Business English Essays (Examples)

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Business English Learning Requirements Questionnaire
Pages: 5 Words: 1353

Mr. Masoni is now being prepared for his first trip to the United Kingdom and, as part of this preparation, he has been signed up for a course in business English. The first step in devising the course is that of conducting a language analysis through the following lenses:

Job analysis

The needs in terms of outcomes

Target performance objectives

Performance areas in terms of language

Language analysis.

The first step is that of understating the roles, responsibilities and functions of an environmental engineer. Environmental engineers traditionally "esearch, design, plan, or perform engineering duties in the prevention, control, and remediation of environmental hazards using various engineering disciplines. Work may include waste treatment, site remediation, or pollution control technology" (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2010).

Commonly, the activities of environmental engineers include:

Visiting various sites, assessing them and interacting with the people around those sites

Tendering for projects, such as plantations, assessments of pollution levels, river controls and so on Gathering…...



Guffey, M.E., 2008, Business English, 9th edition, Cengage Learning

2007, Analysis of language, Anthro Palomar, last accessed on May 25, 2011

2010, Occupational employment and wages, May 2010, 17-2081 environmental engineers, U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics,   last accessed on May 25, 2011 

Environmental engineer, Prospects, last accessed on May 25, 2011

Business English and Implications on
Pages: 16 Words: 4703

In practice, TESOL is often used as synonymous with TESL or TEFL, where the acronyms stand for Teaching English as a Second Language and Teaching English as a Foreign Language. TESOL has however become more popular than these two concepts since its focus is that of language development for the students, without the differentiation of the English language as a second language or as a language taught to people speaking foreign languages (Beare). According to some sources even, TESOL would be a combination of the two TEFL and TESL (TESOL Direct).
At a general level, TEFL integrated programs of English teaching for the people who lived in countries where English was not commonly spoken. The students of TEFL would normally need basic English language knowledge so that they could maintain communications and gather necessary information in their trips to English speaking countries. In the case of TESL, these courses were…...



Al-Rodhan, N.R.F., Stoudmann, G., 2006, Definitions of globalization: a comprehensive overview and a proposed definition, Geneva Center for Security Policy

Beare, K., TESOL -- Definition of TESOL, Answers,   last accessed on September 9, 2011 

Bragg, S.M., 2011, The new CFO financial leadership model, 2nd edition, John Wiley and Sons

Kumaravadivelu, B., 2008, Cultural globalization and language education, Yale University Press

Business English What Skills Functions
Pages: 5 Words: 2116

Wishing they were more or less in use is not an option; they simply are here to stay and are becoming even more insidious. For example, most memos are now sent via email -- and many of the protocols of business English are often not followed when utilizing email -- which changes the standard of usage within the workplace. Similarly, with so much diversity, working from home, globalization, out-sourcing, and innovative managerial techniques in place, the use of email is almost a requirement; the use of text and smartphone email equally so; with video conferencing as a tool to save money and increase productivity important as well. The challenge, though, is twofold: how to keep a standard of appropriate mechanics (grammar, punctuation, spelling, format) with so many quick communication alternatives in business that do not engender formal writing? Second, many business users report feeling quite overwhelmed with texts, IMs,…...



Crystal, D. Txtng: The Gr8 Db8. Oxford University Press, 2009.

Davis, a. And Weinstein, I. (March 2005). The Business Case for Videoconferencing.

Polycom Wainhouse Research. Cited in:

Business English for Business Purposes
Pages: 15 Words: 3975

In such an environment, linguistic knowledge can be acquired directly as tacit knowledge, without formalizing it as grammar rules or vocabulary lists. At the same time, scenario-based learning allows learners to focus on the target context of language usage (in our case -- business English communication), resulting in more student interest and involvement in the learning tasks. (Bin Baharum et al. 2007)
There are of course negative aspects to consider in this form of teaching. One of these aspects that come to the fore in many studies is that it is relatively expensive and requires small classrooms so that active participation can take place. This is a problem especially in developing counties where the number of students in classrooms tends to be large. One solution to this problem is a more extensive and intensive use of the Internet and online learning as an additional teaching and learning medium. This important…...



Bin Baharum H. And Tretiakov A. ( 2007) Teaching business English to adult Malay learners: The potential of agent technology. Retrieved from 

business English -- dictionary. Retrieved from 

English for specific purposes: how to teach business English using the internet.

Retrieved from

Business Plan This Business Plan
Pages: 8 Words: 2364

The office and administrative expenses would remain constant even to that point, as would the insurance expense.
Exhibit B: Cash Flow Statement, Year Two

At this point, the business is earning a healthy return and Mr. Ahn is receiving will be able to bring in a reasonable salary. The nature of the business may well change at this point. At the maximum revenue of $144,000 per year the pretax profit would be $63,600. As a result, it is likely that a clinic will be formed with other practitioners in order to minimize expenses and increase profitability.

e did not include taxes in our cash flow examples because the company is going to be set up as a sole proprietorship. This means that the income from the company will be rolled into the income for Mr. Ahn, as well as his liabilities. Mr. Ahn's personal expenses are therefore not included in the model,…...


Works Cited

No author (2007). Traditional Chinese Medicine. Alternative Medicine Foundation. Retrieved December 18, 2008 at 

No author (2005). Regulation of TCM in the United States. Medscape Today. Retrieved December 18, 2008 at 

No author (2008). HIV / AIDS, the U.S.-China Partnership for Public Health at Work, and Traditional Chinese Medicine in the U.S. Fact Sheet. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Retrieved December 18, 2008 at 

Census information from U.S. Census Bureau. Retrieved December 18, 2008 at

Business Entities Laws and Regulations This Paper
Pages: 3 Words: 1102

Business Entities, Laws, And egulations
This paper will focus on the challenges faced by one start-up businesses and an established company with labor issues. For the start-up, a birth clinic, a case needs to be made for the type of business entity they should each use. The established company is a construction company whose business entity must be identified and employment law pertaining to the scenario will be discussed. For each business, identification of the best business entity for the given situation needs to be accomplished first. The decision of the type of business entity will take into consideration control, taxation, and liability issues. eview of the laws and regulations that each ownership group must consider and identification of risks that the businesses should protect against will be discussed. eview of the construction company's business structure and how it affects control, taxation, and liability issues along with how employment law impacts…...



Cheeseman, H.R. (2010). The legal environment of business and online commerce: Business ethics, e-commerce, regulatory, and international issues. (6th ed.) Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.

University of Phoenix. (2010). Course syllabus. Retrieved from University of Phoenix, BUS415 - Business Law website.

Business Plan Description of the Business the
Pages: 8 Words: 2458

Business Plan
Description of the Business

The business is a gourmet candy shop. The shop will sell gourmet candy that has been sourced from all over the world. The shop will operate with one storefront location, and there will be an Internet/mail order component as well.

The rationale for the business is simply. There is a growing trend towards hedonistic approaches to dining. We have seen in the past few years the rise of the bacon fetish, high end craft beer and coffee, cupcakes, the move of fine dining to the mass market and a full embrace by Americans of better quality indulgent goods. Much of this trend can be credited to the aging of the population, as people seek to maximize pleasure. They have the financial means to treat themselves, and seek to balance this hedonism with a desire to be healthy. The intersection of these ideals is where indulgences are small,…...



Bailey, E. (2013). Pros and cons of incorporation. Retrieved November 14, 2013 from

FASB. (2013). International convergence of accounting standards. Financial Accounting Standards Board. Retrieved November 14, 2013 from (2013). Publication 946. Internal Revenue Service. Retrieved November 14, 2013 from 

NCA. (2013). Profile of the U.S. candy industry. National Confectioners' Association. Retrieved November 14, 2013 from

Business Plan and Spanish
Pages: 2 Words: 567

Business Plan for the Spanish Language Learning Academy
This business plan describes the Spanish Language Learning Academy that I propose to establish in my city. There are no other independent Spanish Language learning schools in the city, so competition is not a problem. The Academy will offer independent courses for private classes as well as classes to schools.

Business Description

The Spanish Language Learning Academy will offer a variety of classes and one-on-one sessions to students, young and old, seeking to learn or deepen their knowledge of Spanish. The Academy will hire Spanish-speaking teachers (they must be fluent in speaking and in writing Spanish) who are willing to commit to a one-year contract with the Academy. They will then be contracted to fill teaching positions as they become available. The Academy will host sessions in its building which is owned by the proprietor of the business and it will also conduct on-site classes…...

Business Entities for the Bar
Pages: 4 Words: 1326

However, as Nick is unqualified for the position, the medical question is moot -- Nick would not be hired because he has no experience.
Michelle has some past experience and would be under consideration. Under the terms of the Pregnancy Discrimination Act prohibits discrimination on the basis of pregnancy in employment. The Act does not explicitly prohibit Mei-Lin from inquiring about the pregnancy, but it is recommended that she refrain from doing so, as that inquiry could be used against the company in a discrimination suit should Michelle not be hired. Although ethics are not encompassed in the law, from an ethical point-of-view it would be irresponsible for SureBuild to hire Michelle, as working as a jackhammer operator would put the fetus at risk, there could be legal action taken against the company as a result for failing to provide the fetus with adequate duty of care.

Eric is experienced, but…...


Works Cited:

All Business. (2010). How should you structure your business? All Business. Retrieved October 30, 2010 from (2005). A guide to disability rights laws. U.S. Department of Justice. Retrieved October 30, 2010 from

Pregnancy Discrimination Act (1978). Retrieved October 30, 2010 from 

USDL. (2010). Age discrimination act of 1975. U.S. Department of Labor. Retrieved October 30, 2010 from

Business Plan the Product That
Pages: 8 Words: 2327

As a result, we expect to hit the market with premium pricing. The price point will also be set in accordance with the data gathered from our target market research.
A promotional message will need to be finalized and an advertising agency selected in order to help us build our promotional campaign. The promotional message will vary depending on the target market, focusing on different elements of the product. Two main features of all promotions, however, will be building brand awareness and promoting the product's innovative technology. Building brand awareness is critical because the brand is unknown at this time. By developing a brand, we will be positioned to extend that brand in the future. The main selling point of the device will be the technology. This message will be positioned more in light of what this technology allows the customer to do -- the coolness of the device is…...

Business and Professional Ethics Marketing Google
Pages: 6 Words: 1897

This would have been a truly unethical action.
The second objection that can be brought to the sustained thesis is represented by the fact that censorship is a violation of several human rights. These rights include the right to freedom of speech, the right to self-expression and the right to be well informed. It might be argued that Google made a mistake and created a precedent, proving that totalitarian regime scan impose their rules even upon independent companies because these companies are more interested in obtaining financial profits rather than defending human rights and liberties.

This may be true to a certain limited extent. Supposing that Google had refused to implement its dot cn service. In this manner it would have made a statement regarding censorship and freedom. but, at the same time, it would have failed to serve the Chinese people in any way.

An action of this kind would not…...



Martin, K.E. "Google, Inc., in China (condensed)." Business roundtable Institute for Corporate Ethics. 30 October 2008. 

Mill, J.S. "Utilitarianism." Google Books online. 30 October 2008

Business Communications the Company Is
Pages: 4 Words: 1245

A useful recommendation in this sense is represented by the contracting of a local law firm to ease the company's penetration into the region and to help us understand and overcome the initial barriers. But aside from understanding and complying with the regulations, it is also essential to understand and comply with the cultural features.
India is one of the oldest and most impressive global cultures. And its culture has also impacted the means in which business is conducted. One specific means is represented by the language barriers which are raised. And not only that the representatives of the two countries would speak different languages, it is highly possible that the representatives of India speak different languages among themselves. This is because the states of India have different official languages, and some states even have more than one official language (Kwintessential).

In terms of actual relationships between the Indians, these are…...



Khanna, P., Mohan, C.R., 2006, Getting India right, Policy Review, No. 135, Questia 

2011, Business laws and regulations in India, Amritt,   last accessed on March 25, 2011 

2011, the world factbook -- India, Central Intelligence Agency,   last accessed on March 25, 2011 

India -- language, culture, customs and etiquette, Kwintessential,   last accessed on March 25, 2011 

Business Entities Laws and Regulations
Pages: 3 Words: 1038

Felipe's inability to speak English would be a liability to the company and a possible safety threat, so he should not be hired as well. That leaves Eric and Michelle, who are both qualified candidates and could therefore both be hired. Even though Eric does not have a high school diploma, his life experience should make up for the lack of education, and he knows how to work a jackhammer. Michelle is perfectly qualified, and cannot be turned down solely because of her (supposed) pregnancy, and is therefore the top choice according to the criteria. However, if either of their interviews provided a legitimate reason to why they would not be able to work, they would not have to be hired.
As a provider for Stonecraft Builders, Paul would do well to incorporate his proprietorship into a corporation. The process would take some time: he would need to file the…...



IS Sole Proprietorship Status for You?. (2008). Home Business Magazine: The Home-Based Entrepreneur's Magazine, 15(6), 58. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.

Job interviews: How to pose risky questions the legal way. (2010). HR Specialist: New York Employment Law, 5(4), 6. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.

Jones, L.T. (2003). Preferred Return Limited Liability Company: An Alternative to Split Dollar. Journal of Financial Service Professionals, 57(6), 75-84. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.

Business Scenarios in Business One
Pages: 3 Words: 1025

This is when the overall amounts of responsibilities are limited to: the percentage of ownership of the different shareholders. As a far as control is concerned, this means that management must carefully monitor who they are hiring to work as the jackhammer operator. The reason why, is because of the possibility of the on the job injuries that are work related. Taxation issues are limited mainly to the percentage of ownership of the various shareholders. As all income from the business will be divided and reported on the individual tax returns of the business owners. The possible liability issues include: workplace injuries, negligence and the loss of income that an employee can claim (in the event they are injured). To protect itself against the different risks, the business needs to have policies in place that will monitor the activities of managers, to ensure that they are following all regulations.…...



What is a Limited Liability Company. (2011). Wise Geek. Retrieved from: 

Astarita, J. (2009). Introduction to Private Placements. SEC Law. Retrieved from: 

Eadie, J. (2011). Using Private Placement Strategies. Covenant Info. Retrieved from: 

Schied, J. (2009). What Rules do Franchises have to Follow. Bright Hub. Retrieved from:

Business Entities Laws and Regulations
Pages: 3 Words: 945

S corporations must be domestic in nature, issue only one kind of stock, and have less than a hundred shareholders: given that Frank only has aspirations to have a U.S.-based business, this entity type would seem ideal, although he might need some legal help to file as an S Corporation.
Professional practice: An LLC, or limited liability corporation, is the most popular type of entity structure for professional groups such as doctor's offices, accountants, and other small enterprises. As owners, Akiva and Tara would not be personally liable for the debts of the LLC, although constructing the entity is more complicated, legally, than a joint proprietorship. Given the insurance risks of running a birth clinic and the dangers of litigation, anything but an LLC would be unwise. Additionally, in some states, owners are "protected from personally liability from certain acts or misconduct of other partners, employees, agents, or their representatives"…...



Limited liability. (2010). State of Iowa. Retrieved March 29, 2010 at

Limited partnership. (2007). Quick MBA. Retrieved March 29, 2010 at 

Pregnancy Discrimination Act. (2010). EEOC. Retrieved March 29, 2010 at 

S Corporation. (2010). IRS. Retrieved March 29, 2010 at,,id=98263,00.html

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