Cambodia Essays (Examples)

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Killed my Father, by Loung Ung [...] what happened in Cambodia between 1975 and 1979, and why it happened. It will make specific reference to the involvement of both Cambodian and international people/groups/forces, and it must draw specific evidence from the personal experience of the author. Loung Ung lived through four years of hell in Cambodia during the regime of the Communist Khmer ouge. Her survival is somewhat of a miracle - but what is more miraculous is how she has turned the experience into a commitment to helping others who suffer under the hand of vicious and evil regimes. Her book is at once chilling and inspiring, yet opens up many questions about what happened in Cambodia, and why the world stood by and watched while two million people died horrible deaths.

The Khmer ouge was the name given to the Communist party in Cambodia.….

Therefore an indigenous accounting profession did not evolve in this period either and no accounting or audit rules were established" (2000, p. 16). In this free-for-all environment, it is difficult to discern any influence from the French accounting profession, except to the extent that its transactions involved the international community where certain documentary practices must be followed in order to conduct international commerce. For example, according to a contemporaneous analysis of the accounting profession in Cambodia by Steinberg (1959), the National Bank of Cambodia "still uses the French Union Stabilization Fund in Paris as a funnel for many of its foreign exchange transactions; the dollars Cambodia receives under the United States aid program are not kept in the Fund, but are controlled directly by the National Bank" (p. 191). At the time, the Cambodian National Bank's arrangements with the money market in France were administered by the Banque de….

Economic results will fail to show up if the government does not start keeping its promises to the donor countries. As Patrick Alley from Global Witness says "Donors should make it clear that continued assistance will depend on the Cambodian government keeping its promises. Otherwise, the whole exercise of setting benchmarks for reform is a sham." His declaration was sustained by Anselmo Lee from FORUM-ASIA: "There's a huge gap between reforms promised by the Cambodian government at each donor meeting and the ongoing hardships faced by Cambodian citizens every day. Donors must stop sending mixed messages to the Cambodian government by demanding reforms while increasing aid. This hypocrisy must end now." (Human Rights News, 2006)


C News (2002). Cambodia May Compromise" on Genocide Trial." Retrieved March 18, 2007 from the C News online edition,

Edralin, J.S. (n.d.) Human Security and Peace uilding: Focus on Local Capacity and Institutional Development. Retrieved March….

Tonle Sap Lake in Cambodia

The Tonle Sap Biosphere Reserve

The Tonle Sap Lake is such a valuable resource it was nominated in October 1997 as a "Biosphere Reserve" under the Man and Biosphere Program of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) ( The Tonle Sap Lake supports a "huge population" because of its fisheries, the productivity of those fisheries, and the fresh water supply provided, the Tonle Sap Biosphere Reserve project (TSBR) explains. Indeed, Tonle Sap Lake provides "the last refuge for some of Asia's most globally significant biodiversity" (TSBR).

The management and funding, along with the conservation of Tonle Sap Lake is handled in large part by the Asian Development Bank (ADB), but also helping with funding: The United Nations Development Programme; the Global Environment Facility (GEF), and the Capacity 21 Program.

The Tonle Sap Biosphere Reserve has as a goal the fulfillment of three important functions: a) conservation of landscapes, ecosystems and….

Unfortunately, in a country so dependent on one industry, if there is a slow down in the industry, the entire country suffers, and that is happening as a result of the U.S. recession. People are not spending as much money on clothes, and so, the industry is facing a downturn, leading to difficulties throughout the country (Nette).
In conclusion, today, Cambodia is one of the poorest countries in the world, and it has been extremely difficult to shake off the memories of the brutal Pol Pot egime and its many victims. There are still trials going on against Khmer ouge leaders today, and many believe that the true number of victims, or all of their final burial grounds, will ever be found. Cambodia's two main strengths now are tourism and its textiles, and if these continue to grow, and the Cambodian government manages them wisely, they may be able to….

The Cambodia-Thai conflict has had a negative impact on the relationship between the people in the area of the conflict. Furthermore, the two countries are members of ASEAN and this dispute has had a negative impact on the ASEAN's development.
The People's epublic of China (PC) has played a major role in Cambodia's foreign relations since the country attained independence in 1953. Since 1953, the PC has tried to limit United States, Thai -- and especially Vietnamese -- influence in Cambodia by acting as patron to a succession of Cambodian strongmen.

Today, Cambodia and the PC maintain strong relations -- especially when it comes to economy, politics, and military backing for Cambodia's leader Hun Sen. China is Cambodia's biggest donor and has offered funds for road construction and an irrigation project in Cambodia. China, of course, has also offered military aid. China maintains that it would like to see peaceful relations….

Nixon Doctrine, declared by President ichard M. Nixon in the summer 1969 just a few months after taking office, represented a slight alteration of American policy during the Cold War. Nixon upheld the fundamentals of George Kennan's strategy of "containment" for the spread of Communism, insofar as he promised American support for any democratic third world nation in its fight against Communism. The shift came with the type of support America offered; the Nixon Doctrine promised that America would send military and financial assistance, but no troops. A quick glance at the prior history of American troop commitments during the Cold War gives some sense of Nixon's rationale. The American intervention in Korea under Truman had resulted in a stalemate, with a hostile Marxist North Korea separated from the U.S.-backed South Korea by a narrow demilitarized zone. Meanwhile in the Americas, oosevelt's "Good Neighbor" policy meant that Cold War….

This released the ACLEDA ank from its dependency upon the UN and others providing aid. The ACLEDA ank linked all of its branches resulting in increased convenience for customers.

ACLEDA ank offers the following loan products: (1) Microbusiness or group loan up to below U.S.$380; (2) Small business loan; and (3) Medium size business/small-scale industry loan. (Channy, 2003, p. 4) Other products and services include: (1) Savings; (2) Fixed Deposit; (3) Current Deposit; (4) Local fund transfer; (5) Cash Management service; and (6) in-house exchange. (Channy, 2003, p.5) Channy (2003) states that ACLEDA targets the lower segment of the market and provides both individual and group loans and specifically stated is: "Experience has shown that providing access to financial services to people raises income and creates employment, allows people to improve their liquidity management and increases the efficiency of the use of available capital." (p.….

Accounting standards and IFS adoption in Cambodia and Thailand
The significance of accounting standards

Accounting may be considered as a business language through which the statistical results can be acquired which help in analyzing how well the firm is functioning. They give out timely statements of these statistics and help the stakeholders get all the information they need. Accounting is like a separate language which has its own grammar and these outlines and rules are referred to as the accounting standards. The main aim of the accounting standards is the threefold. This method is very useful when it comes to setting a certain standard for the various policies involved and diminishing the failure to compare the financial reports with the numerous entities involved. Another role they play is that of the facilitation of the depiction of the quality of the firm and its performance as the statements reveal the relevant data in….

Cambodian Incursion represented a major turning point for American sentiment towards its participation in the Vietnam War (Nolan, 1990, p. xiii). Authorized by President Nixon, it was hoped that this offensive would secure the future of South Vietnam as a non-communist nation, but the strong negative reaction by the American public, towards what seemed to be an escalation, caught the administration off guard. However, many military strategists viewed the Cambodian Incursion to be a wise decision. This essay will examine the circumstances that led to this decision and whether the offensive was successful both politically and militarily.
Events that Set the Stage for the Cambodian Incursion

The Vietnam War (1954-1975), on a global scale, represented a political struggle between the major communist and western powers for ideological control of satellite nations (Shaw, 2005, p 3). Immediately adjacent to China were four countries, Laos, Cambodia, North Vietnam, and S. Vietnam, which Hanoi, the….

This new government pledged (in 1994) that education would received 15% of the nation's budget, but McNamara asserts that at least up to a few years ago, only 8% of the budget is targeted for education in Cambodia. That is clearly not enough, and while educational resources are scarce, the sex and child labor industry flourishes.
According to the U.S. Department of Labor report, "Incidence and Nature of Child Labor," published August 23, 2006, 44.8% of Cambodian children ages 5 to 14 years old were working in 2001 (notwithstanding the labor law sets the minimum age for employment at 15). The jobs held by children included agriculture (the "majority" of children work in the fields), "hazardous conditions on commercial rubber plantations, in salt production," in the fishing industry and in garbage collection. Not only are Cambodian children put into slavery for sexual services, the Labor report asserts that Cambodian children….

Cambodia is currently experiencing something of an economic renaissance, in particular vs. where the country has been. In the late 1970s, Cambodia faced brutal government under the Pol Pot regime. The cities were emptied as the Khmer ouge mobilized the nation's entire workforce to produce rice, most of which was exported to China. As part of this reorganization of society, the Khmer ouge killed all dissidents, intellectuals or people of skill. The result was that, when the Vietnamese liberated the country, Cambodia had absolutely no functioning economy, and no people who could drive the economy and the country forward. The Khmer ouge lingered on as a force in the country for a long time, further stunting opportunity for economic development. Now today, Cambodia's economy is beginning to show signs of life.
Facts & Figures

The country's GDP has increased an average of more than 6% per year since 2004, including 6.5% in….

The new law has prosecuted 426 traffickers in 203 cases. These traffickers had 844 victims in that year alone. This law imposes penalties from 10 years imprisonment to life imprisonment (Kyodo).
Myanmar: Effective or Not?

The capacity of the national government in fighting the problem of human trafficking has been limited (UNODC 2007). It is particularly limited in implementing policy changes in remote areas where traffickers operate. Anti-trafficking groups are looking into the situation. The UNODC addresses the issue by implementing projects and participating in partnership initiatives in the country. These projects and initiatives include increasing public awareness of the problem, provision of technical assistance for the law enforcement sector and the judiciary, greater and easier access to service providers and enhancing their capabilities (UNODC).


Reports say that Cambodia is a source, transit and destination country for human trafficking ( 2009). Human traffickers consist of organized crime syndicates, parents, relatives, friends, intimate….

Laterite is a soft stone, easily cut, which dries to a very hard material. It was not easily carved, so it was used for foundations and walls.
During the 7th and 8th centuries, larger temples were built of sandstone, which was available from the Kingdom of Chenla, quarries. Sandstone is easily carved, so by the 7th century carvings of good quality and detail were found on the lintels of the doors of the temples. Towards the end of this century, some temples were made entirely of stone, some of these tall, single tower temples still survive in Indo-China and Cambodia.

Unfortunately, there were significant problems that the architects were not able to overcome when designing the great pyramids of Angkor at and Bayon. Sandstone may fit together very well, but vertical joints, running on top of one another, makes a wall very unstable. A whole wall would fall down if one….

Khmer ouge
Bloody Aftermath of evolution: Did it Have to Happen?

evolutions have a tendency to gain a terrible momentum. The level of both organization an anger that is required to overturn an established government (especially one that is either of long standing or autocratic nature or both) can continue to build in intensity and force even after the previous government has fallen, thus making the revolution a success. The result of such revolutionary force tends to run in at least two directions and often both at once. The revolution may turn inward, destroying (and usually executing) its original leaders. And it may turn outward, destroying the nation that it sought to rescue. The most revolutionary governments are likely to do both.

This paper analyzes the purges of the Khmer ouge that followed its revolutionary takeover of the government of Cambodia, assessing whether such purges were necessary to maintain the revolutionary nature of….

Landslides are a recurring natural hazard affecting many regions around the world, causing significant damage to infrastructure, property, and sometimes loss of life. In recent years, there has been an increased emphasis on using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) as a tool for assessing landslide susceptibility and risk mapping. GIS allows researchers and planners to integrate various factors that contribute to landslide occurrence, such as topography, geology, land use, soil properties, and precipitation, to create spatial models that can identify areas at risk of landslides.
One of the key advantages of using GIS for landslide susceptibility mapping is its ability to analyze....

7 Pages
Term Paper

Family and Marriage

Cambodia Under the Khmer Rouge

Words: 2473
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Killed my Father, by Loung Ung [...] what happened in Cambodia between 1975 and 1979, and why it happened. It will make specific reference to the involvement of…

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8 Pages
Research Paper


French Accounting System on Cambodia

Words: 2686
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Therefore an indigenous accounting profession did not evolve in this period either and no accounting or audit rules were established" (2000, p. 16). In this free-for-all environment, it…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Territory of Cambodia Was Marred

Words: 1784
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Economic results will fail to show up if the government does not start keeping its promises to the donor countries. As Patrick Alley from Global Witness says "Donors should…

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10 Pages


Tonle Sap Lake in Cambodia

Words: 2674
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Thesis

The Tonle Sap Biosphere Reserve The Tonle Sap Lake is such a valuable resource it was nominated in October 1997 as a "Biosphere Reserve" under the Man and Biosphere Program…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

History - Asian

History of Cambodia Including the

Words: 1702
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Unfortunately, in a country so dependent on one industry, if there is a slow down in the industry, the entire country suffers, and that is happening as a…

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4 Pages
Research Proposal

History - Asian

China's Role in Thailand Cambodia Relation

Words: 1032
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

The Cambodia-Thai conflict has had a negative impact on the relationship between the people in the area of the conflict. Furthermore, the two countries are members of ASEAN…

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4 Pages
Research Paper

History - U.S. (after 1865)

The Nixon Doctrine the Case of Cambodia

Words: 1232
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Nixon Doctrine, declared by President ichard M. Nixon in the summer 1969 just a few months after taking office, represented a slight alteration of American policy during the…

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3 Pages
Research Proposal


Finance Cambodia's Acleda From Microfinance

Words: 702
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

This released the ACLEDA ank from its dependency upon the UN and others providing aid. The ACLEDA ank linked all of its branches resulting in increased convenience for…

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25 Pages
Multiple Chapters


Accounting Standards and IFRS Adoption in Cambodia and Thailand

Words: 8401
Length: 25 Pages
Type: Multiple Chapters

Accounting standards and IFS adoption in Cambodia and Thailand The significance of accounting standards Accounting may be considered as a business language through which the statistical results can be acquired which…

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5 Pages


Cambodian Incursion Represented a Major Turning Point

Words: 1525
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Cambodian Incursion represented a major turning point for American sentiment towards its participation in the Vietnam War (Nolan, 1990, p. xiii). Authorized by President Nixon, it was hoped that…

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6 Pages
Term Paper

History - Asian

Khmer Rouge & Cambodian Education

Words: 2220
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

This new government pledged (in 1994) that education would received 15% of the nation's budget, but McNamara asserts that at least up to a few years ago, only…

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4 Pages


Factor to the Low Income Country Has the Greatest Impact of Economic Growth

Words: 1195
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Cambodia is currently experiencing something of an economic renaissance, in particular vs. where the country has been. In the late 1970s, Cambodia faced brutal government under the Pol Pot…

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10 Pages

Criminal Justice

International Law and Human Trafficking

Words: 3756
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Thesis

The new law has prosecuted 426 traffickers in 203 cases. These traffickers had 844 victims in that year alone. This law imposes penalties from 10 years imprisonment to…

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6 Pages
Term Paper

History - Asian

Angkor Is Called the Largest

Words: 2006
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Laterite is a soft stone, easily cut, which dries to a very hard material. It was not easily carved, so it was used for foundations and walls. During the…

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8 Pages

History - Asian

Khmer Rouge Bloody Aftermath of Revolution Did

Words: 2016
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

Khmer ouge Bloody Aftermath of evolution: Did it Have to Happen? evolutions have a tendency to gain a terrible momentum. The level of both organization an anger that is required to…

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