately efficient and ethical decision making. Moreover serious assurance by the management to deal with ethical concerns by giving training would assist in tackling with the matter. (Jackson, 2005)
Greater disagreements of interest contribute an important part in dealing with the matter of business ethics. In order to handle the problem of ethics, managers initially have to appreciate that disagreement of interest happens. During the year 2000, the Ethics Officer Association undertook a review of 213 members of 150 firms and revealed that the most popularly stated cause for getting in touch with the ethics office were clashes of interest, showed by 74% of respondents. Even though these types of disagreements emanate from a lot of sources, the most significant among these is management, which is recommended in an April 2003 research
The company's objective is to develop capabilities in the Reseach and Development aeas as well as ensuing poducts that can be sold and distibuted in the Euopean and Ameican makets. It should be noted, howeve, that such a move must be taken with caution and cae; appoaching the Euopean business maketplace may not wok in the same manne as othe business envionments. As one expet ecently wote "appoaching the Euopean makets without ecognizing the impotance of national languages and cultues in daily life is a cucial mistake" (Robet, 2010, pg. 31). It would be wise fo the company to emembe Robet's wods due to the unique natue of the Euopean makets and Gemany in paticula; since that is the county this pape ecommends the company conducts its business.
It is impotant to note that choosing a county to base the company's opeations is a delicate and time-consuming matte that must be…...
mlareferences of political actors, German Politics, Vol. 18, Issue 3, pp. 281-300
Dickman, M.; (2003) Implementing German HRM abroad: Desired, feasible, successful? International Journal of Human Resource Management, Vol. 14, Issue 2, pp. 265 -- 283
Dunning, J.H. & Lundan, S.M.; (2008) Multinational Enterprises and the Global Economy, London: Edward Elgar Publishing
Federal Republic of Germany (2003) Background Notes on Countries of the World 2003, pp. 1 -15
Grewal, R.; Chandrashekaran, M.; Dwyer, F.R.; (2008) Navigating local environments with global strategies: A contingency model of multinational subsidiary performance, Marketing Science, Vol. 27, Issue 5, pp. 886 -- 902
Entering global markets can be a complex and challenging process for Vietnamese businesses. There are several factors that can impact their ability to successfully expand into international markets. Some of the key factors that can affect Vietnamese businesses entering global markets include
1. Cultural Differences Cultural differences can play a significant role in how Vietnamese businesses are able to operate in global markets. Understanding the cultural norms and practices of the target market is essential for building relationships and conducting business effectively. Failure to recognize and adapt to cultural differences can hinder success in global markets.
2. Regulatory Environment The....
Vietnamese businesses venturing into international markets face a complex landscape of opportunities and challenges, influenced by a myriad of factors. The global market presents an expansive arena where Vietnamese companies can leverage their competitive advantages, particularly in sectors like textiles, agriculture, and electronics. However, the path to internationalization is fraught with obstacles that require strategic navigation.
One of the primary opportunities for Vietnamese businesses lies in the cost advantage. Vietnam's lower labor costs compared to many developed nations provide a significant edge in manufacturing and service sectors. This cost efficiency can be particularly appealing in industries where price competitiveness is crucial.....
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