Campaign Essays (Examples)

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Campaign Plan
Political environment

It has been noticed that in the recent years the Shot Wood School District has had very few success at the polls. It has lost by a small margin more than once in past few years even though the voters and the tax payers were asked to cast their votes. It is crucial for the school to get the support in the upcoming elections because if they lose this fundraising the school will have to not only reduce their budgets by 22% but also decrease the staff by 1.5%. This loss will also reduce the ability of the school to buy new materials and force them to cut-back on the finances allocated for the non-academic programs (O'Day, 2003).

The Village of Shot Wood along with the surrounding townships of ed, White and two precincts of Blue Township are included in the Shot Wood School District. As, it is in….

Campaign Finance Reform

Campaign Finance Reform
ith our national election cycle reaching its quadrennial fervor, filled with frenzied campaigning and feverish advertising blitzes, American citizens are once again charged with the enormous task of deciding upon their next leadership class. hat began with our forefather's modest experiment in democratic governance, built upon a foundation of informed citizenry selecting candidates who best represented shared values on the relevant issues of the day, has since become slowly distorted by the pernicious influence of corporatized campaign funding. The American political apparatus has traditionally been the arena of the affluent, because "like almost every pursuit in this free-enterprise country, political campaigning is a business & #8230; and, as in many businesses, success often goes not to the entrepreneur who brings a product to market first but to the one who exploits it best" (McManus, 2010). hile candidates on the local, state and federal level have always been beholden….

Campaign Finance
Ongoing Issues in Campaign Finance eform: Political Freedom and ecent Supreme Court ulings

The issue of campaign finance reform comes and goes as a focal point of national attention, and though recent economic events have eclipsed attention to this issue in the past two years, recent changes ought to be carefully noted by the voting public. Over the latter half of the twentieth century, various pieces of legislation have been passed that limit the amount of funds that can be spent endorsing political candidates and have also regulated the release of politically potent media of certain types during election periods. ecent Supreme Court cases, however, have drastically changed the rules of campaign finance.

Current Policy

The McCain-Feingold Bill was finally signed into law in 2002 after languishing in the Senate for years due to epublican filibustering, limiting the funds that candidates could receive and making issue advertising illegal within sixty days of….

Campaign strategy plan WI CD8
Campaign 2012

We chose to defeat incumbent Reid Ribble (R-Wis.) in Wisconsin's 8th .S. House District for several reasons. This has been Ribble's first term in Congress; Wisconsin was a swing state in the last presidential election, and we believe we have a credible candidate given the voter demographics. Ribble himself defeated incumbent Steve Kagen by a 10% margin in 2010, which mirrored the prior two presidential elections, when Wisconsin in general voted 55% for Bush in 2004 but then gave Obama 54% in 2008 (Proximity 2011). We hope to repeat that in District 8 ("CD 8"), if we can turn Ribble's 55% lead over Kagen around. A quick lay-of-the-land scan suggests that given a fractured GOP and vocal discontent with Obama, the time will be right for a strong independent to take WI CD8 in 2012. While Ribble enjoys clear strategic advantages as an incumbent, this….

Campaign Finance Spending
You decide

Campaign finance spending reform

For many years, campaign finance reform was an important 'talking point' amongst populist Democratic and epublican senators alike, cumulating in the McCain-Feingold Act. The Act placed spending limits upon 'soft money' (money not directly given to a candidate or party) as well as banned corporations from financing advertisements designed to influence voting about particular issues before an election (Gitell 2003). The Act was intended to reduce the influence of PACs (political action committees) upon politics by limiting their scope in terms of the amount of contributions they could accept and how they disseminated information. However, the U.S. Supreme Court's decision on Citizen's United effectively nullified the most significant portions of the Act, declaring them unconstitutional limits upon free speech.

In the landmark decision, "the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that corporations and unions have the same political speech rights as individuals under the First Amendment. It….

Campaign for the U.S. Presidency
hen Barack Obama was elected to the presidency in 2008, it was a remarkable historical event; never before had an African-American achieved the highest office in the United States. And Obama was facing a daunting task; he was expected to bring the country out of the severe recession, create new jobs, to help the middle class regain its footing, stimulate the economy, and shore up the housing crisis as well. He promised to do these things -- and to kill bin Laden no matter where he was hiding -- and in terms of several of these promises, he succeeded. But in the dynamics of a presidential election -- especially in 2012, when corporations and wealthy individuals with personal agendas can pour millions into campaigns with no accountability as to the source (think the Citizens United decision in the Supreme Court) -- wild accusations and vicious smears….

However, he advocated a policy of conservative, limited government and opposed the policies of the epublican's view of punishing the South during econstruction. Seymour was quite competitive in his run against Grant with the popular vote, but was soundly defeated by an electoral vote of 214 (Grant) to 80 (Waugh, 2009).
Grant had a particularly easy campaign, running on his war record, a desire to repair the Union, and a campaign slogan of "Let us have peace" He had never held elected office, and was the youngest, at 46, to assume the Presidency. Grant was not a political genius, and left most of the details of econstruction to suggestions from the epublican Party. He was not as conservative as many of his colleagues, however, and supported amnesty y for former Confederates, favorite a limited number of troops stationed in the South, and promised that the Union would be whole again….

Obama also repeatedly charged that McCain would simply continue the "failed" economic policies of President ush. "Senator Obama, I am not President ush," said an annoyed McCain during one debate (Lightman, 2000). "If you wanted to run against President ush, you should have run four years ago."

One hundred percent of your ads, John... 100% of them have been negative," he said (Lightman, 200*0.

That's not true," McCain replied. "A hundred... It absolutely is true," Obama insisted.

Perhaps this is because all is fair in politics. Analysts marveled at the brilliance of the Obama presidential campaign, heralding the level of grass-roots mobilization involved, his record- breaking fund-raising, and his effective advertising campaigns, which some might have said were inappropriate but most saw as simply politics (Graham, 2008).

arack Obama and John McCain voiced very different opinions during the 2008 Presidential campaign over taxes, the Iraq War, and how to fix the ailing economy (Fouthy,….

House Race Choices: MS-1: Incumbent Travis Childers (D) and Greg Davis (R)

The Democrats in Mississippi recently secured a new conservative member when Travis Childers won a special House election in a district that was long held by Republicans (Lengell and Lambro). According to Rep. Gene Taylor of Mississippi, both Democrats have socially conservative positions on such issues as gun rights and abortion, and campaigned as fiscal conservatives, prompting a member of the conservative Democratic Blue Dog Caucus, to call those efforts a mistake. "Travis Childers did a great job of reminding the voters that this [race] was about who's going to represent the needs of northern Mississippi in ashington, D.C., and not the other way around," Mr. Taylor said. "This wasn't a national race. It was a local race." (quoted in Lengell and Lambro at A01).

Childers is opposed by Greg Davis, the former mayor of Southhaven. According to Davis's campaign….

Campaign War
With the campaign practices that are seen today, the average voter is not really getting enough good information about which candidate is the most qualified or the best person for the job. Most of the campaign promises that are being offered by the candidates are not promises that they are going to keep. Additionally, some of the candidates actually do lie about things that have happened in the past or things they have said in the past - and then they make excuses when they are "caught." That is something that almost all people do, because everyone exaggerates to an extent. But when candidates make serious exaggerations it can be difficult for the voters to put any trust in the other things that candidate says. That can be true even if the exaggeration was about something totally unrelated and even if the candidate did not lie or exaggerate….

Campaigns and Super PACs

.....political ads changed over the last 60 years? Please use examples from the 1960's, 1980's and 2000's to support your answer.
In the beginning when TV was first used in the United States by the public, political ads were scarce. In the 1940's and even through into the 1960's presidential candidates reached out to meet voters, shaking hands and holding town-hall debates. (Suggett) It was a commitment to vie for presidency. However, as time passed and the mid 1960's brought some changes, political candidates aimed to ramp things up.

There was a need to address the masses in a more convenient form and so Lyndon B. Johnson aired the "Daisy Girl" commercial, effectively becoming the most controversial political ad of the time, and one of the most memorable. (Fowler, et al.) From there, change came to political ads in the form of negative ads such as the 1980 presidential campaign where Carter….

Campaign Finance Reform

voters in the United States feel campaign finance reform is a necessity. They see candidates for elected offices being curried by special interest groups. Voters fear, with some justification, that money may corrupt a candidate who is elected using special interest money to finance the campaign, and not keep the voters' needs foremost. Politicians have acknowledged that they have until recently spent an inordinate amount of time phoning businesses, organizations such as labor groups, and individuals for donations. It seems obvious that people donate to the candidates they feel will help their personal political interests most strongly. Very recently it became known by the general public that Enron, a company which went bankrupt after participating in questionable energy deals that cost many taxpayers a great deal of money, donated to a number of political campaigns. Many voters suspected that they received special favors in return for that money.
The question….


Balu, . (Fall 1995). History comes alive: How women won the right to vote. Human ights, 22(4). etrieved March 23, 2005, from Academic Search Premier database.

Colorado: Popularism, panic and persistence. (No date). etrieved March 23, 2005, at

Marilley, S.M. (1996). Woman suffrage and the origins of liberal feminism in the United States, 1820-1920. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press.

Suffrage appeals to lawless and hysterical women. (30 May 1913). New York Times. etrieved March 23, 2005, from Proquest Historical database.

Woman suffrage. (2005). The World….

Campaign Finance Reform

American Anti-Corruption Act: The Tipping Point for American Citizens
The American Anti-Corruption Act:

A tipping point for American citizens

In the wake of increasing concerns about the undue influence of money and special interest groups in American politics, the anti-corruption advocacy group epresent.Us created a grassroots campaign in support of a law called the American Anti-Corruption Act. The Act is "a nine-point plan to crack down on lobbyists, strengthen the flimsy law intended to prevent super-PACs from coordinating with campaigns, and put a stop to undisclosed donations funneled through dark-money nonprofits" (Aronsen 2013). It should be noted that ironically, "epresent.Us is a project of United epublic, a campaign finance reform group that, like many of the outside spending organizations it takes aim at, is a 501(c)(4)" although it is bipartisan in its composition (Aronsen 2013). Its bipartisan membership includes "former Federal Elections Commission chair (and Stephen Colbert's 'personal lawyer') Trevor Potter, Lawrence Lessig,….

Campaign Finance and its effect on Outcomes of Elections
In this paper, we are examining the underlying trends in campaign finance. To do this we will look at four different gubernatorial campaigns. Once this takes place, is when we will be able to see what patterns are developing in how campaigns are financed.

Over the last several decades, the issue of campaign finance and its outcome on elections has been increasingly brought to the forefront. Part of the reason for this, is because the relationship between politics and special interests will come together during an election. As political candidates, are forced to run for office through spending massive amounts of money. While having to accept funds; from a number of special interest groups that have active memberships throughout the country. This has led to a host of scandals with names such as Watergate, illustrating how this relationship between political and special….

Cyberbullying, which is defined as bullying that takes place over digital devices, is both similar to and different from traditional bullying.  In addition, it can take place in isolation or in combination with traditional forms of bullying.  It can involve a wide range of behaviors, including posing or sharing negative, harmful, mean, false, embarrassing, or humiliating information about the target.  It can also involve harassing behaviors.  Sometimes cyberbullying behaviors are criminal, and sometimes they are not.  Cyberbullying can occur on social media, in emails, by text or DM, in SMS, in games, in forums, and in a....

Person centered care focuses on the patient as an entire human being, not just as a person experiencing an illness, injury, or other health emergency. The approach is gaining traction in healthcare and mental healthcare. There are five essential elements in person-centered care. They include understanding what motivates people to act how they do; controlling how you respond to behavior you find challenging; honoring the patient’s preferences when you can do so without compromising patient care; changing to a strength-based mindset instead of focusing on deficits; and changing the culture of staff and....

Certainly! Here are some essay topics on Donald Trump:

1. Analyzing Donald Trump's presidency: Successes, failures, and controversies.
2. The impact of Donald Trump's immigration policies on the United States.
3. Donald Trump's approach to foreign relations: An examination of his diplomacy strategies.
4. The role of social media in Donald Trump's political communication.
5. Investigating the economic policies and their effects during Trump's presidency.
6. Donald Trump's impact on the Republican Party: Transformation or deviation?
7. The rise of populism and its connection to Donald Trump's presidential campaign.
8. Analyzing the media's portrayal of Donald Trump's administration: Bias and influence.
9. A comparative study: Donald Trump and previous....

16 Pages
Business Plan


Campaign Plan for a Small Town Mayor

Words: 4406
Length: 16 Pages
Type: Business Plan

Campaign Plan Political environment It has been noticed that in the recent years the Shot Wood School District has had very few success at the polls. It has lost by a…

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4 Pages
Research Paper


Campaign Finance Reform

Words: 1021
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Campaign Finance Reform ith our national election cycle reaching its quadrennial fervor, filled with frenzied campaigning and feverish advertising blitzes, American citizens are once again charged with the enormous task…

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7 Pages


Campaign Finance Ongoing Issues in Campaign Finance

Words: 1917
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

Campaign Finance Ongoing Issues in Campaign Finance eform: Political Freedom and ecent Supreme Court ulings The issue of campaign finance reform comes and goes as a focal point of national attention,…

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5 Pages


Campaign Strategy Plan WI CD8 Campaign 2012

Words: 2205
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Campaign strategy plan WI CD8 Campaign 2012 We chose to defeat incumbent Reid Ribble (R-Wis.) in Wisconsin's 8th .S. House District for several reasons. This has been Ribble's first term in…

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2 Pages
Research Paper


Campaign Finance Spending You Decide Campaign Finance

Words: 663
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Campaign Finance Spending You decide Campaign finance spending reform For many years, campaign finance reform was an important 'talking point' amongst populist Democratic and epublican senators alike, cumulating in the McCain-Feingold Act.…

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2 Pages

Black Studies

Campaign for the U S Presidency When Barack

Words: 756
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Campaign for the U.S. Presidency hen Barack Obama was elected to the presidency in 2008, it was a remarkable historical event; never before had an African-American achieved the highest office…

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4 Pages

American History

Campaigns of Grant and Wilson

Words: 1287
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

However, he advocated a policy of conservative, limited government and opposed the policies of the epublican's view of punishing the South during econstruction. Seymour was quite competitive in…

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3 Pages

Black Studies

Campaign Advertisements in the 2008

Words: 759
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Thesis

Obama also repeatedly charged that McCain would simply continue the "failed" economic policies of President ush. "Senator Obama, I am not President ush," said an annoyed McCain during one…

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5 Pages


Campaigns and Elections Strategy Memorandum

Words: 1275
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Thesis

House Race Choices: MS-1: Incumbent Travis Childers (D) and Greg Davis (R) The Democrats in Mississippi recently secured a new conservative member when Travis Childers won a special House election…

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3 Pages


Campaign War With the Campaign Practices That

Words: 1116
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Campaign War With the campaign practices that are seen today, the average voter is not really getting enough good information about which candidate is the most qualified or the…

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2 Pages

Political Science / Politics

Campaigns and Super PACs

Words: 985
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

.....political ads changed over the last 60 years? Please use examples from the 1960's, 1980's and 2000's to support your answer. In the beginning when TV was first used in…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Campaign Finance Reform

Words: 591
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

voters in the United States feel campaign finance reform is a necessity. They see candidates for elected offices being curried by special interest groups. Voters fear, with some…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Sports - Women

Campaign for Woman Suffrage in

Words: 1719
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

149-150). eferences Balu, . (Fall 1995). History comes alive: How women won the right to vote. Human ights, 22(4). etrieved March 23, 2005, from Academic Search Premier database. Colorado: Popularism, panic…

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6 Pages
Research Paper


Campaign Finance Reform

Words: 2053
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

American Anti-Corruption Act: The Tipping Point for American Citizens The American Anti-Corruption Act: A tipping point for American citizens In the wake of increasing concerns about the undue influence of money and…

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13 Pages
Research Paper


Trends in Campaign Finance and Its Effect on Outcomes of Elections

Words: 3540
Length: 13 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Campaign Finance and its effect on Outcomes of Elections In this paper, we are examining the underlying trends in campaign finance. To do this we will look at four…

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